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Transformation mapping

After you use the Transformation Wizard to define and configure a transformation's source and target, the Transformation screen appears. It is in this screen where you establish a relationship between the appropriate fields and/or records (also known as data elements or elements) of your source and target. Mapping is the process of selecting which source data element relates to which target data element.

Jitterbit provides very robust mapping capabilities, including the ability to resolve hierarchical-to-flat ("instance") mapping, flat-to-hierarchical ("multiple") mapping, pre-conditions, and more.

How to map source and target fields

  • Select the desired element in the Source pane.

  • Select the corresponding target data element in the Target pane.

  • Click the Map button to save their mapped relationship. To use the Map shortcut, select the source data element, then double-click the target data element. This will automatically map the relationship.

  • The mapped relationship appears in the Map table beneath the Transformation toolbar.

  • Optional: If you need to manipulate the value of the source data element relative to the target data element (e.g., convert US dollars to Euros), click the Formula button to launch the Formula Builder.

  • Click the Save button in either the main toolbar or the transformation's toolbar.

What's next?

After mapping the relationship between your source and target elements, you can: