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Vinyl.Sdk.Events in Jitterbit App Builder


Event cell populated during the course of an event invocation.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Events.EventCell


Type Name Summary
EventColumn Column Gets the column to which the cell belongs.
Object DefaultValue Gets or sets the cell's default value.
Boolean IsDirty Gets a value indicating whether the cell has been modified.
Boolean IsRequired Gets or sets a value indicating whether the cell is required.
Boolean IsVisible Gets or sets a value indicating whether the cell is visible.
Object PersistedValue Gets or sets the cell's persisted value.
EventRow Row Gets the row to which the cell belongs.
Object Value Gets or sets the cell's value.


Type Name Summary
void SetPersisted() Updates the cell to indicate that the value has been persisted.


Extension methods for casting and converting event cell values.

public static class Vinyl.Sdk.Events.EventCellConversion

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
T ConvertValueToEnum<T>(this EventCell eventCell) Converts the cell's value to an System.Enum of type T.
T ConvertValueToEnumOrDefault<T>(this EventCell eventCell, T defaultValue = null) Converts the cell's value to an System.Enum of type T. If the cell's value is null, return the defaultValue.
Boolean GetValueAsBoolean(this EventCell eventCell) Gets the cell's value as a System.Boolean.
Boolean GetValueAsBooleanOrDefault(this EventCell eventCell, Boolean defaultValue = False) Gets the cell's value as a System.Boolean. If the cell's value is null, return the defaultValue.
Byte[] GetValueAsByteArray(this EventCell eventCell) Gets the cell's value as a System.Byte array.
Byte[] GetValueAsByteArrayOrDefault(this EventCell eventCell, Byte[] defaultValue = null) Gets the cell's value as a System.Byte array. If the cell's value is null, return the defaultValue.
DateTime GetValueAsDateTime(this EventCell eventCell) Gets the cell's value as a System.DateTime.
DateTime GetValueAsDateTimeOrDefault(this EventCell eventCell, DateTime defaultValue = default(DateTime)) Gets the cell's value as a System.DateTime. If the cell's value is null, return the defaultValue.
Decimal GetValueAsDecimal(this EventCell eventCell) Gets the cell's value as a System.Decimal.
Decimal GetValueAsDecimalOrDefault(this EventCell eventCell, Decimal defaultValue = 0) Gets the cell's value as a System.Decimal. If the cell's value is null, return the defaultValue.
Double GetValueAsDouble(this EventCell eventCell) Gets the cell's value as a System.Double.
Double GetValueAsDoubleOrDefault(this EventCell eventCell, Double defaultValue = 0) Gets the cell's value as a System.Double. If the cell's value is null, return the defaultValue.
Guid GetValueAsGuid(this EventCell eventCell) Gets the cell's value as a System.Guid.
Guid GetValueAsGuidOrDefault(this EventCell eventCell, Guid defaultValue = null) Gets the cell's value as a System.Guid. If the cell's value is null, return the defaultValue.
Int32 GetValueAsInteger(this EventCell eventCell) Gets the cell's value as an System.Int32.
Int32 GetValueAsIntegerOrDefault(this EventCell eventCell, Int32 defaultValue = 0) Gets the cell's value as a System.Int32. If the cell's value is null, return the defaultValue.
Int16 GetValueAsShort(this EventCell eventCell) Gets the cell's value as a System.Int16.
Int16 GetValueAsShortOrDefault(this EventCell eventCell, Int16 defaultValue = 0) Gets the cell's value as a System.Int16. If the cell's value is null, return the defaultValue.
String GetValueAsString(this EventCell eventCell) Gets the cell's value as a System.String.
String GetValueAsStringOrDefault(this EventCell eventCell, String defaultValue = null) Gets the cell's value as a System.String. If the cell's value is null, return the defaultValue.
TimeSpan GetValueAsTimeSpan(this EventCell eventCell) Gets the cell's value as a System.TimeSpan.
TimeSpan GetValueAsTimeSpanOrDefault(this EventCell eventCell, TimeSpan defaultValue = null) Gets the cell's value as a System.TimeSpan. If the cell's value is null, return the defaultValue.


Event table column definition. Each event table column corresponds to a column definition in the logical table.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Events.EventColumn


Type Name Summary
Int32 Index Gets the zero-based column index. This value can be used to index a row's event cells.
Column Schema Gets the corresponding logical column definition.
EventTable Table Gets the event table to which the column belongs.


Represents the input to an event.

public abstract class Vinyl.Sdk.Events.EventInput


Collection of cells populated during the course of an event invocation.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Events.EventRow
    : IEnumerable<EventCell>, IEnumerable


Type Name Summary
ImmutableArray<EventCell> Cells Collection of row cells.
Guid EventRowId Gets the unique event row identifier.
Boolean IsDirty Gets a value indicating whether the row has been modified.
Boolean IsPersisted Gets a value indicating whether the row has been persisted.
EventCell Item[Column column] Gets the event cell which corresponds to the specified column.
EventCell Item[EventColumn column] Gets the event cell which corresponds to the specified column.
EventCell Item[int index] Gets the event cell which corresponds to the specified column.
EventCell Item[Guid columnId] Gets the event cell which corresponds to the specified column.
EventCell Item[string name] Gets the event cell which corresponds to the specified column.
EventTable Table Gets the event table to which the row belongs.
IReadOnlyList<EventValidationResult> ValidationResults Gets the row validation results.


