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Detalles de Conexión de Dynamics GP


Versión del conector

Esta documentación se basa en la versión 21.0.8361 del conector.


Compatibilidad con la versión de Dynamics GP

El conector admite el acceso de lectura a Dynamics GP 2010, 2013 y 2015 a través de las APIs de servicios web de Dynamics GP. Los servicios web deben estar habilitados para su instancia.

Establecer una Conexión

Conexión a Dynamics GP

Para conectar establecer el URL al extremo de los servicios web; Por ejemplo, http://{servername}:{port}/Dynamics/GPService. Además, establezca CompanyId; puede obtener este valor en la ventana de configuración de la empresa: Haga clic en Herramientas -> Configuración -> Compañía.

Autenticación a Dynamics GP

El origen de datos de Dynamics GP admite los siguientes métodos de autenticación: autenticación anónima, autenticación WS-Security (WSS), autenticación básica, autenticación de usuario NTLM, resumen y negociación (Kerberos).

Autenticación Anónima

En algunas situaciones, se puede conectar Dynamics GP sin establecer ninguna propiedad de conexión de autenticación. Para hacerlo, simplemente configure AuthScheme a "Ninguno", y ya está listo para conectarse.

Autenticar Usando la Autenticación WS-Security (wss)

Selecciona el User y Password para conectar y configurar AuthScheme a "WSS".

Nota: La autenticación WSS es el esquema de autenticación predeterminado.

Autenticar Utilizando la Autenticación Básica

Selecciona el User y Password para conectar y configurar AuthScheme a "Básico".

Autenticar Usando Windows (ntlm)

Configurar las Windows User y Password para conectar y configurar AuthScheme a "NTLM".

Autenticar Mediante Autenticación Implícita

Selecciona el User y Password para conectar y configurar AuthScheme digerir".

Autenticarse Mediante la Autenticación Kerberos

Consulte Uso de Kerberos para obtener detalles sobre cómo autenticarse con Kerberos.

Ajuste Fino del Acceso a Datos

El conector devuelve resúmenes de datos de forma predeterminada para ahorrar rendimiento. Colocar LookupIds a true para devolver detalles como elementos de línea; sin embargo, tenga en cuenta que las entidades deben recuperarse de una en una.

Uso de Kerberos

Esta sección muestra cómo usar el conector para autenticarse en Dynamics GP mediante Kerberos.

Autenticación con Kerberos

Para autenticarse en Dynamics GP mediante Kerberos, establezca las siguientes propiedades:

  • AuthScheme: Establézcalo en NEGOTIATE.
  • KerberosKDC: Establézcalo en host name or IP Address de su máquina Kerberos KDC.
  • KerberosRealm: Establézcalo en the realm of the Dynamics GP Kerberos principal. Este será el valor después del símbolo '@' (por ejemplo, EXAMPLE.COM) de principal value (por ejemplo, ServiceName/MyHost@EXAMPLE.COM).
  • KerberosSPN: Establézcalo en service and host of the Dynamics GP Kerberos Principal. Este será el valor antes del símbolo '@' (por ejemplo, ServiceName/MyHost) de principal value (por ejemplo, ServiceName/MyHost@EXAMPLE.COM).

Recuperar el Ticket de Kerberos

Puede utilizar una de las siguientes opciones para recuperar el vale de Kerberos necesario.

Archivo de Caché de Credenciales MIT Kerberos

Esta opción le permite utilizar el administrador de tickets MIT Kerberos o el comando kinit para obtener tickets. Tenga en cuenta que usted no necesitará configurar el User o Password propiedades de conexión con esta opción.

  1. Asegúrese de tener una variable de ambiente creada llamada KRB5CCNAME.
  2. Configure el KRB5CCNAME variable de ambiente a una ruta que apunta a su credential cache file (por ejemplo, C:\krb_cache\krb5cc_0 o /tmp/krb5cc_0). Este archivo se creará al generar su ticket con MIT Kerberos Ticket Manager.
  3. Para obtener un ticket, abra la aplicación MIT Kerberos Ticket Manager, haga clic en Get Ticket, enter your principal name and password, then click OK. Si tiene éxito, la información del ticket aparecerá en Kerberos Ticket Manager y ahora se almacenará en el archivo de caché de credenciales.
  4. Ahora que se ha creado el archivo de caché de credenciales, el conector usará el archivo de caché para obtener el vale kerberos para conectarse a Dynamics GP.

Como alternativa a la configuración de KRB5CCNAME variable de ambiente, puede establecer directamente la ruta del archivo usando KerberosTicketCache propiedad. Cuando se configura, el conector usará el archivo de caché especificado para obtener el vale de Kerberos para conectarse a Dynamics GP.

Archivo de Tabla de Claves

Si no se ha configurado la variable de entorno KRB5CCNAME, puede recuperar un ticket de Kerberos usando un Keytab File. Para hacer esto, configure User propiedad al nombre de usuario deseado y configure KerberosKeytabFile propiedad a una ruta de archivo que apunta al archivo keytab asociado con el usuario.

Usuario y Contraseña

Si no se han establecido ni la variable de entorno KRB5CCNAME ni la propiedad KerberosKeytabFile, puede recuperar un boleto usando un User and Password combination. Para hacer esto, configure User y Password propiedades a la combinación de usuario/contraseña que usa para autenticarse con Dynamics GP.

Autenticación Entre Reinos

Los ambientes de Kerberos más complejos pueden requerir la autenticación entre dominios donde se utilizan múltiples dominios y servidores KDC (por ejemplo, donde se usa un dominio/KDC para la autenticación del usuario y otro dominio/KDC para obtener el ticket de servicio).

En tal ambiente, el KerberosRealm y KerberosKDC las propiedades se pueden establecer en los valores necesarios para la autenticación del usuario. El KerberosServiceRealm y KerberosServiceKDC las propiedades se pueden configurar a los valores requeridos para obtener el ticket de servicio.

Notas Importantes

Procedimientos Almacenados

  • Las funciones de procedimientos almacenados descritas en esta documentación no se admiten actualmente.
  • Debido a que los procedimientos almacenados no se admiten actualmente, cualquier característica que dependa de los procedimientos almacenados tampoco se admite actualmente.

Archivos de Configuración y Sus Rutas

  • Todas las referencias a la adición de archivos de configuración y sus rutas se refieren a archivos y ubicaciones en Harmony Agente donde está instalado el conector. Estas rutas deben ajustarse según corresponda según el agente y el sistema operativo. Si se utilizan varios agentes en un grupo de agentes, se requerirán archivos idénticos en cada agente.

Características Avanzadas

Esta sección detalla una selección de funciones avanzadas del conector Dynamics GP.

Vistas definidas por el usuario

El conector le permite definir tablas virtuales, llamadas vistas definidas por el usuario, cuyo contenido se decide mediante una consultar preconfigurada. Estas vistas son útiles cuando no puede controlar directamente las consultas que se envían a los controladores. Consulte Vistas definidas por el usuario para obtener una descripción general de la creación y configuración de vistas personalizadas.

Configuración SSL

Usar Configuración SSL para ajustar cómo el conector maneja las negociaciones de certificados TLS/SSL. Puede elegir entre varios formatos de certificado; ver el SSLServerCert propiedad en "Opciones de cadena de conexión" para obtener más información.


Para configurar el conector mediante Configuración de proxy de Agente Privado, Selecciona el Use Proxy Settings casilla de verificación en la pantalla de configuración de la conexión.

Vistas Definidas por el Usuario

El conector Jitterbit para Dynamics GP le permite definir una tabla virtual cuyo contenido se decide mediante una consultar preconfigurada. Estas se denominan Vistas definidas por el usuario, que son útiles en situaciones en las que no puede controlar directamente la consultar que se envía al controlador, por ejemplo, cuando se utiliza el controlador de Jitterbit. Las vistas definidas por el usuario se pueden utilizar para definir predicados que siempre se aplican. Si especifica predicados adicionales en la consultar a la vista, se combinan con la consultar ya definida como parte de la vista.

Hay dos formas de crear vistas definidas por el usuario:

  • Cree un archivo de configuración con formato JSON que defina las vistas que desea.
  • Declaraciones DDL.

Definición de Vistas Utilizando un Archivo de Configuración

Las vistas definidas por el usuario se definen en un archivo de configuración con formato JSON llamado UserDefinedViews.json. El conector detecta automáticamente las vistas especificadas en este archivo.

También puede tener múltiples definiciones de vista y controlarlas usando UserDefinedViews propiedad de conexión. Cuando utiliza esta propiedad, el conector solo ve las vistas especificadas.

Este archivo de configuración de vista definida por el usuario tiene el siguiente formato:

  • Cada elemento raíz define el nombre de una vista.
  • Cada elemento raíz contiene un elemento hijo, llamado query, que contiene la consultar SQL personalizada para la vista.

Por ejemplo:

    "MyView": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM Customer WHERE MyColumn = 'value'"
    "MyView2": {
        "query": "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Id IN (1,2,3)"

Utilizar el UserDefinedViews propiedad de conexión para especificar la ubicación de su archivo de configuración JSON. Por ejemplo:

"UserDefinedViews", "C:\Users\yourusername\Desktop\tmp\UserDefinedViews.json"

Esquema para Vistas Definidas por el Usuario

Las vistas definidas por el usuario se exponen en UserViews esquema por defecto. Esto se hace para evitar que el nombre de la vista entre en conflicto con una entidad real en el modelo de datos. Puede cambiar el nombre del esquema utilizado para UserViews configurando UserViewsSchemaName propiedad.

Trabajar con Vistas Definidas por el Usuario

Por ejemplo, una instrucción SQL con una vista definida por el usuario llamada UserViews.RCustomers solo enumera clientes en Raleigh:

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = 'Raleigh';

Un ejemplo de una consultar al controlador:

SELECT * FROM UserViews.RCustomers WHERE Status = 'Active';

Dando como resultado la consultar efectiva a la fuente:

SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE City = 'Raleigh' AND Status = 'Active';

Ese es un ejemplo muy simple de una consultar a una vista definida por el usuario que es efectivamente una combinación de la consultar de vista y la definición de vista. Es posible componer estas consultas en patrones mucho más complejos. Todas las operaciones de SQL están permitidas en ambas consultas y se combinan cuando corresponde.

Configuración SSL

Personalización de la Configuración SSL

De forma predeterminada, el conector intenta negociar SSL/TLS comparando el certificado del servidor con el almacén de certificados de confianza del sistema.

Para especificar otro certificado, consulte SSLServerCert propiedad de los formatos disponibles para hacerlo.

Modelo de Datos

El conector Jitterbit para Dynamics GP modela entidades de Dynamics GP en vistas relacionales o tablas de solo lectura. Las tablas se determinan automáticamente en función de los metadatos que recupera el conector cuando se conecta. Cualquier cambio que realice en su cuenta de Dynamics GP, como crear un campo personalizado o cambiar su tipo de datos, se refleja en la reconexión.

Puntos de vista muestra algunas definiciones de vista de muestra incluidas en el ambiente de desarrollo de Dynamics GP. Las vistas reales disponibles dependerán de su cuenta.

Ejecución de inserciones

Algunas de las entidades que se exponen como tablas admiten operaciones de inserción. Por ejemplo, para insertar un nuevo Cliente en el Cliente table ejecutamos la siguiente consultar:

INSERT INTO Customer(Id, Name, Comment1, Comment2) VALUES('TEST_CST', 'Name', 'Comment1', 'Comment2')

Ejecución de Inserciones Utilizando Tablas Temporales

Al insertar, puede encontrar columnas que terminan con la palabra clave "Agregado". Estas columnas solo aceptarán valores de tabla temporales. Si usa tablas temporales, deben definirse e insertarse dentro de la misma conexión. Cerrar la conexión borrará cualquier tabla temporal en la memoria. Por ejemplo, al insertar una nueva factura de ventas, también se deben insertar las líneas de ventas. Las líneas de venta están expuestas en SalesInvoice tabla como la columna LinesAggregate. Primero tenemos que encontrar la vista secundaria que corresponde a la columna LinesAggregate. En este caso, la vista es SalesInvoiceLines. Utilizando el nombre de la vista de nuestra tabla temporal y sus columnas como referencia a los atributos de las líneas de ventas, primero insertaremos las líneas de ventas en la tabla temporal. Siga las consultas sql a continuación:

INSERT INTO SalesInvoiceLines#TEMP(LinesItemId, LinesWarehouseId, LinesQuantity, LinesUnitPrice, LinesUnitPriceCurrency) VALUES('100XLG', 'WAREHOUSE', '1', '30', 'USD')
INSERT INTO SalesInvoiceLines#TEMP(LinesItemId, LinesWarehouseId, LinesQuantity, LinesUnitPrice, LinesUnitPriceCurrency) VALUES('M1700', 'WAREHOUSE', '1', '30', 'USD')
INSERT INTO SalesInvoice(BatchId, CustomerId, DocumentTypeKeyType, DocumentTypeId, LinesAggregate) VALUES('CONTRACTS', 'PLAZAONE0001', 'Invoice', 'STDINV', 'SalesInvoiceLines#TEMP')

Primero agregamos 2 líneas de ventas en la tabla temporal con el nombre "SalesInvoiceLines#TEMP". Luego, podemos crear una nueva factura de ventas utilizando el nombre de la tabla temporal como valor para la columna LinesAggregate. Nota: Las columnas LinesItemId, LinesWarehouseId, LinesQuantity, LinesUnitPrice, LinesUnitPriceCurrency en el ejemplo anterior deben corresponder a columnas reales en la tabla secundaria; de lo contrario, no funcionará.

A continuación, puede encontrar otros ejemplos de consultar con o sin el uso de tablas temporales.

INSERT INTO Customer(Id, Name) VALUES('TEST_CST', 'Name')

INSERT INTO CustomerAddress(SalespersonId, SalesTerritoryId, Id, KeyCustomerId, Line1, Line2, City, State, CountryRegion, Fax, Phone1, Phone2, PostalCode) VALUES('PAUL W.', 'TERRITORY 1', 'WAREHOUSE', 'TEST_CST', '11403 45 St. South', 'Billing Dept.', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'USA', '31255501010000', '42555501010000', '00000000000000', '98052-6399')

INSERT INTO Vendor(Id, Name, Comment1, Comment2) VALUES('test11', 'Name', 'Comment1', 'Comment2')

INSERT INTO VendorAddress(SalespersonId, SalesTerritoryId, Id, KeyVendorId, Line1, Line2, City, State, CountryRegion, Fax, Phone1, Phone2, PostalCode) VALUES('PAUL W.', 'TERRITORY 1', 'PRIMARY', 'test11', '11403 45 St. South', 'Billing Dept.', 'Chicago', 'IL', 'USA', '31255501010000', '42555501010000', '00000000000000', '98052-6399')

INSERT INTO PayablesCreditMemo(BatchId, Id, VendorId, PurchaseAmount, PurchaseAmountCurrency, VendorDocumentNumber) VALUES('JAN-98', 'DM6502', 'CENTRALC0001',  '100', 'USD', 'DOCUMENT 42')

INSERT INTO ApplicantApplications#TEMP(ApplicationsDateApplied, ApplicationsLastModifiedDate) VALUES('2021-01-07T00:00:00+01:00','2021-01-07T00:00:00+01:00')
INSERT INTO Applicant(FirstName, LastName, ApplicationsAggregate) VALUES('Test', 'Applicant', 'ApplicantApplications#TEMP')

INSERT INTO PurchaseOrderLines#TEMP(LinesQuantityOrdered, LinesVendorItemNumber, LinesWarehouseId) VALUES('1', '100XLG', 'WAREHOUSE')
INSERT INTO PurchaseOrder(LinesAggregate, Id, VendorId) VALUES('PurchaseOrderLines#TEMP', 'PO4056', 'ACETRAVE0001')

INSERT INTO SalesReturnLines#TEMP(LinesItemId, LinesWarehouseId, LinesQuantity, LinesUnitPrice, LinesUnitPriceCurrency) VALUES('100XLG', 'WAREHOUSE', '1', '30', 'USD');
INSERT INTO SalesReturnLines#TEMP(LinesItemId, LinesWarehouseId, LinesQuantity, LinesUnitPrice, LinesUnitPriceCurrency) VALUES('M1700', 'WAREHOUSE', '1', '30', 'USD');
INSERT INTO SalesReturn(BatchId, CustomerId, DocumentTypeKeyType, DocumentTypeId, LinesAggregate) VALUES('SALES RETURNS', 'PLAZAONE0001', 'Return', 'RTN', 'SalesReturnLines#TEMP');

Ejecutando Eliminar

Algunas de las entidades que se exponen como tablas admiten operaciones de eliminación. Por ejemplo, para eliminar un Cliente del Cliente table ejecutamos la siguiente consultar:


Ejecutar Eliminar Usando Varias Teclas

Algunas operaciones de eliminación requieren varias claves para que la consultar se realice correctamente. Por ejemplo, para eliminar una dirección de cliente de CustomerAddresses la tabla requiere que se configuren ambas columnas clave, el ID y los valores KeyCustomerId, por ejemplo:

DELETE FROM CustomerAddress WHERE Id='WAREHOUSE' AND KeyCustomerId='TEST2'

A continuación puede encontrar otros ejemplos de consultar con o sin claves múltiples.

DELETE FROM Applicant WHERE ApplicantId='2'


DELETE FROM ApplicantApplication WHERE ApplicantApplicationKeyApplicantId='3' AND ApplicantApplicationKeySequenceId='1'

Ejecutando actualización

Algunas de las entidades que se exponen como tablas admiten operaciones de actualización. Por ejemplo, para actualizar un Cliente desde el Cliente table ejecutamos la siguiente consultar:

UPDATE Customer SET Name='new test name',Comment1='new comment 1', Comment2='new comment 2' WHERE Id='TEST1'

Ejecutar Actualización Usando Varias Teclas

Algunas operaciones de actualización requieren varias claves para que la consultar se realice correctamente. Por ejemplo, para actualizar una dirección de cliente desde CustomerAddresses la tabla requiere que se configuren ambas columnas clave, el ID y los valores KeyCustomerId, por ejemplo:

UPDATE CustomerAddress SET Line1='new line 1', Line2='new line 2', City='new city', State='new state', Fax='111111111', Phone1='222222222', Phone2='3333333', PostalCode='235-325' WHERE KeyCustomerId='TEST1234' AND Id='WAREHOUSE'
UPDATE SalesInvoice SET CustomerId='AARONFIT0001', Date='2021-01-07T00:00:00+01:00' WHERE Id='STDINV2300' AND BatchId='CONTRACTS'

Nota: Al actualizar las tablas SalesInvoice, Órdenes de venta, Cotización de ventas, RetornoVentas, Pedido pendiente de ventas, Pedido de cumplimiento de ventas la columna Fecha debe establecerse para una consultar exitosa .

Ejecutando Update Usando Tablas Temporales

Como se explica en Executing Inserts using Temporary Tables las tablas temporales también se pueden utilizar en operaciones de actualización. Eche un vistazo a la consultar a continuación que actualiza la cantidad de artículos existentes en nuestra factura:

INSERT INTO SalesInvoiceLines#TEMP(LinesItemId, LinesWarehouseId, LinesQuantity, LinesUnitPrice, LinesUnitPriceCurrency) VALUES('100XLG', 'WAREHOUSE', '2', '30', 'USD')
INSERT INTO SalesInvoiceLines#TEMP(LinesItemId, LinesWarehouseId, LinesQuantity, LinesUnitPrice, LinesUnitPriceCurrency) VALUES('M1700', 'WAREHOUSE', '2', '30', 'USD')

UPDATE SalesInvoice SET Date='2021-01-07T00:00:00+01:00', LinesAggregate='SalesInvoiceLines#TEMP' WHERE Id='STDINV2300' AND BatchId='CONTRACTS'

A continuación puede encontrar otros ejemplos de consultar.

UPDATE SalesOrder SET CustomerId='AARONFIT0001', Date='2021-01-07T00:00:00+01:00' WHERE Id='ORDST2225' AND BatchId='SOP ORDERS'

INSERT INTO ApplicantApplications#TEMP(ApplicationsDateApplied, ApplicationsLastModifiedDate) VALUES('2021-01-05T00:00:00+01:00','2021-01-07T00:00:00+01:00')
UPDATE Applicant SET FirstName='New Test Name', LastName='New Applicant Name', ApplicationsAggregate='ApplicantApplications#TEMP' WHERE ApplicantId='3'

UPDATE SalesQuote SET CustomerId='BAKERSEM0001', Date='2021-01-07T00:00:00+01:00' WHERE Id='QTEST1022' AND BatchId='SALES QUOTES'

UPDATE Vendor SET Name='new test name',Comment1='new comment 1', Comment2='new comment 2' WHERE Id='ACETRAVE0001'
UPDATE VendorAddress SET Line1='new line 1', Line2='new line 2', City='new city', State='new state', Fax='111111111', Phone1='222222222', Phone2='3333333', PostalCode='235-325' WHERE KeyVendorId='ACETRAVE0001' AND Id='PRIMARY'


El conector modela los datos en Dynamics GP en una lista de tablas que se pueden consultar mediante instrucciones SQL estándar.

Generalmente, consultar tablas de Dynamics GP es lo mismo que consultar una tabla en una base de datos relacional. A veces hay casos especiales, por ejemplo, incluir una determinada columna en la cláusula WHERE puede ser necesario para obtener datos para ciertas columnas de la tabla. Esto suele ser necesario para situaciones en las que se debe realizar una solicitud separada para cada fila para obtener ciertas columnas. Estos tipos de situaciones están claramente documentados en la parte superior de la página de la tabla vinculada a continuación.

Conector Jitterbit para Tablas de Dynamics GP

Nombre Descripción
Applicant Devuelva una lista de: Solicitante
ApplicantEducation Devuelva una lista de: SolicitanteEducación
ApplicantInterview Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantInterview
ApplicantReference Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantReference
ApplicantSkill Devolver una lista de: ApplicantSkill
ApplicantTest Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantTest
ApplicantWorkHistory Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantWorkHistory
BackOfficeRoleAssignment Devolver una lista de: BackOfficeRoleAssignment
BusinessObjectUserAssignment Devuelve una lista de: BusinessObjectUserAssignment
CashReceipt Devolver una lista de: CashReceipt
Customer Devolver una lista de: Cliente
CustomerAddress Devuelve una lista de: CustomerAddress
Employee Devolver una lista de: Empleado
EmployeeAddress Devuelve una lista de: EmployeeAddress
EmployeePayCode Devolver una lista de: EmployeePayCode
Fee Devolver una lista de: Cuota
GLFixedAllocationAccount Devuelve una lista de: GLFixedAllocationAccount
GLPostingAccount Devuelve una lista de: GLPostingAccount
GLTransaction Devuelve una lista de: GLTransaction
GLUnitAccount Devuelve una lista de: GLUnitAccount
GLVariableAllocationAccount Devuelve una lista de: GLVariableAllocationAccount
HRRequisition Devolver una lista de: HRRequisition
InventoryAdjustment Devuelve una lista de: InventoryAdjustment
InventoryTransfer Devuelve una lista de: InventoryTransfer
InventoryVariance Devuelve una lista de: InventoryVariance
ItemCurrency Devuelve una lista de: ItemCurrency
ItemVendor Devuelve una lista de: ItemVendor
ItemWarehouse Devuelve una lista de: ItemWarehouse
PayablesCreditMemo Devolver una lista de: PayablesCreditMemo
PayablesFinanceCharge Devuelve una lista de: PayablesFinanceCharge
PayablesInvoice Devuelve una lista de: PayablesInvoice
PayablesMiscellaneousCharge Devuelve una lista de: PayablesMiscellaneousCharge
PayablesReturn Devuelve una lista de: PayablesReturn
Policy Devolver una lista de: Política
Pricing Devolver una lista de: Precios
PurchaseInvoice Devuelve una lista de: Factura de compra
PurchaseOrder Devuelve una lista de: orden de compra
PurchaseReceipt Devuelve una lista de: Recibo de compra
ReceivablesCreditMemo Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesCreditMemo
ReceivablesDebitMemo Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesDebitMemo
ReceivablesFinanceCharge Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesFinanceCharge
ReceivablesInvoice Devuelve una lista de: Cuentas por cobrarFactura
ReceivablesReturn Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesReturn
ReceivablesServiceRepair Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesServiceRepair
ReceivablesWarranty Devolver una lista de: Cuentas por cobrarGarantía
ReturnMaterialAuthorization Devolver una lista de: ReturnMaterialAuthorization
SalesBackorder Devuelve una lista de: SalesBackorder
SalesFulfillmentOrder Devuelve una lista de: SalesFulfillmentOrder
SalesInvoice Devuelve una lista de: SalesInvoice
SalesOrder Devuelve una lista de: SalesOrder
SalesProcessHoldSetup Devuelve una lista de: SalesProcessHoldSetup
SalesQuote Devuelve una lista de: SalesQuote
SalesReturn Devuelve una lista de: SalesReturn
Service Devolver una lista de: Servicio
ServiceCall Devolver una lista de: ServiceCall
ServiceEquipment Devuelve una lista de: ServiceEquipment
ServiceQuote Devolver una lista de: ServiceQuote
Skill Devuelve una lista de: Habilidad
SkillSet Devuelve una lista de: SkillSet
Vendor Devolver una lista de: Proveedor
VendorAddress Devuelve una lista de: VendorAddress
Warehouse Devuelve una lista de: Almacén


Devolver una lista de: Solicitante

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressCity String Falso
AddressLine1 String Falso
AddressLine2 String Falso
AddressLine3 String Falso
AddressPostalCode String Falso
AddressState String Falso
AddressCountryRegion String Falso
AddressFaxCountryCode String Falso
AddressFaxExtension String Falso
AddressFax String Falso
AddressPhone1CountryCode String Falso
AddressPhone1Extension String Falso
AddressPhone1 String Falso
AddressPhone2CountryCode String Falso
AddressPhone2Extension String Falso
AddressPhone2 String Falso
AddressPhone3CountryCode String Falso
AddressPhone3Extension String Falso
AddressPhone3 String Falso
AgeCode String Falso
ApplicantId [KEY] Int Falso
ApplicationColorColorCode String Falso
ApplicationColorColorName String Falso
ApplicationStatus String Falso
ApplicationsAggregate String Falso
CompanyCode String Falso
DateApplied Datetime Falso
DepartmentId String Falso
DivisionId String Falso
Ethnicity String Falso
FirstName String Falso
Gender String Falso
HRRequisistionId String Falso
InterviewsAggregate String Falso
IsDisabled Bool Falso
IsDisabledVeteran Bool Falso
IsOtherVeteran Bool Falso
IsReplyLetterSent Bool Falso
IsVeteran Bool Falso
IsVietnamEraVeteran Bool Falso
IsWillRelocate Bool Falso
LastModifiedBy String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
LastName String Falso
Location String Falso
MiddleName String Falso
PositionId String Falso
PreviousEmployersAggregate String Falso
ReferenceInformationSource String Falso
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription String Falso
ReferencesAggregate String Falso
RejectionInformationComment String Falso
RejectionInformationReason String Falso
SchoolsAggregate String Falso
SequenceId Int Falso
SkillsAggregate String Falso
TaxIdentifier String Falso
TestsAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: SolicitanteEducación

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ApplicantEducationKeyApplicantId [KEY] Int Falso
ApplicantEducationKeySequenceId [KEY] Int Falso
Degree String Falso
DeleteOnUpdate Bool Falso
GPABase String Falso
GradePointAverage String Falso
LastModifiedBy String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Major String Falso
Notes String Falso
School String Falso
YearGraduated String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ApplicantInterview

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ApplicantInterviewKeyApplicantId [KEY] Int Falso
ApplicantInterviewKeyApplyDateId [KEY] Datetime Falso
ApplicantInterviewKeyInterviewTypeId [KEY] String Falso
CompanyCode String Falso
DeleteOnUpdate Bool Falso
DepartmentId String Falso
DivisionId String Falso
EffectiveDate Datetime Falso
InterviewItemsAggregate String Falso
InterviewTypeCode Int Falso
Notes String Falso
PositionId String Falso
ReviewRange Int Falso
ReviewRating Decimal Falso
TotalWeight Int Falso
WeightedScore Int Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantReference

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressCity String Falso
AddressLine1 String Falso
AddressLine2 String Falso
AddressLine3 String Falso
AddressPostalCode String Falso
AddressState String Falso
AddressCountryRegion String Falso
AddressFaxCountryCode String Falso
AddressFaxExtension String Falso
AddressFax String Falso
AddressPhone1CountryCode String Falso
AddressPhone1Extension String Falso
AddressPhone1 String Falso
AddressPhone2CountryCode String Falso
AddressPhone2Extension String Falso
AddressPhone2 String Falso
AddressPhone3CountryCode String Falso
AddressPhone3Extension String Falso
AddressPhone3 String Falso
ApplicantReferenceKeyApplicantSequenceKeyApplicantId [KEY] Int Falso
ApplicantReferenceKeyApplicantSequenceKeySequenceId [KEY] Int Falso
ApplicantReferenceId [KEY] String Falso
CompanyName String Falso
DeleteOnUpdate Bool Falso
LastModifiedBy String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Notes String Falso
Relationship String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantSkill

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ApplicantSkillKeyApplicantId [KEY] Int Falso
ApplicantSkillKeySkillId [KEY] String Falso
Comments String Falso
DeleteOnUpdate Bool Falso
Proficiency Int Falso
SkillNumber Int Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantTest

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ApplicantTestKeyApplicantSequenceKeyApplicantId [KEY] Int Falso
ApplicantTestKeyApplicantSequenceKeySequenceId [KEY] Int Falso
ApplicantTestKeyTestId [KEY] String Falso
DeleteOnUpdate Bool Falso
LastModifiedBy String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Notes String Falso
Score String Falso
TestDate Datetime Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Historial de Trabajo del Solicitante

Devolver una lista de: ApplicantWorkHistory

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ApplicantWorkHistoryKeyApplicantSequenceKeyApplicantId [KEY] Int Falso
ApplicantWorkHistoryKeyApplicantSequenceKeySequenceId [KEY] Int Falso
ApplicantWorkHistoryId [KEY] String Falso
CompensationPeriod String Falso
DeleteOnUpdate Bool Falso
EndDate Datetime Falso
LastModifiedBy String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Notes String Falso
PositionId String Falso
StartDate Datetime Falso
Wage Decimal Falso
YearsOfExperience Int Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Asignación de Roles de BackOffice

Devolver una lista de: BackOfficeRoleAssignment

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
KeyRoleId [KEY] String Falso
KeyUserId [KEY] String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Asignación de Usuario de BusinessObject

Devolver una lista de: BusinessObjectUserAssignment

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
BusinessObjectKey String Falso
BusinessObjectTypeId String Falso
User [KEY] String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Recibo de Caja

Devolver una lista de: CashReceipt

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AmountCurrency String Falso
Amount Decimal Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BankAccountId String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
CheckCardNumber String Falso
CorporateAccountId String Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CustomerId String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCardTypeId String Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
Type String Falso
VoidDate Datetime Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Cliente

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AccountsReceivableGLAccountId String Falso
AccountsReceivableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
AddressesAggregate String Falso
AllowRevaluation Bool Falso
BalanceType String Falso
BankAccountId String Falso
BankBranch String Falso
BankName String Falso
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
BillToAddressId String Falso
CashGLAccountId String Falso
CashGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
ClassId String Falso
Comment1 String Falso
Comment2 String Falso
CorporateAccountId String Falso
CostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountId String Falso
CostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
CreditLimitItem String Falso
CreditLimitPeriod Int Falso
CreditLimitPeriodAmountCurrency String Falso
CreditLimitPeriodAmount Decimal Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
DefaultAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
DefaultAddressId String Falso
DefaultCashAccountType String Falso
DiscountGracePeriod Int Falso
DueDateGracePeriod Int Falso
FinanceChargeItem String Falso
FinanceChargesGLAccountId String Falso
FinanceChargesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
HistoryOptionsKeepCalendarHistory Bool Falso
HistoryOptionsKeepDistributionHistory Bool Falso
HistoryOptionsKeepFiscalHistory Bool Falso
HistoryOptionsKeepTransactionHistory Bool Falso
IncludeInDemandPlanning Bool Falso
InventoryGLAccountId String Falso
InventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
IsActive Bool Falso
IsOnHold Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
MaximumWriteoffItem String Falso
MinimumPaymentItem String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Name String Falso
Notes String Falso
OrderFullfillmentShortageDefault String Falso
OverpaymentWriteoffGLAccountId String Falso
OverpaymentWriteoffGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
PaymentCardAccountExpirationDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCardAccountKeyNumber String Falso
PaymentCardAccountKeyPaymentCardTypeId String Falso
PaymentTermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountId String Falso
PaymentTermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
PaymentTermsDiscountTakenGLAccountId String Falso
PaymentTermsDiscountTakenGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
PostResultsTo String Falso
PriceLevelId String Falso
Priority Int Falso
RateTypeId String Falso
SalesGLAccountId String Falso
SalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
SalesOrderReturnsGLAccountId String Falso
SalesOrderReturnsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
SendEmailStatements Bool Falso
ShipCompleteOnly Bool Falso
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
ShipToAddressId String Falso
Shortname String Falso
StatementCycle String Falso
StatementName String Falso
StatementRecipientsBCCAggregate String Falso
StatementRecipientsCCAggregate String Falso
StatementRecipientsToAggregate String Falso
StatementToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
StatementToAddressId String Falso
TaxExemptNumbersAggregate String Falso
TaxRegistrationNumber String Falso
TradeDiscountPercent Decimal Falso
UserDefined1 String Falso
UserDefined2 String Falso
UserLanguageId Int Falso
WriteoffGLAccountId String Falso
WriteoffGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Dirección del Cliente

Devolver una lista de: CustomerAddress

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
City String Falso
Line1 String Falso
Line2 String Falso
Line3 String Falso
PostalCode String Falso
State String Falso
CountryRegion String Falso
FaxCountryCode String Falso
FaxExtension String Falso
Fax String Falso
Phone1CountryCode String Falso
Phone1Extension String Falso
Phone1 String Falso
Phone2CountryCode String Falso
Phone2Extension String Falso
Phone2 String Falso
Phone3CountryCode String Falso
Phone3Extension String Falso
Phone3 String Falso
CountryRegionCodeId String Falso
ContactPerson String Falso
Name String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField1 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField2 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField3 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField4 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField5 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField6 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField7 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField8 String Falso
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
UPSZone String Falso
UserDefined1 String Falso
UserDefined2 String Falso
DeleteOnUpdate Bool Falso
KeyCustomerId [KEY] String Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
SalesTerritoryId String Falso
SalespersonId String Falso
WarehouseId String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Empleado

