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Connect to Microsoft Access

  • Microsoft Office must be installed on the same computer or VM on which the Jitterbit private agent is running.

  • Connecting to Microsoft Access is only available on Jitterbit private agents installed on Windows OS.

  • The Jitterbit team has not tested Linux ODBC drivers for Microsoft Access.

  • The Microsoft Access ODBC driver is typically installed as part of Windows.

  • If your database is an Access 2007 or later database with the .accdb extension, you may have to obtain a later version of the ODBC driver by installing the Microsoft Access Database Engine Redistributable.

  • After installing the new ODBC driver, click the Select button to open the Select Driver dialog, then click the Refresh button. A new entry for "Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)" should appear in the list:


  • When defining the Microsoft Access sources or targets in Jitterbit Studio, you should use the option Construct connection string manually, available after clicking the Options button.

  • Define the connection string using the format

  • Examples:



  • If the database has no password, you can define just the driver and the path:

    Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=C:\myfolder\mydatabase.accdb;

    Replace the example path "C:\myfolder\mydatabase.accdb" with the path and filename of your Access database.

  • If the database has a password:

    Driver={Microsoft Access Driver(*.mdb, *accdb)};DBQ=C:\myfolder\mydatabase.accdb;UID=username;PWD=password;

    Replace the example path, username, and password with the correct values for your Access database.

  • For the Jitterbit Cloud Data Loader:

    • Use the Manual Connection String Option

    • Create an ODBC System Data Source on the Windows PC (for example, called JitterbitTest)

    • Your connection string is then:
