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Vinyl.Sdk.Tables in Jitterbit App Builder


Logical column definition.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Tables.Column
    : IEquatable<Column>


Type Name Summary
Guid ColumnId Gets the column identifier.
Int32 Index Gets the column index. The column index represents the relative position of the column in the table.
Boolean IsPrimaryKey Gets a value indicating whether the column is a part of the primary key.
Boolean IsRequired Gets or sets a value indicating whether the column is required.
String Name Gets the logical column name.
Table Table Gets the logical table definition to which the column belongs.


Type Name Summary
Boolean Equals(Object obj)
Boolean Equals(Column other)
Int32 GetHashCode()


Describes a service which performs table-related options.

public interface Vinyl.Sdk.Tables.ITableService


Type Name Summary
Table GetTable(Guid tableId) Gets the table with the given identifier.
Boolean TryGetTable(Guid dataSourceId, String tableName, Table& table) Gets the table with the given name in the specified data source.


Logical table definition.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Tables.Table
    : IEquatable<Table>


Type Name Summary
ImmutableArray<Column> Columns Gets the table's column definitions.
String Name Gets the logical table name.
Guid TableId Gets the table identifier.


Type Name Summary
Boolean Equals(Object obj)
Boolean Equals(Table other)
Column GetColumn(Guid columnId) Gets the column with the given identifier.
Column GetColumn(String name) Gets the column with the given identifier.
Int32 GetHashCode()
Boolean TryGetColumn(Guid columnId, Column& column) Gets the column with the given identifier.
Boolean TryGetColumn(String name, Column& column) Gets the column with the given identifier.


Table action registration.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Tables.TableAction


Type Name Summary
Guid ActionId Gets the action identifier.
Int32 Index Gets the action execution order.


Type Name Summary
Boolean Equals(Object obj)
Boolean Equals(TableAction other)
Int32 GetHashCode()


Table default registration.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Tables.TableDefault


Type Name Summary
Guid DefaultId Gets the default identifier.
Int32 Index Gets the default execution order.


Type Name Summary
Boolean Equals(Object obj)
Boolean Equals(TableDefault other)
Int32 GetHashCode()


Table validation registration.

public class Vinyl.Sdk.Tables.TableValidation
    : IEquatable<TableValidation>


Type Name Summary
Int32 Index Gets the validation execution order.
Boolean IsTransient Gets a value indicating whether the validation is an ad-hoc registration created for the lifetime of the event.
String Message Gets the validation message.
TableValidationSeverity Severity Gets the validation severity.
Guid ValidationId Gets the validation identifier.


Type Name Summary
Boolean Equals(Object obj)
Boolean Equals(TableValidation other)
Int32 GetHashCode()

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
TableValidation CreateTransient(TableValidationSeverity severity) Creates an ad-hoc validation registration that exists for the lifetime of the event.


Denotes the validation severity.

public enum Vinyl.Sdk.Tables.TableValidationSeverity
    : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Value Name Summary
1 Error The validation should be treated as a failure. The event did not complete successfully.
2 Warning In non-interactive scenarios, the validation should be treated as an error. In interactive scenarios, the user should have the option to override the warning.
3 Information An information validation message should be displayed to the user after the event completes.