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Source loop node

Multiple occurrence of source loop node

A loop node is a multi-instance node and plays a vital role in defining the transformation. Each target loop node has a corresponding source loop node, i.e., generating the target loop node depends on the multiplicity of the source loop node.

Resolve a multiple occurrence conflict of mapping error

Defining the mapping so that the generated target loop node depends on more than one source loop node results in a conflict of mapping error. To resolve this error, check the structure definition. If all the nodes are defined as "ZERO or MORE," this would indicate a possible mislabeling of the multiplicities. If the conflict still exists after correctly defining the structure, resolve the conflict by using the instance resolving functions.


Source tree with multiple segments.
<Root> (Occurs - once only)
<Segment 1> (Occurs - 0 or more)
<Segment 2> (Occurs - 0 or more)
<Segment 3> (Occurs - 0 or more)