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Create a web service method (example)

Create the web service method

  • From the menu on the left, right click on Web Service Methods and choose New Web Service Method.


  • Name: Get Stock Quote

  • Choose Select a WSDL From a URL and enter:

  • Click Next.

  • From the drop down list at the top of the next screen, Choose: GetQuote (SOAP1.1).

  • Click Next.

  • Click Finish.

Create an operation

  • Right-click on Operation and choose New Operation.

  • Choose Web Service Call as your operation type and click Continue.


  • Right click on Source and Target and remove them from the graph.

  • Drag the Web Service Call that you created in the previous step into the Middle Box.


  • Double click on the Request transformation (left) and click the CreateNew Transformation button in the dialog box.

  • Select None at the bottom of the list for the source.

  • Click Finish.

  • Expand the tree on the left side of the transformation.

  • Double click on StockSymbol field.


  • Enter "CRM" between the <trans> and </trans> tags and click OK.


  • Double-click on the LicenseKey field; enter "0" between the <trans> and </trans> tags and click OK.


  • Double-click on the Response transformation (right) and click the Create New Transformation button in the dialog box.

  • Choose XML as your target and click Next.

  • Choose Create a new XML structure from a sample file and click next.

  • Using the browse button, navigate to the sample XML file that you have been provided: Sample XML File


  • Click Generate the XSD and click Next.

  • Uncheck the box on the next screen and click finish.


  • On the transformation screen, click the Automap function to map all the fields automatically.


  • Double click on the operation name and rename it to: Get Stock Quote


  • Click OK.

  • For writing the results of the stock to the log file, view this video:

The video Harmony Starter Pack, Part 3: How to Call a Web Service in Jitterbit demonstrates these steps: