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SAP connector installation


In order to use Jitterbit's SAP connectors (either the Cloud Studio SAP connector or the Design Studio SAP connector) with private agents, certain libraries provided by SAP must be present and installed as described on this page. The appropriate libraries are already installed on cloud agents.


Beginning with private agent version 10.54, Jitterbit's SAP connectors will no longer work until you install these libraries as described here. You can install the libraries prior to upgrading to 10.54 or later to prepare for the upgrade, or you can install them after upgrading to 10.54 or later.

These files persist on post-10.54 private agent upgrades, so this process needs to be followed only a single time on each private agent machine.

Downloading required components

Use these SAP Support Portal download links to obtain the specific files required by Jitterbit's SAP connectors, listed in the table below. To access the SAP Support Portal downloads, SAP requires that the SAP S-User ID associated with the logged-in user has the Software Download authorization. To request the appropriate permissions, contact your SAP user administrator.

This table summarizes the files required when using the SAP connectors on private agents. The following subsections provide details on where the required files can be found within the downloaded archives.

SAP Java Connector Download Section Link Specific Version to Download Required Files Needed by Jitterbit's SAP Connectors Instructions to Locate the Required Files
SAP Java Connector 3.1 SDK Microsoft Windows and Windows Server 64-bit x86 sapjco3.dll
SAP Java connector files for Windows
Linux for Intel-compatible processors 64-bit x86
SAP Java connector files for Linux
SAP Java IDoc Library SAP Java IDoc Library 3.1 SDK


The SAP Java IDoc Library 3.1.3 requires the SAP Java Connector 3.1.7 or later

sapidoc3.jar SAP Java IDoc Library

The next section, Install required components, describes where those files should be placed in order to use Jitterbit's SAP connectors on private agents.

SAP Java connector files for Windows

  1. Go to the section Download SAP Java Connector 3.1 SDK on the SAP Java Connector page.

  2. In the table of downloads, use the link for the 64-bit x86* version for Microsoft Windows and Windows Server to download a ZIP file. The ZIP file is named similarly to Unpack the archive.

  3. Within the unpacked archive, locate another ZIP file, named similarly to Unpack the archive.

  4. Within the newly unpacked archive, locate sapjco3.dll and sapjco3.jar.

SAP Java connector files for Linux

  1. Go to the section Download SAP Java Connector 3.1 SDK on the SAP Java Connector page.

  2. In the table of downloads, use the link for the 64-bit x86* version for Linux for Intel compatible processors to download a ZIP file. The ZIP file is named similarly to Unpack the archive.

  3. Within the unpacked archive, locate the TGZ file, named similarly to sapjco3-linuxx86_64-3.1.4.tgz. Unpack the archive.

  4. Within the newly unpacked archive, locate the TAR file, named similarly to sapjco3-linuxx86_64-3.1.4.tar. Unpack the archive.

  5. Within that newly unpacked archive, locate and sapjco3.jar.

SAP Java IDoc library

  1. Go to the section SAP Java IDoc Library on the SAP Java Connector page.

  2. Use the link Download SAP Java IDoc Library ... SDK to download a ZIP file. The ZIP file is named similarly to Unpack the archive.

  3. Within the unpacked archive, locate sapidoc3.jar.

Install required components

A user with access to each private agent machine can install the required components on Windows or Linux machines using the instructions below.


Follow these steps to install the required components for Jitterbit's SAP connectors on each Windows private agent machine.

  1. Copy the DLL file to the private agent bin directory:

    C:\Program Files\Jitterbit Agent\bin\sapjco3.dll
  2. Copy the JAR files to the private agent directories listed below:

    C:\Program Files\Jitterbit Agent\tomcat\lib\sapjco3.jar
    C:\Program Files\Jitterbit Agent\tomcat\lib\sapidoc3.jar
  3. Restart the Windows private agent.


Follow these steps to install the required components for Jitterbit's SAP connectors on each Linux private agent machine.

  1. Copy the SO file from the download location to the private agent bin directory (adjust source name as required):

  2. Copy the JAR files from the download location to the private agent directories listed below (adjust source name as required):

  3. Restart the Linux private agent.