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Configure a PostgreSQL database target

The PostgreSQL ODBC driver should already be available on your Jitterbit Server as the Jitterbit Server currently uses PostgreSQL to store internal data.

The definition of PostgreSQL database sources and targets in the Jitterbit Integration Environment is as follows:

  • Select the Driver (typically called PostgreSQL)

  • Enter the Server Name (name or IP address of the database server)

  • Enter the Database Name (Name of the database Jitterbit needs to access)

  • Enter Login and Password (user credentials for Jitterbit to access the database with).

Client encoding

If you get the error 'client encoding mismatch' when you test the connection to a PostgreSQL database, it means the encoding that the PostgreSQL server you are connecting to is using a different encoding than the default one assumed by the PostgreSQL driver.

  • Either use a different driver or add the following to the "Additional Connection String Parameters": ConnSettings=SET CLIENT_ENCODING to 'LATIN1'

  • On Windows, set the client encoding to WIN1251.

Linux users

When running the Jitterbit server on Linux, always use the PostgreSQL driver installed by Jitterbit. The PostgreSQL driver installed with many distributions as part of unixODBC does not work well with Jitterbit and produces many errors.