Scripting example in Jitterbit App Builder - Generate HMAC HASH using private token
This example illustrates using a C# Plugin with a REST API for Authentication. This specific examle required generating an HMAC HASH using a private token, a unique per request reference, and an epoch timestamp.
For communication use, a 'private token' (and an organization reference) is given. Keep this token secret.
Each request will contain 3 (extra) headers:
: (String) - A reference, must be unique per request. The format is unspecified.Authentication-epoch
: (Number) - A Unix epoch timestamp in number of seconds from 1/1/1970.Authentication-Signature
: (String) - The signed combination of Reference and epoch using the private token.
To validate a request the following steps are needed:
should not be more than 5 minutes ago.Authentication-Reference
should not be reused. This reference is a unique string, for example a GUID.- A string is created with the concatenation of
. - This string is hashed according to the SHA512 digest.
- The digest is HMAC encoded with a 'private token' as key (known by both sender and receiver).
- The hex value of this hash (lower case, no spaces or dashes), and should match the
Script example
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
var epoch = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)).TotalSeconds;
string privateKey = Request.Headers["Authentication-Private-Key"];
string reference = Request.Headers["Authentication-Reference"] + epoch;
HMAC hMAC=new HMACSHA512(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(privateKey));
byte[] tokens = hMAC.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(reference));
string authToken = BitConverter.ToString(tokens).Replace( "-" , "" ).
Request.Headers["Authentication-Signature"] = authToken;
Request.Headers["Authentication-Epoch"] = epoch.ToString();
Endpoint parameters required
: The Private Key givenAuthentication-Reference
: Random String, different per request, can be a UUID