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Set up DB2 on iseries using a JDBC driver


You can connect to DB2 on iSeries using either a JDBC or ODBC driver. Using a JDBC driver allows you to use additional features, such as being able to provide a manual query. This page covers instructions are for the JTOpen (AS400) and JCC JDBC drivers.


A few customers have experienced issues connecting to DB2 on iSeries using the JDBC driver. In these cases, the issues were resolved by using the ODBC driver.

Install and configure a DB2 JDBC driver (as400)

  1. Download JTOpen. The ZIP file includes the JDBC driver file jt400.jar.

  2. Install the driver in Jitterbit by unzipping the download and then copying the jt400.jar file to <JITTERBIT_HOME>/tomcat/drivers/lib/, replacing <JITTERBIT_HOME> with the path to your private agent root directory.

  3. Edit the file <JITTERBIT_HOME>/JdbcDrivers.conf and add this driver entry:

    <Name>IBM DB2</Name>
  4. Restart the Jitterbit Tomcat server service.

  5. The newly installed driver should now be available in Design Studio. During configuration of a source or target database, select IBM DB2 (AS400) [JDBC] from the driver selection list.

  6. Under Options, enter a manual connection string, replacing this example with your own host, libraries, and database name (if applicable):

    Sample Connection String
    jdbc:as400://;libraries=LIB1;Database=S12345;socket timeout=30000

Install and configure a DB2 JDBC driver (JCC)


IBM's JCC driver requires a license file db2jcc_license_cisuz-XX.jar. If you do not have a license file, you will need to obtain one or use the JTOpen (AS400) library instead.

  1. Download JCC from IBM's DB2 JDBC Driver Versions and Downloads. The TAR.GZ file includes a ZIP file with the JDBC driver file db2jcc4.jar.


    The driver file db2jcc.jar uses the JDBC 3 specification and is deprecated. Use the driver file db2jcc4.jar, which uses the JDBC 4 specification instead.

  2. Install the driver on a private agent by extracting the download and then copying the file db2jcc4.jar to <JITTERBIT_HOME>/tomcat/drivers/lib/, replacing <JITTERBIT_HOME> with the path to your private agent root directory.

  3. Edit the file <JITTERBIT_HOME>/JdbcDrivers.conf and add this driver entry:

    <Name>IBM DB2 JCC Driver</Name>
  4. Locate and copy your IBM-provided license file db2jcc_license_cisuz-XX.jar to <JITTERBIT_HOME>/tomcat/shared/lib/.

  5. Edit the file <JITTERBIT_HOME>/tomcat/conf/ and add this entry if not present:

  6. Restart the Jitterbit Tomcat server service.

  7. The newly installed driver should now be available in Design Studio. During configuration of a source or target database, select IBM DB2 (JCC) [JDBC] from the driver selection list.

  8. Under Options, enter a manual connection string, replacing this example with your own host and database name (if applicable):

    Sample Connection String