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Notifications in Jitterbit App Builder

A Notification is an application level concept which enables a developer to send a notification or message to a User. This message may have multiple options which define how the User can respond to the message. When options are present in a Notification, the User's response is automatically tracked by App Builder. Notifications support file attachments of any file type (e.g., .PDF, .DOCX, .TXT, .XLSX, etc.). If you are using file attachments, Notification will use the data/pdf directory if no other directory is specified. Alternatively if you do specify a FileDataSourceId, this is the location App Builder will look for the attachment(s).

To use the public data objects required for Notification your application requires App Builder (Sealed) to be configured as an available Data Source for the app. As well as being an available Data Source for the application, you need to establish or configure a link between the Data Sources.

In terms of what URL is used for sending Notifications, App Builder will use URL information specified in the Notification Rule, if it is available. If not found, App Builder will fall back and use the Server Site default URL. The Server Site default value is configured from the IDE > Security Providers > More (from the Configuration panel) > Sites. For more information on sites and URL see the Sites and aliases article.


Notification links default to being active for 7 days. After the 7 day period they expire, and are no longer active links. This is currently not a configurable setting in App Builder.

Message types

A Notification can use one of the following message types:

  • Email - Not surprisingly, an email.
  • SMS - An SMS message sent and received by the Twilio service.
  • App Builder Alert - A popup which shows up in the User's browser when they are logged into App Builder. Formerly called a Notification.

All message types support adding options which provide ways to for the User to respond to a message. For Emails and App Builder Alerts, URLs are included in the message that link back to App Builder. In the case of the SMS delivery type, you can also reply to an SMS with the name of the option to run the associated event.

Future releases of App Builder will likely support sending messages to REST servers.


Notifications can have 0 or more options. When a Notification contains no options, there is no expected User response and consequently, no tracking of the User's response is provided. No links will be added to the outgoing message. This is considered an Informational notification.

When a Notification contains 1 or more options, a message is sent with URL links back into App Builder that allow the User to respond in some way. The User's response to the message (i.e. which option they selected) is tracked by the notification.


Notification options can be configured in two ways:

  1. Link to page - A link is provided which allows the User to navigate to a page. Successfully navigating to the page is considering a complete response to the option.
  2. Run page event - A link is provided which sends the User to a page and runs a specified event before the page is rendered. Again, the User's response is considered complete once the event is triggered.

For a page to be eligible for either option above, the page must be marked as Shared.

As an example, an Administrator may execute an event that causes an email to be sent to an end User. The email has some text and three buttons in it:

  1. Review - Clicking Review can bring the User to a specific page in App Builder.
  2. Approve - Clicking Approve can bring the User to a different page AND execute an event against some data objects in the page.
  3. Reject - Clicking Reject can bring the User to a different page AND execute an event against the same page or a different pages's data objects.

The event must be executed before the page is rendered as it may affect data that is contained in the panels on the page. To execute an event, the developer must:

  • Configure the Link To page as Shared.
  • Include the event in either the Data Object for the page or as one of the single row panel data sources on the page. Further illustration of this point is available in the Data Object Event Binding section below.

Data object event binding

App Builder limits the events that can be bound to a link. Specifically this limitation only allows for events that belong to a Data Object / Table that is bound to an unbound single row panel on the target page. For example, let's consider a page that has 6 single row panels:

  • Customer -> CustomerAddress -> CustomerMap
  • Employee -> EmployeeAddress -> EmployeeMap

In this example, Customer and Employee panels are not bound to any other panels on the page. Therefore, a developer can choose events from those two panels data sources (along with a page data object if one is specified).

App Builder also limits the events that can be bound to non-system events. For example, the developer can not link back to the Save, Insert, Update or Delete events.

Notification registration

Linking to a notification

The Notification Registration page in App Builder allows the developer to link a Notification to an application. This is a 1 to 1 relationship. Additional information about the notification message can be configured within the notification registration.

Message creation

The notification message can be defined in the Template section of the Notification Registration page. This is the main content of the notification itself.

Substitutions are performed on the Template and use the {{fieldname}} syntax. Substitutions may add an optional url flag to indicate the value is an url and requires url-encoding e.g. {{fieldname|url}}.

