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Jitterbit variables in Design Studio


Jitterbit variables are one of the three types of global data elements available in Harmony. (The two other types of global data elements—global variables and project variables—are also available globally throughout a project. They are set differently, as described in Global variables and Project variables.)

The Jitterbit variables are always available throughout your project. They are predefined by Jitterbit or set in the Jitterbit configuration file.

The most common use cases for Jitterbit variables are to read a variable so that you can gather information about what occurred during an operation or to fetch global information such as the name of the current source file. Less frequently, Jitterbit variables are written to when changing default settings used for processing the operation chain.

If a Jitterbit variable affects the way a function works, it must be set upstream of the function call. Upstream operations or scripts are those that are linked within an operation chain using operation actions or the RunOperation or RunScript functions. Upstream in this context also refers to changing the Jitterbit variable's value in the same script, but before the function call.

As these variables are predefined variables, projects very rarely create or change the default value of a Jitterbit variable. However, when using a private agent, Jitterbit variables can be created or their default value modified. See Create new variables or set defaults on private agents below for details.

Refer to these pages for documentation on the predefined Jitterbit variables:

Display of Jitterbit variables

When designing your project, Jitterbit variables are available in the Data Elements tab of the script builder accessible from the scripts and transformations screens. Each Jitterbit variable predefined by Jitterbit is documented on a page under this section.

Set Jitterbit variables in scripts or transformations

While the most common use case for Jitterbit variables is to read information, there are some Jitterbit variables that you may want to set in order to communicate something to an agent. In Integration Studio, Jitterbit variables can be set using either Jitterbit Script or JavaScript, in the same way that any global variable can be set.


Refer to the documentation for each Jitterbit variable for information on which variables can be set and what they can be set to.

Jitterbit Script

In Jitterbit Script used within scripts and transformations, the value of a Jitterbit variable can be set by beginning with a dollar sign $ or by calling the Set() function.

  • $: Using the dollar sign $ syntax, $jitterbit.api.response="Success" sets the API response (jitterbit.api.response) to return the string "Success" to the requesting application.
  • Set: Using the Set() function, Set("jitterbit.api.response", "Success") sets the API response (jitterbit.api.response) to return the string "Success" to the requesting application.

In scripts and transformations, Jitterbit variables will also be displayed in the Variables tab of the script component palette, inside the Jitterbit Variables sub-tab.


In JavaScript used within scripts created as a project component, Jitterbit variables predefined by Jitterbit are able to be set only with the Jitterbit.SetVar() function. This is because all Jitterbit variables predefined by Jitterbit contain periods within the variable name.

  • Jitterbit.SetVar: Using Jitterbit.SetVar, the code example Jitterbit.SetVar("$jitterbit.api.response", "Success") sets the API response to return the string "Success" to the requesting application.

In scripts and transformations, Jitterbit variables will also be displayed in the Variables tab of the script component palette, inside the Jitterbit Variables sub-tab.


The JavaScript Jitterbit.SetVar and Jitterbit.GetVar functions are designed specifically to access the predefined Jitterbit variables. They are not to be used to access user-defined global variables.

In JavaScript, do not mix and match your usage of SetVar (and GetVar) with $-prefacing when setting (and retrieving) a variable. Use only one syntax. Mixing the two different syntaxes for the same variable can cause issues at runtime.

Retrieve Jitterbit variables in scripts or transformations

The value of a Jitterbit variable can be returned using either Jitterbit Script (in scripts or transformations) or using JavaScript (only in scripts created as a project component) in the same way a global variable can be retrieved.


There is a known issue that mapping variables with periods in the variable name don't work correctly, resulting in an incorrect target field mapping in the transformation. Until this issue is resolved, Jitterbit variables are unable to be directly referenced within a transformation. Scripting can be used to create a workaround mechanism to pass values.

Jitterbit Script

In scripts and transformations, you can begin with a dollar sign $ or use the Get() function to retrieve the value of a Jitterbit variable:

  • $: Prefixed with a dollar sign $, the code example $jitterbit.operation.error retrieves the value of the Jitterbit variable "jitterbit.operation.error".
  • Get: Using the Get() function, the code example Get("jitterbit.operation.error") returns the same value.

In scripts and transformations, Jitterbit variables will also be displayed in the Variables tab of the script component palette, inside the Jitterbit Variables sub-tab.


In JavaScript scripts within an operation, Jitterbit variables predefined by Jitterbit are able to be accessed only with the Jitterbit.SetVar() and Jitterbit.GetVar() functions. This is because all Jitterbit variables predefined by Jitterbit contain periods within the variable name.

  • Jitterbit.GetVar: Using Jitterbit.GetVar, the code example Jitterbit.GetVar("$jitterbit.operation.error") returns the value of the Jitterbit variable called "jitterbit.operation.error". Note that a leading dollar sign $ is optional before the name when retrieving values. The names and $ are equivalent when retrieving values.


The JavaScript Jitterbit.SetVar and Jitterbit.GetVar functions are designed specifically to access the predefined Jitterbit variables. They are not to be used to access user-defined global variables.

In JavaScript, do not mix and match your usage of SetVar (and GetVar) with $-prefacing when setting (and retrieving) a variable. Use only one syntax. Mixing the two different syntaxes for the same variable can cause issues at runtime.

In scripts and transformations, Jitterbit variables will also be displayed in the Variables tab of the script component palette, inside the Jitterbit Variables sub-tab.

Use Jitterbit variables in definition screens

In a definition screen (during the configuration of sources or targets), you can reference Jitterbit variables using the [JitterbitVariableName] syntax.

For example, if you're using the Jitterbit variable as part of a filename or as a property of a different object that is not in a script, then you can reference it using brackets such as [jitterbit.source.filename].

Create new variables or set defaults on private agents

Those using private agents can programatically change the default behavior of Jitterbit variables as well as create new Jitterbit variables through the private agent configuration file. However, note that this is used only in rare use cases implemented by advanced users. Most use cases can be handled by creating a project variable rather than a Jitterbit variable.

Changing default values or creating new Jitterbit variables is done from these sections of the private agent configuration file:

  • [PredefinedGlobalVariables]
    Check or change default values for Jitterbit variables.

  • [PredefinedServerGlobalDataElement]
    Define your own custom Jitterbit variables and default values.

Jitterbit variable names can be composed of these characters: letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), periods, and underscores. Other characters are not recommended and may cause issues.


Upon upgrading a private agent, the configuration file is preserved, and is not overwritten with the latest version.


When creating new Jitterbit variables, using periods in a variable name is not recommended if you plan to access them with JavaScript. Instead, it is recommended that you create Jitterbit variables that do not contain periods and instead use underscores in place of periods. Refer to information on global variables, which is also applicable to Jitterbit variables.

For more information about editing or creating Jitterbit variables, see Edit the configuration file (jitterbit.conf).