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressesAggregate String Falso
BenefitExpiration Datetime Falso
BenefitStartDate Datetime Falso
BirthDate Datetime Falso
ClassId String Falso
CompanyAddressId String Falso
DayOfBirth Int Falso
DefaultAddressKeyEmployeeId String Falso
DefaultAddressId String Falso
DefaultCashAccountFromType String Falso
DepartmentId String Falso
DivisionId String Falso
DoesCalculateMinimumWageBalance Bool Falso
EmployeeInactivatedDate Datetime Falso
EmployeeId [KEY] String Falso
EmploymentStartDate Datetime Falso
EmploymentType String Falso
Ethnicity String Falso
FederalClass String Falso
GLAccountId String Falso
GLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
GenderCode String Falso
HRStatus String Falso
I9RenewDate Datetime Falso
IsActive Bool Falso
IsDisabled Bool Falso
IsDisabledVeteran Bool Falso
IsI9Verified Bool Falso
IsOtherVeteran Bool Falso
IsSmoker Bool Falso
IsUnionEmployee Bool Falso
IsUnitedStatesCitizen Bool Falso
IsVeteran Bool Falso
IsVietnamEraVeteran Bool Falso
LastWorkedDate Datetime Falso
MaritalStatus String Falso
MilitaryDischargeDate Datetime Falso
MinimumNetPayCurrency String Falso
MinimumNetPay Decimal Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
MonthOfBirth String Falso
NameAlternate String Falso
NameFamily String Falso
NameGiven String Falso
NameMiddle String Falso
NamePreferred String Falso
NameSuffix String Falso
PositionId String Falso
PrimaryPayCodeId String Falso
RateClass String Falso
ReasonEmployeeInactivated String Falso
ReviewLastDate Datetime Falso
ReviewNextDate Datetime Falso
SUTAStateId String Falso
SickTimeAccrualAmount Decimal Falso
SickTimeAccrualMethod String Falso
SickTimeDoesAutomaticallyAccrue Bool Falso
SickTimeHoursAvailable Decimal Falso
SickTimeHoursPerYear Int Falso
SickTimeWarnWhenHoursAvailableFallsBelowZero Bool Falso
SpouseName String Falso
SpouseTaxIdentifier String Falso
Status String Falso
SupervisorId String Falso
TaxIdentifier String Falso
UnionId String Falso
UserDefined1 String Falso
UserDefined2 String Falso
VacationAccrualAmount Decimal Falso
VacationAccrualMethod String Falso
VacationDoesAutomaticallyAccrue Bool Falso
VacationHoursAvailable Decimal Falso
VacationHoursPerYear Int Falso
VacationWarnWhenHoursAvailableFallsBelowZero Bool Falso
WorkHoursPerYear Int Falso
WorkersCompensationId String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Dirección del Empleado

Devolver una lista de: EmployeeAddress

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
City String Falso
Line1 String Falso
Line2 String Falso
Line3 String Falso
PostalCode String Falso
State String Falso
CountryRegion String Falso
FaxCountryCode String Falso
FaxExtension String Falso
Fax String Falso
Phone1CountryCode String Falso
Phone1Extension String Falso
Phone1 String Falso
Phone2CountryCode String Falso
Phone2Extension String Falso
Phone2 String Falso
Phone3CountryCode String Falso
Phone3Extension String Falso
Phone3 String Falso
CountryRegionCodeId String Falso
County String Falso
DeleteOnUpdate Bool Falso
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField1 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField2 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField3 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField4 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField5 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField6 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField7 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField8 String Falso
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress String Falso
KeyEmployeeId [KEY] String Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: EmployeePayCode

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ApplicableTaxesIsFederalTaxApplied Bool Falso
ApplicableTaxesIsFutaApplied Bool Falso
ApplicableTaxesIsLocalTaxApplied Bool Falso
ApplicableTaxesIsMedicareApplied Bool Falso
ApplicableTaxesIsSocialSecurityApplied Bool Falso
ApplicableTaxesIsStateTaxApplied Bool Falso
ApplicableTaxesIsSutaApplied Bool Falso
ApplicableTaxesSutaState String Falso
BasePayRecordId String Falso
BasedOnRate Decimal Falso
EmployeePayCodeKeyEmployeeId [KEY] String Falso
EmployeePayCodeKeyPayCodeId [KEY] String Falso
FlatTaxRatesFederal Decimal Falso
FlatTaxRatesState Decimal Falso
IsDataEntry Bool Falso
IsInactive Bool Falso
IsPrimaryPayRecord Bool Falso
IsReportAsWages Bool Falso
IsSickTimeAccrued Bool Falso
IsTaxable Bool Falso
IsVacationAccrued Bool Falso
MaxPayPerPeriod Decimal Falso
Notes String Falso
PayAdvance Decimal Falso
PayAdvanceTaken Decimal Falso
PayFactor Decimal Falso
PayPerPeriod Decimal Falso
PayPeriod String Falso
PayRate Decimal Falso
PayStepBasedOn String Falso
PayStepEffectiveDate Datetime Falso
PayStepPayStepId String Falso
PayStepStep Int Falso
PayStepStepFTE Decimal Falso
PayType String Falso
PayUnit String Falso
PayUnitPeriod String Falso
ShiftCode String Falso
TipType String Falso
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxLabel1 String Falso
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxLabel2 String Falso
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxLabel3 String Falso
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxLabel4 String Falso
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxNumber1 Int Falso
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxNumber2 Int Falso
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxNumber3 Int Falso
W2BoxesLabelsW2BoxNumber4 Int Falso
WorkersComp String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Cuota

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ABCCode String Falso
AllowBackOrder Bool Falso
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountId String Falso
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
ClassId String Falso
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountId String Falso
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
CurrencyDecimalPlaces String Falso
CurrentCostCurrency String Falso
CurrentCost Decimal Falso
DamagedGLAccountId String Falso
DamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
DefaultPriceLevelId String Falso
DefaultSellingUofM String Falso
DefaultWarehouseId String Falso
Description String Falso
DropShipGLAccountId String Falso
DropShipGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
FunctionalCurrencyDecimalPlaces String Falso
GenericDescription String Falso
InServiceGLAccountId String Falso
InServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
InUseGLAccountId String Falso
InUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
IncludeInDemandPlanning Bool Falso
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField1 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField2 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField3 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField4 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField5 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField6 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField7 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField8 String Falso
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress String Falso
InventoryGLAccountId String Falso
InventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
InventoryOffsetGLAccountId String Falso
InventoryOffsetGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
InventoryReturnGLAccountId String Falso
InventoryReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
IsDiscontinued Bool Falso
KeepCalendarYearHistory Bool Falso
KeepDistributionHistory Bool Falso
KeepFiscalYearHistory Bool Falso
KeepTransactionHistory Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
MarkdownGLAccountId String Falso
MarkdownGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PriceMethod String Falso
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId String Falso
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
PurchaseTaxBasis String Falso
PurchaseTaxScheduleId String Falso
PurchaseUofM String Falso
QuantityDecimalPlaces String Falso
SalesGLAccountId String Falso
SalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
SalesReturnGLAccountId String Falso
SalesReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
SalesTaxBasis String Falso
SalesTaxScheduleId String Falso
ShippingWeight Decimal Falso
ShortDescription String Falso
StandardCostCurrency String Falso
StandardCost Decimal Falso
SubstituteItem1Id String Falso
SubstituteItem2Id String Falso
Type String Falso
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId String Falso
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
UofMScheduleId String Falso
UserCategoryList1 String Falso
UserCategoryList2 String Falso
UserCategoryList3 String Falso
UserCategoryList4 String Falso
UserCategoryList5 String Falso
UserCategoryList6 String Falso
VarianceGLAccountId String Falso
VarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
WarrantyDays Short Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: GLFixedAllocationAccount

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
Alias String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
IsActive Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
KeyIsEncrypted [KEY] Bool Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Type String Falso
PostInventoryIn String Falso
PostPayrollIn String Falso
PostPurchasingIn String Falso
PostSalesIn String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: GLPostingAccount

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
Alias String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
IsActive Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
KeyIsEncrypted [KEY] Bool Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Type String Falso
PostInventoryIn String Falso
PostPayrollIn String Falso
PostPurchasingIn String Falso
PostSalesIn String Falso
AllowAccountEntry Bool Falso
CurrenciesAggregate String Falso
GLAccountCategoryId String Falso
IsRevalued Bool Falso
PostRevaluationResultsTo String Falso
PostingType String Falso
RevaluationMethod String Falso
TypicalBalance String Falso
UserDefined1 String Falso
UserDefined2 String Falso
UserDefined3 String Falso
UserDefined4 String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: GLTransaction

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
IntercompanyId Int Falso
IntercompanyOriginalJournalId Int Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
KeyDate [KEY] Datetime Falso
KeyJournalId [KEY] Int Falso
LedgerType String Falso
LinesAggregate String Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
OriginatingDocumentAuditTrailCode String Falso
OriginatingDocumentPostedDate Datetime Falso
OriginatingDocumentSeries String Falso
PostedBy String Falso
Reference String Falso
SourceDocumentId String Falso
TransactionState String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: GLUnitAccount

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
Alias String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
IsActive Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
KeyIsEncrypted [KEY] Bool Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Type String Falso
DecimalPlaces String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: GLVariableAllocationAccount

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
Alias String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
IsActive Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
KeyIsEncrypted [KEY] Bool Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Type String Falso
PostInventoryIn String Falso
PostPayrollIn String Falso
PostPurchasingIn String Falso
PostSalesIn String Falso
BalanceForCalculation String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Requisición de Recursos Humanos

Devolver una lista de: HRRequisition

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AdvertisingListLine1 String Falso
AdvertisingListLine2 String Falso
AdvertisingListLine3 String Falso
AdvertisingListLine4 String Falso
AdvertisingListLine5 String Falso
ApplicantsApplied Int Falso
ApplicantsInterviewed Int Falso
CompanyCode String Falso
DepartmentId String Falso
DivisionId String Falso
InternalCloseDate Datetime Falso
InternalPostDate Datetime Falso
JobPostingType String Falso
LastModifiedBy String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
ManagerId String Falso
OpeningDate Datetime Falso
PositionId String Falso
PositionsAvailable Int Falso
PositionsFilled Int Falso
Recruiter String Falso
RequisitionCostsAdvertising Decimal Falso
RequisitionCostsLodging Decimal Falso
RequisitionCostsMovingExpenses Decimal Falso
RequisitionCostsOther Decimal Falso
RequisitionCostsRecruiterFees Decimal Falso
RequisitionCostsTravel Decimal Falso
RequisitionNumberId [KEY] String Falso
Status String Falso
SupervisorId String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Ajuste de Inventario

Devolver una lista de: InventoryAdjustment

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
Date Datetime Falso
GLPostingDate Datetime Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
TransactionState String Falso
LinesAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Transferencia de Inventario

Devuelve una lista de: InventoryTransfer

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
Date Datetime Falso
GLPostingDate Datetime Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
TransactionState String Falso
LinesAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Variación de Inventario

Devolver una lista de: InventoryVariance

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
Date Datetime Falso
GLPostingDate Datetime Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
TransactionState String Falso
LinesAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: ItemCurrency

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
CurrencyDecimalPlaces String Falso
KeyCurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] String Falso
KeyItemId [KEY] String Falso
ListPriceCurrency String Falso
ListPrice Decimal Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ItemVendor

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AverageLeadTime Decimal Falso
EconomicOrderQuantity Decimal Falso
FreeOnBoard String Falso
KeyItemId [KEY] String Falso
KeyVendorId [KEY] String Falso
LastCurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
LastOriginatingCostCurrency String Falso
LastOriginatingCost Decimal Falso
MaximumOrderQuantity Decimal Falso
MinimumOrderQuantity Decimal Falso
NumberOfReceipts Short Falso
OrderMultipleQuantity Decimal Falso
PlanningLeadTime Short Falso
PurchasingUofM String Falso
RequisitionedQuantity Decimal Falso
VendorItemDescription String Falso
VendorItemNumber String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Almacén de Artículos

Devolver una lista de: ItemWarehouse

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
Bin String Falso
BuyerId String Falso
KeyItemId [KEY] String Falso
KeyWarehouseId [KEY] String Falso
LandedCostGroupId String Falso
PlannerId String Falso
PlanningFixedOrderQuantity Decimal Falso
PlanningManufacturingLeadTime Decimal Falso
PlanningMaximumOrderQuantity Decimal Falso
PlanningMinimumOrderQuantity Decimal Falso
PlanningOrderMultipleQuantity Decimal Falso
PlanningOrderPointQuantity Decimal Falso
PlanningOrderPolicy String Falso
PlanningOrderUpToLevelQuantity Decimal Falso
PlanningPurchasingLeadTime Decimal Falso
PlanningReorderVarianceQuantity Decimal Falso
PlanningReplenishmentMethod String Falso
PlanningSafetyStockQuantity Decimal Falso
PlanningShrinkageFactor Decimal Falso
PlanningTimeFence Short Falso
PrimaryVendorId String Falso
RequisitionedQuantity Decimal Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: PayablesCreditMemo

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressId String Falso
Amount1099Currency String Falso
Amount1099 Decimal Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
ChargeAmountCurrency String Falso
ChargeAmount Decimal Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
DocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
DocumentAmount Decimal Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
HasIntercompanyDistributions Bool Falso
IsIntercompanyTransaction Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PONumber String Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
PurchaseTaxScheduleId String Falso
PurchasesAmountCurrency String Falso
PurchasesAmount Decimal Falso
RemitToAddressId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxDate Datetime Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
VendorDocumentNumber String Falso
VendorId String Falso
VendorName String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas Por PagarFinanzas

Devolver una lista de: PayablesFinanceCharge

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressId String Falso
Amount1099Currency String Falso
Amount1099 Decimal Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
ChargeAmountCurrency String Falso
ChargeAmount Decimal Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
DocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
DocumentAmount Decimal Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
HasIntercompanyDistributions Bool Falso
IsIntercompanyTransaction Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PONumber String Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
PurchaseTaxScheduleId String Falso
PurchasesAmountCurrency String Falso
PurchasesAmount Decimal Falso
RemitToAddressId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxDate Datetime Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
VendorDocumentNumber String Falso
VendorId String Falso
VendorName String Falso
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCashAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCashBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCashDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCashNumber String Falso
PaymentCashDocumentId String Falso
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentCheckDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime Falso
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String Falso
TermsDiscountItem String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountDate Datetime Falso
TermsDueDate Datetime Falso
TermsDiscountAmountAppliedTakenCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAmountAppliedTaken Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal Falso
TotalPaymentsCurrency String Falso
TotalPayments Decimal Falso
WriteoffAmountCurrency String Falso
WriteoffAmount Decimal Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas Por PagarFactura

Devuelve una lista de: PayablesInvoice

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressId String Falso
Amount1099Currency String Falso
Amount1099 Decimal Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
ChargeAmountCurrency String Falso
ChargeAmount Decimal Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
DocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
DocumentAmount Decimal Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
HasIntercompanyDistributions Bool Falso
IsIntercompanyTransaction Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PONumber String Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
PurchaseTaxScheduleId String Falso
PurchasesAmountCurrency String Falso
PurchasesAmount Decimal Falso
RemitToAddressId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxDate Datetime Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
VendorDocumentNumber String Falso
VendorId String Falso
VendorName String Falso
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCashAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCashBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCashDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCashNumber String Falso
PaymentCashDocumentId String Falso
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentCheckDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime Falso
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String Falso
TermsDiscountItem String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountDate Datetime Falso
TermsDueDate Datetime Falso
TermsDiscountAmountAppliedTakenCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAmountAppliedTaken Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal Falso
TotalPaymentsCurrency String Falso
TotalPayments Decimal Falso
WriteoffAmountCurrency String Falso
WriteoffAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas por Pagarvarioscargo

Devolver una lista de: PayablesMiscellaneousCharge

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressId String Falso
Amount1099Currency String Falso
Amount1099 Decimal Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
ChargeAmountCurrency String Falso
ChargeAmount Decimal Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
DocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
DocumentAmount Decimal Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
HasIntercompanyDistributions Bool Falso
IsIntercompanyTransaction Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PONumber String Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
PurchaseTaxScheduleId String Falso
PurchasesAmountCurrency String Falso
PurchasesAmount Decimal Falso
RemitToAddressId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxDate Datetime Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
VendorDocumentNumber String Falso
VendorId String Falso
VendorName String Falso
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCashAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCashBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCashDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCashNumber String Falso
PaymentCashDocumentId String Falso
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentCheckDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime Falso
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String Falso
TermsDiscountItem String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountDate Datetime Falso
TermsDueDate Datetime Falso
TermsDiscountAmountAppliedTakenCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAmountAppliedTaken Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal Falso
TotalPaymentsCurrency String Falso
TotalPayments Decimal Falso
WriteoffAmountCurrency String Falso
WriteoffAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas por Pagarretorno

Devolver una lista de: PayablesReturn

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressId String Falso
Amount1099Currency String Falso
Amount1099 Decimal Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
ChargeAmountCurrency String Falso
ChargeAmount Decimal Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
DocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
DocumentAmount Decimal Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
HasIntercompanyDistributions Bool Falso
IsIntercompanyTransaction Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PONumber String Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
PurchaseTaxScheduleId String Falso
PurchasesAmountCurrency String Falso
PurchasesAmount Decimal Falso
RemitToAddressId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxDate Datetime Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
VendorDocumentNumber String Falso
VendorId String Falso
VendorName String Falso
DiscountReturnedAmountCurrency String Falso
DiscountReturnedAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCashAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCashBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCashDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCashNumber String Falso
PaymentCashDocumentId String Falso
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentCheckDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime Falso
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String Falso
TotalPaymentsCurrency String Falso
TotalPayments Decimal Falso
WriteoffAmountCurrency String Falso
WriteoffAmount Decimal Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Política

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
BehaviorsAggregate String Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
Name String Falso
RootBusinessObjectName String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Precios

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
DetailsAggregate String Falso
KeyCurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] String Falso
KeyItemId [KEY] String Falso
KeyPriceLevelId [KEY] String Falso
KeyUofM [KEY] String Falso
LastModifiedBy String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
RoundAmountCurrency String Falso
RoundAmount Decimal Falso
RoundOption String Falso
RoundPolicy String Falso
UofMSalesOption String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Factura de Compra

Devolver una lista de: Factura de compra

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
Amount1099Currency String Falso
Amount1099 Decimal Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
CreatedBy String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightTaxAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxBasis String Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
FreightTaxesAggregate String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
LinesAggregate String Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
Reference String Falso
RemitToAddressId String Falso
SubtotalCurrency String Falso
Subtotal Decimal Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TermsDiscountItem String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountDate Datetime Falso
TermsDueDate Datetime Falso
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
VendorDocumentNumber String Falso
VendorId String Falso
VendorName String Falso
VoucherNumber String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Orden de Compra

Devuelve una lista de: orden de compra

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
BackoutFreightTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
BackoutFreightTaxAmount Decimal Falso
BackoutMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
BackoutMiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal Falso
BackoutTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
BackoutTaxAmount Decimal Falso
BillToAddressId String Falso
BuyerId String Falso
CanceledSubtotalCurrency String Falso
CanceledSubtotal Decimal Falso
Comment String Falso
CommentId String Falso
ConfirmWith String Falso
ContractEndDate Datetime Falso
ContractNumber String Falso
CreatedBy String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CustomerId String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
DoesAllowSalesOrderCommitments Bool Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightTaxAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxBasis String Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
FreightTaxesAggregate String Falso
IsOnHold Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
LastEditDate Datetime Falso
LastPrintedDate Datetime Falso
LinesAggregate String Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
PromisedDate Datetime Falso
PromisedShipDate Datetime Falso
PurchaseAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
PurchaseAddressCity String Falso
PurchaseAddressLine1 String Falso
PurchaseAddressLine2 String Falso
PurchaseAddressLine3 String Falso
PurchaseAddressPostalCode String Falso
PurchaseAddressState String Falso
PurchaseAddressCountryRegion String Falso
PurchaseAddressFaxCountryCode String Falso
PurchaseAddressFaxExtension String Falso
PurchaseAddressFax String Falso
PurchaseAddressPhone1CountryCode String Falso
PurchaseAddressPhone1Extension String Falso
PurchaseAddressPhone1 String Falso
PurchaseAddressPhone2CountryCode String Falso
PurchaseAddressPhone2Extension String Falso
PurchaseAddressPhone2 String Falso
PurchaseAddressPhone3CountryCode String Falso
PurchaseAddressPhone3Extension String Falso
PurchaseAddressPhone3 String Falso
PurchaseAddressCountryRegionCodeId String Falso
PurchaseAddressContactPerson String Falso
PurchaseAddressName String Falso
PurchaseAddressId String Falso
RemainingSubtotalCurrency String Falso
RemainingSubtotal Decimal Falso
RequestedDate Datetime Falso
RequisitionDate Datetime Falso
RevisionNumber Int Falso
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ShipToAddressCity String Falso
ShipToAddressLine1 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine2 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine3 String Falso
ShipToAddressPostalCode String Falso
ShipToAddressState String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String Falso
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String Falso
ShipToAddressFax String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1 String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2 String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3 String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String Falso
ShipToAddressContactPerson String Falso
ShipToAddressName String Falso
ShipToAddressId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
Status String Falso
StatusGroup String Falso
SubtotalCurrency String Falso
Subtotal Decimal Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxRegistrationNumber String Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TermsDiscountItem String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountDate Datetime Falso
TermsDueDate Datetime Falso
TimesPrinted Int Falso
TotalAmountCurrency String Falso
TotalAmount Decimal Falso
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
VendorId String Falso
VendorName String Falso
WorkflowPriority String Falso
WorkflowsAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Recibo de Compra

Devolver una lista de: Recibo de compra

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ActualShipDate Datetime Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
CreatedBy String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
LinesAggregate String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
Reference String Falso
RemitToAddressId String Falso
SubtotalCurrency String Falso
Subtotal Decimal Falso
TotalLandedCostAmountCurrency String Falso
TotalLandedCostAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
UserDefinedAggregate String Falso
VendorDocumentNumber String Falso
VendorId String Falso
VendorName String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas por CobrarCreditMemo

Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesCreditMemo

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
AddressId String Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
CorporateAccountId String Falso
CostAmountCurrency String Falso
CostAmount Decimal Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
DocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
DocumentAmount Decimal Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime Falso
IsDeleted Bool Falso
IsDirectDebitDocument Bool Falso
IsElectronic Bool Falso
IsIntrastatDocument Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
SalesAmountCurrency String Falso
SalesAmount Decimal Falso
SalesTaxScheduleId String Falso
SalesTerritoryId String Falso
SalespersonId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
VoidDate Datetime Falso
DiscountReturnedCurrency String Falso
DiscountReturned Decimal Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas por CobrarDébitoMemo

Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesDebitMemo

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
AddressId String Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
CorporateAccountId String Falso
CostAmountCurrency String Falso
CostAmount Decimal Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
DocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
DocumentAmount Decimal Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime Falso
IsDeleted Bool Falso
IsDirectDebitDocument Bool Falso
IsElectronic Bool Falso
IsIntrastatDocument Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
SalesAmountCurrency String Falso
SalesAmount Decimal Falso
SalesTaxScheduleId String Falso
SalesTerritoryId String Falso
SalespersonId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
VoidDate Datetime Falso
GSTDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
GSTDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCashAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCashBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCashDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCashNumber String Falso
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentCheckDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime Falso
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
TermsDiscountItem String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountDate Datetime Falso
TermsDueDate Datetime Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal Falso
WriteoffAmountCurrency String Falso
WriteoffAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionBasedOn String Falso
CommissionsAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas por CobrarFinanzasCargo

Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesFinanceCharge

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
AddressId String Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
CorporateAccountId String Falso
CostAmountCurrency String Falso
CostAmount Decimal Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
DocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
DocumentAmount Decimal Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime Falso
IsDeleted Bool Falso
IsDirectDebitDocument Bool Falso
IsElectronic Bool Falso
IsIntrastatDocument Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
SalesAmountCurrency String Falso
SalesAmount Decimal Falso
SalesTaxScheduleId String Falso
SalesTerritoryId String Falso
SalespersonId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
VoidDate Datetime Falso
GSTDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
GSTDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCashAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCashBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCashDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCashNumber String Falso
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentCheckDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime Falso
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
TermsDiscountItem String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountDate Datetime Falso
TermsDueDate Datetime Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal Falso
WriteoffAmountCurrency String Falso
WriteoffAmount Decimal Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas Por CobrarFactura

Devolver una lista de: Cuentas por cobrar Factura

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
AddressId String Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
CorporateAccountId String Falso
CostAmountCurrency String Falso
CostAmount Decimal Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
DocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
DocumentAmount Decimal Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime Falso
IsDeleted Bool Falso
IsDirectDebitDocument Bool Falso
IsElectronic Bool Falso
IsIntrastatDocument Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
SalesAmountCurrency String Falso
SalesAmount Decimal Falso
SalesTaxScheduleId String Falso
SalesTerritoryId String Falso
SalespersonId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
VoidDate Datetime Falso
GSTDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
GSTDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCashAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCashBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCashDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCashNumber String Falso
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentCheckDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime Falso
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
TermsDiscountItem String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountDate Datetime Falso
TermsDueDate Datetime Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal Falso
WriteoffAmountCurrency String Falso
WriteoffAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionBasedOn String Falso
CommissionsAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas por Cobrar

Devolver una lista de: Devolución de cuentas por cobrar

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
AddressId String Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
CorporateAccountId String Falso
CostAmountCurrency String Falso
CostAmount Decimal Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
DocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
DocumentAmount Decimal Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime Falso
IsDeleted Bool Falso
IsDirectDebitDocument Bool Falso
IsElectronic Bool Falso
IsIntrastatDocument Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
SalesAmountCurrency String Falso
SalesAmount Decimal Falso
SalesTaxScheduleId String Falso
SalesTerritoryId String Falso
SalespersonId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
VoidDate Datetime Falso
DiscountReturnedCurrency String Falso
DiscountReturned Decimal Falso
CommissionAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionBasedOn String Falso
CommissionsAggregate String Falso
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCashAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCashBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCashDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCashNumber String Falso
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentCheckDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime Falso
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardBankAccountId String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas por Cobrarservicioreparación

Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesServiceRepair

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
AddressId String Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
CorporateAccountId String Falso
CostAmountCurrency String Falso
CostAmount Decimal Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
DocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
DocumentAmount Decimal Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime Falso
IsDeleted Bool Falso
IsDirectDebitDocument Bool Falso
IsElectronic Bool Falso
IsIntrastatDocument Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
SalesAmountCurrency String Falso
SalesAmount Decimal Falso
SalesTaxScheduleId String Falso
SalesTerritoryId String Falso
SalespersonId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
VoidDate Datetime Falso
GSTDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
GSTDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCashAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCashBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCashDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCashNumber String Falso
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentCheckDate Datetime Falso
PaymentCheckNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime Falso
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String Falso
PaymentPaymentCardBankAccountId String Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
TermsDiscountItem String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountDate Datetime Falso
TermsDueDate Datetime Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal Falso
WriteoffAmountCurrency String Falso
WriteoffAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionBasedOn String Falso
CommissionsAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas por CobrarGarantía

Devolver una lista de: Cuentas por cobrarGarantía

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
AddressId String Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
CorporateAccountId String Falso
CostAmountCurrency String Falso
CostAmount Decimal Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
DocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
DocumentAmount Decimal Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime Falso
IsDeleted Bool Falso
IsDirectDebitDocument Bool Falso
IsElectronic Bool Falso
IsIntrastatDocument Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
ModifiedBy String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
SalesAmountCurrency String Falso
SalesAmount Decimal Falso
SalesTaxScheduleId String Falso
SalesTerritoryId String Falso
SalespersonId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
VoidDate Datetime Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Autorización de Regreso de Material

Devuelve una lista de: ReturnMaterialAuthorization

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
BillToAddressId String Falso
BillToCustomerId String Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
EntryDateTime Datetime Falso
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
Note String Falso
OfficeId String Falso
RateTypeId String Falso
ShipToAddressId String Falso
TransactionState String Falso
UserDefined01 String Falso
UserDefined02 String Falso
UserDefined03 String Falso
UserDefined04 String Falso
UserDefined05 String Falso
AuditsAggregate String Falso
BillOfLading String Falso
ClosedDateTime Datetime Falso
CommitDateTime Datetime Falso
CreatedBy String Falso
IsFromServiceCall Bool Falso
IsReceived Bool Falso
LinesAggregate String Falso
OriginatingDocumentId String Falso
OriginatingDocumentType String Falso
ReasonCodeDescription String Falso
ReasonCodeId String Falso
ReturnDateTime Datetime Falso
ReturnStatus String Falso
ReturnStatusCodeId String Falso
ReturnToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ReturnToAddressCity String Falso
ReturnToAddressLine1 String Falso
ReturnToAddressLine2 String Falso
ReturnToAddressLine3 String Falso
ReturnToAddressPostalCode String Falso
ReturnToAddressState String Falso
ReturnToAddressCountryRegion String Falso
ReturnToAddressName String Falso
ReturnTypeId String Falso
ReturnWarehouseId String Falso
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ShipToAddressCity String Falso
ShipToAddressLine1 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine2 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine3 String Falso
ShipToAddressPostalCode String Falso
ShipToAddressState String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String Falso
ShipToAddressContactPerson String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
Type String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

VentasPedido Atrasado

Devolver una lista de: SalesBackorder

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ActualShipDate Datetime Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BackorderDate Datetime Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
BillToAddressId String Falso
Comment String Falso
CommentId String Falso
CommissionAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionBasedOn String Falso
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionsAggregate String Falso
CreatedBy String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
DiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
DiscountAmount Decimal Falso
DocumentTypeId String Falso
DocumentTypeKeyType String Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightTaxAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxBasis String Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
FreightTaxesAggregate String Falso
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String Falso
FulfillDate Datetime Falso
IntegrationId String Falso
IntegrationSource Int Falso
InvoiceDate Datetime Falso
IsIntrastatDocument Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
LineTotalAmountCurrency String Falso
LineTotalAmount Decimal Falso
MasterNumber Int Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Note String Falso
OriginalSalesDocumentId String Falso
OriginalSalesDocumentType String Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
PriceLevelId String Falso
ProcessHoldsAggregate String Falso
QuoteDate Datetime Falso
Reference String Falso
RequestedShipDate Datetime Falso
ReturnDate Datetime Falso
SalesTerritoryId String Falso
SalespersonId String Falso
ShipCompleteOnly Bool Falso
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ShipToAddressCity String Falso
ShipToAddressLine1 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine2 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine3 String Falso
ShipToAddressPostalCode String Falso
ShipToAddressState String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String Falso
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String Falso
ShipToAddressFax String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1 String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2 String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3 String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String Falso
ShipToAddressContactPerson String Falso
ShipToAddressName String Falso
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
ShipToAddressId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxExemptNumber1 String Falso
TaxExemptNumber2 String Falso
TaxRegistrationNumber String Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TotalAmountCurrency String Falso
TotalAmount Decimal Falso
TrackingNumbersAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountItem String Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
UPSZone String Falso
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime Falso
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime Falso
UserDefinedList01 String Falso
UserDefinedList02 String Falso
UserDefinedList03 String Falso
UserDefinedText01 String Falso
UserDefinedText02 String Falso
UserDefinedText03 String Falso
UserDefinedText04 String Falso
UserDefinedText05 String Falso
WarehouseId String Falso
DepositAmountCurrency String Falso
DepositAmount Decimal Falso
LinesAggregate String Falso
PaymentAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentsAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: SalesFulfillmentOrder

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ActualShipDate Datetime Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BackorderDate Datetime Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
BillToAddressId String Falso
Comment String Falso
CommentId String Falso
CommissionAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionBasedOn String Falso
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionsAggregate String Falso
CreatedBy String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
DiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
DiscountAmount Decimal Falso
DocumentTypeId String Falso
DocumentTypeKeyType String Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightTaxAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxBasis String Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
FreightTaxesAggregate String Falso
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String Falso
FulfillDate Datetime Falso
IntegrationId String Falso
IntegrationSource Int Falso
InvoiceDate Datetime Falso
IsIntrastatDocument Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
LineTotalAmountCurrency String Falso
LineTotalAmount Decimal Falso
MasterNumber Int Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Note String Falso
OriginalSalesDocumentId String Falso
OriginalSalesDocumentType String Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
PriceLevelId String Falso
ProcessHoldsAggregate String Falso
QuoteDate Datetime Falso
Reference String Falso
RequestedShipDate Datetime Falso
ReturnDate Datetime Falso
SalesTerritoryId String Falso
SalespersonId String Falso
ShipCompleteOnly Bool Falso
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ShipToAddressCity String Falso
ShipToAddressLine1 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine2 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine3 String Falso
ShipToAddressPostalCode String Falso
ShipToAddressState String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String Falso
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String Falso
ShipToAddressFax String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1 String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2 String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3 String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String Falso
ShipToAddressContactPerson String Falso
ShipToAddressName String Falso
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
ShipToAddressId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxExemptNumber1 String Falso
TaxExemptNumber2 String Falso
TaxRegistrationNumber String Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TotalAmountCurrency String Falso
TotalAmount Decimal Falso
TrackingNumbersAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountItem String Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
UPSZone String Falso
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime Falso
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime Falso
UserDefinedList01 String Falso
UserDefinedList02 String Falso
UserDefinedList03 String Falso
UserDefinedText01 String Falso
UserDefinedText02 String Falso
UserDefinedText03 String Falso
UserDefinedText04 String Falso
UserDefinedText05 String Falso
WarehouseId String Falso
DepositAmountCurrency String Falso
DepositAmount Decimal Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
IsDirectDebit Bool Falso
LinesAggregate String Falso
PaymentAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentsAggregate String Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
ShippingProcessStatus String Falso
TermsDiscountItem String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountDate Datetime Falso
TermsDueDate Datetime Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal Falso
WorkflowPriority String Falso
WorkflowsAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Factura de Venta

Devuelve una lista de: SalesInvoice

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ActualShipDate Datetime Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BackorderDate Datetime Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
BillToAddressId String Falso
Comment String Falso
CommentId String Falso
CommissionAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionBasedOn String Falso
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionsAggregate String Falso
CreatedBy String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
DiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
DiscountAmount Decimal Falso
DocumentTypeId String Falso
DocumentTypeKeyType String Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightTaxAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxBasis String Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
FreightTaxesAggregate String Falso
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String Falso
FulfillDate Datetime Falso
IntegrationId String Falso
IntegrationSource Int Falso
InvoiceDate Datetime Falso
IsIntrastatDocument Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
LineTotalAmountCurrency String Falso
LineTotalAmount Decimal Falso
MasterNumber Int Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Note String Falso
OriginalSalesDocumentId String Falso
OriginalSalesDocumentType String Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
PriceLevelId String Falso
ProcessHoldsAggregate String Falso
QuoteDate Datetime Falso
Reference String Falso
RequestedShipDate Datetime Falso
ReturnDate Datetime Falso
SalesTerritoryId String Falso
SalespersonId String Falso
ShipCompleteOnly Bool Falso
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ShipToAddressCity String Falso
ShipToAddressLine1 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine2 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine3 String Falso
ShipToAddressPostalCode String Falso
ShipToAddressState String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String Falso
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String Falso
ShipToAddressFax String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1 String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2 String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3 String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String Falso
ShipToAddressContactPerson String Falso
ShipToAddressName String Falso
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
ShipToAddressId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxExemptNumber1 String Falso
TaxExemptNumber2 String Falso
TaxRegistrationNumber String Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TotalAmountCurrency String Falso
TotalAmount Decimal Falso
TrackingNumbersAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountItem String Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
UPSZone String Falso
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime Falso
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime Falso
UserDefinedList01 String Falso
UserDefinedList02 String Falso
UserDefinedList03 String Falso
UserDefinedText01 String Falso
UserDefinedText02 String Falso
UserDefinedText03 String Falso
UserDefinedText04 String Falso
UserDefinedText05 String Falso
WarehouseId String Falso
DepositAmountCurrency String Falso
DepositAmount Decimal Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
IsDirectDebit Bool Falso
LinesAggregate String Falso
PaymentAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentsAggregate String Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
TermsDiscountItem String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal Falso
TermsDiscountDate Datetime Falso
TermsDueDate Datetime Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal Falso
WorkflowPriority String Falso
WorkflowsAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Órdenes de Venta

Devuelve una lista de: SalesOrder

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ActualShipDate Datetime Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BackorderDate Datetime Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
BillToAddressId String Falso
Comment String Falso
CommentId String Falso
CommissionAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionBasedOn String Falso
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionsAggregate String Falso
CreatedBy String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
DiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
DiscountAmount Decimal Falso
DocumentTypeId String Falso
DocumentTypeKeyType String Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightTaxAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxBasis String Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
FreightTaxesAggregate String Falso
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String Falso
FulfillDate Datetime Falso
IntegrationId String Falso
IntegrationSource Int Falso
InvoiceDate Datetime Falso
IsIntrastatDocument Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
LineTotalAmountCurrency String Falso
LineTotalAmount Decimal Falso
MasterNumber Int Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Note String Falso
OriginalSalesDocumentId String Falso
OriginalSalesDocumentType String Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
PriceLevelId String Falso
ProcessHoldsAggregate String Falso
QuoteDate Datetime Falso
Reference String Falso
RequestedShipDate Datetime Falso
ReturnDate Datetime Falso
SalesTerritoryId String Falso
SalespersonId String Falso
ShipCompleteOnly Bool Falso
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ShipToAddressCity String Falso
ShipToAddressLine1 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine2 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine3 String Falso
ShipToAddressPostalCode String Falso
ShipToAddressState String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String Falso
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String Falso
ShipToAddressFax String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1 String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2 String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3 String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String Falso
ShipToAddressContactPerson String Falso
ShipToAddressName String Falso
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
ShipToAddressId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxExemptNumber1 String Falso
TaxExemptNumber2 String Falso
TaxRegistrationNumber String Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TotalAmountCurrency String Falso
TotalAmount Decimal Falso
TrackingNumbersAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountItem String Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
UPSZone String Falso
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime Falso
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime Falso
UserDefinedList01 String Falso
UserDefinedList02 String Falso
UserDefinedList03 String Falso
UserDefinedText01 String Falso
UserDefinedText02 String Falso
UserDefinedText03 String Falso
UserDefinedText04 String Falso
UserDefinedText05 String Falso
WarehouseId String Falso
DaysToIncrement Int Falso
DepositAmountCurrency String Falso
DepositAmount Decimal Falso
DocumentFrequency String Falso
IsRepeating Bool Falso
LinesAggregate String Falso
PaymentAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentsAggregate String Falso
ShippingProcessStatus String Falso
TimesToRepeat Int Falso
WorkflowPriority String Falso
WorkflowsAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: SalesProcessHoldSetup

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
CreatedBy String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
Description String Falso
IsFulfillHold Bool Falso
IsPostHold Bool Falso
IsPrintHold Bool Falso
IsTransferHold Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Password String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cotización de Ventas

Devolver una lista de: SalesQuote

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ActualShipDate Datetime Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BackorderDate Datetime Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
BillToAddressId String Falso
Comment String Falso
CommentId String Falso
CommissionAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionBasedOn String Falso
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionsAggregate String Falso
CreatedBy String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
DiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
DiscountAmount Decimal Falso
DocumentTypeId String Falso
DocumentTypeKeyType String Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightTaxAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxBasis String Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
FreightTaxesAggregate String Falso
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String Falso
FulfillDate Datetime Falso
IntegrationId String Falso
IntegrationSource Int Falso
InvoiceDate Datetime Falso
IsIntrastatDocument Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
LineTotalAmountCurrency String Falso
LineTotalAmount Decimal Falso
MasterNumber Int Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Note String Falso
OriginalSalesDocumentId String Falso
OriginalSalesDocumentType String Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
PriceLevelId String Falso
ProcessHoldsAggregate String Falso
QuoteDate Datetime Falso
Reference String Falso
RequestedShipDate Datetime Falso
ReturnDate Datetime Falso
SalesTerritoryId String Falso
SalespersonId String Falso
ShipCompleteOnly Bool Falso
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ShipToAddressCity String Falso
ShipToAddressLine1 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine2 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine3 String Falso
ShipToAddressPostalCode String Falso
ShipToAddressState String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String Falso
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String Falso
ShipToAddressFax String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1 String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2 String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3 String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String Falso
ShipToAddressContactPerson String Falso
ShipToAddressName String Falso
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
ShipToAddressId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxExemptNumber1 String Falso
TaxExemptNumber2 String Falso
TaxRegistrationNumber String Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TotalAmountCurrency String Falso
TotalAmount Decimal Falso
TrackingNumbersAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountItem String Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
UPSZone String Falso
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime Falso
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime Falso
UserDefinedList01 String Falso
UserDefinedList02 String Falso
UserDefinedList03 String Falso
UserDefinedText01 String Falso
UserDefinedText02 String Falso
UserDefinedText03 String Falso
UserDefinedText04 String Falso
UserDefinedText05 String Falso
WarehouseId String Falso
DaysToIncrement Int Falso
DocumentFrequency String Falso
ExpirationDate Datetime Falso
IsProspect Bool Falso
IsRepeating Bool Falso
LinesAggregate String Falso
TimesToRepeat Int Falso
WorkflowPriority String Falso
WorkflowsAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: SalesReturn

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ActualShipDate Datetime Falso
AuditTrailCode String Falso
BackorderDate Datetime Falso
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime Falso
BatchId String Falso
BatchKeySource String Falso
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
BillToAddressId String Falso
Comment String Falso
CommentId String Falso
CommissionAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionBasedOn String Falso
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String Falso
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal Falso
CommissionsAggregate String Falso
CreatedBy String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
Date Datetime Falso
DiscountAmountCurrency String Falso
DiscountAmount Decimal Falso
DocumentTypeId String Falso
DocumentTypeKeyType String Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FreightAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
FreightTaxAmount Decimal Falso
FreightTaxBasis String Falso
FreightTaxScheduleId String Falso
FreightTaxesAggregate String Falso
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String Falso
FulfillDate Datetime Falso
IntegrationId String Falso
IntegrationSource Int Falso
InvoiceDate Datetime Falso
IsIntrastatDocument Bool Falso
IsVoided Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
LineTotalAmountCurrency String Falso
LineTotalAmount Decimal Falso
MasterNumber Int Falso
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String Falso
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Note String Falso
OriginalSalesDocumentId String Falso
OriginalSalesDocumentType String Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
PriceLevelId String Falso
ProcessHoldsAggregate String Falso
QuoteDate Datetime Falso
Reference String Falso
RequestedShipDate Datetime Falso
ReturnDate Datetime Falso
SalesTerritoryId String Falso
SalespersonId String Falso
ShipCompleteOnly Bool Falso
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ShipToAddressCity String Falso
ShipToAddressLine1 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine2 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine3 String Falso
ShipToAddressPostalCode String Falso
ShipToAddressState String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String Falso
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String Falso
ShipToAddressFax String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1 String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone2 String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone3 String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String Falso
ShipToAddressContactPerson String Falso
ShipToAddressName String Falso
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String Falso
ShipToAddressId String Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxExemptNumber1 String Falso
TaxExemptNumber2 String Falso
TaxRegistrationNumber String Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TaxesAggregate String Falso
TotalAmountCurrency String Falso
TotalAmount Decimal Falso
TrackingNumbersAggregate String Falso
TradeDiscountItem String Falso
TransactionState String Falso
Type String Falso
UPSZone String Falso
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime Falso
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime Falso
UserDefinedList01 String Falso
UserDefinedList02 String Falso
UserDefinedList03 String Falso
UserDefinedText01 String Falso
UserDefinedText02 String Falso
UserDefinedText03 String Falso
UserDefinedText04 String Falso
UserDefinedText05 String Falso
WarehouseId String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime Falso
LinesAggregate String Falso
PaymentAmountCurrency String Falso
PaymentAmount Decimal Falso
PaymentsAggregate String Falso
PostedBy String Falso
PostedDate Datetime Falso
TermsDiscountReturnedAmountCurrency String Falso
TermsDiscountReturnedAmount Decimal Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Servicio

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ABCCode String Falso
AllowBackOrder Bool Falso
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountId String Falso
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
ClassId String Falso
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountId String Falso
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
CurrencyDecimalPlaces String Falso
CurrentCostCurrency String Falso
CurrentCost Decimal Falso
DamagedGLAccountId String Falso
DamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
DefaultPriceLevelId String Falso
DefaultSellingUofM String Falso
DefaultWarehouseId String Falso
Description String Falso
DropShipGLAccountId String Falso
DropShipGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
FunctionalCurrencyDecimalPlaces String Falso
GenericDescription String Falso
InServiceGLAccountId String Falso
InServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
InUseGLAccountId String Falso
InUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
IncludeInDemandPlanning Bool Falso
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField1 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField2 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField3 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField4 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField5 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField6 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField7 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField8 String Falso
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress String Falso
InventoryGLAccountId String Falso
InventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
InventoryOffsetGLAccountId String Falso
InventoryOffsetGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
InventoryReturnGLAccountId String Falso
InventoryReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
IsDiscontinued Bool Falso
KeepCalendarYearHistory Bool Falso
KeepDistributionHistory Bool Falso
KeepFiscalYearHistory Bool Falso
KeepTransactionHistory Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
MarkdownGLAccountId String Falso
MarkdownGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
PriceMethod String Falso
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId String Falso
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
PurchaseTaxBasis String Falso
PurchaseTaxScheduleId String Falso
PurchaseUofM String Falso
QuantityDecimalPlaces String Falso
SalesGLAccountId String Falso
SalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
SalesReturnGLAccountId String Falso
SalesReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
SalesTaxBasis String Falso
SalesTaxScheduleId String Falso
ShippingWeight Decimal Falso
ShortDescription String Falso
StandardCostCurrency String Falso
StandardCost Decimal Falso
SubstituteItem1Id String Falso
SubstituteItem2Id String Falso
Type String Falso
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId String Falso
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
UofMScheduleId String Falso
UserCategoryList1 String Falso
UserCategoryList2 String Falso
UserCategoryList3 String Falso
UserCategoryList4 String Falso
UserCategoryList5 String Falso
UserCategoryList6 String Falso
VarianceGLAccountId String Falso
VarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
WarrantyDays Short Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Llamada de Servicio

Devolver una lista de: ServiceCall

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
BillToAddressId String Falso
BillToCustomerId String Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
EntryDateTime Datetime Falso
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
Note String Falso
OfficeId String Falso
RateTypeId String Falso
ShipToAddressId String Falso
TransactionState String Falso
UserDefined01 String Falso
UserDefined02 String Falso
UserDefined03 String Falso
UserDefined04 String Falso
UserDefined05 String Falso
AuditsAggregate String Falso
CustomerReference String Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
DocumentTotalCurrency String Falso
DocumentTotal Decimal Falso
EstimatedTimeToRepair Decimal Falso
IsOnHold Bool Falso
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
LaborChargesBillablePercent Decimal Falso
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency String Falso
LaborChargesTotalAmount Decimal Falso
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency String Falso
LaborChargesTotalCost Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost Decimal Falso
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
PartsChargesBillablePercent Decimal Falso
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency String Falso
PartsChargesTotalAmount Decimal Falso
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency String Falso
PartsChargesTotalCost Decimal Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
PreTaxDocumentAmount Decimal Falso
PriceLevelId String Falso
Priority Int Falso
ResponseDateTime Datetime Falso
SalesPersonId String Falso
ServiceAreaId String Falso
ServiceContractId String Falso
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber Decimal Falso
ServiceTypeId String Falso
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ShipToAddressCity String Falso
ShipToAddressLine1 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine2 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine3 String Falso
ShipToAddressPostalCode String Falso
ShipToAddressState String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String Falso
ShipToAddressContactPerson String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1 String Falso
StatusCodeId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxExemptNumber1 String Falso
TaxExemptNumber2 String Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TechnicianId String Falso
TimeZoneId String Falso
AdditionalChargesAggregate String Falso
ArrivalDateTime Datetime Falso
CompletionDateTime Datetime Falso
DispatchDateTime Datetime Falso
EquipmentCodesAggregate String Falso
EscalationDateTime Datetime Falso
EscalationLevel Int Falso
ExpensesAggregate String Falso
InvoicedAmountCurrency String Falso
InvoicedAmount Decimal Falso
IsCallback Bool Falso
LaborAggregate String Falso
Meter1ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
Meter1CurrentReading Int Falso
Meter1Replaced Bool Falso
Meter1InternalUsage Int Falso
Meter2ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
Meter2CurrentReading Int Falso
Meter2Replaced Bool Falso
Meter2InternalUsage Int Falso
Meter3ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
Meter3CurrentReading Int Falso
Meter3Replaced Bool Falso
Meter3InternalUsage Int Falso
Meter4ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
Meter4CurrentReading Int Falso
Meter4Replaced Bool Falso
Meter4InternalUsage Int Falso
Meter5ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
Meter5CurrentReading Int Falso
Meter5Replaced Bool Falso
Meter5InternalUsage Int Falso
NotifyDateTime Datetime Falso
PartsAggregate String Falso
Type String Falso
WasNotified Bool Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: ServiceEquipment

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressCity String Falso
AddressLine1 String Falso
AddressLine2 String Falso
AddressLine3 String Falso
AddressPostalCode String Falso
AddressState String Falso
AddressContactPerson String Falso
AddressCountry String Falso
AddressId String Falso
AssetTag String Falso
CustomerId String Falso
InstallDate Datetime Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
KeyItemId [KEY] String Falso
LastCalculatedDate Datetime Falso
LastPreventiveMaintenanceDate Datetime Falso
LastServiceDate Datetime Falso
Note String Falso
OfficeId String Falso
PreventiveMaintenanceDay Int Falso
PreventiveMaintenanceMonth String Falso
Quantity Decimal Falso
ReadingsAggregate String Falso
Reference String Falso
RegisterDate Datetime Falso
SellerWarrantyCodeExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
SellerWarrantyCodeEndDate Datetime Falso
SellerWarrantyCodeId String Falso
SellerWarrantyCodeStartDate Datetime Falso
SerialNumber String Falso
ServiceAreaId String Falso
ShippedDate Datetime Falso
StatusId String Falso
TechnicianId String Falso
TimeZoneId String Falso
UserDefined01 String Falso
UserDefined02 String Falso
UserDefined03 String Falso
UserDefined04 String Falso
UserDefined05 String Falso
VendorId String Falso
VendorWarrantyCodeExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
VendorWarrantyCodeEndDate Datetime Falso
VendorWarrantyCodeId String Falso
VendorWarrantyCodeStartDate Datetime Falso
Version String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cotización de Servicio

Devolver una lista de: ServiceQuote

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
BillToAddressId String Falso
BillToCustomerId String Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
CustomerId String Falso
CustomerName String Falso
CustomerPONumber String Falso
EntryDateTime Datetime Falso
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime Falso
ExchangeDate Datetime Falso
ExchangeRate Decimal Falso
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
Note String Falso
OfficeId String Falso
RateTypeId String Falso
ShipToAddressId String Falso
TransactionState String Falso
UserDefined01 String Falso
UserDefined02 String Falso
UserDefined03 String Falso
UserDefined04 String Falso
UserDefined05 String Falso
AuditsAggregate String Falso
CustomerReference String Falso
Description String Falso
DistributionsAggregate String Falso
DocumentTotalCurrency String Falso
DocumentTotal Decimal Falso
EstimatedTimeToRepair Decimal Falso
IsOnHold Bool Falso
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
LaborChargesBillablePercent Decimal Falso
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency String Falso
LaborChargesTotalAmount Decimal Falso
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency String Falso
LaborChargesTotalCost Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount Decimal Falso
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency String Falso
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost Decimal Falso
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
PartsChargesBillablePercent Decimal Falso
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency String Falso
PartsChargesTotalAmount Decimal Falso
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency String Falso
PartsChargesTotalCost Decimal Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency String Falso
PreTaxDocumentAmount Decimal Falso
PriceLevelId String Falso
Priority Int Falso
ResponseDateTime Datetime Falso
SalesPersonId String Falso
ServiceAreaId String Falso
ServiceContractId String Falso
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber Decimal Falso
ServiceTypeId String Falso
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
ShipToAddressCity String Falso
ShipToAddressLine1 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine2 String Falso
ShipToAddressLine3 String Falso
ShipToAddressPostalCode String Falso
ShipToAddressState String Falso
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String Falso
ShipToAddressContactPerson String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String Falso
ShipToAddressPhone1 String Falso
StatusCodeId String Falso
TaxAmountCurrency String Falso
TaxAmount Decimal Falso
TaxExemptNumber1 String Falso
TaxExemptNumber2 String Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
TechnicianId String Falso
TimeZoneId String Falso
AdditionalChargesAggregate String Falso
EquipmentCodesAggregate String Falso
ExpensesAggregate String Falso
LaborAggregate String Falso
PartsAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Habilidad

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
CompensationExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
CompensationCompensationAmount Decimal Falso
CompensationCompensationPeriod String Falso
DeleteOnUpdate Bool Falso
SkillId [KEY] String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Conjunto de Habilidades

Devuelve una lista de: SkillSet

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AvailableSkills Int Falso
SkillSetId [KEY] String Falso
SkillsAggregate String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Proveedor

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AccountsPayableGLAccountId String Falso
AccountsPayableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
AccruedPurchasesGLAccountId String Falso
AccruedPurchasesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
AddressesAggregate String Falso
AllowRevaluation Bool Falso
BankAccountId String Falso
CashGLAccountId String Falso
CashGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
CheckName String Falso
ClassId String Falso
Comment1 String Falso
Comment2 String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
CreditLimitItem String Falso
CurrencyKeyISOCode String Falso
DefaultAddressId String Falso
DefaultAddressKeyVendorId String Falso
DefaultCashAccountType String Falso
DiscountGracePeriod Int Falso
DueDateGracePeriod Int Falso
FinanceChargesGLAccountId String Falso
FinanceChargesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
FreeOnBoard String Falso
FreightGLAccountId String Falso
FreightGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
HistoryOptionsKeepCalendarHistory Bool Falso
HistoryOptionsKeepDistributionHistory Bool Falso
HistoryOptionsKeepFiscalHistory Bool Falso
HistoryOptionsKeepTransactionHistory Bool Falso
IsActive Bool Falso
IsOnHold Bool Falso
IsOneTime Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
Language String Falso
MaximumInvoiceItem String Falso
MaximumWriteoffItem String Falso
MinimumOrderAmountCurrency String Falso
MinimumOrderAmount Decimal Falso
MinimumPaymentItem String Falso
MiscellaneousGLAccountId String Falso
MiscellaneousGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
Name String Falso
Notes String Falso
PaymentPriority String Falso
PaymentTermsId String Falso
PostResultsTo String Falso
ProjectAccountingOptionsDefaultPurchaseOrderFormat String Falso
ProjectAccountingOptionsUnitCostCurrency String Falso
ProjectAccountingOptionsUnitCost Decimal Falso
ProjectAccountingOptionsUnitOfMeasure String Falso
ProjectAccountingOptionsUserDefined1 String Falso
ProjectAccountingOptionsUserDefined2 String Falso
PurchaseAddressId String Falso
PurchaseAddressKeyVendorId String Falso
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId String Falso
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
PurchasesGLAccountId String Falso
PurchasesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
RateTypeId String Falso
RemitToAddressId String Falso
RemitToAddressKeyVendorId String Falso
ShipFromAddressId String Falso
ShipFromAddressKeyVendorId String Falso
ShortName String Falso
Tax1099BoxNumber Int Falso
Tax1099Type String Falso
TaxGLAccountId String Falso
TaxGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
TaxIdentificationNumber String Falso
TaxRegistrationNumber String Falso
TaxSchedule String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountId String Falso
TermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
TermsDiscountTakenGLAccountId String Falso
TermsDiscountTakenGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
TradeDiscountGLAccountId String Falso
TradeDiscountGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso
TradeDiscountPercent Decimal Falso
UserDefined1 String Falso
UserDefined2 String Falso
UserLanguageId Int Falso
VendorAccountNumber String Falso
WorkflowPriority String Falso
WorkflowsAggregate String Falso
WriteoffGLAccountId String Falso
WriteoffGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Dirección del Proveedor

Devolver una lista de: VendorAddress

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
City String Falso
Line1 String Falso
Line2 String Falso
Line3 String Falso
PostalCode String Falso
State String Falso
CountryRegion String Falso
FaxCountryCode String Falso
FaxExtension String Falso
Fax String Falso
Phone1CountryCode String Falso
Phone1Extension String Falso
Phone1 String Falso
Phone2CountryCode String Falso
Phone2Extension String Falso
Phone2 String Falso
Phone3CountryCode String Falso
Phone3Extension String Falso
Phone3 String Falso
CountryRegionCodeId String Falso
ContactPerson String Falso
Name String Falso
CreatedDate Datetime Falso
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField1 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField2 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField3 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField4 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField5 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField6 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField7 String Falso
InternetAddressesInternetField8 String Falso
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress String Falso
LastModifiedDate Datetime Falso
ModifiedDate Datetime Falso
ShippingMethodId String Falso
TaxScheduleId String Falso
UPSZone String Falso
UserDefined1 String Falso
UserDefined2 String Falso
DeleteOnUpdate Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
KeyVendorId [KEY] String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Almacén

Nombre Tipo Solo lectura Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String Falso
AddressCity String Falso
AddressLine1 String Falso
AddressLine2 String Falso
AddressLine3 String Falso
AddressPostalCode String Falso
AddressState String Falso
AddressCountryRegion String Falso
AddressFaxCountryCode String Falso
AddressFaxExtension String Falso
AddressFax String Falso
AddressPhone1CountryCode String Falso
AddressPhone1Extension String Falso
AddressPhone1 String Falso
AddressPhone2CountryCode String Falso
AddressPhone2Extension String Falso
AddressPhone2 String Falso
AddressPhone3CountryCode String Falso
AddressPhone3Extension String Falso
AddressPhone3 String Falso
AddressCountryRegionCodeId String Falso
BinsAggregate String Falso
Description String Falso
IncludeInPlanning Bool Falso
Id [KEY] String Falso
PurchaseTaxScheduleId String Falso
SalesTaxScheduleId String Falso

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Puntos de Vista

Las vistas se componen de columnas y pseudocolumnas. Las vistas son similares a las tablas en la forma en que se representan los datos; sin embargo, las vistas no admiten actualizaciones. Las entidades que se representan como vistas suelen ser entidades de solo lectura. A menudo, un procedimiento almacenado* está disponible para actualizar los datos si dicha funcionalidad es aplicable a la fuente de datos.

Las consultas se pueden ejecutar contra una vista como si fuera una tabla normal, y los datos que regresan son similares en ese sentido. Para obtener más información sobre las tablas y los procedimientos almacenados, vaya a sus entradas correspondientes en este documento de ayuda.

Conector Jitterbit para Vistas de Dynamics GP

Nombre Descripción
ApplicantApplication Devolver una lista de: SolicitanteSolicitud
ApplicantApplications Devuelve una lista de: SolicitantesSolicitudes
ApplicantInterviewInterviewItems Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantInterviewInterviewItems
ApplicantInterviews Devolver una lista de: ApplicantInterviews
ApplicantPreviousEmployers Devolver una lista de: SolicitanteAnteriorEmpleadores
ApplicantReferences Devolver una lista de: Referencias de solicitantes
ApplicantSchools Devolver una lista de: Escuelas solicitantes
ApplicantSkills Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantSkills
ApplicantTests Devolver una lista de: ApplicantTests
BackOfficeRole Devuelve una lista de: BackOfficeRole
Bank Devolver una lista de: Banco
CashReceiptDistributions Devuelve una lista de: CashReceiptDistributions
ChangedCurrencyKey Devuelve una lista de: ChangedCurrencyKey
ChangedCustomerAddressKey Devuelve una lista de: ChangedCustomerAddressKey
ChangedCustomerKey Devuelve una lista de: ChangedCustomerKey
ChangedInternetAddressKey Devuelve una lista de: ChangedInternetAddressKey
ChangedItemKey Devuelve una lista de: ChangedItemKey
ChangedPriceLevelKey Devuelve una lista de: ChangedPriceLevelKey
ChangedPricingKey Devuelve una lista de: ChangedPricingKey
ChangedSalesInvoiceKey Devuelve una lista de: ChangedSalesInvoiceKey
ChangedSalesOrderKey Devuelve una lista de: ChangedSalesOrderKey
ChangedSalespersonKey Devuelve una lista de: ChangedSalespersonKey
ChangedUofMScheduleKey Devuelve una lista de: ChangedUofMScheduleKey
Company Devolver una lista de: Empresa
CompanyAddress Devuelve una lista de: CompanyAddress
CountryRegionCode Devuelve una lista de: CountryRegionCode
Currency Devuelve una lista de: Moneda
CurrencyAccess Devuelve una lista de: CurrencyAccess
CurrencyPostingAccount Devuelve una lista de: CurrencyPostingAccount
CustomerAddresses Devolver una lista de: CustomerAddresses
CustomerReceivablesSummary Devuelve una lista de: CustomerReceivablesSummary
EmployeeAddresses Devuelve una lista de: EmployeeAddresses
GLAccount Devuelve una lista de: GLAccount
GLAccountCategory Devuelve una lista de: GLAccountCategory
GLAccountFormat Devuelve una lista de: GLAccountFormat
GLFixedAllocationAccountDistributions Devuelve una lista de: GLFixedAllocationAccountDistributions
GLPostingAccountCurrencies Devuelve una lista de: GLPostingAccountCurrencies
GLTransactionLines Devuelve una lista de: GLTransactionLines
GLVariableAllocationAccountDistributions Devuelve una lista de: GLVariableAllocationAccountDistributions
InventoriedItem Devuelve una lista de: InventoriedItem
InventoryAdjustmentLines Devuelve una lista de: InventoryAdjustmentLines
InventoryTransferLines Devolver una lista de: InventoryTransferLines
InventoryVarianceLines Devuelve una lista de: InventoryVarianceLines
Item Devolver una lista de: Artículo
ItemClass Devuelve una lista de: ItemClass
ManufacturingOrder Devuelve una lista de: ManufacturingOrder
ManufacturingOrderPickList Devuelve una lista de: ManufacturingOrderPickList
ManufacturingOrderRoute Devuelve una lista de: ManufacturingOrderRoute
MulticurrencySetup Devuelve una lista de: MulticurrencySetup
PayablesDocument Devuelve una lista de: PayablesDocument
PayablesDocumentDistributions La tabla de DynamicsGP PayablesDocumentDistributions.
PayablesDocumentTaxes La tabla de DynamicsGP PayablesDocumentTaxes.
PaymentCardType Devuelve una lista de: PaymentCardType
PaymentTerms Devuelve una lista de: PaymentTerms
PlannedOrder Devuelve una lista de: PlannedOrder
PlannedOrderItems Devuelve una lista de: PlannedOrderItems
PolicyBehaviors Devolver una lista de: PolicyBehaviors
PriceLevel Devuelve una lista de: PriceLevel
PricingDetails Devuelve una lista de: PricingDetails
Project Devolver una lista de: Proyecto
ProjectAccounts Devuelve una lista de: ProjectAccounts
ProjectBillingCycles Devolver una lista de: ProjectBillingCycles
ProjectBudget Devuelve una lista de: ProjectBudget
ProjectBudgets Devolver una lista de: ProjectBudgets
ProjectChangeOrder Devuelve una lista de: ProjectChangeOrder
ProjectChangeOrderBudgets Devuelve una lista de: ProjectChangeOrderBudgets
ProjectChangeOrderFees Devuelve una lista de: ProjectChangeOrderFees
ProjectContract Devolver una lista de: ProjectContract
ProjectContractAccounts Devuelve una lista de: ProjectContractAccounts
ProjectContractBillingCycles Devolver una lista de: ProjectContractBillingCycles
ProjectEmployeeExpense Devuelve una lista de: ProjectEmployeeExpense
ProjectEmployeeExpenseDistributions Devuelve una lista de: ProjectEmployeeExpenseDistributions
ProjectEmployeeExpenseLines Devuelve una lista de: ProjectEmployeeExpenseLines
ProjectEquipmentList Devuelve una lista de: ProjectEquipmentList
ProjectFees Devuelve una lista de: ProjectFees
ProjectMiscellaneousLog Devuelve una lista de: ProjectMiscellaneousLog
ProjectMiscellaneousLogDistributions Devuelve una lista de: ProjectMiscellaneousLogDistributions
ProjectMiscellaneousLogLines Devuelve una lista de: ProjectMiscellaneousLogLines
ProjectTimesheet Devuelve una lista de: ProjectTimesheet
ProjectTimesheetDistributions Devuelve una lista de: ProjectTimesheetDistributions
ProjectTimesheetLines Devuelve una lista de: ProjectTimesheetLines
PurchaseInvoiceDistributions Devolver una lista de: Distribuciones de facturas de compra
PurchaseInvoiceFreightTaxes Devuelve una lista de: Factura de compra Flete Impuestos
PurchaseInvoiceLines Devuelve una lista de: LíneasDeFacturaDeCompra
PurchaseInvoiceMiscellaneousTaxes Devuelve una lista de: Factura de compra Varios Impuestos
PurchaseInvoiceTaxes Devolver una lista de: FacturaDeCompraImpuestos
PurchaseOrderFreightTaxes Devuelve una lista de: impuestos de flete de pedido de compra
PurchaseOrderLines Devuelve una lista de: Líneas de pedido de compra
PurchaseOrderMiscellaneousTaxes Devuelve una lista de: Pedido de compraImpuestos varios
PurchaseOrderTaxes Devolver una lista de: Impuestos por orden de compra
PurchaseReceiptDistributions Devolver una lista de: Distribuciones de Recibos de Compra
PurchaseReceiptLines Devuelve una lista de: LíneasDeReciboDeCompra
PurchaseReceiptUserDefined Devuelve una lista de: PurchaseReceiptUserDefined
ReceivablesDebitMemoCommissions Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesDebitMemoCommissions
ReceivablesDocument Devuelve una lista de: ReceivablesDocument
ReceivablesDocumentDistributions La tabla DynamicsGP ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
ReceivablesDocumentTaxes La tabla de DynamicsGP ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
ReceivablesInvoiceCommissions Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesInvoiceCommissions
ReceivablesReturnCommissions Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesReturnCommissions
ReceivablesServiceRepairCommissions Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesServiceRepairCommissions
ReturnMaterialAuthorizationAudits Devolver una lista de: ReturnMaterialAuthorizationAudits
ReturnMaterialAuthorizationLines Devuelve una lista de: ReturnMaterialAuthorizationLines
SalesBackorderLines Devuelve una lista de: SalesBackorderLines
SalesBackorderPayments Devuelve una lista de: SalesBackorderPayments
SalesDocument Devuelve una lista de: SalesDocument
SalesDocumentCommissions La tabla SalesDocumentCommissions de DynamicsGP.
SalesDocumentFreightTaxes La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
SalesDocumentProcessHolds La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
SalesDocumentTaxes La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentTaxes.
SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
SalesFulfillmentOrderDistributions Devuelve una lista de: Distribuciones de pedidos de cumplimiento de ventas
SalesFulfillmentOrderLines Devuelve una lista de: SalesFulfillmentOrderLines
SalesFulfillmentOrderPayments Devuelve una lista de: SalesFulfillmentOrderPayments
SalesInvoiceDistributions Devuelve una lista de: Distribuciones de facturas de ventas
SalesInvoiceLines Devuelve una lista de: SalesInvoiceLines
SalesInvoicePayments Devuelve una lista de: SalesInvoicePayments
SalesOrderLines Devuelve una lista de: SalesOrderLines
SalesOrderPayments Devuelve una lista de: SalesOrderPayments
Salesperson Devolver una lista de: Vendedor
SalespersonCommissions Devuelve una lista de: SalespersonCommissions
SalespersonSalesHistory Devuelve una lista de: SalespersonSalesHistory
SalesQuoteLines Devuelve una lista de: SalesQuoteLines
SalesReturnDistributions Devuelve una lista de: SalesReturnDistributions
SalesReturnLines Devuelve una lista de: SalesReturnLines
SalesReturnPayments Devuelve una lista de: SalesReturnPayments
SalesTerritory Devuelve una lista de: SalesTerritory
SalesTerritorySalesHistory Devuelve una lista de: SalesTerritorySalesHistory
ServiceCallAdditionalCharges Devolver una lista de: ServiceCallAdditionalCharges
ServiceCallEquipmentCodes Devuelve una lista de: ServiceCallEquipmentCodes
ServiceCallExpenses Devuelve una lista de: ServiceCallExpenses
ServiceCallLabor Devolver una lista de: ServiceCallLabor
ServiceCallParts Devolver una lista de: ServiceCallParts
ServiceEquipmentReadings Devuelve una lista de: ServiceEquipmentReadings
ServiceQuoteAdditionalCharges Devolver una lista de: ServiceQuoteAdditionalCharges
ServiceQuoteEquipmentCodes Devuelve una lista de: ServiceQuoteEquipmentCodes
ServiceQuoteExpenses Devuelve una lista de: ServiceQuoteExpenses
ServiceQuoteLabor Devuelve una lista de: ServiceQuoteLabor
ServiceQuoteParts Devolver una lista de: ServiceQuoteParts
ShippingMethod Devolver una lista de: ShippingMethod
SkillSetSkills Devuelve una lista de: SkillSetSkills
UofMSchedule Devuelve una lista de: UofMSchedule
UofMScheduleDetails Devuelve una lista de: UofMScheduleDetails
UserAssignableBusinessObject Devuelve una lista de: UserAssignableBusinessObject
VendorAddresses Devuelve una lista de: VendorAddresses
VendorManufacturingOrder Devuelve una lista de: VendorManufacturingOrder
VendorManufacturingOrderRoute Devuelve una lista de: VendorManufacturingOrderRoute
VendorPlannedOrder Devuelve una lista de: VendorPlannedOrder
WarehouseBins Devolver una lista de: WarehouseBins


Devolver una lista de: SolicitanteSolicitud

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ApplicantApplicationKeyApplicantId [KEY] Int
ApplicantApplicationKeySequenceId [KEY] Int
ColorColorCode String
ColorColorName String
CompanyCode String
DateApplied Datetime
DeleteOnUpdate Bool
DepartmentId String
DivisionId String
IsReplyLetterSent Bool
IsWillRelocate Bool
LastModifiedBy String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
Location String
PositionId String
ReferenceInformationSource String
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription String
RejectionInfomationComment String
RejectionInfomationReason String
RequisitionId String
Status String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: SolicitanteSolicitudes