In regards to substitution, the body may contain:

Hello {{CustomerName}},

In which case CustomerName must be contained in the notification rule's columns along with the other required fields.

For emails, a Subject can be specified in the Notification Registration page. The Subject field also supports substitutions.


Notifications support rudimentary translations. There are three fields which are used for translations:

  1. Notification Option Name
  2. Notification Registration Message
  3. Notification Registration Subject (for Emails)

When creating the notification message, App Builder will attempt to find translations for each of these fields, assuming that their content specifies the corresponding translation key. The developer also needs to add the keys to the translation bundle for the app manually (they are currently not imported automatically for an app). Care must be taken with the Template field to add the translation key as a raw string and not as HTML. There is a "code" icon at the bottom right of the Notification Registration Template field which allows you to directly edit the string.


  1. The event executed in the option link belongs to the Page Data or a Single Row Panel Data Object. Currently, we do not display any validation results or post messages for page level events. In other words, the event runs first, when it completes, the User is redirected to their page. By the time they arrive at their page, the event results are lost. Therefore, if the event has a post message or fails validation, the system will not show those results to the end User. The developer can easily workaround this by displaying data in their panels that changes based on the successful execution of an event.

    Because of the above limitation, validation warnings will cause an event to not execute. We do not have a UI in place that allows for the User to accept or reject the warning.

  2. The File table from an Amazon S3 data source cannot be pulled in by a Notification rule.

Notification public data objects

The public data objects used as Notification targets are defined below.

Common columns

These columns are common across the Notification public data objects:

Name Mandatory Multi-Target Example Description
Binding() No Yes CustomerID If provided, this will identify the record matched to the option for this notification. Multiple bindings can be defined.


The Email public data object is similar but not entirely consistent with the SMTP Email Plugin functionality. The columns for the Email public data object are as follows:


If you are using more than one Email address to send To or Cc, separate values with a comma character.

Name Mandatory Multi-Target Example Description
To() Yes Yes ',' Comma-delimited list of email addresses to send to. Multiple To() fields can be targeted to send to multiple recipients (in addition to using comma-delimited values). An exception is thrown if this field is not provided or null.
Cc() No Yes ',' Comma-delimited list of email addresses to cc. Similar to To(), multiple targets can be specified for automatic concatenation.
From No No '' Defines the from address for the email. If From is not provided, the from address defined in the Be_NotificationEndpoint record will be used.
App BuilderUrl Depends No ' Builder' App BuilderUrl is mandatory if the notification contains options. This url is used when generating links to the various notification options. This is the url to reach App Builder from the point of view of the message receiver. Does not require a trailing slash.
Attachment() No No 'somepath/files/*' If provided, will attach file(s) to the email. If the Attachment() string ends with an asterisk (*), the string is assumed to represent a directory path, and all file attachments in the directory will be attached to the email.
FileDataSourceId No No UUID Unique identifier that refers to the data source that should be referenced to locate the file attachment(s).
Language No No 'es' If provided, translations will be attempted for both the Template and Subject fields of the associated Notification Registration. As well, the Name of the notification options will be translated.

Text message

The Text Message public data object is used for sending SMS. The columns for the Text Message public data object are as follows:

Name Mandatory Multi-Target Example Description
To() Yes Yes '+15559990000' A single phone number in the format expected by Twilio. Multiple To() fields can be targeted to send to multiple recipients. An exception is thrown if this field is not provided or null.
Language No No 'es' If provided, translations will be attempted for the Template field of the associated Notification Registration. As well, the Name of the notification options will be translated in a future release.

App Builder alert

The notification App Builder Alert public data object is similar but not entirely consistent with the Create_Notification public data object. The columns of the App Builder Alert public data object are as follows:

Name Mandatory Multi-Target Example Description
To() Yes No all To represents the User we are sending to. An exception is thrown if this field is not provided or null.

Can use special expressions:

'session' to target the current User's session
'all' to target all Users currently logged into App Builder.

