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Install additional ODBC or JDBC drivers


Jitterbit provides commonly used database drivers, either bundled with the Private agent software, or detected from the operating system of the server on which a private agent is installed.

Additional JDBC and ODBC drivers can be installed on private agents only:

  • JDBC: You can install additional JDBC drivers on any private agent, whether it is Windows- or Linux-based.
  • ODBC: For ODBC drivers, the architecture of the driver must match the system of the agent. Agents support 64-bit ODBC drivers.

Additional drivers cannot be installed on Cloud agents.

This page lists the provided drivers and describes the generic steps for installing additional drivers on a private agent.

Drivers provided on private agents

These JDBC drivers are provided by 64-bit Windows and Linux private agents:

  • Amazon Redshift
  • IBM DB2 (AS400)
  • IBM DB2 (JCC)
  • MySQL
  • Oracle
  • Oracle NetSuite
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL Server jTDS
  • SQL Server Microsoft
  • SQLite
  • Sybase jTDS

These ODBC drivers are bundled with the 64-bit Windows private agent installation:

  • PostgreSQL ANSI (x64)
  • PostgreSQL Unicode (x64)

This ODBC driver is bundled with the 64-bit Linux private agent installation:

  • PostgreSQL-jitterbit


Drivers for only 64-bit private agents are listed above, as 32-bit private agents are end-of-life.

Driver installation on private agents

When installing additional drivers, consult the documentation for the specific driver you are installing. For additional information on select databases, see Cloud Studio Database-specific information or Design Studio Database.

Generic steps for installing additional JDBC drivers are provided below. Additional ODBC drivers installed on Windows do not require any additional configuration.

  1. Obtain the JAR file of the driver. In many cases, these are available for download from the manufacturer of the driver.

    For example, the SQL Server JDBC Driver, including its available JAR files, is available from Microsoft at Download Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server.

  2. Copy the JAR file to the following recommended folder path: <JITTERBIT_HOME>/tomcat/drivers/lib/, replacing <JITTERBIT_HOME> with the private agent root directory. The private agent root directory is usually in one of these default locations:

    • Windows (Harmony): C:\Program Files\Jitterbit Agent\

    • Linux: /opt/jitterbit


    JAR files may also be located in <JITTERBIT_HOME>/tomcat/webapps/axis/WEB-INF/lib/; however, this directory may be overwritten when upgrading a private agent. Instead, we recommend placing any drivers you install in <JITTERBIT_HOME>/tomcat/drivers/lib/.

  3. For Linux private agents, set the ownership of the copied file:

    sudo chown jitterbit:jitterbit <JITTERBIT_HOME>/tomcat/drivers/lib/*.jar
  4. Locate the JdbcDrivers.conf file in the private agent root directory. Open the file in administrator mode and add a new <Driver> element in the <Drivers> section with this information, and then save the file:

    <Name> The name of the driver. Must be a unique name. This name will show up in the driver selection UI. Changing the name will break existing projects that use this driver. To recover, all database endpoints using this driver must be updated by re-selecting the driver with the new name, and then re-deploying.
    <Class> The full name of the driver class. See the documentation for the particular driver.
    <Subprotocol> The subprotocol to use when constructing the URL for connecting to a database using the driver. The URL is of the form jdbc:subprotocol://.... For example, a PostgreSQL driver might define the subprotocol postgresql. See the driver documentation for details.
    <BeginQuote> Define your own "begin-quote" character (rarely required).
    <EndQuote> Define your own "end-quote" character (rarely required).

    You can find examples in the JdbcDrivers.conf file. For example, the SQL Server JDBC Driver uses this information:

    <Name>SQL Server</Name>
  5. On the machine where each private agent is installed, first stop the services, then restart them.

    Windows Linux
    From the Start Menu:

    Stop Jitterbit Services
    Start Jitterbit Services

    From the Jitterbit Agent installation directory:

    > StopServices.bat
    > StartServices.bat

    From a prompt:

    $ sudo jitterbit stop
    $ sudo jitterbit start

  6. Test within the JDBC administration application to ensure connectivity between the driver and the underlying data source.

  7. Once successfully installed, the additional driver is detected from the operating system of the agent server. You should now see the newly installed driver within the list of available drivers when configuring a database endpoint:


    You may need to configure a manual connection string in the configuration of the database endpoint. Consult the driver-specific documentation as to how the connection string should be structured. For additional information on select databases, see Cloud Studio Database-specific information or Design Studio Database.