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Configure proxy settings


Private agents can be configured to communicate with Harmony using a proxy server. HTTPS and NTLM proxies are supported. Agents have a built-in utility located with the agent installation that helps with changing proxy settings.

If necessary, connector-specific proxy settings can be used to override agent proxy settings.


If proxy configuration is required, contact your network administrator or third-party network vendor to request the correct proxy settings if they are not already known.


Using a command prompt, navigate to the [jitterbit_home]\bin directory. Substitute [jitterbit_home] with the directory where the Jitterbit private agent is installed on your system.

These commands (of the format jitterbitutils [options]) can be used to set the proxy settings:

Action Example Command Format
GUI Field
Displays (prints to the command line) the current HTTP proxy configuration. jitterbitutils --print-http-proxy-configuration
Disables any HTTP proxy configuration. jitterbitutils --disable-http-proxy
Sets the HTTP proxy hostname (with optional port). jitterbitutils --set-http-proxy-host <hostname>[<port>] Host and Port
Sets the username for proxy server authentication. jitterbitutils --set-http-proxy-username <user name> User
Sets the password for proxy server authentication. jitterbitutils --set-http-proxy-pwd <password> Password
Sets the NTLM domain for proxy server authentication. jitterbitutils --set-http-proxy-domain <NTLM domain> NTLM Domain
Sets the exceptions for the proxy server, a comma-separated list of host names for which the proxy configuration should not be used. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. This cannot be used with the inclusions (--set-http-proxy-inclusions) option. jitterbitutils --set-http-proxy-exceptions <exceptions> Exceptions
Sets the inclusions for the proxy server, a comma-separated list of host names for which the proxy configuration should be used. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. This cannot be used with the exceptions (--set-http-proxy-exceptions) option. jitterbitutils --set-http-proxy-inclusions <inclusions> Inclusions
Enables proxy certificate verification. This setting is enabled by default. jitterbitutils --verify-proxy-cert GUI checkbox toggled off
Disables proxy certificate verification if your proxy uses a certificate that Jitterbit can't verify. jitterbitutils --no-verify-proxy-cert GUI checkbox toggled on
Displays descriptions for all available options and acceptable parameters for each. jitterbitutils --help


After changing the configuration, restart the private agent if it is currently running.

Windows private agents can also have their proxy settings configured using a GUI. From the Windows Start Menu, access the Configure Jitterbit menu item:


This opens a GUI where you can set the appropriate values; the values here correspond to the table above:


Using a command prompt, navigate to the /opt/jitterbit/bin directory.

These commands (of the format jitterbit-utils [options]) can be used to set the proxy settings:

Action Example Command Format
Displays (prints to the command line) the current HTTP proxy configuration. jitterbit-utils --print-http-proxy-configuration
Disables any HTTP proxy configuration. jitterbit-utils --disable-http-proxy
Sets the HTTP proxy hostname (with optional port). jitterbit-utils --set-http-proxy-host <hostname>[<port>]
Sets the username for proxy server authentication. jitterbit-utils --set-http-proxy-username <user name>
Sets the password for proxy server authentication. jitterbit-utils --set-http-proxy-pwd <password>
Sets the NTLM domain for proxy server authentication. jitterbit-utils --set-http-proxy-domain <NTLM domain>
Sets the exceptions for the proxy server, a comma-separated list of host names for which the proxy configuration should not be used. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. This cannot be used with the inclusions (--set-http-proxy-inclusions) option. jitterbit-utils --set-http-proxy-exceptions <exceptions>
Sets the inclusions for the proxy server, a comma-separated list of host names for which the proxy configuration should be used. Wildcards (* and ?) are supported. This cannot be used with the exceptions (--set-http-proxy-exceptions) option. jitterbit-utils --set-http-proxy-inclusions <inclusions>
Enables proxy certificate verification. This setting is enabled by default. jitterbit-utils --verify-proxy-cert
Disables proxy certificate verification if your proxy uses a certificate that Jitterbit can't verify. jitterbit-utils --no-verify-proxy-cert
Displays descriptions for all available options and acceptable parameters for each. jitterbit-utils --help


After changing the configuration, restart the private agent if it is currently running.