To send to a specific App Builder User, specify the UserId of the User.
From No No who('userid') From represents the user this message is from. If not provided, the User running the action will be assumed.
Persistent No No 1 Boolean value that indicates whether the alert should be considered persistent. This attribute is only applicable when sending an alert to a UserId. All alerts have a Dismiss button that removes the alert from the User's notification panel. The User can ignore the alert or close their window or log out of App Builder. If persistent is true (1), the alert will be displayed repeatedly, each time the User logs in to App Builder, until the User actively dismisses the alert. Use this technique to ensure that an alert is read by the User.
Timeout No No 15 If provided, Timeout represents the amount of time (in seconds) to wait before automatically closing the alert popup.
SendToPushNotificationEnabledUser No No 0 If provided, the App Builder Alert can be configured to only send to Users who do not have a push notification enabled device. This allows a developer to send an App Builder Alert and Push Notification notification in the same event and prevent a User from receiving both a desktop notification and push notification.

Push notification

The Push Notification public data object allows the notification to send a push notification to a User. The columns of the Push Notification public data object are as follows:

Name Mandatory Multi-Target Example Description
To Yes No 85cc99ff-b4a6-4a32-bfeb-537d346ee52c To is the User (UserID) we are sending the push notification to. If the User does not have a push notification device, the notification rule will still succeed but no message will be sent. An exception is thrown if this field is not provided or null.
ToAppUserId No No 100 If the User is denoted by an application user id, this value should be provided in addition to the To field.
From Yes No who('userid') From represents the User this message is from.
Badge No No 1 If provided, this will set the badge number on the application icon.

Notification setup

Example notification setup

Steps to setting up a notification. We'll assume that we're adding a Customer Approval Notification to the Northwinds Customers page.

Create notification

Create a rule that targets a notification public data object.

Steps to create notification

  • Navigate to App Workbench
  • Click Notifications
  • Click + Notification
  • Assign a Name. For example CustomersRequestApprovalAlert
  • Confirm Purpose is Notification
  • Select App Builder Alert as the Target. If you do not see this data object available, create a Data Source connection to App Builder (Sealed) for the app you're working in.
  • Click Save

Define notification mvSQL

  • Click the +Tables button
  • Add your 'select from' Table. For example Customers
  • Add the following columns and click on the Columns tab to define:
Column Alias Target
all To To
"C".CustomerId CustomerId Binding()
"C".CustomerName CustomerName


Note that we add CustomerName so that we can later use it as a substitution parameter in our Notification message.

Define notification options

  • Navigate to App Workbench
  • Click Notifications
  • Select the Notification Business Rule. For example: CustomerRequestApprovalAlert
  • Enter the Message information for the Notification into the Body field
    • For example: Please review the following customer:
    • Customer: {{CustomerName}}
  • Click the pencil icon and enter any Technical Help to help explain the Notification to other developers

Optionally define a landing page and prelaunch event to run

  • From the App Workbench > Notfications page, select the Notification
  • Click the + Option button
  • Create a new option.
    • Set Index to 10
    • Set Name to Review
    • Select the Link to Page value. In our example we'll link to the Northwinds 'Customer' page. If the page you want to link to doesn't show up, ensure that it's been marked as "Shared" in Edge Case Settings.
  • Click the checkmark to save the record

Register notification with an event

Register Notification as an Action with an Event. In this case, we're assuming the Event is associated with a button on the launching page. We'll also assume the event is called 'Request Approval'.

  • Navigate to the Event for the Data Object
  • Click the Business Logic icon
  • Click the Events button
  • Select the Event. For example: Request Approval
  • Click on Register Existing from the Actions panel
  • Select Notification as the Action Type
  • Select the Notification we created in the previous step. For example: CustomerRequestApprovalAlert
  • Click Save
  • Verify that the Explicit Bindings are correct. For example: CustomerId - CustomerId

Test it!

At this point, the Notification is completely set up. Navigate to your page, and click the button that runs the notification event. All App Builder users on the system should see a pop up with the notification message.

SMS notification setup

Steps to setting up an SMS notification. We'll assume that we're adding a Customer Approval Notification to the Northwinds Customers page.

You will need access to a Twilio account to complete setup.

