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Plugin RegexValidationPlugin in Jitterbit App Builder

Use columns provided in the data object to perform validation. By adding the below expression explained in Format of Context to your business object, and then also applying the regex validation plugin to an event on said object, you will be able to get this to fire.

Because the validation is coming from the data object (and passed between browser and server) it should not be considered "secure". A malicious user could modify cells to disable / change validation.

Plugin looks for columns labeled "RegexValidation1", "RegexValidation2", etc… Will run all validations in numeric order.

This is a Plugin Validation. To apply a plugin validation to your event, you need to switch the Type list from Rule to Plugin, and then choose the Regex Validation plugin.

Format of content


Notes on plugin usage

  • columnName is the columnName value to evaluate against the regular expression and does not require the table prefix. For example, use Email vs. P.Email
  • 0/1 indicates whether to fail if the pattern does match (0) or does not match (1)
  • errorLevel is one of Error, Warning, Information
  • errorMessage is the string to display
  • regularExpression is the regular expression without the slashes
  • make sure you enclose the entirety of the content in ''
  • anytime you're using the RegexValidation Plugin on Insert, you will need a Default Rule to populate the Regex expression



CompanyName::1::Error::Name must contain only letters::^[A-Za-z]*$


FlexField2::0::Error::Username must be 3 to 16 characters long and can only contain letters, numbers, underscore, and dash::^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,16}$


FlexField3::1::Warning::Can't use N/A in this field::[Nn]\/[Aa]

RegexValidation4 = example for Email address validation

Email::1::Error::Email must be valid::\b[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}\b