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Rolling total / mixed chart type in Jitterbit App Builder

This article will step you through how to create a Chart that has a Secondary Axis in App Builder. Using Secondary Axis you can present a Chart with two vertical axis showing different sets of data, in this example Sales and Historical Sales. This Chart will use the "Mixed" Chart Type to create a bar and line Rolling Total Chart.


The Mixed Chart Type does not support the ability to configure multiple Categories. If you try and configure a second Category, App Builder will display an App Builder validation error indicating "The changes could not be saved. You cannot have multiple categories when using multiple values."

How to configure a rolling total / mixed chart type

By default, App Builder assigns multiple Value Columns to the same vertical axis, which is likely not what you are attempting to do.

The first step to creating any Chart in App Builder is to have a Business Object that contains the data you want to display. For the purpose of this example we will assume we have a Business Object already created for Order (TimeSeries). This Business Object joins together two OrderTimeSeries Subqueries which provide aggregate values for Sales and Historical Sales data, along with Period data for the horizontal axis used to map out the data.


  1. Navigate to the App Workbench
  2. Click + Page
  3. Provide a Name for the Page and click Next. For example: Orders (Time Series)
  4. Select the Menu Location where you want to add the page. For example: Reports
  5. Click Next
  6. Select the Full Page layout and click Next
  7. Review the proposed updates and click Finish
  8. Click the Proceed button
  9. Select the Chart panel type and click Next
  10. Locate the Business Object created, click Select and click Next. For example: Order (TimeSeries)
  11. Review the proposed updates and click Finish
  12. Go to the Action Drawer > Design this page
  13. Select the chart
  14. Set the Chart Type to Mixed
  15. Verify the Panel Name is what you'd like to display. For example: Orders
  16. Click Save
  17. Click the Controls button to review the Controls added to the Chart, make any adjustments as needed
  18. Click the + Control button in the Controls panel
  19. Select the Column that contains data you wish to display along the first vertical axis. For example: Sales
  20. Set the Control Type as Value, and click Save
  21. In the Additional Attributes, set the appropriate Chart Type and Chart Axis information. For example: Column and Primary
  22. Click the + Control button to add in the next Control
  23. Select the Column that contains data you wish to display along the second vertical axis. For example: History
  24. Set the Control Type as Value
  25. In the Additional Attributes, set the appropriate Chart Type and Chart Axis information. For example: Line and Secondary
  26. Click the + Control button to add in the next Control
  27. Select the Column that contains the data you wish to display along the horizontal axis. For example: Period
  28. Set the Control Type to Category and make any additional display changes required. For example: If the Column is a List, input the List Control Properties information required
  29. Navigate back to the app view and refresh the screen. You should now see your Chart display with the Rolling Total with primary and secondary axis information.