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Install a Windows quiet private agent


The Windows Quiet Agent Installer lets you configure and run a silent and unattended installation of a private agent. This page provides the instructions on downloading, installing, and configuring a private agent using the Harmony Windows Quiet Agent Installer.

For instructions using the standard Windows private agent installer, see Install a Windows agent.

For more information on system requirements, restarting, rolling back, and uninstalling a private agent, see Install a Harmony Windows agent.

These instructions assume and require that you have already created an agent group and private agent(s) for your organization within the Management Console. Refer to Agents > Agent groups and Agents > Agents for more information.

Download the Windows quiet agent installer

To download the Windows Quiet Agent Installer, follow these instructions:

  1. Log in to the Harmony portal and navigate to the Downloads page.
  2. In the Jitterbit Agent row, click Windows Quiet Agent Installer (x64) in the Download column. A ZIP file for the Windows Quiet Agent Installer will be downloaded. The ZIP file contains various scripts that must be edited to install the agent (see Installing and configuring an agent below).


The Windows Quiet Agent Installer ZIP file can be downloaded, stored locally, and reused as needed for any additional private agents as they are added.

Install and configure an agent

To install and configure a private agent using the Windows Quiet Agent Installer, follow these steps:

  1. Unzip

  2. Open config64.ps1 and populate the parameters within the double quotes for each field:

    $Jitterbit_user_name = ""
    $Jitterbit_password = "Jitterbit4Ever!"
    $Postgres_super_user = "postgres"
    $Postgres_super_password = "Ea$yAs123"
    Postgres_service_account = "postgres"
    $Postgres_service_password = "humTdumt$@t0nAwa11"
    Postgres_agent_username = ""
    Postgres_agent_password = ""
    $Agent_group_id = "123321"
    $Agent_id = "987789"
    $Agent_install_file = "jitterbit-agent-x64-XX.XX.X.XX.exe"
    [bool] $Postgres_listen_address_localhost = 0
    $Postgres_config_dir = "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\data\postgresql.conf"
    Field Description
    Jitterbit_user_name Enter the username associated with your Harmony account.
    Jitterbit_password Enter the password for your Harmony account.
    Postgres_super_user If applicable, enter a username for the PostgreSQL superuser account. Otherwise, leave this field set to the default postgres. This setting is available only for agent version 10.48 or later.
    Postgres_super_password Enter a password to be used for the PostgreSQL database. The password must conform to your system's password policies regarding length and complexity. If you are using an existing installation of PostgreSQL, enter the super password for the existing PostgreSQL database.
    Postgres_service_account If applicable, enter the username of the Windows service account for the PostgreSQL service to run under. Otherwise, leave this field set to the default postgres. This setting is available only for agent version 10.48 or later.
    Postgres_service_password Enter a password to be used for the PostgreSQL database. The password must conform to your system's password policies regarding length and complexity. If you are using an existing installation of PostgreSQL, enter the super password for the existing PostgreSQL database.
    Postgres_agent_username By default, the installer uses the PostgreSQL agent username specified with the User key in the [Dbinfo] section of the private agent configuration file. If you want the agent to use an alternative username, specify it here to override the private agent configuration setting. Otherwise, leave this field blank. This setting is available only for agent version 10.48 or later.
    Postgres_agent_password If applicable, enter the password for the account specified in the Postgres_agent_username field. Otherwise, leave this field blank. This setting is available only for agent version 10.48 or later.
    Agent_group_id Enter your private agent group ID. Your private agent group ID is available from the Management Console Agents > Agent groups page, by hovering over the agent group name to see the agent group ID.
    Agent_id Enter your private agent ID. Your private agent ID is available from the Management Console Agents > Agent groups page, by hovering over the agent name to see the agent ID.
    Agent_install_file This field is automatically populated and does not require modification. The default value of this field points to the version of the downloaded Windows agent executable.


    The value of this field should match the value of the downloaded ZIP file. You will receive errors and the installation will fail if Agent_install_file does not point to the correct Windows agent executable.

    Postgres_listen_address_locahost Enter a boolean value indicating whether the PostgreSQL database listen_address is set to localhost. Any non-zero value corresponds with true and 0 corresponds with false. The default is 0 (false).
    Postgres_config_dir If you are using an existing PostgreSQL database, enter the directory of your PostgreSQL database configuration file. If you are using the PostgreSQL database packaged with the private agent, this line does not need to be modified.
  3. Open silent_install64.ps1 and set KO_INSTALL_MODE to the appropriate install mode depending on whether you want to install the PostgreSQL database packaged with the private agent or have an existing installation of a PostgreSQL database that you would like to use:

    Installation Mode

    Advanced: Installs a private agent and configures a private agent database to use an existing PostgreSQL installation. This mode can be used for an upgrade of a private agent only when upgrading from an 11.x agent version to a later 11.x version, or from a 10.x agent version to a 10.61 or earlier version.

    The existing PostgreSQL database version must match that expected by the agent version:

    • For 11.0 Windows private agents and later, an existing PostgreSQL database that is version 14.5-1 has been confirmed to work. Other 14.x PostgreSQL versions are expected to work but have not been tested.
    • For 10.x Windows private agents, the existing PostgreSQL database must be version 9.6.x.

    An existing 14.x PostgreSQL database must be set to use MD5 password encryption:

    postgres=# set password_encryption TO 'md5';
    KO_INSTALL_MODE=\"1\ Quick: Installs all components needed to run the private agent including a PostgreSQL agent database and driver. Use this option if you have never installed a PostgreSQL database or the private agent on this computer before, or if you have properly uninstalled all components (see Uninstalling a private agent).
  4. Run Windows PowerShell as an administrator. Within PowerShell, navigate to the downloaded and unzipped file named jitterbit-agent-x64-XX.XX.X.XX and run the silent_install64 script using the command ./silent_install64.

  5. After installation, the agent will attempt to start and establish a connection with Harmony. This process can take more than a minute to complete.


    Harmony private agents installed on Microsoft Azure servers require a reduced agent heartbeat interval.

    You can check the status of the agent in the Management Console Agents page. Once an agent starts, its status should be Running.


    In agent versions 10.61, 10.62, 10.63, and 11.1, the status will be Stopped until an agent's agent group is associated with an environment.