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Export source and target settings

In some situations, you may want the changes made to a particular source or target to be applied to other sources and/or targets in your project. Here are a couple of examples:

Example 1:

When you import a Jitterpak, all passwords for fileshares, databases, etc, are blanked out for security purposes. If you have several database sources/targets using the same password, you can enter the password into one of those sources/targets, and then export the password settings to all applicable sources/targets.

Example 2:

You switch to a new file share server. Update the new path and login information in one of your existing sources/targets, and export the new settings to all applicable sources/targets.


There are a couple of restrictions on exporting settings. You can only export settings between sources and targets of the same type. The settings from a file share source can be exported to other file share sources and targets, but not to database sources or targets. All settings are not available for export. The following list shows what settings are exportable for each source and target type:

  • Database: Driver, Server, Database, Login, Password, Additional Parameters, Manual Connection String
  • Fileshare: Path, Login, Password
  • FTP: Host, Port, Path, Login, Password
  • HTTP: URL, Login, Password
  • LDAP: Server, Login, Password, Base Name, Port, Security Level

To export settings, right-click on the source or target from which you want to export the settings, and choose Export Settings from the context menu. This launches a dialog that displays the settings that can be exported, and the available sources and targets to which the settings can be exported. Choose what settings to include in the export by checking the corresponding checkboxes. Some of the settings are pre-selected by default. In the list, select the sources and targets which are to receive the settings. CTRL-A will select all entries in the list. Click OK to export the settings. Note that the OK button is only enabled if at least one setting has been checked, and at least one source or target has been selected. All items to which the settings were exported are saved automatically.