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressCity String
AddressLine1 String
AddressLine2 String
AddressLine3 String
AddressPostalCode String
AddressState String
AddressCountryRegion String
AddressFaxCountryCode String
AddressFaxExtension String
AddressFax String
AddressPhone1CountryCode String
AddressPhone1Extension String
AddressPhone1 String
AddressPhone2CountryCode String
AddressPhone2Extension String
AddressPhone2 String
AddressPhone3CountryCode String
AddressPhone3Extension String
AddressPhone3 String
AgeCode String
ApplicantId Int
ApplicationColorColorCode String
ApplicationColorColorName String
ApplicationStatus String
ApplicationsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ApplicationsApplicantApplicationKeyApplicantId [KEY] Int
ApplicationsApplicantApplicationKeySequenceId [KEY] Int
ApplicationsColorColorCode String
ApplicationsColorColorName String
ApplicationsCompanyCode String
ApplicationsDateApplied Datetime
ApplicationsDeleteOnUpdate Bool
ApplicationsDepartmentId String
ApplicationsDivisionId String
ApplicationsIsReplyLetterSent Bool
ApplicationsIsWillRelocate Bool
ApplicationsLastModifiedBy String
ApplicationsLastModifiedDate Datetime
ApplicationsLocation String
ApplicationsPositionId String
ApplicationsReferenceInformationSource String
ApplicationsReferenceInformationSourceDescription String
ApplicationsRejectionInfomationComment String
ApplicationsRejectionInfomationReason String
ApplicationsRequisitionId String
ApplicationsStatus String
CompanyCode String
DateApplied Datetime
DepartmentId String
DivisionId String
Ethnicity String
FirstName String
Gender String
HRRequisistionId String
InterviewsAggregate String
IsDisabled Bool
IsDisabledVeteran Bool
IsOtherVeteran Bool
IsReplyLetterSent Bool
IsVeteran Bool
IsVietnamEraVeteran Bool
IsWillRelocate Bool
LastModifiedBy String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LastName String
Location String
MiddleName String
PositionId String
PreviousEmployersAggregate String
ReferenceInformationSource String
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription String
ReferencesAggregate String
RejectionInformationComment String
RejectionInformationReason String
SchoolsAggregate String
SequenceId Int
SkillsAggregate String
TaxIdentifier String
TestsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantInterviewInterviewItems

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ApplicantInterviewKeyApplicantId Int
ApplicantInterviewKeyApplyDateId Datetime
ApplicantInterviewKeyInterviewTypeId String
CompanyCode String
DeleteOnUpdate Bool
DepartmentId String
DivisionId String
EffectiveDate Datetime
InterviewItemsCategoryCode Int
InterviewItemsCategoryName String
InterviewItemsCategoryWeight Int
InterviewItemsNotes String
InterviewItemsScore Int
InterviewItemsSequenceId [KEY] Int
InterviewTypeCode Int
Notes String
PositionId String
ReviewRange Int
ReviewRating Decimal
TotalWeight Int
WeightedScore Int

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ApplicantInterviews

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressCity String
AddressLine1 String
AddressLine2 String
AddressLine3 String
AddressPostalCode String
AddressState String
AddressCountryRegion String
AddressFaxCountryCode String
AddressFaxExtension String
AddressFax String
AddressPhone1CountryCode String
AddressPhone1Extension String
AddressPhone1 String
AddressPhone2CountryCode String
AddressPhone2Extension String
AddressPhone2 String
AddressPhone3CountryCode String
AddressPhone3Extension String
AddressPhone3 String
AgeCode String
ApplicantId Int
ApplicationColorColorCode String
ApplicationColorColorName String
ApplicationStatus String
ApplicationsAggregate String
CompanyCode String
DateApplied Datetime
DepartmentId String
DivisionId String
Ethnicity String
FirstName String
Gender String
HRRequisistionId String
InterviewsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
InterviewsApplicantInterviewKeyApplicantId [KEY] Int
InterviewsApplicantInterviewKeyApplyDateId [KEY] Datetime
InterviewsApplicantInterviewKeyInterviewTypeId [KEY] String
InterviewsCompanyCode String
InterviewsDeleteOnUpdate Bool
InterviewsDepartmentId String
InterviewsDivisionId String
InterviewsEffectiveDate Datetime
InterviewsInterviewItemsAggregate String
InterviewsInterviewTypeCode Int
InterviewsNotes String
InterviewsPositionId String
InterviewsReviewRange Int
InterviewsReviewRating Decimal
InterviewsTotalWeight Int
InterviewsWeightedScore Int
IsDisabled Bool
IsDisabledVeteran Bool
IsOtherVeteran Bool
IsReplyLetterSent Bool
IsVeteran Bool
IsVietnamEraVeteran Bool
IsWillRelocate Bool
LastModifiedBy String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LastName String
Location String
MiddleName String
PositionId String
PreviousEmployersAggregate String
ReferenceInformationSource String
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription String
ReferencesAggregate String
RejectionInformationComment String
RejectionInformationReason String
SchoolsAggregate String
SequenceId Int
SkillsAggregate String
TaxIdentifier String
TestsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: SolicitanteAnteriorEmpleadores

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressCity String
AddressLine1 String
AddressLine2 String
AddressLine3 String
AddressPostalCode String
AddressState String
AddressCountryRegion String
AddressFaxCountryCode String
AddressFaxExtension String
AddressFax String
AddressPhone1CountryCode String
AddressPhone1Extension String
AddressPhone1 String
AddressPhone2CountryCode String
AddressPhone2Extension String
AddressPhone2 String
AddressPhone3CountryCode String
AddressPhone3Extension String
AddressPhone3 String
AgeCode String
ApplicantId Int
ApplicationColorColorCode String
ApplicationColorColorName String
ApplicationStatus String
ApplicationsAggregate String
CompanyCode String
DateApplied Datetime
DepartmentId String
DivisionId String
Ethnicity String
FirstName String
Gender String
HRRequisistionId String
InterviewsAggregate String
IsDisabled Bool
IsDisabledVeteran Bool
IsOtherVeteran Bool
IsReplyLetterSent Bool
IsVeteran Bool
IsVietnamEraVeteran Bool
IsWillRelocate Bool
LastModifiedBy String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LastName String
Location String
MiddleName String
PositionId String
PreviousEmployersExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PreviousEmployersApplicantWorkHistoryKeyApplicantSequenceKeyApplicantId [KEY] Int
PreviousEmployersApplicantWorkHistoryKeyApplicantSequenceKeySequenceId [KEY] Int
PreviousEmployersApplicantWorkHistoryId [KEY] String
PreviousEmployersCompensationPeriod String
PreviousEmployersDeleteOnUpdate Bool
PreviousEmployersEndDate Datetime
PreviousEmployersLastModifiedBy String
PreviousEmployersLastModifiedDate Datetime
PreviousEmployersNotes String
PreviousEmployersPositionId String
PreviousEmployersStartDate Datetime
PreviousEmployersWage Decimal
PreviousEmployersYearsOfExperience Int
ReferenceInformationSource String
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription String
ReferencesAggregate String
RejectionInformationComment String
RejectionInformationReason String
SchoolsAggregate String
SequenceId Int
SkillsAggregate String
TaxIdentifier String
TestsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Referencias de solicitantes

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressCity String
AddressLine1 String
AddressLine2 String
AddressLine3 String
AddressPostalCode String
AddressState String
AddressCountryRegion String
AddressFaxCountryCode String
AddressFaxExtension String
AddressFax String
AddressPhone1CountryCode String
AddressPhone1Extension String
AddressPhone1 String
AddressPhone2CountryCode String
AddressPhone2Extension String
AddressPhone2 String
AddressPhone3CountryCode String
AddressPhone3Extension String
AddressPhone3 String
AgeCode String
ApplicantId Int
ApplicationColorColorCode String
ApplicationColorColorName String
ApplicationStatus String
ApplicationsAggregate String
CompanyCode String
DateApplied Datetime
DepartmentId String
DivisionId String
Ethnicity String
FirstName String
Gender String
HRRequisistionId String
InterviewsAggregate String
IsDisabled Bool
IsDisabledVeteran Bool
IsOtherVeteran Bool
IsReplyLetterSent Bool
IsVeteran Bool
IsVietnamEraVeteran Bool
IsWillRelocate Bool
LastModifiedBy String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LastName String
Location String
MiddleName String
PositionId String
PreviousEmployersAggregate String
ReferenceInformationSource String
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription String
ReferencesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ReferencesAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ReferencesAddressCity String
ReferencesAddressLine1 String
ReferencesAddressLine2 String
ReferencesAddressLine3 String
ReferencesAddressPostalCode String
ReferencesAddressState String
ReferencesAddressCountryRegion String
ReferencesAddressFaxCountryCode String
ReferencesAddressFaxExtension String
ReferencesAddressFax String
ReferencesAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ReferencesAddressPhone1Extension String
ReferencesAddressPhone1 String
ReferencesAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ReferencesAddressPhone2Extension String
ReferencesAddressPhone2 String
ReferencesAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ReferencesAddressPhone3Extension String
ReferencesAddressPhone3 String
ReferencesApplicantReferenceKeyApplicantSequenceKeyApplicantId [KEY] Int
ReferencesApplicantReferenceKeyApplicantSequenceKeySequenceId [KEY] Int
ReferencesApplicantReferenceId [KEY] String
ReferencesCompanyName String
ReferencesDeleteOnUpdate Bool
ReferencesLastModifiedBy String
ReferencesLastModifiedDate Datetime
ReferencesNotes String
ReferencesRelationship String
RejectionInformationComment String
RejectionInformationReason String
SchoolsAggregate String
SequenceId Int
SkillsAggregate String
TaxIdentifier String
TestsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Escuelas Solicitantes

Devolver una lista de: Escuelas Solicitantes

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressCity String
AddressLine1 String
AddressLine2 String
AddressLine3 String
AddressPostalCode String
AddressState String
AddressCountryRegion String
AddressFaxCountryCode String
AddressFaxExtension String
AddressFax String
AddressPhone1CountryCode String
AddressPhone1Extension String
AddressPhone1 String
AddressPhone2CountryCode String
AddressPhone2Extension String
AddressPhone2 String
AddressPhone3CountryCode String
AddressPhone3Extension String
AddressPhone3 String
AgeCode String
ApplicantId Int
ApplicationColorColorCode String
ApplicationColorColorName String
ApplicationStatus String
ApplicationsAggregate String
CompanyCode String
DateApplied Datetime
DepartmentId String
DivisionId String
Ethnicity String
FirstName String
Gender String
HRRequisistionId String
InterviewsAggregate String
IsDisabled Bool
IsDisabledVeteran Bool
IsOtherVeteran Bool
IsReplyLetterSent Bool
IsVeteran Bool
IsVietnamEraVeteran Bool
IsWillRelocate Bool
LastModifiedBy String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LastName String
Location String
MiddleName String
PositionId String
PreviousEmployersAggregate String
ReferenceInformationSource String
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription String
ReferencesAggregate String
RejectionInformationComment String
RejectionInformationReason String
SchoolsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SchoolsApplicantEducationKeyApplicantId [KEY] Int
SchoolsApplicantEducationKeySequenceId [KEY] Int
SchoolsDegree String
SchoolsDeleteOnUpdate Bool
SchoolsGPABase String
SchoolsGradePointAverage String
SchoolsLastModifiedBy String
SchoolsLastModifiedDate Datetime
SchoolsMajor String
SchoolsNotes String
SchoolsSchool String
SchoolsYearGraduated String
SequenceId Int
SkillsAggregate String
TaxIdentifier String
TestsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Habilidades del Solicitante

Devuelve una lista de: ApplicantSkills

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressCity String
AddressLine1 String
AddressLine2 String
AddressLine3 String
AddressPostalCode String
AddressState String
AddressCountryRegion String
AddressFaxCountryCode String
AddressFaxExtension String
AddressFax String
AddressPhone1CountryCode String
AddressPhone1Extension String
AddressPhone1 String
AddressPhone2CountryCode String
AddressPhone2Extension String
AddressPhone2 String
AddressPhone3CountryCode String
AddressPhone3Extension String
AddressPhone3 String
AgeCode String
ApplicantId Int
ApplicationColorColorCode String
ApplicationColorColorName String
ApplicationStatus String
ApplicationsAggregate String
CompanyCode String
DateApplied Datetime
DepartmentId String
DivisionId String
Ethnicity String
FirstName String
Gender String
HRRequisistionId String
InterviewsAggregate String
IsDisabled Bool
IsDisabledVeteran Bool
IsOtherVeteran Bool
IsReplyLetterSent Bool
IsVeteran Bool
IsVietnamEraVeteran Bool
IsWillRelocate Bool
LastModifiedBy String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LastName String
Location String
MiddleName String
PositionId String
PreviousEmployersAggregate String
ReferenceInformationSource String
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription String
ReferencesAggregate String
RejectionInformationComment String
RejectionInformationReason String
SchoolsAggregate String
SequenceId Int
SkillsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SkillsApplicantSkillKeyApplicantId [KEY] Int
SkillsApplicantSkillKeySkillId [KEY] String
SkillsComments String
SkillsDeleteOnUpdate Bool
SkillsProficiency Int
SkillsSkillNumber Int
TaxIdentifier String
TestsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Pruebas de Solicitante

Devolver una lista de: ApplicantTests

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressCity String
AddressLine1 String
AddressLine2 String
AddressLine3 String
AddressPostalCode String
AddressState String
AddressCountryRegion String
AddressFaxCountryCode String
AddressFaxExtension String
AddressFax String
AddressPhone1CountryCode String
AddressPhone1Extension String
AddressPhone1 String
AddressPhone2CountryCode String
AddressPhone2Extension String
AddressPhone2 String
AddressPhone3CountryCode String
AddressPhone3Extension String
AddressPhone3 String
AgeCode String
ApplicantId Int
ApplicationColorColorCode String
ApplicationColorColorName String
ApplicationStatus String
ApplicationsAggregate String
CompanyCode String
DateApplied Datetime
DepartmentId String
DivisionId String
Ethnicity String
FirstName String
Gender String
HRRequisistionId String
InterviewsAggregate String
IsDisabled Bool
IsDisabledVeteran Bool
IsOtherVeteran Bool
IsReplyLetterSent Bool
IsVeteran Bool
IsVietnamEraVeteran Bool
IsWillRelocate Bool
LastModifiedBy String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LastName String
Location String
MiddleName String
PositionId String
PreviousEmployersAggregate String
ReferenceInformationSource String
ReferenceInformationSourceDescription String
ReferencesAggregate String
RejectionInformationComment String
RejectionInformationReason String
SchoolsAggregate String
SequenceId Int
SkillsAggregate String
TaxIdentifier String
TestsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
TestsApplicantTestKeyApplicantSequenceKeyApplicantId [KEY] Int
TestsApplicantTestKeyApplicantSequenceKeySequenceId [KEY] Int
TestsApplicantTestKeyTestId [KEY] String
TestsDeleteOnUpdate Bool
TestsLastModifiedBy String
TestsLastModifiedDate Datetime
TestsNotes String
TestsScore String
TestsTestDate Datetime

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: BackOfficeRole

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Description String
Id [KEY] String
Name String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Banco

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressCity String
AddressLine1 String
AddressLine2 String
AddressLine3 String
AddressPostalCode String
AddressState String
AddressCountryRegion String
AddressFaxCountryCode String
AddressFaxExtension String
AddressFax String
AddressPhone1CountryCode String
AddressPhone1Extension String
AddressPhone1 String
AddressPhone2CountryCode String
AddressPhone2Extension String
AddressPhone2 String
AddressPhone3CountryCode String
AddressPhone3Extension String
AddressPhone3 String
Branch String
DirectDepositTransitNumber String
Id [KEY] String
Name String
TransitNumber String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: CashReceiptDistributions

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AmountCurrency String
Amount Decimal
AuditTrailCode String
BankAccountId String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CheckCardNumber String
CorporateAccountId String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
Date Datetime
Description String
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DistributionsDistributionTypeId Int
DistributionsGLAccountId String
DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
DistributionsReference String
DistributionsKeyReceivablesDocumentId [KEY] String
DistributionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
IsVoided Bool
Id String
ModifiedBy String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PaymentCardTypeId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
Type String
VoidDate Datetime

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Clave de Moneda Modificada

Devuelve una lista de: ChangedCurrencyKey

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Action [KEY] String
LastModifiedBy [KEY] String
LastModifiedDate [KEY] Datetime
ISOCode [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Clave de Dirección de Cliente Modificada

Devuelve una lista de: ChangedCustomerAddressKey

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Action [KEY] String
LastModifiedBy [KEY] String
LastModifiedDate [KEY] Datetime
CustomerId [KEY] String
Id [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: ChangedCustomerKey

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Action [KEY] String
LastModifiedBy [KEY] String
LastModifiedDate [KEY] Datetime
Id [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Clave de Dirección de Internet Modificada

Devolver una lista de: ChangedInternetAddressKey

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Action [KEY] String
LastModifiedBy [KEY] String
LastModifiedDate [KEY] Datetime
AddressId [KEY] String
InternetAddressKey [KEY] String
InternetAddressType [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: ChangedItemKey

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Action [KEY] String
LastModifiedBy [KEY] String
LastModifiedDate [KEY] Datetime
Id [KEY] String
ItemType [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Clave de Nivel de Precio Modificada

Devuelve una lista de: ChangedPriceLevelKey

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Action [KEY] String
LastModifiedBy [KEY] String
LastModifiedDate [KEY] Datetime
Id [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Clave de Precio Modificada

Devuelve una lista de: ChangedPricingKey

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Action [KEY] String
LastModifiedBy [KEY] String
LastModifiedDate [KEY] Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] String
ItemId [KEY] String
PriceLevelId [KEY] String
UofM [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Clave de Factura de Ventas Modificada

Devolver una lista de: ChangedSalesInvoiceKey

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Action [KEY] String
LastModifiedBy [KEY] String
LastModifiedDate [KEY] Datetime
SalesDocumentTypeId [KEY] String
SalesDocumentTypeKeyType [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Clave de Pedido de Ventas Modificada

Devuelve una lista de: ChangedSalesOrderKey

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Action [KEY] String
LastModifiedBy [KEY] String
LastModifiedDate [KEY] Datetime
SalesDocumentTypeId [KEY] String
SalesDocumentTypeKeyType [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Clave de Vendedor Modificada

Devuelve una lista de: ChangedSalespersonKey

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Action [KEY] String
LastModifiedBy [KEY] String
LastModifiedDate [KEY] Datetime
Id [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

UofMScheduleKey Modificadauofmschedulekey

Devolver una lista de: ChangedUofMScheduleKey

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Action [KEY] String
LastModifiedBy [KEY] String
LastModifiedDate [KEY] Datetime
Id [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Empresa

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AccountSegmentSeparator String
BusinessType String
CreatedDate Datetime
DUNSNumber String
DefaultAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DefaultAddressCity String
DefaultAddressLine1 String
DefaultAddressLine2 String
DefaultAddressLine3 String
DefaultAddressPostalCode String
DefaultAddressState String
DefaultAddressCountryRegion String
DefaultAddressFaxCountryCode String
DefaultAddressFaxExtension String
DefaultAddressFax String
DefaultAddressPhone1CountryCode String
DefaultAddressPhone1Extension String
DefaultAddressPhone1 String
DefaultAddressPhone2CountryCode String
DefaultAddressPhone2Extension String
DefaultAddressPhone2 String
DefaultAddressPhone3CountryCode String
DefaultAddressPhone3Extension String
DefaultAddressPhone3 String
DefaultAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
DefaultAddressContactPerson String
DefaultAddressName String
DefaultAddressCounty String
DefaultAddressId String
IsValueAddedTaxReturnEnabled Bool
IsWorkflowEnabled Bool
Id [KEY] Int
ModifiedBy String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Name String
Options String
PayablesProcessesTaxDetailId String
PurchasesTaxScheduleId String
ReceivablesProcessesTaxDetailId String
SICNumber String
SalesTaxScheduleId String
TaxExempt1 String
TaxExempt2 String
TaxRegistration String
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
Vets100Number String
WithholdingVendorId String
WitholdingFileOrReconciliationNumber String
WitholdingTaxRate Int

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Dirección de la Empresa

Devuelve una lista de: CompanyAddress

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
City String
Line1 String
Line2 String
Line3 String
PostalCode String
State String
CountryRegion String
FaxCountryCode String
FaxExtension String
Fax String
Phone1CountryCode String
Phone1Extension String
Phone1 String
Phone2CountryCode String
Phone2Extension String
Phone2 String
Phone3CountryCode String
Phone3Extension String
Phone3 String
CountryRegionCodeId String
ContactPerson String
Name String
County String
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation String
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress String
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress String
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress String
InternetAddressesInternetField1 String
InternetAddressesInternetField2 String
InternetAddressesInternetField3 String
InternetAddressesInternetField4 String
InternetAddressesInternetField5 String
InternetAddressesInternetField6 String
InternetAddressesInternetField7 String
InternetAddressesInternetField8 String
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress String
Id [KEY] String
ModifiedBy String
ModifiedDate Datetime

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: CountryRegionCode

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Description String
IsEuropeanUnionMember Bool
Id [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Moneda

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DecimalPlaces String
DecimalSymbol String
Description String
Id String
IncludeSpace Bool
Index Int
KeyISOCode [KEY] String
LastModifiedBy String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
NegativeSymbol String
NegativeSymbolCurrencySymbolLocation String
NegativeSymbolLocation String
SubunitText String
Symbol String
SymbolLocation String
ThousandsSymbol String
UnitSubunitConnectorText String
UnitText String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: CurrencyAccess

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
IsActive Bool
KeyCurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: CurrencyPostingAccount

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
FinancialOffsetGLAccountId String
FinancialOffsetGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
KeyCurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] String
PurchasingOffsetGLAccountId String
PurchasingOffsetGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
RealizedGainGLAccountId String
RealizedGainGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
RealizedLossGLAccountId String
RealizedLossGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
RoundingDifferenceGLAccountId String
RoundingDifferenceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
RoundingWriteOffGLAccountId String
RoundingWriteOffGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
SalesOffsetGLAccountId String
SalesOffsetGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
UnrealizedGainGLAccountId String
UnrealizedGainGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
UnrealizedLossGLAccountId String
UnrealizedLossGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Direcciones de Clientes

Devolver una lista de: CustomerAddresses

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AccountsReceivableGLAccountId String
AccountsReceivableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
AddressesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressesCity String
AddressesLine1 String
AddressesLine2 String
AddressesLine3 String
AddressesPostalCode String
AddressesState String
AddressesCountryRegion String
AddressesFaxCountryCode String
AddressesFaxExtension String
AddressesFax String
AddressesPhone1CountryCode String
AddressesPhone1Extension String
AddressesPhone1 String
AddressesPhone2CountryCode String
AddressesPhone2Extension String
AddressesPhone2 String
AddressesPhone3CountryCode String
AddressesPhone3Extension String
AddressesPhone3 String
AddressesCountryRegionCodeId String
AddressesContactPerson String
AddressesName String
AddressesCreatedDate Datetime
AddressesInternetAddressesAdditionalInformation String
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailBccAddress String
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailCcAddress String
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailToAddress String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField1 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField2 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField3 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField4 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField5 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField6 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField7 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField8 String
AddressesInternetAddressesMessengerAddress String
AddressesLastModifiedDate Datetime
AddressesModifiedDate Datetime
AddressesShippingMethodId String
AddressesTaxScheduleId String
AddressesUPSZone String
AddressesUserDefined1 String
AddressesUserDefined2 String
AddressesDeleteOnUpdate Bool
AddressesKeyCustomerId [KEY] String
AddressesId [KEY] String
AddressesSalesTerritoryId String
AddressesSalespersonId String
AddressesWarehouseId String
AllowRevaluation Bool
BalanceType String
BankAccountId String
BankBranch String
BankName String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
CashGLAccountId String
CashGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
ClassId String
Comment1 String
Comment2 String
CorporateAccountId String
CostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountId String
CostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
CreatedDate Datetime
CreditLimitItem String
CreditLimitPeriod Int
CreditLimitPeriodAmountCurrency String
CreditLimitPeriodAmount Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
DefaultAddressKeyCustomerId String
DefaultAddressId String
DefaultCashAccountType String
DiscountGracePeriod Int
DueDateGracePeriod Int
FinanceChargeItem String
FinanceChargesGLAccountId String
FinanceChargesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
HistoryOptionsKeepCalendarHistory Bool
HistoryOptionsKeepDistributionHistory Bool
HistoryOptionsKeepFiscalHistory Bool
HistoryOptionsKeepTransactionHistory Bool
IncludeInDemandPlanning Bool
InventoryGLAccountId String
InventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
IsActive Bool
IsOnHold Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
MaximumWriteoffItem String
MinimumPaymentItem String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Name String
Notes String
OrderFullfillmentShortageDefault String
OverpaymentWriteoffGLAccountId String
OverpaymentWriteoffGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
PaymentCardAccountExpirationDate Datetime
PaymentCardAccountKeyNumber String
PaymentCardAccountKeyPaymentCardTypeId String
PaymentTermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountId String
PaymentTermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
PaymentTermsDiscountTakenGLAccountId String
PaymentTermsDiscountTakenGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
PaymentTermsId String
PostResultsTo String
PriceLevelId String
Priority Int
RateTypeId String
SalesGLAccountId String
SalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
SalesOrderReturnsGLAccountId String
SalesOrderReturnsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
SendEmailStatements Bool
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
Shortname String
StatementCycle String
StatementName String
StatementRecipientsBCCAggregate String
StatementRecipientsCCAggregate String
StatementRecipientsToAggregate String
StatementToAddressKeyCustomerId String
StatementToAddressId String
TaxExemptNumbersAggregate String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TradeDiscountPercent Decimal
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
UserLanguageId Int
WriteoffGLAccountId String
WriteoffGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Resumen de Cuentas por Cobrar del Cliente

Devolver una lista de: CustomerReceivablesSummary

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AgingBalanceAmountCurrency String
AgingBalanceAmount Decimal
AgingLastAgedDate Datetime
AgingPeriod1AmountCurrency String
AgingPeriod1Amount Decimal
AgingPeriod2AmountCurrency String
AgingPeriod2Amount Decimal
AgingPeriod3AmountCurrency String
AgingPeriod3Amount Decimal
AgingPeriod4AmountCurrency String
AgingPeriod4Amount Decimal
AgingPeriod5AmountCurrency String
AgingPeriod5Amount Decimal
AgingPeriod6AmountCurrency String
AgingPeriod6Amount Decimal
AgingPeriod7AmountCurrency String
AgingPeriod7Amount Decimal
Id [KEY] String
LastPaymentAmountCurrency String
LastPaymentAmount Decimal
LastPaymentDate Datetime
LastStatementAmountCurrency String
LastStatementAmount Decimal
LastStatementDate Datetime
LastTransactionAmountCurrency String
LastTransactionAmount Decimal
LastTransactionDate Datetime
LastYearAverageDaysToPay Int
LastYearHighBalanceCurrency String
LastYearHighBalance Decimal
LastYearNumberOfInvoices Int
LastYearTermsDiscountsTakenCurrency String
LastYearTermsDiscountsTaken Decimal
LastYearTotalCashReceivedCurrency String
LastYearTotalCashReceived Decimal
LastYearTotalCostCurrency String
LastYearTotalCost Decimal
LastYearTotalFinanceChargeCurrency String
LastYearTotalFinanceCharge Decimal
LastYearTotalReturnsCurrency String
LastYearTotalReturns Decimal
LastYearTotalSalesCurrency String
LastYearTotalSales Decimal
LastYearTotalWaivedFinanceChargeCurrency String
LastYearTotalWaivedFinanceCharge Decimal
LastYearTotalWriteoffAmountCurrency String
LastYearTotalWriteoffAmount Decimal
LifeToDateAverageDaysToPay Int
LifeToDateHighBalanceCurrency String
LifeToDateHighBalance Decimal
LifeToDateNumberOfInvoices Int
LifeToDateTermsDiscountsTakenCurrency String
LifeToDateTermsDiscountsTaken Decimal
LifeToDateTotalCashReceivedCurrency String
LifeToDateTotalCashReceived Decimal
LifeToDateTotalCostCurrency String
LifeToDateTotalCost Decimal
LifeToDateTotalFinanceChargeCurrency String
LifeToDateTotalFinanceCharge Decimal
LifeToDateTotalReturnsCurrency String
LifeToDateTotalReturns Decimal
LifeToDateTotalSalesCurrency String
LifeToDateTotalSales Decimal
LifeToDateTotalWaivedFinanceChargeCurrency String
LifeToDateTotalWaivedFinanceCharge Decimal
LifeToDateTotalWriteoffAmountCurrency String
LifeToDateTotalWriteoffAmount Decimal
OnOrderAmountCurrency String
OnOrderAmount Decimal
YearToDateAverageDaysToPay Int
YearToDateHighBalanceCurrency String
YearToDateHighBalance Decimal
YearToDateNumberOfInvoices Int
YearToDateTermsDiscountsTakenCurrency String
YearToDateTermsDiscountsTaken Decimal
YearToDateTotalCashReceivedCurrency String
YearToDateTotalCashReceived Decimal
YearToDateTotalCostCurrency String
YearToDateTotalCost Decimal
YearToDateTotalFinanceChargeCurrency String
YearToDateTotalFinanceCharge Decimal
YearToDateTotalReturnsCurrency String
YearToDateTotalReturns Decimal
YearToDateTotalSalesCurrency String
YearToDateTotalSales Decimal
YearToDateTotalWaivedFinanceChargeCurrency String
YearToDateTotalWaivedFinanceCharge Decimal
YearToDateTotalWriteoffAmountCurrency String
YearToDateTotalWriteoffAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Direcciones de Empleados

Devolver una lista de: direcciones de empleados

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressesCity String
AddressesLine1 String
AddressesLine2 String
AddressesLine3 String
AddressesPostalCode String
AddressesState String
AddressesCountryRegion String
AddressesFaxCountryCode String
AddressesFaxExtension String
AddressesFax String
AddressesPhone1CountryCode String
AddressesPhone1Extension String
AddressesPhone1 String
AddressesPhone2CountryCode String
AddressesPhone2Extension String
AddressesPhone2 String
AddressesPhone3CountryCode String
AddressesPhone3Extension String
AddressesPhone3 String
AddressesCountryRegionCodeId String
AddressesCounty String
AddressesDeleteOnUpdate Bool
AddressesInternetAddressesAdditionalInformation String
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailBccAddress String
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailCcAddress String
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailToAddress String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField1 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField2 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField3 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField4 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField5 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField6 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField7 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField8 String
AddressesInternetAddressesMessengerAddress String
AddressesKeyEmployeeId [KEY] String
AddressesId [KEY] String
BenefitExpiration Datetime
BenefitStartDate Datetime
BirthDate Datetime
ClassId String
CompanyAddressId String
DayOfBirth Int
DefaultAddressKeyEmployeeId String
DefaultAddressId String
DefaultCashAccountFromType String
DepartmentId String
DivisionId String
DoesCalculateMinimumWageBalance Bool
EmployeeInactivatedDate Datetime
EmployeeId String
EmploymentStartDate Datetime
EmploymentType String
Ethnicity String
FederalClass String
GLAccountId String
GLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
GenderCode String
HRStatus String
I9RenewDate Datetime
IsActive Bool
IsDisabled Bool
IsDisabledVeteran Bool
IsI9Verified Bool
IsOtherVeteran Bool
IsSmoker Bool
IsUnionEmployee Bool
IsUnitedStatesCitizen Bool
IsVeteran Bool
IsVietnamEraVeteran Bool
LastWorkedDate Datetime
MaritalStatus String
MilitaryDischargeDate Datetime
MinimumNetPayCurrency String
MinimumNetPay Decimal
ModifiedBy String
ModifiedDate Datetime
MonthOfBirth String
NameAlternate String
NameFamily String
NameGiven String
NameMiddle String
NamePreferred String
NameSuffix String
PositionId String
PrimaryPayCodeId String
RateClass String
ReasonEmployeeInactivated String
ReviewLastDate Datetime
ReviewNextDate Datetime
SUTAStateId String
SickTimeAccrualAmount Decimal
SickTimeAccrualMethod String
SickTimeDoesAutomaticallyAccrue Bool
SickTimeHoursAvailable Decimal
SickTimeHoursPerYear Int
SickTimeWarnWhenHoursAvailableFallsBelowZero Bool
SpouseName String
SpouseTaxIdentifier String
Status String
SupervisorId String
TaxIdentifier String
UnionId String
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
VacationAccrualAmount Decimal
VacationAccrualMethod String
VacationDoesAutomaticallyAccrue Bool
VacationHoursAvailable Decimal
VacationHoursPerYear Int
VacationWarnWhenHoursAvailableFallsBelowZero Bool
WorkHoursPerYear Int
WorkersCompensationId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuenta GL

Devolver una lista de: GLAccount

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Alias String
CreatedDate Datetime
Description String
IsActive Bool
Id [KEY] String
KeyIsEncrypted [KEY] Bool
ModifiedDate Datetime
Type String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: GLAccountCategory

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Id [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: GLAccountFormat

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
IsMainSegment Bool
Id [KEY] Int
MaximumSegmentLength Int
SegmentLength Int
SegmentName String
UserDefinedSegment Int

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: GLFixedAllocationAccountDistributions

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Alias String
CreatedDate Datetime
Description String
IsActive Bool
Id String
KeyIsEncrypted Bool
ModifiedDate Datetime
Type String
PostInventoryIn String
PostPayrollIn String
PostPurchasingIn String
PostSalesIn String
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DistributionsKeyAccountId [KEY] String
DistributionsKeyAccountKeyIsEncrypted [KEY] Bool
DistributionsKeyDistributionAccountId [KEY] String
DistributionsKeyDistributionAccountKeyIsEncrypted [KEY] Bool
DistributionsPercentage Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: GLPostingAccountCurrencies

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Alias String
CreatedDate Datetime
Description String
IsActive Bool
Id String
KeyIsEncrypted Bool
ModifiedDate Datetime
Type String
PostInventoryIn String
PostPayrollIn String
PostPurchasingIn String
PostSalesIn String
AllowAccountEntry Bool
CurrenciesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
CurrenciesKeyAccountId [KEY] String
CurrenciesKeyAccountKeyIsEncrypted [KEY] Bool
CurrenciesKeyCurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] String
GLAccountCategoryId String
IsRevalued Bool
PostRevaluationResultsTo String
PostingType String
RevaluationMethod String
TypicalBalance String
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
UserDefined3 String
UserDefined4 String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: GLTransactionLines

