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Transformation creation and configuration


This page explains the parts of a transformation, then covers creating a new transformation and accessing the menu options that are available once a transformation is created.

If you don't want to transform data and instead pass through data unchanged, you don't need to add a transformation. Valid operation patterns are provided in Validation patterns under Operation validity.

Parts of a transformation

A transformation consists of source and target schemas that have been defined in the transformation and the transformation mapping that generates the output. A transformation does not include the input or output data itself.

Source and target schemas

A source schema is required only when an adjacent source activity provides input data that needs to be transformed. A target schema is always required.

Source and target schemas are either provided by an adjacent activity or defined in the transformation, with a schema provided by an adjacent activity taking precedence. Schemas provided by adjacent activities are not part of the transformation. More information about schemas is provided in the Schemas section.

Input and output data

A transformation does not include the input or output data itself. Any of these inputs can be used to supply data to the transformation:

  • Variables
  • Custom values and expressions
  • Script logic on a target field or condition node
  • Data from a source activity

These inputs can be used by themselves or in combination with other inputs. If input data from an adjacent source activity needs to be mapped or transformed, a source schema defining the structure of the input data must be provided.

The output of the transformation is the result of the target mapping. This resulting data must conform to a target schema, consisting of a minimum of one field. The transformation must map to at least one field in the target schema to result in output data from the transformation. For details on completing a mapping, see Transformation mapping.

Create a transformation

A new transformation can be created from these locations:

New transformations are created with the default name New Transformation. Subsequent new transformations with default names are appended with an incremented number in parentheses.

On creating a new transformation, the transformation configuration screen opens. The first time you access a transformation, it opens in mapping mode. For details on completing transformation mappings, see Transformation mapping.

Transformation actions menu

After a transformation is created, menu actions for that transformation are accessible from these locations:

Each of these menu actions is available:

Menu Item
view edit View/Edit opens the transformation configuration screen in one of three display modes — mapping mode (default), script mode, or preview mode — depending on which display mode you were last using to access the transformation.
cut Cut places a copy of the transformation on your clipboard and deletes the original transformation from the project (see Component reuse).
copy Copy places a copy of the transformation on your clipboard (see Component reuse).
rename Rename positions the cursor on the transformation name for you to make any edits as necessary.
view dependencies View Dependencies changes the view in the project pane to display any other parts of the project that the transformation is dependent on (see Component dependencies, deletion, and removal).
add to group Add to Group opens a dialog to create a new custom group or to add the transformation to an existing group (see Component groups).
delete Delete permanently deletes the transformation (see Component dependencies, deletion, and removal).
remove Remove removes references to the transformation as an operation step on the design canvas (see Component dependencies, deletion, and removal).