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Test a transformation

After reviewing your Source data elements' contents, you can test the transformation.


Testing a Transformation cannot be performed unless you have first tested the Source data. The maximum limit on the size of an individual record while testing is (as of Jitterbit Design Studio version 9.5) 384 KB compressed, or approximately 512K uncompressed. There is no limit on record sizes while running a transformation in production.

  • Click the wrench button in the Transformation toolbar, select Test, then choose Transformation from the sub-menu.

  • The Source content is transformed according to your Transformation mappings, and the subsequent Target values are loaded into the Target tree. The Target data elements' values are placed to the right of their corresponding data elements (see the figure below).

  • As with the Source pane, you can toggle through a multi-entry Target element's values by clicking the appropriate folder's 1 of N control. Shift-click to see the previous instance and right-click to jump to an arbitrary instance. In the example shown below, the folder was clicked once to display the second of four sets of values.
