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The AS2 plugin adds support for certain AS2 functionality.

This plugin can be associated only with Private agent groups and is not available on the Jitterbit cloud agent groups.


Plugins provided by Jitterbit are deprecated. See Deprecation and support in Plugins.

Download and add the plugin

The AS2 plugin is a standard Jitterbit plugin that is already available in the Management Console Plugins page and does not need to be downloaded or added to the organization.

If directed by Jitterbit Support, this plugin can be downloaded at the link provided below and added to the organization (see Add new plugins in Customizations > Plug-ins).

Associate the plugin with an agent group

The AS2 plugin must be associated with a private agent group to make the plugin available on all agents in the group (see Associate agent groups in Customizations > Plug-ins).

The plugin is listed in the Management Console Plugins page with a display name of Jitterbit AS2.

Set variables and use the plugin in a project

Refer to these topics for information about using plugins in a project:

The AS2 plugin uses these variables:

Name Type Required Description
Jitterbit.AS2.Debug Boolean Optional If set to true, the content of some intermediate message parts are written to the file.
Jitterbit.AS2.KeyStoreType String Optional The type of the key store used to store private keys and certificates. Only JKS is supported.
Jitterbit.AS2.KeyStorePath String Optional Path to the key store file. Can be an absolute path or a path relative to the plugin home path. If this variable is not specified, the key store is assumed to be in the plugin home directory with the name keyStore.
Jitterbit.AS2.KeyStorePassword String Optional Password of the key store, if any. If not specified, an empty password is assumed.
Jitterbit.AS2.Sign Boolean Optional Specifies that an outgoing message should be signed or an incoming signature should be verified.
Jitterbit.AS2.Encrypt Boolean Optional Specifies that an outgoing message should be encrypted or an incoming message should be decrypted.
Jitterbit.AS2.PrivateKeyStoreAlias String Optional Alias for the private key used for signing outgoing messages.
Jitterbit.AS2.PrivateKeyStoreAliasPassword String Optional Key store password for the private key used for signing outgoing messages. See Jitterbit.AS2.PrivateKeyStoreAlias.
Jitterbit.AS2.PartnerKeyStoreAlias String Optional Key store alias for the partner certificate used for encoding outgoing messages or verifying the signature of incoming messages.
Jitterbit.AS2.PayloadContentType String Optional Value of the Content-Type header used for the payload.
Jitterbit.AS2.AS2_From String Optional Value of the AS2-From header to send.
Jitterbit.AS2.AS2_To String Optional Value of the AS2-To header to send.
Jitterbit.AS2.Message_ID String Optional Value of the Message-ID header to send.
Jitterbit.AS2.ReceiptUrl String Optional For asynchronous MDN request. Set to the URL where the receipt should be sent to.
Jitterbit.AS2.Disposition_Notification_Options String Optional Value of the Disposition-Notification-Options header for outgoing messages. The default is signed-receipt-protocol=pkcs7-signature; signed-receipt-micalg=sha1,md5 if this parameter is not set.
Jitterbit.AS2.FromHeader String Optional Optional From header value.
Jitterbit.AS2.SubjectHeader String Optional Optional Subject header value.
jitterbit.networking.http.request.header.Content-Type String Optional This is a built-in Jitterbit variable that is set when a Hosted HTTP Endpoint receives a request. If you don't want to rely on this variable, use Jitterbit.AS2.ReceivedContentType instead. See Hosted endpoint Jitterbit variables.
Jitterbit.AS2.ReceivedContentType String Optional Set to the Content-Type of an incoming message. If this is not set, then the built-in variable jitterbit.networking.http.request.header.Content-Type will be used. If neither is set, an incoming message cannot be parsed and the plugin will fail. See Hosted endpoint Jitterbit variables.
Jitterbit.AS2.MDN Boolean Optional Create an MDN. Any payload is ignored and removed from the file list.
Jitterbit.AS2.MDNMessage String Optional For MDN messages. The message received or to send in the MDN. This is a 7-bit clear-text message that is just for informational purposes and is not parsed in any way. (Input/Output)
Jitterbit.AS2.Reporting_UA String Optional For MDN messages. Value of the sent/received Reporting-UA header. This variable can be used for input or output.
Jitterbit.AS2.Final_Recipient String Optional For MDN messages. Value of the sent/received Final-Recipient header. This variable can be used for input or output.
Jitterbit.AS2.Original_Recipient String Optional For MDN messages. Value of the sent/received Original-Recipient header. This variable can be used for input or output.
Jitterbit.AS2.Original_Message_ID String Optional For MDN messages. Value of the sent/received Original-Message-ID header. This variable can be used for input or output.
Jitterbit.AS2.Disposition String Optional For MDN messages. Value of the sent/received Disposition header. This variable can be used for input or output.
Jitterbit.AS2.OutHeaders String Optional Output variable. Send these headers to the AS2 HTTP target by specifying [Jitterbit.AS2.OutHeaders] as the HTTP headers. If this variable already has a value, the AS2 headers will be appended to the existing ones.
Jitterbit.AS2.Digest.MD5 String Optional Output variable. Set to the MD5 hash of an outgoing message or the MD5 hash that an incoming MDN is in response to, if available (Received-Content-MIC header).
Jitterbit.AS2.Digest.SHA1 String Optional Output variable. Set to the SHA-1 hash of an outgoing message or the SHA-1 hash that an incoming MDN is in response to, if available (Received-Content-MIC header).