Type Name Summary
EventCell GetCell(EventColumn column) Gets the cell corresponding to the specified column definition.
EventCell GetCell(Column column) Gets the cell corresponding to the specified column definition.
EventCell GetCell(Guid columnId) Gets the cell corresponding to the specified column definition.
EventCell GetCell(String name) Gets the cell corresponding to the specified column definition.
IEnumerator<EventCell> GetEnumerator()
void SetPersisted() Marks the row as persisted and sets the persisted value to the value for any dirty cells.
Boolean TryGetCell(Column column, EventCell& cell) Gets the cell corresponding to the specified column definition.
Boolean TryGetCell(Guid columnId, EventCell& cell) Gets the cell corresponding to the specified column definition.
Boolean TryGetCell(String name, EventCell& cell) Gets the cell corresponding to the specified column definition.


Extension methods for the interface.

public static class Vinyl.Sdk.Events.EventServiceExtensions

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
Task<EventRow> InvokeAggregateEventAsync(this IEventService eventService, Filter filter) Invokes the Aggregate event with the given filter specification.
Task<EventTable> InvokeCountEventAsync(this IEventService eventService, Table table) Invokes the Count event on the given table.
Task<EventTable> InvokeCountEventAsync(this IEventService eventService, Filter filter) Invokes the Count event on the given table.
Task InvokeDeleteEventAsync(this IEventService eventService, EventRow eventRow) Invokes the Delete event on the given row.
Task<EventTable> InvokeFilterEventAsync(this IEventService eventService, Table table) Invokes the Filter event on the given table.
Task<EventTable> InvokeFilterEventAsync(this IEventService eventService, Filter filter) Invokes the Filter event on the given table.
Task InvokeInsertEventAsync(this IEventService eventService, EventRow eventRow) Invokes the Insert event on the given row.
Task<EventRow> InvokeNewEventAsync(this IEventService eventService, EventTable eventTable) Creates a row in the given event table and invokes the New event on the row.
Task InvokeNewEventAsync(this IEventService eventService, EventRow eventRow) Creates a row in the given event table and invokes the New event on the row.
Task InvokeUpdateEventAsync(this IEventService eventService, EventRow eventRow) Invokes the Update event on the given row.


Collection of rows populated during the course of an event invocation.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Events.EventTable
    : IEnumerable<EventRow>, IEnumerable


Type Name Summary
ImmutableList<EventColumn> Columns Gets the event table column specifications.
Guid EventTableId Gets the event table identifier.
Filter Filter Gets the filter specification.
EventRow Item[int index] Gets the event row at the given index.
EventRow Item[Guid eventRowId] Gets the event row with the given identifier.
List<EventRow> Rows Gets the event rows.
Table Schema Gets the logical table definition.
Nullable<Int64> Total Gets or sets the total row count.


Type Name Summary
EventRow CreateRow() Creates a row and appends it to the event table.
EventColumn GetColumn(Column column) Gets the event column corresponding to the specified column definition.
EventColumn GetColumn(Guid columnId) Gets the event column corresponding to the specified column definition.
EventColumn GetColumn(String name) Gets the event column corresponding to the specified column definition.
IEnumerator<EventRow> GetEnumerator()
void SetPersisted() Marks all of the rows as persisted.
Boolean TryGetColumn(Column column, EventColumn& eventColumn) Gets the event column corresponding to the specified column definition.
Boolean TryGetColumn(Guid columnId, EventColumn& column) Gets the event column corresponding to the specified column definition.
Boolean TryGetColumn(String name, EventColumn& column) Gets the event column corresponding to the specified column definition.


Event validation result.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Events.EventValidationResult


Type Name Summary
EventCell Cell Gets the event cell to which the validation result belongs. Returns null if the result is not associated with a cell.
EventRow Row Gets the event row to which the validation result belongs.
TableValidation Validation Gets or sets the validation registration that generated the validation result.
Guid ValidationResultId Gets or sets the validation result identifier.


Provides event-related services such as invoking events.

public interface Vinyl.Sdk.Events.IEventService


Type Name Summary
EventTable EventTable CreateEventTable(Table table) Creates an event table for the given table.
Task<EventTable> InvokeEventAsync(Table table, String eventName) Invokes an event for the given table.
Task<EventTable> InvokeEventAsync(Filter filter, String eventName) Invokes an event for the given table.
Task InvokeEventAsync(EventRow eventRow, String eventName) Invokes an event for the given table.


Input for a row-level event.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Events.RowEventInput
    : EventInput


Type Name Summary
EventRow Row Gets the event row.


Input for a table-level event.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Events.TableEventInput
    : EventInput


Type Name Summary
EventTable Table Gets the event table.