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Create a Temporary Storage source


Temporary Storage is a built-in location, such as a source, that can be used as a temporary repository of files. A temporary storage location is referenced by a path which points to a folder in a temporary directory on the private agent or cloud agent.

For details on where files and folders are located and the considerations when using Temporary Storage, see Temporary Storage.


Before you can use the trigger file feature of a Temporary Storage source (see the Options below), you must have enabled Local File Location on your Jitterbit private agent. See Enabling local file location for details.

Create a Temporary Storage source

You can choose to create a new Temporary Storage source on its own, or within an existing operation. For more information on how sources work within operations, see Creating an operation.

Create a new Temporary Storage source as a standalone source

Within your project in Jitterbit Design Studio, you create a new Temporary Storage source by any of:

  • Go to File > New > New Source; or

  • In the tree on the left, right-click on Sources and select New Source; or

  • In the top toolbar, click the green source icon attachment.

In the popup, select Temporary Storage as the type:


Your new source appears in its own New Source tab in the right pane of the window.


If you create a standalone source using any of these methods, note that it is not connected to an operation. See Use an existing Temporary Storage source in an existing operation below to use the new source.

Create a new Temporary Storage source in an existing operation

A source is usually created by default when you create a new operation. (The exception is an operation that consists only of a script.) With an existing operation, you can specify the type of its source by:

  • Double-clicking on the source icon; in the popup, select Create New Source; or

  • Right-clicking on the source icon and selecting Create New Source.

In the configuration screen that appears, use the Type dropdown to select Temporary Storage, as shown above.

Use an existing Temporary Storage source in an existing operation

To use an existing Temporary Storage source in an existing operation with a source, you can set it by any of:

  • Within the operation, double-clicking on the source icon, and in the resulting popup, selecting the desired Temporary Storage source from the list; or

  • Within the operation, right-clicking on the source icon, choosing Select Existing Source, and in the resulting popup, selecting the desired Temporary Storage source from the list; or

  • Dragging the desired Temporary Storage source from the tree on the left and dropping it onto the existing source icon of the operation.

Configure a Temporary Storage source

After you have created a Temporary Storage source, the configuration screen will open in the main view of Design Studio. You can return to the configuration screen at any time by double-clicking on the source icon in the operation, or by double-clicking on the source in the tree on the left.

Basic configuration

The configuration screen will appear similar to this example:


  • Name: Enter an appropriate, unique name for the source.
  • Type: Use the dropdown to select Temporary Storage, if it is not already specified.
  • Connection Parameters: Specify the details for your local file connection:

    • Path(s) (Optional): Enter a string in the Path(s) field.

      • Characters that cannot be used in a file name (such as *, ?, <) are not allowed. Either '/'or '\' can be used as path separators.
      • Multiple paths can be specified, using comma-separated values. These are to be directories on the machines where the agent is installed.
      • This field is optional; if specified, it should be a path that will be globally unique, as any user of the same agent can read files from temporary storage.
    • Get Files: Enter the name of the source file(s) that you want to read from within the directory specified in Folder(s). This field may also include an asterisk * to use as a wildcard (for example, *.txt or *.*) or a question mark ? to match exactly one character (for example, file?.txt). Variables may also be used in this field. If specifying a compressed file (ZIP), see the "Compression" section of the additional connection parameters under Options below. The compressed file can automatically be uncompressed and read.

    • Filter Options: Allows specifying if filename case should be ignored or if the Get Files information should be treated as a regular expression.
  • Test Connection: Clicking the attachment button will test the Temporary Storage source; it will only fail if the path is not a valid file name on the operating system where the Jitterbit agent is running.

  • Click the Save button in either the main toolbar or the target's toolbar to save the configuration.


Additional connection parameters can be specified by clicking the Options at the bottom of the Connection Parameters section:


  • Character Encoding: Used to specify a character encoding for the source file(s). If left blank, Jitterbit will attempt to detect the encoding. To specify a different encoding than that default, insert one of the supported encodings described in Character encoding.
  • Trigger File: Use this to specify a trigger file to initiate processing of the source file(s). The trigger file is deleted when processing starts.

    • After selecting the Use Trigger checkbox, specify an Absolute file path to a file whose presence will trigger processing.
    • Variables (though not wildcards) may be used in this field.
    • As the trigger file is deleted as processing starts, the trigger file cannot be the same file as a source file being processed.
    • Once the operation starts, the operation will poll, looking for the trigger file. Polling time interval is fixed at one second.
    • The trigger file is deleted as processing starts.
    • If the trigger file is not found, the operation will keep attempting to find the trigger file until the operation times out.
    • Setting a trigger file blocks any operation or script that uses the source until either the trigger file condition is satisfied or the operation times out.
  • After Processing:

    • If the Delete File checkbox is checked, the source file(s) will be deleted after they have been processed.
    • If a value is specified in the Rename File field, the file will be renamed using the pattern supplied. Variables may be used in this field.
    • Only one of deleting or renaming is accepted; if the Delete File checkbox is checked, Rename File will be disabled and ignored. If the Rename File is empty, it will be ignored. If left as the default, no post-processing of source files will take place.
  • Ignore Lines: The indicated numbers of first and last lines that are to be ignored for each file. If there are headers or footers to be ignored, enter the number of lines into the First and Last fields as appropriate.


    This setting does not take effect when a Temporary Storage source is referenced from a script using the ReadFile or WriteFile functions.

  • Compression: If the checkbox for The source data is compressed is checked, source files will be uncompressed using the ZIP format. A Password (for encrypted archives) can be specified. Only reading from the root directory of the archive is supported.