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Use the HTTPD configuration file

The httpd.conf file now includes 3 additional files to break up the httpd.conf to make it easier to manage.

  1. conf/extra/httpd-jitterbit-local.conf

    1. Not overwritten with an upgrade.

    2. On a fresh install the file is created but nothing is declared inside of it.

    3. On settings such as KeepAliveTimeout 15, which only have one value, if you wish to overwrite it in the local config, your local config will take precedence.

    4. On settings that can be declared multiple times such as Listen, it will keep adding to the IP/ports that it will be listening on.

  2. conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf

    1. Not overwritten with an upgrade, if it has been changed.

    2. Contains information about your SSL configuration.

    3. By default SSL is commented out. Look for "Secure (SSL/TLS) connections" in the httpd.conf file and remove the # sign in front of the "include" to enable SSL. You will then want to make sure the httpd-ssl.conf file is configured to your needs.


      It will not be overwritten when upgrading, but the # sign in front of the "include" will need to be removed in httpd.conf with each deploy in order to enable SSL. Alternatively, it can be added as an include to the conf/extra/httpd-jitterbit-local.conf file, as this file will persist through an upgrade and will not have to be revised each time to enable SSL.

  3. conf/extra/httpd-jitterbit.conf

    1. This is a file that is specific to Jitterbit and will be overwritten with each deploy.

    2. Do not modify this file unless directed to by Jitterbit Support.


Never completely disable port 46908, as this will cause issues with Jitterbit communicating among different components. If you wish to restrict port 46908 to just the one computer, you can modify the line "Listen 46908" to "Listen". This will force Apache to only listen on its local IP. This will have to be reset after each upgrade, since it is part of the httpd.conf. If you ever see the following error -

java.lang.Exception: Failed to invoke service TreeMapperInfoProvider. Make sure the Jitterbit Apache service is running. If the problem persists, try restarting the Jitterbit Apache and the Jitterbit Tomcat services

This usually means that the port has been disabled or changed from the default. This will also prevent you from being able to create any new transformations.