Setup App Builder security

  • Navigate to IDE > Security Providers
  • Click + User Authentication on User Authentication panel.
    • Enter a Name (e.g. "Http Basic Auth")
    • Select "HTTP Basic Authentication" as the Type
    • Click "Enabled" to enable
    • Click Save
  • Navigate to IDE > User Management
    • Double click the User record you want to authenticate as when a SMS reply comes in
    • Note that this User must have access to the following:
      • App Builder application
      • The Event that will be executed on the notification itself
  • Click the Keys icon from Authentication
  • Click Create
  • Select the "Http Basic Auth" provider created earlier
  • Click Save


The secret "Key" that is created for this provider. The combination of the User Name and the secret Key will be used when configuring Twilio.

Setup Twilio

Create messaging service
  • Log into your Twilio account
  • Navigate to Communications Cloud > Programmable SMS
  • Click Messaging Services
  • Create a new Messaging Service (Notifications, 2-way) and attach a Twilio phone number to it
  • Note down the MessagingServiceSid. This will be used for configuration later on
  • Enable the "Process Inbound Message" option
  • Enter the following Request URL:
    • https://<username>:<secret_key>@<your_vinyl_server>/webhook/v1/vinyl/bridge_inbound
    • E.g.
Gather Twilio credentials
  • Navigate to Console Dashboard > Settings
  • Note down the LIVE credentials:
    • Account Sid
    • Auth Token
Configure SMS endpoint
  • Navigate to IDE > Notification Servers
  • Double click the 'SMS' record
  • Add the following configuration:
    • User Name -> Twilio Account Sid
    • Password -> Twilio Auth Token
    • MessagingServiceSid -> Twilio Messaging Service Sid
Configure website URL
  • Navigate to IDE > Security Providers
  • Under Configuration click More > Sites
  • Click + Site
  • Set the URL value to your website URL. For example:
  • Click Save

Configure SMS notification

Create notification

Create a rule that targets a notification public data object.

Steps to create notification
  • Navigate to App Workbench > Notifications
  • Click + Notification
  • Assign a Name
  • Select Notification as the Purpose
  • Select Text Message as the Target. If you do not see this data object available, create a Data Source connection to App Builder (Sealed) for the app you're working in.
  • Click Save
Define notification mvSQL
  • Click the +Table button and add the Table the Rule requires

    • E.g. Customers
  • Click the Columns tab and add the following columns:

Column Alias Target
'+15551112222' (replace with your phone number) To() To()
"C".CustomerId CustomerId Binding()
"C".CustomerName CustomerName


We add "CustomerName" so that we can later use it as a substitution parameter in our Notification message.

Define notification options

In addition to defining the Message information, we will define two options for this Notification example. One which is activated by replying to the SMS, another which is a link to a page.

  • Click the Notification navigation tab
  • Enter the following message into the Message Body:
Reply {{1}} to approve {{CustomerName}}. Review {{Review}}
  • Click the +Option button from the Options panel
    • Set Index to 10
    • Set Name to Review
    • Select the page to link to. In our example we'll link to the Northwinds 'Customer' page. If the page you want to link to doesn't show up, ensure that it's been marked as "Shared" in Edge Case Settings.
    • Set the Option Type to 'Link'
  • Click the +Option button from the Options panel
    • Set Index to 20
    • Set Name to 1
    • Select the page to link to. In our example we'll link to the Northwinds 'Customer' page and run the 'Approve' event.
    • Set the Option Type to 'SMS Reply'

Register notification with an event

Register Notification as an Action with an Event. In this case, we're assuming the Event is associated with a button on the launching page. We'll also assume the event is called 'Request Approval'.

  • Navigate to the Event for the data object
  • Click the Business Logic icon
  • Click the Events button
  • Select the Event. For example: Request Approval
  • Click on Register Existing from the Actions panel
  • Select Notification as the Action Type
  • Select the Notification we created in the previous step. For example: Customer_RequestApprovalSms
  • Click Save
  • Verify that the Explicit Bindings are correct. For example: E.g. CustomerId - CustomerId

Configure push notification

Push notifications are configured similarly to other notifications in App Builder. The App Builder server Administrator must configure the Push Notification endpoint correctly in order for them to work as expected.

If you are configuring Push Notifications with Blabber API, you must download the iOS companion app, sign into the corresponding server with proper credentials, and enable push notifications on the app itself. In addition, an API key is required to complete the configuration.

Test it!

At this point, the Notification is completely set up. Navigate to your page, and click the button that runs the notification event.