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
IntercompanyId Int
IntercompanyOriginalJournalId Int
IsVoided Bool
KeyDate Datetime
KeyJournalId Int
LedgerType String
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesDescription String
LinesExchangeDate Datetime
LinesExchangeRate Decimal
LinesGLAccountId String
LinesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIntercompanyId Int
LinesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LinesKeyTransactionKeyDate [KEY] Datetime
LinesKeyTransactionKeyJournalId [KEY] Int
LinesOriginatingDocumentControlId String
LinesOriginatingDocumentDescription String
LinesOriginatingDocumentId String
LinesOriginatingDocumentMasterId String
LinesOriginatingDocumentMasterName String
LinesOriginatingDocumentSequenceNumber Int
LinesOriginatingDocumentType Int
LinesTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesTaxAmount Decimal
LinesTaxDetailId String
LinesTaxGLAccountId String
LinesTaxGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
ModifiedBy String
ModifiedDate Datetime
OriginatingDocumentAuditTrailCode String
OriginatingDocumentPostedDate Datetime
OriginatingDocumentSeries String
PostedBy String
Reference String
SourceDocumentId String
TransactionState String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: GLVariableAllocationAccountDistributions

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Alias String
CreatedDate Datetime
Description String
IsActive Bool
Id String
KeyIsEncrypted Bool
ModifiedDate Datetime
Type String
PostInventoryIn String
PostPayrollIn String
PostPurchasingIn String
PostSalesIn String
BalanceForCalculation String
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DistributionsBreakdownsAggregate String
DistributionsKeyAccountId [KEY] String
DistributionsKeyAccountKeyIsEncrypted [KEY] Bool
DistributionsKeyDistributionAccountId [KEY] String
DistributionsKeyDistributionAccountKeyIsEncrypted [KEY] Bool

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Artículo Inventariado

Devolver una lista de: InventoriedItem

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ABCCode String
AllowBackOrder Bool
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountId String
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
ClassId String
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountId String
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyDecimalPlaces String
CurrentCostCurrency String
CurrentCost Decimal
DamagedGLAccountId String
DamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
DefaultPriceLevelId String
DefaultSellingUofM String
DefaultWarehouseId String
Description String
DropShipGLAccountId String
DropShipGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
FunctionalCurrencyDecimalPlaces String
GenericDescription String
InServiceGLAccountId String
InServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
InUseGLAccountId String
InUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
IncludeInDemandPlanning Bool
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation String
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress String
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress String
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress String
InternetAddressesInternetField1 String
InternetAddressesInternetField2 String
InternetAddressesInternetField3 String
InternetAddressesInternetField4 String
InternetAddressesInternetField5 String
InternetAddressesInternetField6 String
InternetAddressesInternetField7 String
InternetAddressesInternetField8 String
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress String
InventoryGLAccountId String
InventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
InventoryOffsetGLAccountId String
InventoryOffsetGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
InventoryReturnGLAccountId String
InventoryReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
IsDiscontinued Bool
KeepCalendarYearHistory Bool
KeepDistributionHistory Bool
KeepFiscalYearHistory Bool
KeepTransactionHistory Bool
Id [KEY] String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
MarkdownGLAccountId String
MarkdownGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
ModifiedDate Datetime
PriceMethod String
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId String
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
PurchaseTaxBasis String
PurchaseTaxScheduleId String
PurchaseUofM String
QuantityDecimalPlaces String
SalesGLAccountId String
SalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
SalesReturnGLAccountId String
SalesReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
SalesTaxBasis String
SalesTaxScheduleId String
ShippingWeight Decimal
ShortDescription String
StandardCostCurrency String
StandardCost Decimal
SubstituteItem1Id String
SubstituteItem2Id String
Type String
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId String
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
UofMScheduleId String
UserCategoryList1 String
UserCategoryList2 String
UserCategoryList3 String
UserCategoryList4 String
UserCategoryList5 String
UserCategoryList6 String
VarianceGLAccountId String
VarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
WarrantyDays Short

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: InventoryAdjustmentLines

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CreatedDate Datetime
Date Datetime
GLPostingDate Datetime
Id String
ModifiedDate Datetime
TransactionState String
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesItemId String
LinesKeyInventoryId [KEY] String
LinesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Decimal
LinesQuantity Decimal
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesBinsAggregate String
LinesInventoryGLAccountId String
LinesInventoryGLAccountIsEncrypted Bool
LinesInventoryOffsetGLAccountId String
LinesInventoryOffsetGLAccountIsEncrypted Bool
LinesLotsAggregate String
LinesSerialsAggregate String
LinesUofM String
LinesWarehouseId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Líneas de Transferencia de Inventario

Devolver una lista de: InventoryTransferLines

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CreatedDate Datetime
Date Datetime
GLPostingDate Datetime
Id String
ModifiedDate Datetime
TransactionState String
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesItemId String
LinesKeyInventoryId [KEY] String
LinesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Decimal
LinesQuantity Decimal
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesBinsAggregate String
LinesInventoryFromGLAccountId String
LinesInventoryFromGLAccountIsEncrypted Bool
LinesInventoryToGLAccountId String
LinesInventoryToGLAccountIsEncrypted Bool
LinesLotsAggregate String
LinesQuantityTypeFrom String
LinesQuantityTypeTo String
LinesSerialsAggregate String
LinesWarehouseFromId String
LinesWarehouseToId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Líneas de Variación de Inventario

Devolver una lista de: InventoryVarianceLines

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CreatedDate Datetime
Date Datetime
GLPostingDate Datetime
Id String
ModifiedDate Datetime
TransactionState String
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesItemId String
LinesKeyInventoryId [KEY] String
LinesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Decimal
LinesQuantity Decimal
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesBinsAggregate String
LinesInventoryGLAccountId String
LinesInventoryGLAccountIsEncrypted Bool
LinesInventoryOffsetGLAccountId String
LinesInventoryOffsetGLAccountIsEncrypted Bool
LinesLotsAggregate String
LinesSerialsAggregate String
LinesUofM String
LinesWarehouseId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Artículo

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ABCCode String
AllowBackOrder Bool
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountId String
AssemblyVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
ClassId String
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountId String
CostofGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyDecimalPlaces String
CurrentCostCurrency String
CurrentCost Decimal
DamagedGLAccountId String
DamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
DefaultPriceLevelId String
DefaultSellingUofM String
DefaultWarehouseId String
Description String
DropShipGLAccountId String
DropShipGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
FunctionalCurrencyDecimalPlaces String
GenericDescription String
InServiceGLAccountId String
InServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
InUseGLAccountId String
InUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
IncludeInDemandPlanning Bool
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation String
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress String
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress String
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress String
InternetAddressesInternetField1 String
InternetAddressesInternetField2 String
InternetAddressesInternetField3 String
InternetAddressesInternetField4 String
InternetAddressesInternetField5 String
InternetAddressesInternetField6 String
InternetAddressesInternetField7 String
InternetAddressesInternetField8 String
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress String
InventoryGLAccountId String
InventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
InventoryOffsetGLAccountId String
InventoryOffsetGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
InventoryReturnGLAccountId String
InventoryReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
IsDiscontinued Bool
KeepCalendarYearHistory Bool
KeepDistributionHistory Bool
KeepFiscalYearHistory Bool
KeepTransactionHistory Bool
Id [KEY] String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
MarkdownGLAccountId String
MarkdownGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
ModifiedDate Datetime
PriceMethod String
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId String
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
PurchaseTaxBasis String
PurchaseTaxScheduleId String
PurchaseUofM String
QuantityDecimalPlaces String
SalesGLAccountId String
SalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
SalesReturnGLAccountId String
SalesReturnGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
SalesTaxBasis String
SalesTaxScheduleId String
ShippingWeight Decimal
ShortDescription String
StandardCostCurrency String
StandardCost Decimal
SubstituteItem1Id String
SubstituteItem2Id String
Type String
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId String
UnrealizedPurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
UofMScheduleId String
UserCategoryList1 String
UserCategoryList2 String
UserCategoryList3 String
UserCategoryList4 String
UserCategoryList5 String
UserCategoryList6 String
VarianceGLAccountId String
VarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
WarrantyDays Short

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Clase de Artículo

Devolver una lista de: ItemClass

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Description String
Id [KEY] String
Type String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: ManufacturingOrder

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualDemand Decimal
BOMCategory String
BOMRevisionLevel String
ComponentCalculation String
DateCompleted Datetime
Description String
DrawFromSite String
EndDate Datetime
EndingQty Decimal
IsArchivedMO Bool
IsQuickMO Bool
ItemId String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LotNumber String
ManufacturingOrderDocumentId [KEY] String
Notes String
OrderStatus String
OutSourced String
PickNumber String
PlanName String
PostToSite String
Priority String
RoutingName String
RoutingRevisionLevel String
ScheduleMethod String
SchedulingPreference String
StartDate Datetime
StartingQty Decimal
PickListAggregate String
RouteAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Lista de Selección de Pedidos de Fabricación

Devolver una lista de: ManufacturingOrderPickList

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualDemand Decimal
BOMCategory String
BOMRevisionLevel String
ComponentCalculation String
DateCompleted Datetime
Description String
DrawFromSite String
EndDate Datetime
EndingQty Decimal
IsArchivedMO Bool
IsQuickMO Bool
ItemId String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LotNumber String
ManufacturingOrderDocumentId String
Notes String
OrderStatus String
OutSourced String
PickNumber String
PlanName String
PostToSite String
Priority String
RoutingName String
RoutingRevisionLevel String
ScheduleMethod String
SchedulingPreference String
StartDate Datetime
StartingQty Decimal
PickListActualConsumedQty Decimal
PickListAllocatedBy String
PickListAllocatedQty Decimal
PickListAllowedQty Decimal
PickListAlternateItemForId String
PickListAlternateItemSequence Int
PickListBOMCategory String
PickListBOMName String
PickListBOMSequence Int
PickListBOMUserDef1 String
PickListBOMUserDef2 String
PickListBackFlushedQty Decimal
PickListBaseUOMQty Decimal
PickListCurrentConsumedQty Decimal
PickListCurrentReturnToStockQty Decimal
PickListCurrentScrappedQty Decimal
PickListDateAllocated Datetime
PickListDateRequired Datetime
PickListDateResourcePlanIssued Datetime
PickListExplodedQty Decimal
PickListFixedQty Decimal
PickListIsActualConsumedChecked Bool
PickListIsAllocated Bool
PickListIsAlternateItem Bool
PickListIsBOMApproved Bool
PickListIsBOMSingleLot Bool
PickListIsBackFlushed Bool
PickListIsBackOrdered Bool
PickListIsFloorStock Bool
PickListIsIssued Bool
PickListIsOptionedItem Bool
PickListIsPhantomItem Bool
PickListIsResourcePlanCalculated Bool
PickListIsSubAssemblyItem Bool
PickListIssuedBy String
PickListIssuedQty Decimal
PickListItemId String
PickListLastModifiedDate Datetime
PickListLeadTimeOffset Decimal
PickListLinkToSequence Int
PickListLocation String
PickListMRPAmountCurrency String
PickListMRPAmount Decimal
PickListMRPAmount2Currency String
PickListMRPAmount2 Decimal
PickListManufacturingNote String
PickListManufacturingOrderDocumentId String
PickListMarkdownAmtCurrency String
PickListMarkdownAmt Decimal
PickListNonInventoryCreditIndex Int
PickListNonInventoryItemDescription String
PickListOffsetFrom Decimal
PickListOrderStatus String
PickListPOLineLineSequenceNumber Int
PickListPOLinePurchaseTransactionId String
PickListParentPartNumberId String
PickListPositionNumber Int
PickListPositionNumber2 Int
PickListPromotion String
PickListRefillCostCurrency String
PickListRefillCost Decimal
PickListReturnToStockQty Decimal
PickListRoutingName String
PickListRoutingSequence String
PickListScrappedQty Decimal
PickListSequence [KEY] Int
PickListSubAssemblyItemForId String
PickListSubAssemblyItemSequence Int
PickListSuggestedQty Decimal
PickListUnitCostCurrency String
PickListUnitCost Decimal
PickListUofM String
PickListVendorId String
PickListVendorName String
PickListWorkCenter String
RouteAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Ruta de Pedido de Fabricación

Devuelve una lista de: ManufacturingOrderRoute

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualDemand Decimal
BOMCategory String
BOMRevisionLevel String
ComponentCalculation String
DateCompleted Datetime
Description String
DrawFromSite String
EndDate Datetime
EndingQty Decimal
IsArchivedMO Bool
IsQuickMO Bool
ItemId String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LotNumber String
ManufacturingOrderDocumentId String
Notes String
OrderStatus String
OutSourced String
PickNumber String
PlanName String
PostToSite String
Priority String
RoutingName String
RoutingRevisionLevel String
ScheduleMethod String
SchedulingPreference String
StartDate Datetime
StartingQty Decimal
PickListAggregate String
RouteActualFinishDate Datetime
RouteActualStartDate Datetime
RouteClosedBy String
RouteCycleTime Decimal
RouteDateClosed Datetime
RouteDateCreated Datetime
RouteDrawingNumber String
RouteIsAutoBackFlushLabor Bool
RouteIsAutoBackFlushMachine Bool
RouteIsCapacityRequirementsPlanned Bool
RouteIsDone Bool
RouteIsLastSequenceofTheDay Bool
RouteIsMultiEmployeeOperation Bool
RouteIsPhantomItem Bool
RouteIsQualityAssuranceNeeded Bool
RouteLaborCode1 String
RouteLaborCode2 String
RouteLaborTime Decimal
RouteLastModifiedDate Datetime
RouteMRPAmountCurrency String
RouteMRPAmount Decimal
RouteMachineId String
RouteMachineTime Decimal
RouteManufacturingNote String
RouteManufacturingOrderDocumentId String
RouteMoveTime Decimal
RouteNextRouteNumber String
RouteNotes String
RouteNumberOfCrews Int
RouteNumberOfEmployees Int
RouteNumberOfMachines Int
RouteOperationCode String
RoutePOOffsetDays Int
RoutePercentageComplete Int
RoutePieces Decimal
RouteQuantity Decimal
RouteQueueTime Decimal
RouteRejects Decimal
RouteRouteMachineID String
RouteRoutePartNumber String
RouteRouteSeqDescription String
RouteRouteSequenceNum [KEY] Int
RouteRouteSequenceType String
RouteRouteWorkCenter String
RouteRunTime Decimal
RouteScheduledFinishDate Datetime
RouteScheduledStartDate Datetime
RouteServiceItemDateReleased Datetime
RouteServiceItemManufacturingOrderDocumentId String
RouteServiceItemQtyToOrder Decimal
RouteServiceItemRequiredDate Datetime
RouteServiceItemRouteSequenceNum Int
RouteServiceItemServiceItemId String
RouteServiceItemSuggestedQty Decimal
RouteSetupTime Decimal
RouteUserDef1 String
RouteUserDef2 String
RouteVendorId String
RouteVendorName String
RouteWIPOutputPerMOStartQty Decimal
RouteWaitHours Int
RouteWorkCenter String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Configuración de Monedas Múltiples

Devuelve una lista de: MulticurrencySetup

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AllowModifyRates Bool
AllowNewRates Bool
AllowOverrideExchangeRates Bool
AllowOverrideRateVariance Bool
AllowOverrideReportingRate Bool
AverageExchangeRateCalculationMethodDisplay String
DefaultFinancialRateTypeId String
DefaultPurchasingRateTypeId String
DefaultSalesRateTypeId String
KeepGeneralLedgerAccountHistory Bool
KeyCurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] String
LastFinancialRevaluationDate Datetime
LastPurchasingRevaluationDate Datetime
LastSalesRevaluationDate Datetime
LastSummaryRemovalDate Datetime
LastTransactionRemovalDate Datetime
ReportingCurrencyExchangeRate Decimal
ReportingCurrencyKeyISOCode String
ReportingCurrencyRateCalculationMethod String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas por PagarDocumento

Devolver una lista de: PayablesDocument

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressId String
Amount1099Currency String
Amount1099 Decimal
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
ChargeAmountCurrency String
ChargeAmount Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentAmountCurrency String
DocumentAmount Decimal
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxScheduleId String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
HasIntercompanyDistributions Bool
IsIntercompanyTransaction Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id [KEY] String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
ModifiedBy String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PONumber String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
PurchaseTaxScheduleId String
PurchasesAmountCurrency String
PurchasesAmount Decimal
RemitToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxDate Datetime
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
Type String
VendorDocumentNumber String
VendorId String
VendorName String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas por PagarDocumentoDistribuciones

La tabla de DynamicsGP PayablesDocumentDistributions.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
DistributionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int32 La columna DistributionsKeySequenceNumber para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsKeyPayablesDocumentId [KEY] String La columna DistributionsKeyPayablesDocumentId de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
AddressId String La columna AddressId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
Amount1099Currency String La columna Amount1099Currency para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
Amount1099 Decimal La columna Amount1099 para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
AuditTrailCode String La columna AuditTrailCode para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime La columna BatchKeyCreatedDateTime para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
BatchId String La columna BatchId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
BatchKeySource String La columna BatchKeySource para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
ChargeAmountCurrency String La columna ChargeAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
ChargeAmount Decimal La columna ChargeAmount para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
CurrencyKeyISOCode String La columna CurrencyKeyISOCode para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
Date Datetime La columna Fecha de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
Description String La columna Descripción de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsIsPosted Boolean La columna DistributionsIsPosted para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsPostingDate Datetime La columna DistributionsPostingDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsDistributionTypeId Int32 La columna DistributionsDistributionTypeId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsGLAccountId String La columna DistributionsGLAccountId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Boolean La columna DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsReference String La columna DistributionsReference de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
DocumentAmountCurrency String La columna DocumentAmountCurrency para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
DocumentAmount Decimal La columna DocumentAmount para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
ExchangeDate Datetime La columna ExchangeDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
ExchangeRate Decimal La columna ExchangeRate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
FreightAmountCurrency String La columna FreightAmountCurrency para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
FreightAmount Decimal La columna FreightAmount para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
FreightTaxScheduleId String La columna FreightTaxScheduleId de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime La columna GeneralLedgerPostingDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
HasIntercompanyDistributions Boolean La columna HasIntercompanyDistributions para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
IsIntercompanyTransaction Boolean La columna IsIntercompanyTransaction para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
IsVoided Boolean La columna IsVoided para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
Id String La columna de ID de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String La columna MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
ModifiedBy String La columna ModifiedBy de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
ModifiedDate Datetime La columna ModifiedDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
PONumber String La columna PONumber para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
PostedBy String La columna Publicado por para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
PostedDate Datetime La columna PostedDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
PurchaseTaxScheduleId String La columna PurchaseTaxScheduleId de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
PurchasesAmountCurrency String La columna PurchasesAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
PurchasesAmount Decimal La columna Importe de compras de la tabla Distribuciones de documentos de pago.
RemitToAddressId String La columna RemitToAddressId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
ShippingMethodId String La columna ShippingMethodId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
TaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
TaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
TaxDate Datetime La columna TaxDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
TaxScheduleId String La columna TaxScheduleId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
TaxesPayablesTaxAggregate String La columna TaxesPayablesTaxAgregate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String La columna TradeDiscountAmountCurrency para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal La columna TradeDiscountAmount para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
TransactionState String La columna TransactionState para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
Type String La columna Tipo de la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
VendorDocumentNumber String La columna VendorDocumentNumber para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
VendorId String La columna VendorId para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
VendorName String La columna VendorName para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla PayablesDocumentDistributions.

Cuentas Por PagarDocumentoImpuestos

La tabla de DynamicsGP PayablesDocumentTaxes.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
TaxesKeyTaxDetailId [KEY] String La columna TaxesKeyTaxDetailId de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesKeyPayablesDocumentId [KEY] String La columna TaxesKeyPayablesDocumentId de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
AddressId String La columna AddressId para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
Amount1099Currency String La columna Amount1099Currency para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
Amount1099 Decimal La columna Amount1099 para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
AuditTrailCode String La columna AuditTrailCode para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime La columna BatchKeyCreatedDateTime para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
BatchId String La columna BatchId para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
BatchKeySource String La columna BatchKeySource para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
ChargeAmountCurrency String La columna ChargeAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
ChargeAmount Decimal La columna ChargeAmount para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
CurrencyKeyISOCode String La columna CurrencyKeyISOCode para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
Date Datetime La columna Fecha de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
Description String La columna Descripción de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
DistributionsPayablesDistributionAggregate String La columna DistributionsPayablesDistributionAgregate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
DocumentAmountCurrency String La columna DocumentAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
DocumentAmount Decimal La columna DocumentAmount para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
ExchangeDate Datetime La columna ExchangeDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
ExchangeRate Decimal La columna ExchangeRate de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
FreightAmountCurrency String La columna FreightAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
FreightAmount Decimal La columna FreightAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
FreightTaxScheduleId String La columna FreightTaxScheduleId de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime La columna GeneralLedgerPostingDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
HasIntercompanyDistributions Boolean La columna HasIntercompanyDistributions de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
IsIntercompanyTransaction Boolean La columna IsIntercompanyTransaction para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
IsVoided Boolean La columna IsVoided de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
Id String La columna de ID de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String La columna MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
ModifiedBy String La columna ModifiedBy de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
ModifiedDate Datetime La columna ModifiedDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
PONumber String La columna PONumber de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
PostedBy String La columna Publicado por para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
PostedDate Datetime La columna PostedDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
PurchaseTaxScheduleId String La columna PurchaseTaxScheduleId de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
PurchasesAmountCurrency String La columna PurchasesAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
PurchasesAmount Decimal La columna ImporteCompras de la tabla ImpuestosDocumentosPagaderos.
RemitToAddressId String La columna RemitToAddressId para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
ShippingMethodId String La columna ShippingMethodId para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxDate Datetime La columna TaxDate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxScheduleId String La columna TaxScheduleId de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesFreightTaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesFreightTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesFreightTaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxesFreightTaxAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesGLAccountId String La columna TaxesGLAccountId para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Boolean La columna TaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesIsPosted Boolean La columna TaxesIsPosted de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesPurchasesTaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesPurchasesTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesPurchasesTaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxesPurchasesTaxAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesIsBackoutTax Boolean La columna TaxesIsBackoutTax de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxesTaxAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxableAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesTaxableAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxableAmount Decimal La columna TaxesTaxableAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTotalAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesTotalAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTotalAmount Decimal La columna TaxesTotalAmount de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna TaxesExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String La columna TradeDiscountAmountCurrency de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal La columna TradeDiscountAmount para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
TransactionState String La columna TransactionState para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
Type String La columna Tipo de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
VendorDocumentNumber String La columna VendorDocumentNumber de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
VendorId String La columna VendorId para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
VendorName String La columna VendorName de la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla PayablesDocumentTaxes.

Tipo de Tarjeta de Pago

Devuelve una lista de: PaymentCardType

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AcceptedFromCustomers Bool
CompanyCardBankAccountId String
CreatedDate Datetime
CustomerCardBankAccountId String
GLAccountId String
GLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
Id [KEY] String
ModifiedBy String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PayableCardType String
ReceivableCardType String
UsedByCompany Bool
VendorId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Términos de Pago

Devuelve una lista de: PaymentTerms

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
CreatedDate Datetime
DaysDiscountAvailable Int
DaysUntilDue Int
DiscountCalculationItem String
DiscountDateBasedOn String
DueDateBasedOn String
IsDiscountCalculatedOnFreight Bool
IsDiscountCalculatedOnMiscellaneous Bool
IsDiscountCalculatedOnSalePurchase Bool
IsDiscountCalculatedOnTax Bool
IsDiscountCalculatedOnTradeDiscount Bool
Id [KEY] String
ModifiedBy String
ModifiedDate Datetime
UseGracePeriods Bool
UseValueAddedTax Bool

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Orden Planificada

Devuelve una lista de: PlannedOrder

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DueDate Datetime
IsCRPScheduled Bool
ItemId String
ItemsAggregate String
LocationId String
PlannedOrderId [KEY] String
QuantityToOrder Decimal
ReleaseDate Datetime
Replenishment String
RunNumber Int
Transferred Bool
UnitOfMeasure String
VendorId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Elementos de Pedido Planificado

Devolver una lista de: PlannedOrderItems

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DueDate Datetime
IsCRPScheduled Bool
ItemId String
ItemsAllocatedByOpenMO Decimal
ItemsAllocatedByReleasedMO Decimal
ItemsCanceled Bool
ItemsConsumedByOpenMO Decimal
ItemsConsumedByReleasedMO Decimal
ItemsDueDate Datetime
ItemsExceptionsHasException1 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException10 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException11 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException12 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException13 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException14 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException15 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException16 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException17 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException18 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException19 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException2 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException20 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException3 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException4 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException5 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException6 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException7 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException8 Bool
ItemsExceptionsHasException9 Bool
ItemsItemId String
ItemsLocationId String
ItemsMRPParentType String
ItemsMRPType String
ItemsMoveIn Bool
ItemsMoveOut Bool
ItemsOriginalDueDate Datetime
ItemsPhantomParent String
ItemsPlannedOrderId String
ItemsRequiredByOpenMO Decimal
ItemsRequiredByReleasedMO Decimal
ItemsSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
ItemsStatus String
ItemsStatusDescription String
LocationId String
PlannedOrderId String
QuantityToOrder Decimal
ReleaseDate Datetime
Replenishment String
RunNumber Int
Transferred Bool
UnitOfMeasure String
VendorId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Comportamientos de Política

Devolver una lista de: PolicyBehaviors

Nombre Tipo Descripción
BehaviorsDescription String
BehaviorsInternal Bool
BehaviorsId [KEY] String
BehaviorsKeyPolicyId [KEY] String
BehaviorsName String
BehaviorsOptionsAggregate String
BehaviorsSelectedOptionDescription String
BehaviorsSelectedOptionKeyBehaviorId String
BehaviorsSelectedOptionKeyBehaviorKeyPolicyId String
BehaviorsSelectedOptionId Int
BehaviorsSelectedOptionName String
BehaviorsSelectedOptionParametersAggregate String
Id String
Name String
RootBusinessObjectName String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Nivel de Precios

Devuelve una lista de: PriceLevel

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
CreatedDate Datetime
Description String
Id [KEY] String
LastModifiedBy String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
ModifiedDate Datetime

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: PricingDetails

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DetailsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DetailsKeyPricingKeyCurrencyKeyISOCode [KEY] String
DetailsKeyPricingKeyItemId [KEY] String
DetailsKeyPricingKeyPriceLevelId [KEY] String
DetailsKeyPricingKeyUofM [KEY] String
DetailsKeyToQuantity [KEY] Decimal
DetailsLastModifiedDate Datetime
DetailsLastModifiedyBy String
DetailsUofMPriceItem String
KeyCurrencyKeyISOCode String
KeyItemId String
KeyPriceLevelId String
KeyUofM String
LastModifiedBy String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
RoundAmountCurrency String
RoundAmount Decimal
RoundOption String
RoundPolicy String
UofMSalesOption String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Proyecto

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AccountAmountCurrency String
AccountAmount Decimal
AccountingMethod String
AccountsAggregate String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualBillingAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingAmount Decimal
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency String
ActualDiscountAmount Decimal
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency String
ActualOverheadAmount Decimal
ActualProfitAmountCurrency String
ActualProfitAmount Decimal
ActualQuantity Decimal
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency String
ActualRetainageAmount Decimal
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualSalesTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTotalCostCurrency String
ActualTotalCost Decimal
ActualBeginDate Datetime
ActualEndDate Datetime
BaselineBeginDate Datetime
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency String
BaselineBillableAmount Decimal
BaselineEndDate Datetime
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency String
BaselineOverheadCost Decimal
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency String
BaselineProfitAmount Decimal
BaselineQuantity Decimal
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency String
BaselineTaxAmount Decimal
BaselineTotalCostCurrency String
BaselineTotalCost Decimal
BillToAddressId String
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency String
BilledAccruedRevenue Decimal
BilledCostCurrency String
BilledCost Decimal
BilledQuantity Decimal
BillingCyclesAggregate String
BillingNotReceivableCurrency String
BillingNotReceivable Decimal
BillingType String
BudgetsAggregate String
BusinessManagerId String
CloseToBillings Bool
CloseToProjectCosts Bool
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionPercent Decimal
ContactPerson String
CostCompletedPercent Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerPONumber String
DefaultBillingFormat String
DepartmentId String
DiscountPercent Decimal
DoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement Bool
DoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement Bool
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition Bool
EquipmentListAggregate String
EquipmentRateTableId String
EstimatorId String
FeesAggregate String
ForecastBeginDate Datetime
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency String
ForecastBillableAmount Decimal
ForecastEndDate Datetime
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency String
ForecastOverheadCost Decimal
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency String
ForecastProfitAmount Decimal
ForecastQuantity Decimal
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency String
ForecastTaxAmount Decimal
ForecastTotalCostCurrency String
ForecastTotalCost Decimal
Id [KEY] String
LaborRateTableId String
LaborRateTableType String
Name String
POCommittedCostsCurrency String
POCommittedCosts Decimal
POCommittedQuantity Decimal
PostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
PostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
PostedBillingAmountCurrency String
PostedBillingAmount Decimal
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
PostedDiscountAmount Decimal
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
PostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
PostedOverheadAmount Decimal
PostedProfitAmountCurrency String
PostedProfitAmount Decimal
PostedQuantity Decimal
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
PostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
PostedRetainageAmount Decimal
PostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTotalCostCurrency String
PostedTotalCost Decimal
PostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedPOCostsCurrency String
PostedPOCosts Decimal
PostedPOQuantity Decimal
PostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
PostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
PostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedLossAmountCurrency String
PostedLossAmount Decimal
PostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
PostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
PostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
PostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
PostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
PostedRetentionAmount Decimal
PostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
PostedWriteoffAmountCurrency String
PostedWriteoffAmount Decimal
ProjectAmountCurrency String
ProjectAmount Decimal
ProjectClassId String
ProjectContractId String
ProjectContractId String
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
ProjectFeeAmount Decimal
ProjectId String
ProjectManagerId String
QuantityCompletedPercent Decimal
RestrictToCustomerList Bool
RetainerAmountCurrency String
RetainerAmount Decimal
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency String
RetentionFeeAmount Decimal
RetentionPercent Decimal
SUTAState String
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
ServiceFeeAmount Decimal
Status String
TransactionalCurrencyCodeKeyISOCode String
Type String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
UnpostedDiscountAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
UnpostedOverheadAmount Decimal
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProfitAmount Decimal
UnpostedQuantity Decimal
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainageAmount Decimal
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency String
UnpostedTotalCost Decimal
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency String
UnpostedLossAmount Decimal
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency String
UnpostedPOCosts Decimal
UnpostedPOQuantity Decimal
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
UserDefinedText1 String
UserDefinedText2 String
WorkersCompensationId String
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency String
WriteUpDownAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectAccounts

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AccountAmountCurrency String
AccountAmount Decimal
AccountingMethod String
AccountsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AccountsGLAccountId String
AccountsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
AccountsKeyCostTransaction [KEY] String
AccountsKeyDistributionTypeId [KEY] Int
AccountsKeyProjectId [KEY] String
AccountsKeySourceFile [KEY] String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualBillingAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingAmount Decimal
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency String
ActualDiscountAmount Decimal
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency String
ActualOverheadAmount Decimal
ActualProfitAmountCurrency String
ActualProfitAmount Decimal
ActualQuantity Decimal
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency String
ActualRetainageAmount Decimal
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualSalesTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTotalCostCurrency String
ActualTotalCost Decimal
ActualBeginDate Datetime
ActualEndDate Datetime
BaselineBeginDate Datetime
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency String
BaselineBillableAmount Decimal
BaselineEndDate Datetime
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency String
BaselineOverheadCost Decimal
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency String
BaselineProfitAmount Decimal
BaselineQuantity Decimal
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency String
BaselineTaxAmount Decimal
BaselineTotalCostCurrency String
BaselineTotalCost Decimal
BillToAddressId String
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency String
BilledAccruedRevenue Decimal
BilledCostCurrency String
BilledCost Decimal
BilledQuantity Decimal
BillingCyclesAggregate String
BillingNotReceivableCurrency String
BillingNotReceivable Decimal
BillingType String
BudgetsAggregate String
BusinessManagerId String
CloseToBillings Bool
CloseToProjectCosts Bool
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionPercent Decimal
ContactPerson String
CostCompletedPercent Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerPONumber String
DefaultBillingFormat String
DepartmentId String
DiscountPercent Decimal
DoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement Bool
DoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement Bool
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition Bool
EquipmentListAggregate String
EquipmentRateTableId String
EstimatorId String
FeesAggregate String
ForecastBeginDate Datetime
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency String
ForecastBillableAmount Decimal
ForecastEndDate Datetime
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency String
ForecastOverheadCost Decimal
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency String
ForecastProfitAmount Decimal
ForecastQuantity Decimal
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency String
ForecastTaxAmount Decimal
ForecastTotalCostCurrency String
ForecastTotalCost Decimal
Id String
LaborRateTableId String
LaborRateTableType String
Name String
POCommittedCostsCurrency String
POCommittedCosts Decimal
POCommittedQuantity Decimal
PostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
PostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
PostedBillingAmountCurrency String
PostedBillingAmount Decimal
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
PostedDiscountAmount Decimal
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
PostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
PostedOverheadAmount Decimal
PostedProfitAmountCurrency String
PostedProfitAmount Decimal
PostedQuantity Decimal
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
PostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
PostedRetainageAmount Decimal
PostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTotalCostCurrency String
PostedTotalCost Decimal
PostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedPOCostsCurrency String
PostedPOCosts Decimal
PostedPOQuantity Decimal
PostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
PostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
PostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedLossAmountCurrency String
PostedLossAmount Decimal
PostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
PostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
PostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
PostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
PostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
PostedRetentionAmount Decimal
PostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
PostedWriteoffAmountCurrency String
PostedWriteoffAmount Decimal
ProjectAmountCurrency String
ProjectAmount Decimal
ProjectClassId String
ProjectContractId String
ProjectContractId String
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
ProjectFeeAmount Decimal
ProjectId String
ProjectManagerId String
QuantityCompletedPercent Decimal
RestrictToCustomerList Bool
RetainerAmountCurrency String
RetainerAmount Decimal
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency String
RetentionFeeAmount Decimal
RetentionPercent Decimal
SUTAState String
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
ServiceFeeAmount Decimal
Status String
TransactionalCurrencyCodeKeyISOCode String
Type String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
UnpostedDiscountAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
UnpostedOverheadAmount Decimal
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProfitAmount Decimal
UnpostedQuantity Decimal
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainageAmount Decimal
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency String
UnpostedTotalCost Decimal
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency String
UnpostedLossAmount Decimal
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency String
UnpostedPOCosts Decimal
UnpostedPOQuantity Decimal
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
UserDefinedText1 String
UserDefinedText2 String
WorkersCompensationId String
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency String
WriteUpDownAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectBillingCycles

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AccountAmountCurrency String
AccountAmount Decimal
AccountingMethod String
AccountsAggregate String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualBillingAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingAmount Decimal
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency String
ActualDiscountAmount Decimal
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency String
ActualOverheadAmount Decimal
ActualProfitAmountCurrency String
ActualProfitAmount Decimal
ActualQuantity Decimal
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency String
ActualRetainageAmount Decimal
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualSalesTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTotalCostCurrency String
ActualTotalCost Decimal
ActualBeginDate Datetime
ActualEndDate Datetime
BaselineBeginDate Datetime
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency String
BaselineBillableAmount Decimal
BaselineEndDate Datetime
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency String
BaselineOverheadCost Decimal
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency String
BaselineProfitAmount Decimal
BaselineQuantity Decimal
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency String
BaselineTaxAmount Decimal
BaselineTotalCostCurrency String
BaselineTotalCost Decimal
BillToAddressId String
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency String
BilledAccruedRevenue Decimal
BilledCostCurrency String
BilledCost Decimal
BilledQuantity Decimal
BillingCyclesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BillingCyclesBillingFormat String
BillingCyclesId [KEY] String
BillingCyclesKeyProjectId [KEY] String
BillingNotReceivableCurrency String
BillingNotReceivable Decimal
BillingType String
BudgetsAggregate String
BusinessManagerId String
CloseToBillings Bool
CloseToProjectCosts Bool
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionPercent Decimal
ContactPerson String
CostCompletedPercent Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerPONumber String
DefaultBillingFormat String
DepartmentId String
DiscountPercent Decimal
DoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement Bool
DoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement Bool
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition Bool
EquipmentListAggregate String
EquipmentRateTableId String
EstimatorId String
FeesAggregate String
ForecastBeginDate Datetime
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency String
ForecastBillableAmount Decimal
ForecastEndDate Datetime
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency String
ForecastOverheadCost Decimal
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency String
ForecastProfitAmount Decimal
ForecastQuantity Decimal
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency String
ForecastTaxAmount Decimal
ForecastTotalCostCurrency String
ForecastTotalCost Decimal
Id String
LaborRateTableId String
LaborRateTableType String
Name String
POCommittedCostsCurrency String
POCommittedCosts Decimal
POCommittedQuantity Decimal
PostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
PostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
PostedBillingAmountCurrency String
PostedBillingAmount Decimal
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
PostedDiscountAmount Decimal
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
PostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
PostedOverheadAmount Decimal
PostedProfitAmountCurrency String
PostedProfitAmount Decimal
PostedQuantity Decimal
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
PostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
PostedRetainageAmount Decimal
PostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTotalCostCurrency String
PostedTotalCost Decimal
PostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedPOCostsCurrency String
PostedPOCosts Decimal
PostedPOQuantity Decimal
PostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
PostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
PostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedLossAmountCurrency String
PostedLossAmount Decimal
PostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
PostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
PostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
PostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
PostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
PostedRetentionAmount Decimal
PostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
PostedWriteoffAmountCurrency String
PostedWriteoffAmount Decimal
ProjectAmountCurrency String
ProjectAmount Decimal
ProjectClassId String
ProjectContractId String
ProjectContractId String
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
ProjectFeeAmount Decimal
ProjectId String
ProjectManagerId String
QuantityCompletedPercent Decimal
RestrictToCustomerList Bool
RetainerAmountCurrency String
RetainerAmount Decimal
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency String
RetentionFeeAmount Decimal
RetentionPercent Decimal
SUTAState String
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
ServiceFeeAmount Decimal
Status String
TransactionalCurrencyCodeKeyISOCode String
Type String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
UnpostedDiscountAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
UnpostedOverheadAmount Decimal
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProfitAmount Decimal
UnpostedQuantity Decimal
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainageAmount Decimal
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency String
UnpostedTotalCost Decimal
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency String
UnpostedLossAmount Decimal
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency String
UnpostedPOCosts Decimal
UnpostedPOQuantity Decimal
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
UserDefinedText1 String
UserDefinedText2 String
WorkersCompensationId String
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency String
WriteUpDownAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Presupuesto del Proyecto

Devuelve una lista de: ProjectBudget

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualBeginDate Datetime
ActualCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualEndDate Datetime
ActualLossAmountCurrency String
ActualLossAmount Decimal
ActualReceiptsAmountCurrency String
ActualReceiptsAmount Decimal
ActualWriteoffAmountCurrency String
ActualWriteoffAmount Decimal
BaselineBeginDate Datetime
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency String
BaselineBillableAmount Decimal
BaselineEndDate Datetime
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency String
BaselineOverheadCost Decimal
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency String
BaselineProfitAmount Decimal
BaselineQuantity Decimal
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency String
BaselineTaxAmount Decimal
BaselineTotalCostCurrency String
BaselineTotalCost Decimal
BaselineNetProfitAmountCurrency String
BaselineNetProfitAmount Decimal
BaselineOverheadPercent Decimal
BaselineProfitPercent Decimal
BaselinePurchaseTaxBasis String
BaselinePurchaseTaxScheduleId String
BaselineSalesTaxBasis String
BaselineSalesTaxScheduleId String
BaselineUnitCostCurrency String
BaselineUnitCost Decimal
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency String
BilledAccruedRevenue Decimal
BilledCostCurrency String
BilledCost Decimal
BilledQuantity Decimal
BillingType String
CostCompletedPercent Decimal
CostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
CostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
DoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement Bool
DoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement Bool
EarningsAmountCurrency String
EarningsAmount Decimal
EquipmentRateTableId String
ForecastBeginDate Datetime
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency String
ForecastBillableAmount Decimal
ForecastEndDate Datetime
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency String
ForecastOverheadCost Decimal
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency String
ForecastProfitAmount Decimal
ForecastQuantity Decimal
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency String
ForecastTaxAmount Decimal
ForecastTotalCostCurrency String
ForecastTotalCost Decimal
ForecastNetProfitAmountCurrency String
ForecastNetProfitAmount Decimal
ForecastOverheadPercent Decimal
ForecastProfitPercent Decimal
ForecastPurchaseTaxBasis String
ForecastPurchaseTaxScheduleId String
ForecastSalesTaxBasis String
ForecastSalesTaxScheduleId String
ForecastUnitCostCurrency String
ForecastUnitCost Decimal
IsInventoryItem Bool
KeyCostCategoryId [KEY] String
KeyProjectId [KEY] String
KeyTransactionUsage [KEY] Int
LaborRateTableId String
LaborRateTableType String
LineSequenceNumber Int
OverheadRateMethod String
POCommittedCostsCurrency String
POCommittedCosts Decimal
POCommittedQuantity Decimal
PayCodeHourlyId String
PayCodeSalaryId String
PostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
PostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
PostedBillingAmountCurrency String
PostedBillingAmount Decimal
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
PostedDiscountAmount Decimal
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
PostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
PostedOverheadAmount Decimal
PostedProfitAmountCurrency String
PostedProfitAmount Decimal
PostedQuantity Decimal
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
PostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
PostedRetainageAmount Decimal
PostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTotalCostCurrency String
PostedTotalCost Decimal
PostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedPOCostsCurrency String
PostedPOCosts Decimal
PostedPOQuantity Decimal
PostedBillableAmountCurrency String
PostedBillableAmount Decimal
PostedCommittedCostCurrency String
PostedCommittedCost Decimal
PostedCommittedQuantity Decimal
PostedCommittedTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedCommittedTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTaxPaidAmountCurrency String
PostedTaxPaidAmount Decimal
ProfitType String
ProjectAmountCurrency String
ProjectAmount Decimal
QuantityCompletedPercent Decimal
ReceiptsAmountCurrency String
ReceiptsAmount Decimal
Status String
TaxPaidAmountCurrency String
TaxPaidAmount Decimal
TransactionalCurrencyCodeISOCode String
UncommittedPOCostsCurrency String
UncommittedPOCosts Decimal
UncommittedPOQuantity Decimal
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
UnpostedDiscountAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
UnpostedOverheadAmount Decimal
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProfitAmount Decimal
UnpostedQuantity Decimal
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainageAmount Decimal
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency String
UnpostedTotalCost Decimal
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency String
UnpostedLossAmount Decimal
UnpostedBeginDate Datetime
UnpostedBillableAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillableAmount Decimal
UnpostedCommittedCostCurrency String
UnpostedCommittedCost Decimal
UnpostedCommittedQuantity Decimal
UnpostedCommittedTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedCommittedTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedEndDate Datetime
UofM String
UofMScheduleId String
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency String
WriteUpDownAmount Decimal
WriteoffAmountCurrency String
WriteoffAmount Decimal
WriteoffTaxAmountCurrency String
WriteoffTaxAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectBudgets

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AccountAmountCurrency String
AccountAmount Decimal
AccountingMethod String
AccountsAggregate String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualBillingAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingAmount Decimal
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency String
ActualDiscountAmount Decimal
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency String
ActualOverheadAmount Decimal
ActualProfitAmountCurrency String
ActualProfitAmount Decimal
ActualQuantity Decimal
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency String
ActualRetainageAmount Decimal
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualSalesTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTotalCostCurrency String
ActualTotalCost Decimal
ActualBeginDate Datetime
ActualEndDate Datetime
BaselineBeginDate Datetime
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency String
BaselineBillableAmount Decimal
BaselineEndDate Datetime
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency String
BaselineOverheadCost Decimal
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency String
BaselineProfitAmount Decimal
BaselineQuantity Decimal
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency String
BaselineTaxAmount Decimal
BaselineTotalCostCurrency String
BaselineTotalCost Decimal
BillToAddressId String
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency String
BilledAccruedRevenue Decimal
BilledCostCurrency String
BilledCost Decimal
BilledQuantity Decimal
BillingCyclesAggregate String
BillingNotReceivableCurrency String
BillingNotReceivable Decimal
BillingType String
BudgetsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BudgetsActualBeginDate Datetime
BudgetsActualCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
BudgetsActualCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
BudgetsActualEndDate Datetime
BudgetsActualLossAmountCurrency String
BudgetsActualLossAmount Decimal
BudgetsActualReceiptsAmountCurrency String
BudgetsActualReceiptsAmount Decimal
BudgetsActualWriteoffAmountCurrency String
BudgetsActualWriteoffAmount Decimal
BudgetsBaselineBeginDate Datetime
BudgetsBaselineBillableAmountCurrency String
BudgetsBaselineBillableAmount Decimal
BudgetsBaselineEndDate Datetime
BudgetsBaselineOverheadCostCurrency String
BudgetsBaselineOverheadCost Decimal
BudgetsBaselineProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsBaselineProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsBaselineQuantity Decimal
BudgetsBaselineTaxAmountCurrency String
BudgetsBaselineTaxAmount Decimal
BudgetsBaselineTotalCostCurrency String
BudgetsBaselineTotalCost Decimal
BudgetsBaselineNetProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsBaselineNetProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsBaselineOverheadPercent Decimal
BudgetsBaselineProfitPercent Decimal
BudgetsBaselinePurchaseTaxBasis String
BudgetsBaselinePurchaseTaxScheduleId String
BudgetsBaselineSalesTaxBasis String
BudgetsBaselineSalesTaxScheduleId String
BudgetsBaselineUnitCostCurrency String
BudgetsBaselineUnitCost Decimal
BudgetsBilledAccruedRevenueCurrency String
BudgetsBilledAccruedRevenue Decimal
BudgetsBilledCostCurrency String
BudgetsBilledCost Decimal
BudgetsBilledQuantity Decimal
BudgetsBillingType String
BudgetsCostCompletedPercent Decimal
BudgetsCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
BudgetsCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
BudgetsDoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement Bool
BudgetsDoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement Bool
BudgetsEarningsAmountCurrency String
BudgetsEarningsAmount Decimal
BudgetsEquipmentRateTableId String
BudgetsForecastBeginDate Datetime
BudgetsForecastBillableAmountCurrency String
BudgetsForecastBillableAmount Decimal
BudgetsForecastEndDate Datetime
BudgetsForecastOverheadCostCurrency String
BudgetsForecastOverheadCost Decimal
BudgetsForecastProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsForecastProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsForecastQuantity Decimal
BudgetsForecastTaxAmountCurrency String
BudgetsForecastTaxAmount Decimal
BudgetsForecastTotalCostCurrency String
BudgetsForecastTotalCost Decimal
BudgetsForecastNetProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsForecastNetProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsForecastOverheadPercent Decimal
BudgetsForecastProfitPercent Decimal
BudgetsForecastPurchaseTaxBasis String
BudgetsForecastPurchaseTaxScheduleId String
BudgetsForecastSalesTaxBasis String
BudgetsForecastSalesTaxScheduleId String
BudgetsForecastUnitCostCurrency String
BudgetsForecastUnitCost Decimal
BudgetsIsInventoryItem Bool
BudgetsKeyCostCategoryId [KEY] String
BudgetsKeyProjectId [KEY] String
BudgetsKeyTransactionUsage [KEY] Int
BudgetsLaborRateTableId String
BudgetsLaborRateTableType String
BudgetsLineSequenceNumber Int
BudgetsOverheadRateMethod String
BudgetsPOCommittedCostsCurrency String
BudgetsPOCommittedCosts Decimal
BudgetsPOCommittedQuantity Decimal
BudgetsPayCodeHourlyId String
BudgetsPayCodeSalaryId String
BudgetsPostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedBillingAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedBillingAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedDiscountAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedOverheadAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedQuantity Decimal
BudgetsPostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedRetainageAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedTaxAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedTaxAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedTotalCostCurrency String
BudgetsPostedTotalCost Decimal
BudgetsPostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedEarningsAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedPOCostsCurrency String
BudgetsPostedPOCosts Decimal
BudgetsPostedPOQuantity Decimal
BudgetsPostedBillableAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedBillableAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedCommittedCostCurrency String
BudgetsPostedCommittedCost Decimal
BudgetsPostedCommittedQuantity Decimal
BudgetsPostedCommittedTaxAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedCommittedTaxAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedTaxPaidAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedTaxPaidAmount Decimal
BudgetsProfitType String
BudgetsProjectAmountCurrency String
BudgetsProjectAmount Decimal
BudgetsQuantityCompletedPercent Decimal
BudgetsReceiptsAmountCurrency String
BudgetsReceiptsAmount Decimal
BudgetsStatus String
BudgetsTaxPaidAmountCurrency String
BudgetsTaxPaidAmount Decimal
BudgetsTransactionalCurrencyCodeISOCode String
BudgetsUncommittedPOCostsCurrency String
BudgetsUncommittedPOCosts Decimal
BudgetsUncommittedPOQuantity Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedBillingAmountCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedBillingAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedDiscountAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedOverheadAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedQuantity Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedRetainageAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedTaxAmountCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedTaxAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedTotalCostCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedTotalCost Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedLossAmountCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedLossAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedBeginDate Datetime
BudgetsUnpostedBillableAmountCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedBillableAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedCommittedCostCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedCommittedCost Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedCommittedQuantity Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedCommittedTaxAmountCurrency String
BudgetsUnpostedCommittedTaxAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnpostedEndDate Datetime
BudgetsUofM String
BudgetsUofMScheduleId String
BudgetsWriteUpDownAmountCurrency String
BudgetsWriteUpDownAmount Decimal
BudgetsWriteoffAmountCurrency String
BudgetsWriteoffAmount Decimal
BudgetsWriteoffTaxAmountCurrency String
BudgetsWriteoffTaxAmount Decimal
BusinessManagerId String
CloseToBillings Bool
CloseToProjectCosts Bool
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionPercent Decimal
ContactPerson String
CostCompletedPercent Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerPONumber String
DefaultBillingFormat String
DepartmentId String
DiscountPercent Decimal
DoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement Bool
DoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement Bool
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition Bool
EquipmentListAggregate String
EquipmentRateTableId String
EstimatorId String
FeesAggregate String
ForecastBeginDate Datetime
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency String
ForecastBillableAmount Decimal
ForecastEndDate Datetime
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency String
ForecastOverheadCost Decimal
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency String
ForecastProfitAmount Decimal
ForecastQuantity Decimal
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency String
ForecastTaxAmount Decimal
ForecastTotalCostCurrency String
ForecastTotalCost Decimal
Id String
LaborRateTableId String
LaborRateTableType String
Name String
POCommittedCostsCurrency String
POCommittedCosts Decimal
POCommittedQuantity Decimal
PostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
PostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
PostedBillingAmountCurrency String
PostedBillingAmount Decimal
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
PostedDiscountAmount Decimal
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
PostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
PostedOverheadAmount Decimal
PostedProfitAmountCurrency String
PostedProfitAmount Decimal
PostedQuantity Decimal
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
PostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
PostedRetainageAmount Decimal
PostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTotalCostCurrency String
PostedTotalCost Decimal
PostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedPOCostsCurrency String
PostedPOCosts Decimal
PostedPOQuantity Decimal
PostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
PostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
PostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedLossAmountCurrency String
PostedLossAmount Decimal
PostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
PostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
PostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
PostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
PostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
PostedRetentionAmount Decimal
PostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
PostedWriteoffAmountCurrency String
PostedWriteoffAmount Decimal
ProjectAmountCurrency String
ProjectAmount Decimal
ProjectClassId String
ProjectContractId String
ProjectContractId String
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
ProjectFeeAmount Decimal
ProjectId String
ProjectManagerId String
QuantityCompletedPercent Decimal
RestrictToCustomerList Bool
RetainerAmountCurrency String
RetainerAmount Decimal
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency String
RetentionFeeAmount Decimal
RetentionPercent Decimal
SUTAState String
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
ServiceFeeAmount Decimal
Status String
TransactionalCurrencyCodeKeyISOCode String
Type String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
UnpostedDiscountAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
UnpostedOverheadAmount Decimal
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProfitAmount Decimal
UnpostedQuantity Decimal
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainageAmount Decimal
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency String
UnpostedTotalCost Decimal
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency String
UnpostedLossAmount Decimal
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency String
UnpostedPOCosts Decimal
UnpostedPOQuantity Decimal
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
UserDefinedText1 String
UserDefinedText2 String
WorkersCompensationId String
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency String
WriteUpDownAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectChangeOrder

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ApprovalDate Datetime
ApprovedBy String
ApproverPosition String
BudgetsAggregate String
ContractBeginDate Datetime
ContractEndDate Datetime
CustomerChangeOrderNumber String
CustomerId String
Date Datetime
Description String
DocumentStatus String
EstimatedBy String
FeesAggregate String
Id [KEY] String
KeyProjectContractId [KEY] String
LastProcessedDate Datetime
ModifiedBy String
PreviousContractBeginDate Datetime
PreviousContractEndDate Datetime
PreviousProjectAmountCurrency String
PreviousProjectAmount Decimal
ProjectAmountCurrency String
ProjectAmount Decimal
ReasonForRevision String
RequestedBy String
RevisedBudgetTotalAmountCurrency String
RevisedBudgetTotalAmount Decimal
RevisedBy String
RevisedFeeTotalAmountCurrency String
RevisedFeeTotalAmount Decimal
RevisedProjectAmountCurrency String
RevisedProjectAmount Decimal
RevisersPosition String
SequenceNumber Int
Status String
TotalBillingCurrency String
TotalBilling Decimal
TotalChangeOrderAmountCurrency String
TotalChangeOrderAmount Decimal
TotalCostCurrency String
TotalCost Decimal
TotalQuantity Decimal
TrackChangesToType String
Type String
VarianceProjectAmountCurrency String
VarianceProjectAmount Decimal
VarianceTotalBillingCurrency String
VarianceTotalBilling Decimal
VarianceTotalCostCurrency String
VarianceTotalCost Decimal
VarianceTotalQuantity Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectChangeOrderBudgets

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ApprovalDate Datetime
ApprovedBy String
ApproverPosition String
BudgetsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BudgetsActualReceiptAmountCurrency String
BudgetsActualReceiptAmount Decimal
BudgetsActualWriteoffAmountCurrency String
BudgetsActualWriteoffAmount Decimal
BudgetsActualWriteoffTaxAmountCurrency String
BudgetsActualWriteoffTaxAmount Decimal
BudgetsApprovalDate Datetime
BudgetsBaselineOverheadCostCurrency String
BudgetsBaselineOverheadCost Decimal
BudgetsBaselineProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsBaselineProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsBaselineQuantity Decimal
BudgetsBaselineUnitCostCurrency String
BudgetsBaselineUnitCost Decimal
BudgetsBillingType String
BudgetsContractBeginDate Datetime
BudgetsContractEndDate Datetime
BudgetsCostCategoryId String
BudgetsFinalQuoteAmountCurrency String
BudgetsFinalQuoteAmount Decimal
BudgetsInitialQuoteAmountCurrency String
BudgetsInitialQuoteAmount Decimal
BudgetsIsClosed Bool
BudgetsKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
BudgetsKeyProjectChangeOrderId [KEY] String
BudgetsKeyProjectChangeOrderKeyProjectContractId [KEY] String
BudgetsLineItemSequenceNumber Int
BudgetsOriginalBudgetAmountCurrency String
BudgetsOriginalBudgetAmount Decimal
BudgetsOriginalProjectAmountCurrency String
BudgetsOriginalProjectAmount Decimal
BudgetsOverheadPercent Decimal
BudgetsPayCodeHourlyId String
BudgetsPayCodeSalaryId String
BudgetsPostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedBillingAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedBillingAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedDiscountAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedOverheadAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedQuantity Decimal
BudgetsPostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedRetainageAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedTaxAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedTaxAmount Decimal
BudgetsPostedTotalCostCurrency String
BudgetsPostedTotalCost Decimal
BudgetsPostedTaxPaidAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPostedTaxPaidAmount Decimal
BudgetsPreviousBaselineOverheadCostCurrency String
BudgetsPreviousBaselineOverheadCost Decimal
BudgetsPreviousBaselineProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPreviousBaselineProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsPreviousBaselineQuantity Decimal
BudgetsPreviousBaselineUnitCostCurrency String
BudgetsPreviousBaselineUnitCost Decimal
BudgetsPreviousContractBeginDate Datetime
BudgetsPreviousContractEndDate Datetime
BudgetsPreviousOverheadPercent Decimal
BudgetsPreviousPayCodeHourlyId String
BudgetsPreviousPayCodeSalaryId String
BudgetsPreviousProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPreviousProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsPreviousProfitPercent Decimal
BudgetsPreviousProjectAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPreviousProjectAmount Decimal
BudgetsPreviousPurchaseTaxBasis String
BudgetsPreviousQuantity Decimal
BudgetsPreviousSalesTaxBasis String
BudgetsPreviousSalesTaxScheduleId String
BudgetsPreviousTaxScheduleId String
BudgetsPreviousTotalBillingAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPreviousTotalBillingAmount Decimal
BudgetsPreviousTotalCostCurrency String
BudgetsPreviousTotalCost Decimal
BudgetsPreviousTotalOverheadAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPreviousTotalOverheadAmount Decimal
BudgetsPreviousTotalProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsPreviousTotalProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsPreviousUnitCostCurrency String
BudgetsPreviousUnitCost Decimal
BudgetsProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsProfitPercent Decimal
BudgetsProfitType String
BudgetsProjectAmountCurrency String
BudgetsProjectAmount Decimal
BudgetsProjectId String
BudgetsPurchaseTaxBasis String
BudgetsPurchaseTaxScheduleId String
BudgetsQuantity Decimal
BudgetsQuoteApprovedBy String
BudgetsQuotePreparedBy String
BudgetsRevisedBudgetTotalAmountCurrency String
BudgetsRevisedBudgetTotalAmount Decimal
BudgetsRevisedProjectTotalAmountCurrency String
BudgetsRevisedProjectTotalAmount Decimal
BudgetsSalesTaxBasis String
BudgetsSalesTaxScheduleId String
BudgetsSequenceNumber Int
BudgetsTotalBillingAmountCurrency String
BudgetsTotalBillingAmount Decimal
BudgetsTotalCostCurrency String
BudgetsTotalCost Decimal
BudgetsTotalOverheadAmountCurrency String
BudgetsTotalOverheadAmount Decimal
BudgetsTotalProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsTotalProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsUnitCostCurrency String
BudgetsUnitCost Decimal
BudgetsUofM String
BudgetsUofMScheduleId String
BudgetsVarianceMarkupPercent Decimal
BudgetsVarianceOverheadAmountCurrency String
BudgetsVarianceOverheadAmount Decimal
BudgetsVarianceOverheadPercent Decimal
BudgetsVarianceProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsVarianceProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsVarianceProjectAmountCurrency String
BudgetsVarianceProjectAmount Decimal
BudgetsVarianceQuantity Decimal
BudgetsVarianceTotalBillingAmountCurrency String
BudgetsVarianceTotalBillingAmount Decimal
BudgetsVarianceTotalCostCurrency String
BudgetsVarianceTotalCost Decimal
BudgetsVarianceTotalProfitAmountCurrency String
BudgetsVarianceTotalProfitAmount Decimal
BudgetsVarianceUnitCostCurrency String
BudgetsVarianceUnitCost Decimal
ContractBeginDate Datetime
ContractEndDate Datetime
CustomerChangeOrderNumber String
CustomerId String
Date Datetime
Description String
DocumentStatus String
EstimatedBy String
FeesAggregate String
Id String
KeyProjectContractId String
LastProcessedDate Datetime
ModifiedBy String
PreviousContractBeginDate Datetime
PreviousContractEndDate Datetime
PreviousProjectAmountCurrency String
PreviousProjectAmount Decimal
ProjectAmountCurrency String
ProjectAmount Decimal
ReasonForRevision String
RequestedBy String
RevisedBudgetTotalAmountCurrency String
RevisedBudgetTotalAmount Decimal
RevisedBy String
RevisedFeeTotalAmountCurrency String
RevisedFeeTotalAmount Decimal
RevisedProjectAmountCurrency String
RevisedProjectAmount Decimal
RevisersPosition String
SequenceNumber Int
Status String
TotalBillingCurrency String
TotalBilling Decimal
TotalChangeOrderAmountCurrency String
TotalChangeOrderAmount Decimal
TotalCostCurrency String
TotalCost Decimal
TotalQuantity Decimal
TrackChangesToType String
Type String
VarianceProjectAmountCurrency String
VarianceProjectAmount Decimal
VarianceTotalBillingCurrency String
VarianceTotalBilling Decimal
VarianceTotalCostCurrency String
VarianceTotalCost Decimal
VarianceTotalQuantity Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Tarifas de Cambio de Pedido de Proyecto

Devolver una lista de: ProjectChangeOrderFees

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ApprovalDate Datetime
ApprovedBy String
ApproverPosition String
BudgetsAggregate String
ContractBeginDate Datetime
ContractEndDate Datetime
CustomerChangeOrderNumber String
CustomerId String
Date Datetime
Description String
DocumentStatus String
EstimatedBy String
FeesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
FeesContractBeginDate Datetime
FeesContractEndDate Datetime
FeesKeyProjectChangeOrderId [KEY] String
FeesKeyProjectChangeOrderKeyProjectContractId [KEY] String
FeesKeyProjectId [KEY] String
FeesLinesAggregate String
FeesPostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
FeesPostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
FeesPostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
FeesPostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
FeesPostedRetentionFeeAmountCurrency String
FeesPostedRetentionFeeAmount Decimal
FeesPostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
FeesPostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
FeesSequenceNumber Int
FeesTotalProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
FeesTotalProjectFeeAmount Decimal
FeesTotalRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
FeesTotalRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
FeesTotalRetentionFeeAmountCurrency String
FeesTotalRetentionFeeAmount Decimal
FeesTotalServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
FeesTotalServiceFeeAmount Decimal
FeesVarianceFeeAmountCurrency String
FeesVarianceFeeAmount Decimal
FeesVarianceProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
FeesVarianceProjectFeeAmount Decimal
FeesVarianceRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
FeesVarianceRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
FeesVarianceRetentionFeeAmountCurrency String
FeesVarianceRetentionFeeAmount Decimal
FeesVarianceServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
FeesVarianceServiceFeeAmount Decimal
Id String
KeyProjectContractId String
LastProcessedDate Datetime
ModifiedBy String
PreviousContractBeginDate Datetime
PreviousContractEndDate Datetime
PreviousProjectAmountCurrency String
PreviousProjectAmount Decimal
ProjectAmountCurrency String
ProjectAmount Decimal
ReasonForRevision String
RequestedBy String
RevisedBudgetTotalAmountCurrency String
RevisedBudgetTotalAmount Decimal
RevisedBy String
RevisedFeeTotalAmountCurrency String
RevisedFeeTotalAmount Decimal
RevisedProjectAmountCurrency String
RevisedProjectAmount Decimal
RevisersPosition String
SequenceNumber Int
Status String
TotalBillingCurrency String
TotalBilling Decimal
TotalChangeOrderAmountCurrency String
TotalChangeOrderAmount Decimal
TotalCostCurrency String
TotalCost Decimal
TotalQuantity Decimal
TrackChangesToType String
Type String
VarianceProjectAmountCurrency String
VarianceProjectAmount Decimal
VarianceTotalBillingCurrency String
VarianceTotalBilling Decimal
VarianceTotalCostCurrency String
VarianceTotalCost Decimal
VarianceTotalQuantity Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectContract

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AccountingMethod String
AccountsAggregate String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualBillingAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingAmount Decimal
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency String
ActualDiscountAmount Decimal
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency String
ActualOverheadAmount Decimal
ActualProfitAmountCurrency String
ActualProfitAmount Decimal
ActualQuantity Decimal
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency String
ActualRetainageAmount Decimal
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualSalesTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTotalCostCurrency String
ActualTotalCost Decimal
ActualBeginDate Datetime
ActualBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
ActualBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
ActualCommittedPOCostCurrency String
ActualCommittedPOCost Decimal
ActualCommittedPOQuantity Decimal
ActualCommittedPOTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualCommittedPOTaxAmount Decimal
ActualCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualEndDate Datetime
ActualLossAmountCurrency String
ActualLossAmount Decimal
ActualPOCostsCurrency String
ActualPOCosts Decimal
ActualPOQuantity Decimal
ActualProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
ActualProjectFeeAmount Decimal
ActualReceiptsAmountCurrency String
ActualReceiptsAmount Decimal
ActualRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
ActualRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
ActualRetentionAmountCurrency String
ActualRetentionAmount Decimal
ActualServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
ActualServiceFeeAmount Decimal
AddressId String
BaselineBeginDate Datetime
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency String
BaselineBillableAmount Decimal
BaselineEndDate Datetime
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency String
BaselineOverheadCost Decimal
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency String
BaselineProfitAmount Decimal
BaselineQuantity Decimal
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency String
BaselineTaxAmount Decimal
BaselineTotalCostCurrency String
BaselineTotalCost Decimal
BillToAddressId String
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency String
BilledAccruedRevenue Decimal
BilledCostCurrency String
BilledCost Decimal
BilledQuantity Decimal
BillingCyclesAggregate String
BusinessManagerId String
ClassId String
CloseToBillings String
CloseToProjectCosts String
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionPercent Decimal
ContactPerson String
ContractManagerId String
CostCompletedPercent Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerPONumber String
DefaultBillingFormat String
DiscountPercent Decimal
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition Bool
ForecastBeginDate Datetime
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency String
ForecastBillableAmount Decimal
ForecastEndDate Datetime
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency String
ForecastOverheadCost Decimal
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency String
ForecastProfitAmount Decimal
ForecastQuantity Decimal
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency String
ForecastTaxAmount Decimal
ForecastTotalCostCurrency String
ForecastTotalCost Decimal
Id [KEY] String
Name String
POCommittedCostsCurrency String
POCommittedCosts Decimal
POCommittedQuantity Decimal
ProjectAmountCurrency String
ProjectAmount Decimal
ProjectContractId String
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
ProjectFeeAmount Decimal
ProjectType String
QuantityCompletedPercent Decimal
RestrictToCustomerList Bool
RetainerAmountCurrency String
RetainerAmount Decimal
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency String
RetentionFeeAmount Decimal
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
ServiceFeeAmount Decimal
Status String
TransactionalCurrencyKeyISOCode String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
UnpostedDiscountAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
UnpostedOverheadAmount Decimal
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProfitAmount Decimal
UnpostedQuantity Decimal
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainageAmount Decimal
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency String
UnpostedTotalCost Decimal
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency String
UnpostedLossAmount Decimal
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency String
UnpostedPOCosts Decimal
UnpostedPOQuantity Decimal
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency String
WriteUpDownAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectContractAccounts

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AccountingMethod String
AccountsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AccountsGLAccountId String
AccountsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
AccountsKeyCostTransaction [KEY] String
AccountsKeyDistributionTypeId [KEY] Int
AccountsKeyProjectContractId [KEY] String
AccountsKeySourceFile [KEY] String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualBillingAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingAmount Decimal
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency String
ActualDiscountAmount Decimal
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency String
ActualOverheadAmount Decimal
ActualProfitAmountCurrency String
ActualProfitAmount Decimal
ActualQuantity Decimal
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency String
ActualRetainageAmount Decimal
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualSalesTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTotalCostCurrency String
ActualTotalCost Decimal
ActualBeginDate Datetime
ActualBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
ActualBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
ActualCommittedPOCostCurrency String
ActualCommittedPOCost Decimal
ActualCommittedPOQuantity Decimal
ActualCommittedPOTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualCommittedPOTaxAmount Decimal
ActualCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualEndDate Datetime
ActualLossAmountCurrency String
ActualLossAmount Decimal
ActualPOCostsCurrency String
ActualPOCosts Decimal
ActualPOQuantity Decimal
ActualProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
ActualProjectFeeAmount Decimal
ActualReceiptsAmountCurrency String
ActualReceiptsAmount Decimal
ActualRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
ActualRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
ActualRetentionAmountCurrency String
ActualRetentionAmount Decimal
ActualServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
ActualServiceFeeAmount Decimal
AddressId String
BaselineBeginDate Datetime
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency String
BaselineBillableAmount Decimal
BaselineEndDate Datetime
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency String
BaselineOverheadCost Decimal
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency String
BaselineProfitAmount Decimal
BaselineQuantity Decimal
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency String
BaselineTaxAmount Decimal
BaselineTotalCostCurrency String
BaselineTotalCost Decimal
BillToAddressId String
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency String
BilledAccruedRevenue Decimal
BilledCostCurrency String
BilledCost Decimal
BilledQuantity Decimal
BillingCyclesAggregate String
BusinessManagerId String
ClassId String
CloseToBillings String
CloseToProjectCosts String
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionPercent Decimal
ContactPerson String
ContractManagerId String
CostCompletedPercent Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerPONumber String
DefaultBillingFormat String
DiscountPercent Decimal
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition Bool
ForecastBeginDate Datetime
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency String
ForecastBillableAmount Decimal
ForecastEndDate Datetime
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency String
ForecastOverheadCost Decimal
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency String
ForecastProfitAmount Decimal
ForecastQuantity Decimal
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency String
ForecastTaxAmount Decimal
ForecastTotalCostCurrency String
ForecastTotalCost Decimal
Id String
Name String
POCommittedCostsCurrency String
POCommittedCosts Decimal
POCommittedQuantity Decimal
ProjectAmountCurrency String
ProjectAmount Decimal
ProjectContractId String
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
ProjectFeeAmount Decimal
ProjectType String
QuantityCompletedPercent Decimal
RestrictToCustomerList Bool
RetainerAmountCurrency String
RetainerAmount Decimal
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency String
RetentionFeeAmount Decimal
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
ServiceFeeAmount Decimal
Status String
TransactionalCurrencyKeyISOCode String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
UnpostedDiscountAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
UnpostedOverheadAmount Decimal
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProfitAmount Decimal
UnpostedQuantity Decimal
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainageAmount Decimal
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency String
UnpostedTotalCost Decimal
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency String
UnpostedLossAmount Decimal
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency String
UnpostedPOCosts Decimal
UnpostedPOQuantity Decimal
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency String
WriteUpDownAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectContractBillingCycles

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AccountingMethod String
AccountsAggregate String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualBillingAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingAmount Decimal
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency String
ActualDiscountAmount Decimal
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency String
ActualOverheadAmount Decimal
ActualProfitAmountCurrency String
ActualProfitAmount Decimal
ActualQuantity Decimal
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency String
ActualRetainageAmount Decimal
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualSalesTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTotalCostCurrency String
ActualTotalCost Decimal
ActualBeginDate Datetime
ActualBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
ActualBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
ActualCommittedPOCostCurrency String
ActualCommittedPOCost Decimal
ActualCommittedPOQuantity Decimal
ActualCommittedPOTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualCommittedPOTaxAmount Decimal
ActualCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualEndDate Datetime
ActualLossAmountCurrency String
ActualLossAmount Decimal
ActualPOCostsCurrency String
ActualPOCosts Decimal
ActualPOQuantity Decimal
ActualProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
ActualProjectFeeAmount Decimal
ActualReceiptsAmountCurrency String
ActualReceiptsAmount Decimal
ActualRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
ActualRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
ActualRetentionAmountCurrency String
ActualRetentionAmount Decimal
ActualServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
ActualServiceFeeAmount Decimal
AddressId String
BaselineBeginDate Datetime
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency String
BaselineBillableAmount Decimal
BaselineEndDate Datetime
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency String
BaselineOverheadCost Decimal
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency String
BaselineProfitAmount Decimal
BaselineQuantity Decimal
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency String
BaselineTaxAmount Decimal
BaselineTotalCostCurrency String
BaselineTotalCost Decimal
BillToAddressId String
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency String
BilledAccruedRevenue Decimal
BilledCostCurrency String
BilledCost Decimal
BilledQuantity Decimal
BillingCyclesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BillingCyclesBillingFormat String
BillingCyclesId [KEY] String
BillingCyclesKeyProjectContractId [KEY] String
BusinessManagerId String
ClassId String
CloseToBillings String
CloseToProjectCosts String
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionPercent Decimal
ContactPerson String
ContractManagerId String
CostCompletedPercent Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerPONumber String
DefaultBillingFormat String
DiscountPercent Decimal
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition Bool
ForecastBeginDate Datetime
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency String
ForecastBillableAmount Decimal
ForecastEndDate Datetime
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency String
ForecastOverheadCost Decimal
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency String
ForecastProfitAmount Decimal
ForecastQuantity Decimal
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency String
ForecastTaxAmount Decimal
ForecastTotalCostCurrency String
ForecastTotalCost Decimal
Id String
Name String
POCommittedCostsCurrency String
POCommittedCosts Decimal
POCommittedQuantity Decimal
ProjectAmountCurrency String
ProjectAmount Decimal
ProjectContractId String
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
ProjectFeeAmount Decimal
ProjectType String
QuantityCompletedPercent Decimal
RestrictToCustomerList Bool
RetainerAmountCurrency String
RetainerAmount Decimal
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency String
RetentionFeeAmount Decimal
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
ServiceFeeAmount Decimal
Status String
TransactionalCurrencyKeyISOCode String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
UnpostedDiscountAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
UnpostedOverheadAmount Decimal
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProfitAmount Decimal
UnpostedQuantity Decimal
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainageAmount Decimal
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency String
UnpostedTotalCost Decimal
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency String
UnpostedLossAmount Decimal
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency String
UnpostedPOCosts Decimal
UnpostedPOQuantity Decimal
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency String
WriteUpDownAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: ProjectEmployeeExpense

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
Comment String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
OriginalDocumentId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
ReferenceDocumentNumber String
ReportSuffix String
TotalAccruedRevenueCurrency String
TotalAccruedRevenue Decimal
TotalCostCurrency String
TotalCost Decimal
TotalQuantity Decimal
TransactionState String
TransactionType String
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
UserId String
AddressId String
Amount1099Currency String
Amount1099 Decimal
ChargeAmountCurrency String
ChargeAmount Decimal
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentAmountCurrency String
DocumentAmount Decimal
DoesPostToPayablesManagement Bool
EmployeeId String
EndDate Datetime
ExtendedCostCurrency String
ExtendedCost Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
IsTaxInvoiceReceived Bool
IsTaxInvoiceRequired Bool
Id [KEY] String
LinesAggregate String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String
PaymentCashAmount Decimal
PaymentCashBankAccountId String
PaymentCashDate Datetime
PaymentCashNumber String
PaymentCashDocumentNumber String
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String
PaymentCheckDate Datetime
PaymentCheckNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String
PaymentTermsId String
PersonalDataKeeperEmployeeId String
ReimbursableAmountCurrency String
ReimbursableAmount Decimal
ReimbursableTaxCurrency String
ReimbursableTax Decimal
ShippingMethodId String
StartDate Datetime
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxDate Datetime
TaxScheduleId String
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
Unapplied1099AmountCurrency String
Unapplied1099Amount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectEmployeeExpenseDistributions

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
Comment String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
OriginalDocumentId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
ReferenceDocumentNumber String
ReportSuffix String
TotalAccruedRevenueCurrency String
TotalAccruedRevenue Decimal
TotalCostCurrency String
TotalCost Decimal
TotalQuantity Decimal
TransactionState String
TransactionType String
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
UserId String
AddressId String
Amount1099Currency String
Amount1099 Decimal
ChargeAmountCurrency String
ChargeAmount Decimal
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DistributionsAuditTrailCode String
DistributionsCreditAmountCurrency String
DistributionsCreditAmount Decimal
DistributionsDebitAmountCurrency String
DistributionsDebitAmount Decimal
DistributionsDistributionTypeId Int
DistributionsGLAccountId String
DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
DistributionsReference String
DistributionsKeyControlType [KEY] Int
DistributionsKeyProjectEmployeeExpenseId [KEY] String
DistributionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
DocumentAmountCurrency String
DocumentAmount Decimal
DoesPostToPayablesManagement Bool
EmployeeId String
EndDate Datetime
ExtendedCostCurrency String
ExtendedCost Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
IsTaxInvoiceReceived Bool
IsTaxInvoiceRequired Bool
Id String
LinesAggregate String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String
PaymentCashAmount Decimal
PaymentCashBankAccountId String
PaymentCashDate Datetime
PaymentCashNumber String
PaymentCashDocumentNumber String
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String
PaymentCheckDate Datetime
PaymentCheckNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String
PaymentTermsId String
PersonalDataKeeperEmployeeId String
ReimbursableAmountCurrency String
ReimbursableAmount Decimal
ReimbursableTaxCurrency String
ReimbursableTax Decimal
ShippingMethodId String
StartDate Datetime
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxDate Datetime
TaxScheduleId String
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
Unapplied1099AmountCurrency String
Unapplied1099Amount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: ProjectEmployeeExpenseLines

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
Comment String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
OriginalDocumentId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
ReferenceDocumentNumber String
ReportSuffix String
TotalAccruedRevenueCurrency String
TotalAccruedRevenue Decimal
TotalCostCurrency String
TotalCost Decimal
TotalQuantity Decimal
TransactionState String
TransactionType String
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
UserId String
AddressId String
Amount1099Currency String
Amount1099 Decimal
ChargeAmountCurrency String
ChargeAmount Decimal
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentAmountCurrency String
DocumentAmount Decimal
DoesPostToPayablesManagement Bool
EmployeeId String
EndDate Datetime
ExtendedCostCurrency String
ExtendedCost Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
IsTaxInvoiceReceived Bool
IsTaxInvoiceRequired Bool
Id String
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesAccruedRevenueCurrency String
LinesAccruedRevenue Decimal
LinesContraGLAccountId String
LinesContraGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesCostCategoryId String
LinesCostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountId String
LinesCostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDate Datetime
LinesExtendedCostCurrency String
LinesExtendedCost Decimal
LinesMarkupPercent Decimal
LinesOriginalDocumentSequenceNumber Int
LinesOverheadAmountCurrency String
LinesOverheadAmount Decimal
LinesOverheadGLAccountId String
LinesOverheadGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesOverheadPercent Decimal
LinesProfitAmountCurrency String
LinesProfitAmount Decimal
LinesProfitType String
LinesProjectContractId String
LinesProjectId String
LinesQuantity Decimal
LinesReferenceDocumentSequenceNumber Int
LinesRoundAmountCurrency String
LinesRoundAmount Decimal
LinesRoundingGLAccountId String
LinesRoundingGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesTotalCostCurrency String
LinesTotalCost Decimal
LinesTotalOverheadAmountCurrency String
LinesTotalOverheadAmount Decimal
LinesTotalProfitAmountCurrency String
LinesTotalProfitAmount Decimal
LinesUnbilledAccountReceivableGLAccountId String
LinesUnbilledAccountReceivableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesUnbilledProjectRevenueGLAccountId String
LinesUnbilledProjectRevenueGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesUofM String
LinesWorkInProgressGLAccountId String
LinesWorkInProgressGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesBackoutTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesBackoutTaxAmount Decimal
LinesBillingAmountCurrency String
LinesBillingAmount Decimal
LinesBillingProfitAmountCurrency String
LinesBillingProfitAmount Decimal
LinesBillingProfitPercent Decimal
LinesBillingQuantity Decimal
LinesBillingRateCurrency String
LinesBillingRate Decimal
LinesBillingStatus String
LinesBillingTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesBillingTaxAmount Decimal
LinesBillingType String
LinesDescription String
LinesExpenseType String
LinesKeyProjectEmployeeExpenseId [KEY] String
LinesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LinesPaymentMethodType String
LinesReimbursableAmountCurrency String
LinesReimbursableAmount Decimal
LinesTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesTaxAmount Decimal
LinesTaxBasis String
LinesTaxScheduleId String
LinesTaxesAggregate String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String
PaymentCashAmount Decimal
PaymentCashBankAccountId String
PaymentCashDate Datetime
PaymentCashNumber String
PaymentCashDocumentNumber String
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String
PaymentCheckDate Datetime
PaymentCheckNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String
PaymentTermsId String
PersonalDataKeeperEmployeeId String
ReimbursableAmountCurrency String
ReimbursableAmount Decimal
ReimbursableTaxCurrency String
ReimbursableTax Decimal
ShippingMethodId String
StartDate Datetime
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxDate Datetime
TaxScheduleId String
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
Unapplied1099AmountCurrency String
Unapplied1099Amount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectEquipmentList

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AccountAmountCurrency String
AccountAmount Decimal
AccountingMethod String
AccountsAggregate String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualBillingAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingAmount Decimal
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency String
ActualDiscountAmount Decimal
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency String
ActualOverheadAmount Decimal
ActualProfitAmountCurrency String
ActualProfitAmount Decimal
ActualQuantity Decimal
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency String
ActualRetainageAmount Decimal
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualSalesTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTotalCostCurrency String
ActualTotalCost Decimal
ActualBeginDate Datetime
ActualEndDate Datetime
BaselineBeginDate Datetime
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency String
BaselineBillableAmount Decimal
BaselineEndDate Datetime
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency String
BaselineOverheadCost Decimal
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency String
BaselineProfitAmount Decimal
BaselineQuantity Decimal
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency String
BaselineTaxAmount Decimal
BaselineTotalCostCurrency String
BaselineTotalCost Decimal
BillToAddressId String
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency String
BilledAccruedRevenue Decimal
BilledCostCurrency String
BilledCost Decimal
BilledQuantity Decimal
BillingCyclesAggregate String
BillingNotReceivableCurrency String
BillingNotReceivable Decimal
BillingType String
BudgetsAggregate String
BusinessManagerId String
CloseToBillings Bool
CloseToProjectCosts Bool
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionPercent Decimal
ContactPerson String
CostCompletedPercent Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerPONumber String
DefaultBillingFormat String
DepartmentId String
DiscountPercent Decimal
DoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement Bool
DoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement Bool
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition Bool
EquipmentListExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
EquipmentListKeyProjectEquipmentId [KEY] String
EquipmentListKeyProjectId [KEY] String
EquipmentRateTableId String
EstimatorId String
FeesAggregate String
ForecastBeginDate Datetime
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency String
ForecastBillableAmount Decimal
ForecastEndDate Datetime
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency String
ForecastOverheadCost Decimal
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency String
ForecastProfitAmount Decimal
ForecastQuantity Decimal
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency String
ForecastTaxAmount Decimal
ForecastTotalCostCurrency String
ForecastTotalCost Decimal
Id String
LaborRateTableId String
LaborRateTableType String
Name String
POCommittedCostsCurrency String
POCommittedCosts Decimal
POCommittedQuantity Decimal
PostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
PostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
PostedBillingAmountCurrency String
PostedBillingAmount Decimal
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
PostedDiscountAmount Decimal
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
PostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
PostedOverheadAmount Decimal
PostedProfitAmountCurrency String
PostedProfitAmount Decimal
PostedQuantity Decimal
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
PostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
PostedRetainageAmount Decimal
PostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTotalCostCurrency String
PostedTotalCost Decimal
PostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedPOCostsCurrency String
PostedPOCosts Decimal
PostedPOQuantity Decimal
PostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
PostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
PostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedLossAmountCurrency String
PostedLossAmount Decimal
PostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
PostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
PostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
PostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
PostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
PostedRetentionAmount Decimal
PostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
PostedWriteoffAmountCurrency String
PostedWriteoffAmount Decimal
ProjectAmountCurrency String
ProjectAmount Decimal
ProjectClassId String
ProjectContractId String
ProjectContractId String
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
ProjectFeeAmount Decimal
ProjectId String
ProjectManagerId String
QuantityCompletedPercent Decimal
RestrictToCustomerList Bool
RetainerAmountCurrency String
RetainerAmount Decimal
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency String
RetentionFeeAmount Decimal
RetentionPercent Decimal
SUTAState String
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
ServiceFeeAmount Decimal
Status String
TransactionalCurrencyCodeKeyISOCode String
Type String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
UnpostedDiscountAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
UnpostedOverheadAmount Decimal
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProfitAmount Decimal
UnpostedQuantity Decimal
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainageAmount Decimal
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency String
UnpostedTotalCost Decimal
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency String
UnpostedLossAmount Decimal
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency String
UnpostedPOCosts Decimal
UnpostedPOQuantity Decimal
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
UserDefinedText1 String
UserDefinedText2 String
WorkersCompensationId String
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency String
WriteUpDownAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Tarifas del Proyecto

Devolver una lista de: ProjectFees

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AccountAmountCurrency String
AccountAmount Decimal
AccountingMethod String
AccountsAggregate String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualBillingAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingAmount Decimal
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
ActualBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
ActualDiscountAmountCurrency String
ActualDiscountAmount Decimal
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
ActualEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
ActualOverheadAmountCurrency String
ActualOverheadAmount Decimal
ActualProfitAmountCurrency String
ActualProfitAmount Decimal
ActualQuantity Decimal
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
ActualRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
ActualRetainageAmountCurrency String
ActualRetainageAmount Decimal
ActualSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualSalesTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTaxAmountCurrency String
ActualTaxAmount Decimal
ActualTotalCostCurrency String
ActualTotalCost Decimal
ActualBeginDate Datetime
ActualEndDate Datetime
BaselineBeginDate Datetime
BaselineBillableAmountCurrency String
BaselineBillableAmount Decimal
BaselineEndDate Datetime
BaselineOverheadCostCurrency String
BaselineOverheadCost Decimal
BaselineProfitAmountCurrency String
BaselineProfitAmount Decimal
BaselineQuantity Decimal
BaselineTaxAmountCurrency String
BaselineTaxAmount Decimal
BaselineTotalCostCurrency String
BaselineTotalCost Decimal
BillToAddressId String
BilledAccruedRevenueCurrency String
BilledAccruedRevenue Decimal
BilledCostCurrency String
BilledCost Decimal
BilledQuantity Decimal
BillingCyclesAggregate String
BillingNotReceivableCurrency String
BillingNotReceivable Decimal
BillingType String
BudgetsAggregate String
BusinessManagerId String
CloseToBillings Bool
CloseToProjectCosts Bool
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionPercent Decimal
ContactPerson String
CostCompletedPercent Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerPONumber String
DefaultBillingFormat String
DepartmentId String
DiscountPercent Decimal
DoesAcceptEquipmentRateTableReplacement Bool
DoesAcceptLaborRateTableReplacement Bool
DoesCombineForRevenueRecognition Bool
EquipmentListAggregate String
EquipmentRateTableId String
EstimatorId String
FeesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
FeesAmountCurrency String
FeesAmount Decimal
FeesContractBeginDate Datetime
FeesContractEndDate Datetime
FeesCostPercent Decimal
FeesEndDate Datetime
FeesFrequency String
FeesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
FeesKeyProjectFeeId [KEY] String
FeesKeyProjectId [KEY] String
FeesName String
FeesRenew Bool
FeesRenewDate Datetime
FeesRenewDay Int
FeesRenewMonth Int
FeesRetentionPercent Decimal
FeesRevenuePercent Decimal
FeesSalesTaxBasis String
FeesSalesTaxScheduleId String
FeesSchedulesAggregate String
FeesServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
FeesServiceFeeAmount Decimal
FeesStartDate Datetime
FeesTotalAmountCurrency String
FeesTotalAmount Decimal
FeesType String
FeesUserDefined1 String
FeesUserDefined2 String
ForecastBeginDate Datetime
ForecastBillableAmountCurrency String
ForecastBillableAmount Decimal
ForecastEndDate Datetime
ForecastOverheadCostCurrency String
ForecastOverheadCost Decimal
ForecastProfitAmountCurrency String
ForecastProfitAmount Decimal
ForecastQuantity Decimal
ForecastTaxAmountCurrency String
ForecastTaxAmount Decimal
ForecastTotalCostCurrency String
ForecastTotalCost Decimal
Id String
LaborRateTableId String
LaborRateTableType String
Name String
POCommittedCostsCurrency String
POCommittedCosts Decimal
POCommittedQuantity Decimal
PostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
PostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
PostedBillingAmountCurrency String
PostedBillingAmount Decimal
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
PostedDiscountAmount Decimal
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
PostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
PostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
PostedOverheadAmount Decimal
PostedProfitAmountCurrency String
PostedProfitAmount Decimal
PostedQuantity Decimal
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
PostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
PostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
PostedRetainageAmount Decimal
PostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTaxAmountCurrency String
PostedTaxAmount Decimal
PostedTotalCostCurrency String
PostedTotalCost Decimal
PostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedPOCostsCurrency String
PostedPOCosts Decimal
PostedPOQuantity Decimal
PostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
PostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
PostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
PostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
PostedLossAmountCurrency String
PostedLossAmount Decimal
PostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
PostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
PostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
PostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
PostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
PostedRetentionAmount Decimal
PostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
PostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
PostedWriteoffAmountCurrency String
PostedWriteoffAmount Decimal
ProjectAmountCurrency String
ProjectAmount Decimal
ProjectClassId String
ProjectContractId String
ProjectContractId String
ProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
ProjectFeeAmount Decimal
ProjectId String
ProjectManagerId String
QuantityCompletedPercent Decimal
RestrictToCustomerList Bool
RetainerAmountCurrency String
RetainerAmount Decimal
RetentionFeeAmountCurrency String
RetentionFeeAmount Decimal
RetentionPercent Decimal
SUTAState String
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
ServiceFeeAmount Decimal
Status String
TransactionalCurrencyCodeKeyISOCode String
Type String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedAccruedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingAmount Decimal
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBillingsInExcessOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedDiscountAmountCurrency String
UnpostedDiscountAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsInExcessOfBillingsAmount Decimal
UnpostedOverheadAmountCurrency String
UnpostedOverheadAmount Decimal
UnpostedProfitAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProfitAmount Decimal
UnpostedQuantity Decimal
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRecognizedRevenueAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainageAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainageAmount Decimal
UnpostedSalesTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedSalesTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTaxAmountCurrency String
UnpostedTaxAmount Decimal
UnpostedTotalCostCurrency String
UnpostedTotalCost Decimal
UnpostedLossAmountCurrency String
UnpostedLossAmount Decimal
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedBilledRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedCostOfEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedEarningsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedEarningsAmount Decimal
UnpostedPOCostsCurrency String
UnpostedPOCosts Decimal
UnpostedPOQuantity Decimal
UnpostedProjectFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedProjectFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedReceiptsAmountCurrency String
UnpostedReceiptsAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetainerFeeAmount Decimal
UnpostedRetentionAmountCurrency String
UnpostedRetentionAmount Decimal
UnpostedServiceFeeAmountCurrency String
UnpostedServiceFeeAmount Decimal
UserDefinedText1 String
UserDefinedText2 String
WorkersCompensationId String
WriteUpDownAmountCurrency String
WriteUpDownAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: ProjectMiscellaneousLog

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
Comment String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
OriginalDocumentId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
ReferenceDocumentNumber String
ReportSuffix String
TotalAccruedRevenueCurrency String
TotalAccruedRevenue Decimal
TotalCostCurrency String
TotalCost Decimal
TotalQuantity Decimal
TransactionState String
TransactionType String
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
UserId String
DistributionsAggregate String
Id [KEY] String
LinesAggregate String
MiscellaneousId String
PeriodEndDate Datetime
ReportingDate Datetime
ReportingPeriod Int

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectMiscellaneousLogDistributions

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
Comment String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
OriginalDocumentId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
ReferenceDocumentNumber String
ReportSuffix String
TotalAccruedRevenueCurrency String
TotalAccruedRevenue Decimal
TotalCostCurrency String
TotalCost Decimal
TotalQuantity Decimal
TransactionState String
TransactionType String
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
UserId String
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DistributionsAuditTrailCode String
DistributionsCreditAmountCurrency String
DistributionsCreditAmount Decimal
DistributionsDebitAmountCurrency String
DistributionsDebitAmount Decimal
DistributionsDistributionTypeId Int
DistributionsGLAccountId String
DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
DistributionsReference String
DistributionsKeyControlType [KEY] Int
DistributionsKeyProjectMiscellaneousLogId [KEY] String
DistributionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
DistributionsUserId String
Id String
LinesAggregate String
MiscellaneousId String
PeriodEndDate Datetime
ReportingDate Datetime
ReportingPeriod Int

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectMiscellaneousLogLines

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
Comment String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
OriginalDocumentId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
ReferenceDocumentNumber String
ReportSuffix String
TotalAccruedRevenueCurrency String
TotalAccruedRevenue Decimal
TotalCostCurrency String
TotalCost Decimal
TotalQuantity Decimal
TransactionState String
TransactionType String
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
UserId String
DistributionsAggregate String
Id String
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesAccruedRevenueCurrency String
LinesAccruedRevenue Decimal
LinesContraGLAccountId String
LinesContraGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesCostCategoryId String
LinesCostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountId String
LinesCostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDate Datetime
LinesExtendedCostCurrency String
LinesExtendedCost Decimal
LinesMarkupPercent Decimal
LinesOriginalDocumentSequenceNumber Int
LinesOverheadAmountCurrency String
LinesOverheadAmount Decimal
LinesOverheadGLAccountId String
LinesOverheadGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesOverheadPercent Decimal
LinesProfitAmountCurrency String
LinesProfitAmount Decimal
LinesProfitType String
LinesProjectContractId String
LinesProjectId String
LinesQuantity Decimal
LinesReferenceDocumentSequenceNumber Int
LinesRoundAmountCurrency String
LinesRoundAmount Decimal
LinesRoundingGLAccountId String
LinesRoundingGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesTotalCostCurrency String
LinesTotalCost Decimal
LinesTotalOverheadAmountCurrency String
LinesTotalOverheadAmount Decimal
LinesTotalProfitAmountCurrency String
LinesTotalProfitAmount Decimal
LinesUnbilledAccountReceivableGLAccountId String
LinesUnbilledAccountReceivableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesUnbilledProjectRevenueGLAccountId String
LinesUnbilledProjectRevenueGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesUofM String
LinesWorkInProgressGLAccountId String
LinesWorkInProgressGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesBillingAmountCurrency String
LinesBillingAmount Decimal
LinesBillingProfitAmountCurrency String
LinesBillingProfitAmount Decimal
LinesBillingProfitPercent Decimal
LinesBillingQuantity Decimal
LinesBillingRateCurrency String
LinesBillingRate Decimal
LinesBillingStatus String
LinesBillingTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesBillingTaxAmount Decimal
LinesBillingType String
LinesBillingDiscountAmountCurrency String
LinesBillingDiscountAmount Decimal
LinesKeyProjectMiscellaneousLogId [KEY] String
LinesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LinesProjectChangeOrderId String
LinesProjectChangeOrderKeyProjectContractId String
MiscellaneousId String
PeriodEndDate Datetime
ReportingDate Datetime
ReportingPeriod Int

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectTimesheet

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
Comment String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
OriginalDocumentId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
ReferenceDocumentNumber String
ReportSuffix String
TotalAccruedRevenueCurrency String
TotalAccruedRevenue Decimal
TotalCostCurrency String
TotalCost Decimal
TotalQuantity Decimal
TransactionState String
TransactionType String
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
UserId String
DistributionsAggregate String
EmployeeId String
Id [KEY] String
LinesAggregate String
PeriodEndDate Datetime
PersonalDataKeeperProxyId String
PersonalDataKeeperTimesheetNumber String
ReportingDate Datetime
ReportingPeriod Int

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectTimesheetDistributions

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
Comment String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
OriginalDocumentId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
ReferenceDocumentNumber String
ReportSuffix String
TotalAccruedRevenueCurrency String
TotalAccruedRevenue Decimal
TotalCostCurrency String
TotalCost Decimal
TotalQuantity Decimal
TransactionState String
TransactionType String
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
UserId String
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DistributionsAuditTrailCode String
DistributionsCreditAmountCurrency String
DistributionsCreditAmount Decimal
DistributionsDebitAmountCurrency String
DistributionsDebitAmount Decimal
DistributionsDistributionTypeId Int
DistributionsGLAccountId String
DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
DistributionsReference String
DistributionsKeyControlType [KEY] Int
DistributionsKeyProjectTimesheetId [KEY] String
DistributionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
EmployeeId String
Id String
LinesAggregate String
PeriodEndDate Datetime
PersonalDataKeeperProxyId String
PersonalDataKeeperTimesheetNumber String
ReportingDate Datetime
ReportingPeriod Int

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ProjectTimesheetLines

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
Comment String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
OriginalDocumentId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
ReferenceDocumentNumber String
ReportSuffix String
TotalAccruedRevenueCurrency String
TotalAccruedRevenue Decimal
TotalCostCurrency String
TotalCost Decimal
TotalQuantity Decimal
TransactionState String
TransactionType String
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
UserId String
DistributionsAggregate String
EmployeeId String
Id String
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesAccruedRevenueCurrency String
LinesAccruedRevenue Decimal
LinesContraGLAccountId String
LinesContraGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesCostCategoryId String
LinesCostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountId String
LinesCostOfGoodsSoldGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDate Datetime
LinesExtendedCostCurrency String
LinesExtendedCost Decimal
LinesMarkupPercent Decimal
LinesOriginalDocumentSequenceNumber Int
LinesOverheadAmountCurrency String
LinesOverheadAmount Decimal
LinesOverheadGLAccountId String
LinesOverheadGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesOverheadPercent Decimal
LinesProfitAmountCurrency String
LinesProfitAmount Decimal
LinesProfitType String
LinesProjectContractId String
LinesProjectId String
LinesQuantity Decimal
LinesReferenceDocumentSequenceNumber Int
LinesRoundAmountCurrency String
LinesRoundAmount Decimal
LinesRoundingGLAccountId String
LinesRoundingGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesTotalCostCurrency String
LinesTotalCost Decimal
LinesTotalOverheadAmountCurrency String
LinesTotalOverheadAmount Decimal
LinesTotalProfitAmountCurrency String
LinesTotalProfitAmount Decimal
LinesUnbilledAccountReceivableGLAccountId String
LinesUnbilledAccountReceivableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesUnbilledProjectRevenueGLAccountId String
LinesUnbilledProjectRevenueGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesUofM String
LinesWorkInProgressGLAccountId String
LinesWorkInProgressGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesBeginDateTime Datetime
LinesBillingAmountCurrency String
LinesBillingAmount Decimal
LinesBillingProfitAmountCurrency String
LinesBillingProfitAmount Decimal
LinesBillingProfitPercent Decimal
LinesBillingQuantity Decimal
LinesBillingRateCurrency String
LinesBillingRate Decimal
LinesBillingStatus String
LinesBillingTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesBillingTaxAmount Decimal
LinesBillingType String
LinesBillingDiscountAmountCurrency String
LinesBillingDiscountAmount Decimal
LinesDepartmentCodeId String
LinesEndDateTime Datetime
LinesJobTitleCodeId String
LinesKeyProjectTimesheetId [KEY] String
LinesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LinesPayCodeId String
LinesProjectChangeOrderId String
LinesProjectChangeOrderKeyProjectContractId String
LinesSalaryPostingType String
PeriodEndDate Datetime
PersonalDataKeeperProxyId String
PersonalDataKeeperTimesheetNumber String
ReportingDate Datetime
ReportingPeriod Int

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Distribuciones de facturas de compra

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Amount1099Currency String
Amount1099 Decimal
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DistributionsAuditTrailCode String
DistributionsCreditAmountCurrency String
DistributionsCreditAmount Decimal
DistributionsDebitAmountCurrency String
DistributionsDebitAmount Decimal
DistributionsDistributionTypeId Int
DistributionsGLAccountId String
DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
DistributionsKeyPurchaseTransactionId [KEY] String
DistributionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
DistributionsReference String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
Id String
LinesAggregate String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PaymentTermsId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
Reference String
RemitToAddressId String
SubtotalCurrency String
Subtotal Decimal
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
VendorDocumentNumber String
VendorId String
VendorName String
VoucherNumber String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Factura de compra Flete Impuestos

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Amount1099Currency String
Amount1099 Decimal
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
DistributionsAggregate String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
FreightTaxesAuditTrailCode String
FreightTaxesIsBackoutTax Bool
FreightTaxesKeyPurchaseTransactionId [KEY] String
FreightTaxesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
FreightTaxesKeyTaxDetailId [KEY] String
FreightTaxesTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxesTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxesTaxableAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxesTaxableAmount Decimal
FreightTaxesTotalAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxesTotalAmount Decimal
FreightTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmount Decimal
FreightTaxesGLAccountId String
FreightTaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
Id String
LinesAggregate String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PaymentTermsId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
Reference String
RemitToAddressId String
SubtotalCurrency String
Subtotal Decimal
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
VendorDocumentNumber String
VendorId String
VendorName String
VoucherNumber String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: LíneasDeFacturaDeCompra

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Amount1099Currency String
Amount1099 Decimal
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
DistributionsAggregate String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
Id String
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesBackoutTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesBackoutTaxAmount Decimal
LinesCostCategoryId String
LinesExtendedCostCurrency String
LinesExtendedCost Decimal
LinesIsLandedCost Bool
LinesIsNonInventory Bool
LinesItemId String
LinesItemTaxScheduleId String
LinesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LinesKeyPurchaseTransactionId [KEY] String
LinesProjectId String
LinesPurchaseOrderId String
LinesPurchaseOrderLineKeyLineSequenceNumber Int
LinesPurchaseOrderLineKeyPurchaseTransactionId String
LinesQuantityInvoiced Decimal
LinesReceiptsAggregate String
LinesTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesTaxAmount Decimal
LinesTaxBasis String
LinesTaxesAggregate String
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesUofM String
LinesVarianceGLAccountId String
LinesVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesVendorItemDescription String
LinesVendorItemNumber String
LinesWarehouseTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PaymentTermsId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
Reference String
RemitToAddressId String
SubtotalCurrency String
Subtotal Decimal
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
VendorDocumentNumber String
VendorId String
VendorName String
VoucherNumber String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Factura de compra Varios Impuestos

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Amount1099Currency String
Amount1099 Decimal
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
DistributionsAggregate String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
Id String
LinesAggregate String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
MiscellaneousTaxesAuditTrailCode String
MiscellaneousTaxesIsBackoutTax Bool
MiscellaneousTaxesKeyPurchaseTransactionId [KEY] String
MiscellaneousTaxesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
MiscellaneousTaxesKeyTaxDetailId [KEY] String
MiscellaneousTaxesTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxesTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxesTaxableAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxesTaxableAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxesTotalAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxesTotalAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxesGLAccountId String
MiscellaneousTaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
ModifiedDate Datetime
PaymentTermsId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
Reference String
RemitToAddressId String
SubtotalCurrency String
Subtotal Decimal
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
VendorDocumentNumber String
VendorId String
VendorName String
VoucherNumber String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: Factura de compra Impuestos

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Amount1099Currency String
Amount1099 Decimal
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
DistributionsAggregate String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
Id String
LinesAggregate String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PaymentTermsId String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
Reference String
RemitToAddressId String
SubtotalCurrency String
Subtotal Decimal
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
TaxesAuditTrailCode String
TaxesIsBackoutTax Bool
TaxesKeyPurchaseTransactionId [KEY] String
TaxesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
TaxesKeyTaxDetailId [KEY] String
TaxesTaxAmountCurrency String
TaxesTaxAmount Decimal
TaxesTaxableAmountCurrency String
TaxesTaxableAmount Decimal
TaxesTotalAmountCurrency String
TaxesTotalAmount Decimal
TaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmountCurrency String
TaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmount Decimal
TaxesGLAccountId String
TaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
VendorDocumentNumber String
VendorId String
VendorName String
VoucherNumber String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: CompraOrdenFreightTaxes

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BackoutFreightTaxAmountCurrency String
BackoutFreightTaxAmount Decimal
BackoutMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
BackoutMiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
BackoutTaxAmountCurrency String
BackoutTaxAmount Decimal
BillToAddressId String
BuyerId String
CanceledSubtotalCurrency String
CanceledSubtotal Decimal
Comment String
CommentId String
ConfirmWith String
ContractEndDate Datetime
ContractNumber String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
Date Datetime
DoesAllowSalesOrderCommitments Bool
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
FreightTaxesAuditTrailCode String
FreightTaxesIsBackoutTax Bool
FreightTaxesKeyPurchaseTransactionId [KEY] String
FreightTaxesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
FreightTaxesKeyTaxDetailId [KEY] String
FreightTaxesTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxesTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxesTaxableAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxesTaxableAmount Decimal
FreightTaxesTotalAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxesTotalAmount Decimal
FreightTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmount Decimal
IsOnHold Bool
Id String
LastEditDate Datetime
LastPrintedDate Datetime
LinesAggregate String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PaymentTermsId String
PromisedDate Datetime
PromisedShipDate Datetime
PurchaseAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PurchaseAddressCity String
PurchaseAddressLine1 String
PurchaseAddressLine2 String
PurchaseAddressLine3 String
PurchaseAddressPostalCode String
PurchaseAddressState String
PurchaseAddressCountryRegion String
PurchaseAddressFaxCountryCode String
PurchaseAddressFaxExtension String
PurchaseAddressFax String
PurchaseAddressPhone1CountryCode String
PurchaseAddressPhone1Extension String
PurchaseAddressPhone1 String
PurchaseAddressPhone2CountryCode String
PurchaseAddressPhone2Extension String
PurchaseAddressPhone2 String
PurchaseAddressPhone3CountryCode String
PurchaseAddressPhone3Extension String
PurchaseAddressPhone3 String
PurchaseAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
PurchaseAddressContactPerson String
PurchaseAddressName String
PurchaseAddressId String
RemainingSubtotalCurrency String
RemainingSubtotal Decimal
RequestedDate Datetime
RequisitionDate Datetime
RevisionNumber Int
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
Status String
StatusGroup String
SubtotalCurrency String
Subtotal Decimal
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TimesPrinted Int
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
Type String
VendorId String
VendorName String
WorkflowPriority String
WorkflowsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Líneas de Pedido de Compra

Devuelve una lista de: líneas de pedido de compra

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BackoutFreightTaxAmountCurrency String
BackoutFreightTaxAmount Decimal
BackoutMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
BackoutMiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
BackoutTaxAmountCurrency String
BackoutTaxAmount Decimal
BillToAddressId String
BuyerId String
CanceledSubtotalCurrency String
CanceledSubtotal Decimal
Comment String
CommentId String
ConfirmWith String
ContractEndDate Datetime
ContractNumber String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
Date Datetime
DoesAllowSalesOrderCommitments Bool
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
IsOnHold Bool
Id String
LastEditDate Datetime
LastPrintedDate Datetime
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesBackoutTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesBackoutTaxAmount Decimal
LinesComment String
LinesCommentId String
LinesCostCategoryId String
LinesDocumentDate Datetime
LinesExtendedCostCurrency String
LinesExtendedCost Decimal
LinesFreeOnBoard String
LinesInventoryGLAccountId String
LinesInventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIsCapitalItem Bool
LinesIsNonInventory Bool
LinesItemDescription String
LinesItemId String
LinesItemTaxScheduleId String
LinesJobNumber String
LinesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LinesKeyPurchaseTransactionId [KEY] String
LinesLandedCostGroupId String
LinesLineOrigin String
LinesProjectId String
LinesPromisedDate Datetime
LinesPromisedShipDate Datetime
LinesQuantityCanceled Decimal
LinesQuantityOrdered Decimal
LinesReleaseByDate Datetime
LinesReleasedDate Datetime
LinesRequestedBy String
LinesRequestedDate Datetime
LinesShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesShipToAddressCity String
LinesShipToAddressLine1 String
LinesShipToAddressLine2 String
LinesShipToAddressLine3 String
LinesShipToAddressPostalCode String
LinesShipToAddressState String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegion String
LinesShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressFaxExtension String
LinesShipToAddressFax String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1 String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2 String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3 String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
LinesShipToAddressContactPerson String
LinesShipToAddressName String
LinesShipToAddressId String
LinesShippingMethodId String
LinesSourceDocumentLineNumber String
LinesSourceDocumentNumber String
LinesStatus String
LinesTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesTaxAmount Decimal
LinesTaxBasis String
LinesTaxesAggregate String
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesUofM String
LinesVendorItemDescription String
LinesVendorItemNumber String
LinesWarehouseId String
LinesWarehouseTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PaymentTermsId String
PromisedDate Datetime
PromisedShipDate Datetime
PurchaseAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PurchaseAddressCity String
PurchaseAddressLine1 String
PurchaseAddressLine2 String
PurchaseAddressLine3 String
PurchaseAddressPostalCode String
PurchaseAddressState String
PurchaseAddressCountryRegion String
PurchaseAddressFaxCountryCode String
PurchaseAddressFaxExtension String
PurchaseAddressFax String
PurchaseAddressPhone1CountryCode String
PurchaseAddressPhone1Extension String
PurchaseAddressPhone1 String
PurchaseAddressPhone2CountryCode String
PurchaseAddressPhone2Extension String
PurchaseAddressPhone2 String
PurchaseAddressPhone3CountryCode String
PurchaseAddressPhone3Extension String
PurchaseAddressPhone3 String
PurchaseAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
PurchaseAddressContactPerson String
PurchaseAddressName String
PurchaseAddressId String
RemainingSubtotalCurrency String
RemainingSubtotal Decimal
RequestedDate Datetime
RequisitionDate Datetime
RevisionNumber Int
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
Status String
StatusGroup String
SubtotalCurrency String
Subtotal Decimal
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TimesPrinted Int
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
Type String
VendorId String
VendorName String
WorkflowPriority String
WorkflowsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: Pedido de compra Varios Impuestos

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BackoutFreightTaxAmountCurrency String
BackoutFreightTaxAmount Decimal
BackoutMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
BackoutMiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
BackoutTaxAmountCurrency String
BackoutTaxAmount Decimal
BillToAddressId String
BuyerId String
CanceledSubtotalCurrency String
CanceledSubtotal Decimal
Comment String
CommentId String
ConfirmWith String
ContractEndDate Datetime
ContractNumber String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
Date Datetime
DoesAllowSalesOrderCommitments Bool
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
IsOnHold Bool
Id String
LastEditDate Datetime
LastPrintedDate Datetime
LinesAggregate String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
MiscellaneousTaxesAuditTrailCode String
MiscellaneousTaxesIsBackoutTax Bool
MiscellaneousTaxesKeyPurchaseTransactionId [KEY] String
MiscellaneousTaxesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
MiscellaneousTaxesKeyTaxDetailId [KEY] String
MiscellaneousTaxesTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxesTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxesTaxableAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxesTaxableAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxesTotalAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxesTotalAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmount Decimal
ModifiedDate Datetime
PaymentTermsId String
PromisedDate Datetime
PromisedShipDate Datetime
PurchaseAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PurchaseAddressCity String
PurchaseAddressLine1 String
PurchaseAddressLine2 String
PurchaseAddressLine3 String
PurchaseAddressPostalCode String
PurchaseAddressState String
PurchaseAddressCountryRegion String
PurchaseAddressFaxCountryCode String
PurchaseAddressFaxExtension String
PurchaseAddressFax String
PurchaseAddressPhone1CountryCode String
PurchaseAddressPhone1Extension String
PurchaseAddressPhone1 String
PurchaseAddressPhone2CountryCode String
PurchaseAddressPhone2Extension String
PurchaseAddressPhone2 String
PurchaseAddressPhone3CountryCode String
PurchaseAddressPhone3Extension String
PurchaseAddressPhone3 String
PurchaseAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
PurchaseAddressContactPerson String
PurchaseAddressName String
PurchaseAddressId String
RemainingSubtotalCurrency String
RemainingSubtotal Decimal
RequestedDate Datetime
RequisitionDate Datetime
RevisionNumber Int
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
Status String
StatusGroup String
SubtotalCurrency String
Subtotal Decimal
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TimesPrinted Int
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
Type String
VendorId String
VendorName String
WorkflowPriority String
WorkflowsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Impuestos de orden de compra

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BackoutFreightTaxAmountCurrency String
BackoutFreightTaxAmount Decimal
BackoutMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
BackoutMiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
BackoutTaxAmountCurrency String
BackoutTaxAmount Decimal
BillToAddressId String
BuyerId String
CanceledSubtotalCurrency String
CanceledSubtotal Decimal
Comment String
CommentId String
ConfirmWith String
ContractEndDate Datetime
ContractNumber String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
Date Datetime
DoesAllowSalesOrderCommitments Bool
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
IsOnHold Bool
Id String
LastEditDate Datetime
LastPrintedDate Datetime
LinesAggregate String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PaymentTermsId String
PromisedDate Datetime
PromisedShipDate Datetime
PurchaseAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PurchaseAddressCity String
PurchaseAddressLine1 String
PurchaseAddressLine2 String
PurchaseAddressLine3 String
PurchaseAddressPostalCode String
PurchaseAddressState String
PurchaseAddressCountryRegion String
PurchaseAddressFaxCountryCode String
PurchaseAddressFaxExtension String
PurchaseAddressFax String
PurchaseAddressPhone1CountryCode String
PurchaseAddressPhone1Extension String
PurchaseAddressPhone1 String
PurchaseAddressPhone2CountryCode String
PurchaseAddressPhone2Extension String
PurchaseAddressPhone2 String
PurchaseAddressPhone3CountryCode String
PurchaseAddressPhone3Extension String
PurchaseAddressPhone3 String
PurchaseAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
PurchaseAddressContactPerson String
PurchaseAddressName String
PurchaseAddressId String
RemainingSubtotalCurrency String
RemainingSubtotal Decimal
RequestedDate Datetime
RequisitionDate Datetime
RevisionNumber Int
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
Status String
StatusGroup String
SubtotalCurrency String
Subtotal Decimal
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
TaxesAuditTrailCode String
TaxesIsBackoutTax Bool
TaxesKeyPurchaseTransactionId [KEY] String
TaxesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
TaxesKeyTaxDetailId [KEY] String
TaxesTaxAmountCurrency String
TaxesTaxAmount Decimal
TaxesTaxableAmountCurrency String
TaxesTaxableAmount Decimal
TaxesTotalAmountCurrency String
TaxesTotalAmount Decimal
TaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmountCurrency String
TaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TimesPrinted Int
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
Type String
VendorId String
VendorName String
WorkflowPriority String
WorkflowsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Distribuciones de Recibos de Compra

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DistributionsAuditTrailCode String
DistributionsCreditAmountCurrency String
DistributionsCreditAmount Decimal
DistributionsDebitAmountCurrency String
DistributionsDebitAmount Decimal
DistributionsDistributionTypeId Int
DistributionsGLAccountId String
DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
DistributionsKeyPurchaseTransactionId [KEY] String
DistributionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
DistributionsReference String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
Id String
LinesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
Reference String
RemitToAddressId String
SubtotalCurrency String
Subtotal Decimal
TotalLandedCostAmountCurrency String
TotalLandedCostAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
UserDefinedAggregate String
VendorDocumentNumber String
VendorId String
VendorName String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Líneas de Recibo de Compra

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
DistributionsAggregate String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
Id String
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesActualShipDate Datetime
LinesBillOfLadingNumber String
LinesBinsAggregate String
LinesCostCategoryId String
LinesExtendedCostCurrency String
LinesExtendedCost Decimal
LinesInventoryGLAccountId String
LinesInventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIsNonInventory Bool
LinesItemDescription String
LinesItemId String
LinesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LinesKeyPurchaseTransactionId [KEY] String
LinesLandedCostGroupId String
LinesLotsAggregate String
LinesProjectId String
LinesPurchaseOrderId String
LinesPurchaseOrderLineKeyLineSequenceNumber Int
LinesPurchaseOrderLineKeyPurchaseTransactionId String
LinesQuantityRejected Decimal
LinesQuantityShipped Decimal
LinesSerialsAggregate String
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesUofM String
LinesVendorItemDescription String
LinesVendorItemNumber String
LinesWarehouseId String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
Reference String
RemitToAddressId String
SubtotalCurrency String
Subtotal Decimal
TotalLandedCostAmountCurrency String
TotalLandedCostAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
UserDefinedAggregate String
VendorDocumentNumber String
VendorId String
VendorName String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Recibo de Compra Definido por el Usuario

Devolver una lista de: CompraReceiptUserDefined

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
Date Datetime
DistributionsAggregate String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
Id String
LinesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
Reference String
RemitToAddressId String
SubtotalCurrency String
Subtotal Decimal
TotalLandedCostAmountCurrency String
TotalLandedCostAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
UserDefinedExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedDate03 Datetime
UserDefinedDate04 Datetime
UserDefinedDate05 Datetime
UserDefinedDate06 Datetime
UserDefinedDate07 Datetime
UserDefinedDate08 Datetime
UserDefinedDate09 Datetime
UserDefinedDate10 Datetime
UserDefinedDate11 Datetime
UserDefinedDate12 Datetime
UserDefinedDate13 Datetime
UserDefinedDate14 Datetime
UserDefinedDate15 Datetime
UserDefinedDate16 Datetime
UserDefinedDate17 Datetime
UserDefinedDate18 Datetime
UserDefinedDate19 Datetime
UserDefinedDate20 Datetime
UserDefinedKeyPurchaseTransactionId [KEY] String
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedList04 String
UserDefinedList05 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
UserDefinedText06 String
UserDefinedText07 String
UserDefinedText08 String
UserDefinedText09 String
UserDefinedText10 String
VendorDocumentNumber String
VendorId String
VendorName String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas por CobrarDébitoMemoComisiones

Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesDebitMemoCommissions

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressKeyCustomerId String
AddressId String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CorporateAccountId String
CostAmountCurrency String
CostAmount Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentAmountCurrency String
DocumentAmount Decimal
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxScheduleId String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime
IsDeleted Bool
IsDirectDebitDocument Bool
IsElectronic Bool
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
ModifiedBy String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
SalesAmountCurrency String
SalesAmount Decimal
SalesTaxScheduleId String
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
Type String
VoidDate Datetime
GSTDiscountAmountCurrency String
GSTDiscountAmount Decimal
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String
PaymentCashAmount Decimal
PaymentCashBankAccountId String
PaymentCashDate Datetime
PaymentCashNumber String
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String
PaymentCheckDate Datetime
PaymentCheckNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String
PaymentPaymentCardBankAccountId String
PaymentTermsId String
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal
WriteoffAmountCurrency String
WriteoffAmount Decimal
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
CommissionsCommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionsCommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionsCommissionPercent Decimal
CommissionsKeyReceivablesDocumentId [KEY] String
CommissionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
CommissionsNoncommissionedAmountCurrency String
CommissionsNoncommissionedAmount Decimal
CommissionsPercentOfSale Decimal
CommissionsSalesAmountCurrency String
CommissionsSalesAmount Decimal
CommissionsSalesTerritoryId String
CommissionsSalespersonId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas Por CobrarDocumento

Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesDocument

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressKeyCustomerId String
AddressId String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CorporateAccountId String
CostAmountCurrency String
CostAmount Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentAmountCurrency String
DocumentAmount Decimal
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxScheduleId String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime
IsDeleted Bool
IsDirectDebitDocument Bool
IsElectronic Bool
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id [KEY] String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
ModifiedBy String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
SalesAmountCurrency String
SalesAmount Decimal
SalesTaxScheduleId String
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
Type String
VoidDate Datetime

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas por CobrarDocumentoDistribuciones

La tabla DynamicsGP ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
DistributionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int32 La columna DistributionsKeySequenceNumber de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsKeyReceivablesDocumentId [KEY] String La columna DistributionsKeyReceivablesDocumentId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
AddressKeyCustomerId String La columna AddressKeyCustomerId de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
AddressId String La columna AddressId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
AuditTrailCode String La columna AuditTrailCode para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime La columna BatchKeyCreatedDateTime para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
BatchId String La columna BatchId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
BatchKeySource String La columna BatchKeySource para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
CorporateAccountId String La columna CorporateAccountId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
CostAmountCurrency String La columna CostAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
CostAmount Decimal La columna CostAmount para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
CurrencyKeyISOCode String La columna CurrencyKeyISOCode para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String La columna CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal La columna CurrentDocumentAmount para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
CustomerId String La columna CustomerId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
CustomerName String La columna CustomerName para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
CustomerPONumber String La columna CustomerPONumber para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
Date Datetime La columna Fecha de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
Description String La columna Descripción de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsIsPosted Boolean La columna DistributionsIsPosted para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsDistributionTypeId Int32 La columna DistributionsDistributionTypeId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsGLAccountId String La columna DistributionsGLAccountId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Boolean La columna DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsReference String La columna DistributionsReference de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
DocumentAmountCurrency String La columna DocumentAmountCurrency para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
DocumentAmount Decimal La columna DocumentAmount para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
ExchangeDate Datetime La columna ExchangeDate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
ExchangeRate Decimal La columna ExchangeRate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
FreightAmountCurrency String La columna FreightAmountCurrency para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
FreightAmount Decimal La columna FreightAmount para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
FreightTaxScheduleId String La columna FreightTaxScheduleId de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime La columna GeneralLedgerPostingDate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime La columna InvoicePaidOffDate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
IsDeleted Boolean La columna IsDeleted para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
IsDirectDebitDocument Boolean La columna IsDirectDebitDocument para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
IsElectronic Boolean La columna IsElectronic para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
IsIntrastatDocument Boolean La columna IsIntrastatDocument para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
IsVoided Boolean La columna IsVoided para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
Id String La columna de ID para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousAmount para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String La columna MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
ModifiedBy String La columna ModifiedBy para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
ModifiedDate Datetime La columna ModifiedDate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
PostedBy String La columna Publicado por para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
PostedDate Datetime La columna PostedDate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
SalesAmountCurrency String La columna SalesAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
SalesAmount Decimal La columna SalesAmount para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
SalesTaxScheduleId String La columna SalesTaxScheduleId de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
SalesTerritoryId String La columna SalesTerritoryId de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
SalespersonId String La columna SalespersonId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
ShippingMethodId String La columna ShippingMethodId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
TaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
TaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxAmount de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
TaxScheduleId String La columna TaxScheduleId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
TaxesReceivablesTaxAggregate String La columna TaxesReceivablesTaxAgregate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String La columna TradeDiscountAmountCurrency para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal La columna TradeDiscountAmount para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
TransactionState String La columna TransactionState para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
Type String La columna Tipo de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
VoidDate Datetime La columna VoidDate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentDistributions.

Cuentas por Cobrardocumentoimpuestos

La tabla de DynamicsGP ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
TaxesKeyTaxDetailId [KEY] String La columna TaxesKeyTaxDetailId de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesKeyReceivablesDocumentId [KEY] String La columna TaxesKeyReceivablesDocumentId de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
AddressKeyCustomerId String La columna AddressKeyCustomerId de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
AddressId String La columna AddressId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
AuditTrailCode String La columna AuditTrailCode para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime La columna BatchKeyCreatedDateTime para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
BatchId String La columna BatchId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
BatchKeySource String La columna BatchKeySource para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CorporateAccountId String La columna CorporateAccountId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CostAmountCurrency String La columna CostAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CostAmount Decimal La columna CostAmount para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CurrencyKeyISOCode String La columna CurrencyKeyISOCode para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String La columna CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal La columna CurrentDocumentAmount para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CustomerId String La columna CustomerId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CustomerName String La columna CustomerName para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
CustomerPONumber String La columna CustomerPONumber para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
Date Datetime La columna Fecha de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
Description String La columna Descripción de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
DistributionsReceivablesDistributionAggregate String La columna DistributionsReceivablesDistributionAgregate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
DocumentAmountCurrency String La columna DocumentAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
DocumentAmount Decimal La columna DocumentAmount para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
ExchangeDate Datetime La columna ExchangeDate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
ExchangeRate Decimal La columna ExchangeRate de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
FreightAmountCurrency String La columna FreightAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
FreightAmount Decimal La columna FreightAmount para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
FreightTaxScheduleId String La columna FreightTaxScheduleId de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime La columna GeneralLedgerPostingDate de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime La columna InvoicePaidOffDate de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
IsDeleted Boolean La columna IsDeleted para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
IsDirectDebitDocument Boolean La columna IsDirectDebitDocument para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
IsElectronic Boolean La columna IsElectronic para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
IsIntrastatDocument Boolean La columna IsIntrastatDocument para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
IsVoided Boolean La columna IsVoided de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
Id String La columna de ID para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousAmount de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String La columna MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
ModifiedBy String La columna ModifiedBy de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
ModifiedDate Datetime La columna ModifiedDate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
PostedBy String La columna Publicado por para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
PostedDate Datetime La columna PostedDate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
SalesAmountCurrency String La columna SalesAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
SalesAmount Decimal La columna SalesAmount de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
SalesTaxScheduleId String La columna SalesTaxScheduleId de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
SalesTerritoryId String La columna SalesTerritoryId de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
SalespersonId String La columna SalespersonId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
ShippingMethodId String La columna ShippingMethodId de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxAmount de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxScheduleId String La columna TaxScheduleId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesFreightTaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesFreightTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesFreightTaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxesFreightTaxAmount de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesGLAccountId String La columna TaxesGLAccountId para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Boolean La columna TaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxesMiscellaneousTaxAmount de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesSalesTaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesSalesTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesSalesTaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxesSalesTaxAmount de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesIsBackoutTax Boolean La columna TaxesIsBackoutTax de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxesTaxAmount de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxableAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesTaxableAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxableAmount Decimal La columna TaxesTaxableAmount de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTotalAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesTotalAmountCurrency de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTotalAmount Decimal La columna TaxesTotalAmount de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna TaxesExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String La columna TradeDiscountAmountCurrency para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal La columna TradeDiscountAmount para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
TransactionState String La columna TransactionState para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
Type String La columna Tipo de la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
VoidDate Datetime La columna VoidDate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla ReceivablesDocumentTaxes.


Devuelve una lista de: Cuentas por cobrar Factura Comisiones

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressKeyCustomerId String
AddressId String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CorporateAccountId String
CostAmountCurrency String
CostAmount Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentAmountCurrency String
DocumentAmount Decimal
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxScheduleId String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime
IsDeleted Bool
IsDirectDebitDocument Bool
IsElectronic Bool
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
ModifiedBy String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
SalesAmountCurrency String
SalesAmount Decimal
SalesTaxScheduleId String
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
Type String
VoidDate Datetime
GSTDiscountAmountCurrency String
GSTDiscountAmount Decimal
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String
PaymentCashAmount Decimal
PaymentCashBankAccountId String
PaymentCashDate Datetime
PaymentCashNumber String
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String
PaymentCheckDate Datetime
PaymentCheckNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String
PaymentPaymentCardBankAccountId String
PaymentTermsId String
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal
WriteoffAmountCurrency String
WriteoffAmount Decimal
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
CommissionsCommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionsCommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionsCommissionPercent Decimal
CommissionsKeyReceivablesDocumentId [KEY] String
CommissionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
CommissionsNoncommissionedAmountCurrency String
CommissionsNoncommissionedAmount Decimal
CommissionsPercentOfSale Decimal
CommissionsSalesAmountCurrency String
CommissionsSalesAmount Decimal
CommissionsSalesTerritoryId String
CommissionsSalespersonId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Cuentas por CobrarRetornoComisiones

Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesReturnCommissions

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressKeyCustomerId String
AddressId String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CorporateAccountId String
CostAmountCurrency String
CostAmount Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentAmountCurrency String
DocumentAmount Decimal
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxScheduleId String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime
IsDeleted Bool
IsDirectDebitDocument Bool
IsElectronic Bool
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
ModifiedBy String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
SalesAmountCurrency String
SalesAmount Decimal
SalesTaxScheduleId String
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
Type String
VoidDate Datetime
DiscountReturnedCurrency String
DiscountReturned Decimal
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
CommissionsCommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionsCommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionsCommissionPercent Decimal
CommissionsKeyReceivablesDocumentId [KEY] String
CommissionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
CommissionsNoncommissionedAmountCurrency String
CommissionsNoncommissionedAmount Decimal
CommissionsPercentOfSale Decimal
CommissionsSalesAmountCurrency String
CommissionsSalesAmount Decimal
CommissionsSalesTerritoryId String
CommissionsSalespersonId String
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String
PaymentCashAmount Decimal
PaymentCashBankAccountId String
PaymentCashDate Datetime
PaymentCashNumber String
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String
PaymentCheckDate Datetime
PaymentCheckNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String
PaymentPaymentCardBankAccountId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ReceivablesServiceRepairCommissions

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressKeyCustomerId String
AddressId String
AuditTrailCode String
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
CorporateAccountId String
CostAmountCurrency String
CostAmount Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CurrentDocumentAmountCurrency String
CurrentDocumentAmount Decimal
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentAmountCurrency String
DocumentAmount Decimal
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxScheduleId String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
InvoicePaidOffDate Datetime
IsDeleted Bool
IsDirectDebitDocument Bool
IsElectronic Bool
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
ModifiedBy String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
SalesAmountCurrency String
SalesAmount Decimal
SalesTaxScheduleId String
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TradeDiscountAmountCurrency String
TradeDiscountAmount Decimal
TransactionState String
Type String
VoidDate Datetime
GSTDiscountAmountCurrency String
GSTDiscountAmount Decimal
PaymentCashAmountCurrency String
PaymentCashAmount Decimal
PaymentCashBankAccountId String
PaymentCashDate Datetime
PaymentCashNumber String
PaymentCheckAmountCurrency String
PaymentCheckAmount Decimal
PaymentCheckBankAccountId String
PaymentCheckCheckNumber String
PaymentCheckDate Datetime
PaymentCheckNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardAmountCurrency String
PaymentPaymentCardAmount Decimal
PaymentPaymentCardDate Datetime
PaymentPaymentCardNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardReceiptNumber String
PaymentPaymentCardTypeId String
PaymentPaymentCardBankAccountId String
PaymentTermsId String
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableTakenAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal
WriteoffAmountCurrency String
WriteoffAmount Decimal
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
CommissionsCommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionsCommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionsCommissionPercent Decimal
CommissionsKeyReceivablesDocumentId [KEY] String
CommissionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
CommissionsNoncommissionedAmountCurrency String
CommissionsNoncommissionedAmount Decimal
CommissionsPercentOfSale Decimal
CommissionsSalesAmountCurrency String
CommissionsSalesAmount Decimal
CommissionsSalesTerritoryId String
CommissionsSalespersonId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ReturnMaterialAuthorizationAudits

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BillToAddressId String
BillToCustomerId String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
EntryDateTime Datetime
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
Id String
Note String
OfficeId String
RateTypeId String
ShipToAddressId String
TransactionState String
UserDefined01 String
UserDefined02 String
UserDefined03 String
UserDefined04 String
UserDefined05 String
AuditsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AuditsCreatedBy String
AuditsCreatedDateTime Datetime
AuditsDescription String
AuditsFromReturnStatusCodeId String
AuditsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
AuditsKeyServiceLineKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
AuditsKeyServiceLineKeyServiceDocumentId [KEY] String
AuditsLineSequenceNumber Decimal
AuditsToReturnStatusCodeId String
BillOfLading String
ClosedDateTime Datetime
CommitDateTime Datetime
CreatedBy String
IsFromServiceCall Bool
IsReceived Bool
LinesAggregate String
OriginatingDocumentId String
OriginatingDocumentType String
ReasonCodeDescription String
ReasonCodeId String
ReturnDateTime Datetime
ReturnStatus String
ReturnStatusCodeId String
ReturnToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ReturnToAddressCity String
ReturnToAddressLine1 String
ReturnToAddressLine2 String
ReturnToAddressLine3 String
ReturnToAddressPostalCode String
ReturnToAddressState String
ReturnToAddressCountryRegion String
ReturnToAddressName String
ReturnTypeId String
ReturnWarehouseId String
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShippingMethodId String
Type String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ReturnMaterialAuthorizationLines

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BillToAddressId String
BillToCustomerId String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
EntryDateTime Datetime
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
Id String
Note String
OfficeId String
RateTypeId String
ShipToAddressId String
TransactionState String
UserDefined01 String
UserDefined02 String
UserDefined03 String
UserDefined04 String
UserDefined05 String
AuditsAggregate String
BillOfLading String
ClosedDateTime Datetime
CommitDateTime Datetime
CreatedBy String
IsFromServiceCall Bool
IsReceived Bool
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesBillOfLading String
LinesClosedDateTime Datetime
LinesCommitDateTime Datetime
LinesCreatedBy String
LinesCustomerName String
LinesCustomerPONumber String
LinesDistributionsAggregate String
LinesEntryDateTime Datetime
LinesEquipmentLineSequenceNumber Int
LinesEstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime
LinesFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
LinesIsClosed Bool
LinesIsCustomerOwned Bool
LinesIsFactorySealed Bool
LinesIsFromServiceCall Bool
LinesIsReadyToClose Bool
LinesIsReceived Bool
LinesIsTravelerPrinted Bool
LinesItemDescription String
LinesItemId String
LinesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LinesKeyServiceDocumentId [KEY] String
LinesLotsAggregate String
LinesNote String
LinesOfficeId String
LinesOriginatingDocumentId String
LinesPromiseDateTime Datetime
LinesQuantity Decimal
LinesReasonCodeDescription String
LinesReasonCodeId String
LinesReference String
LinesRepairCostCurrency String
LinesRepairCost Decimal
LinesRepairDocumentId String
LinesRepairFlatRatePriceCurrency String
LinesRepairFlatRatePrice Decimal
LinesRepairInvoiceItemId String
LinesRepairNotToExceedPriceCurrency String
LinesRepairNotToExceedPrice Decimal
LinesRepairPriceCurrency String
LinesRepairPrice Decimal
LinesReplacementItemId String
LinesReplacementPriceLevelId String
LinesReplacementQuantity Decimal
LinesReplacementUnitCostCurrency String
LinesReplacementUnitCost Decimal
LinesReplacementUnitPriceCurrency String
LinesReplacementUnitPrice Decimal
LinesReplacementUofM String
LinesReplacementWarehouseId String
LinesReturnDateTime Datetime
LinesReturnStatus String
LinesReturnStatusCodeId String
LinesReturnToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesReturnToAddressCity String
LinesReturnToAddressLine1 String
LinesReturnToAddressLine2 String
LinesReturnToAddressLine3 String
LinesReturnToAddressPostalCode String
LinesReturnToAddressState String
LinesReturnToAddressCountryRegion String
LinesReturnToAddressName String
LinesReturnTypeId String
LinesReturnWarehouseId String
LinesReturnedItemDescription String
LinesReturnedItemId String
LinesReturnedPriceLevelId String
LinesReturnedQuantity Decimal
LinesReturnedTotalAmountCurrency String
LinesReturnedTotalAmount Decimal
LinesReturnedTotalCostCurrency String
LinesReturnedTotalCost Decimal
LinesReturnedUnitCostCurrency String
LinesReturnedUnitCost Decimal
LinesReturnedUnitPriceCurrency String
LinesReturnedUnitPrice Decimal
LinesReturnedUofM String
LinesReturnedWarehouseId String
LinesSalesInvoiceComponentSequenceNumber Int
LinesSalesInvoiceLineKeyLineSequenceNumber Int
LinesSalesInvoiceLineKeySalesDocumentId String
LinesSalesOrderLineKeyLineSequenceNumber Int
LinesSalesOrderLineKeySalesDocumentId String
LinesSalesReturnLineKeyLineSequenceNumber Int
LinesSalesReturnLineKeySalesDocumentId String
LinesSerialsAggregate String
LinesServiceLineKeyLineSequenceNumber Int
LinesServiceLineKeyServiceDocumentId String
LinesShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesShipToAddressCity String
LinesShipToAddressLine1 String
LinesShipToAddressLine2 String
LinesShipToAddressLine3 String
LinesShipToAddressPostalCode String
LinesShipToAddressState String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegion String
LinesShipToAddressContactPerson String
LinesShipToAddressId String
LinesShippingMethodId String
LinesTotalAmountCurrency String
LinesTotalAmount Decimal
LinesTotalCostCurrency String
LinesTotalCost Decimal
LinesTransferDocumentLineKeyLineSequenceNumber Int
LinesTransferDocumentLineKeyServiceDocumentId String
LinesTransferStatus String
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesUnitPriceCurrency String
LinesUnitPrice Decimal
LinesUofM String
LinesUserDefined01 String
LinesUserDefined02 String
LinesUserDefined03 String
LinesUserDefined04 String
LinesUserDefined05 String
OriginatingDocumentId String
OriginatingDocumentType String
ReasonCodeDescription String
ReasonCodeId String
ReturnDateTime Datetime
ReturnStatus String
ReturnStatusCodeId String
ReturnToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ReturnToAddressCity String
ReturnToAddressLine1 String
ReturnToAddressLine2 String
ReturnToAddressLine3 String
ReturnToAddressPostalCode String
ReturnToAddressState String
ReturnToAddressCountryRegion String
ReturnToAddressName String
ReturnTypeId String
ReturnWarehouseId String
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShippingMethodId String
Type String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

VentasLíneas de Pedidos Pendientes

Devuelve una lista de: SalesBackorderLines

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String
DepositAmountCurrency String
DepositAmount Decimal
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesComment String
LinesCommentId String
LinesCostOfSalesGLAccountId String
LinesCostOfSalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDamagedGLAccountId String
LinesDamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDeleteOnUpdate Bool
LinesDiscountItem String
LinesDiscountGLAccountId String
LinesDiscountGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesExtendedCostCurrency String
LinesExtendedCost Decimal
LinesFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
LinesInServiceGLAccountId String
LinesInServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesInUseGLAccountId String
LinesInUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIntegrationId String
LinesIntegrationSource Int
LinesInventoryGLAccountId String
LinesInventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIsDropShip Bool
LinesIsNonInventory Bool
LinesItemDescription String
LinesItemId String
LinesItemTaxScheduleId String
LinesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LinesKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String
LinesPriceLevelId String
LinesQuantity Decimal
LinesRequestedShipDate Datetime
LinesReturnsGLAccountId String
LinesReturnsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesSalesGLAccountId String
LinesSalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesSalesTerritoryId String
LinesSalespersonId String
LinesShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesShipToAddressCity String
LinesShipToAddressLine1 String
LinesShipToAddressLine2 String
LinesShipToAddressLine3 String
LinesShipToAddressPostalCode String
LinesShipToAddressState String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegion String
LinesShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressFaxExtension String
LinesShipToAddressFax String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1 String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2 String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3 String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
LinesShipToAddressContactPerson String
LinesShipToAddressName String
LinesShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
LinesShipToAddressId String
LinesShippingMethodId String
LinesTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesTaxAmount Decimal
LinesTaxBasis String
LinesTaxScheduleId String
LinesTaxesAggregate String
LinesTotalAmountCurrency String
LinesTotalAmount Decimal
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesUnitPriceCurrency String
LinesUnitPrice Decimal
LinesUofM String
LinesWarehouseId String
LinesComponentsAggregate String
LinesQuantityCanceled Decimal
LinesQuantityToInvoice Decimal
LinesQuantityToOrder Decimal
PaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

VentasPedido Atrasadopagos

Devuelve una lista de: SalesBackorderPayments

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String
DepositAmountCurrency String
DepositAmount Decimal
LinesAggregate String
PaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PaymentsAuditTrailCode String
PaymentsAuthorizationCode String
PaymentsBankAccountId String
PaymentsCheckNumber String
PaymentsCurrencyKeyISOCode String
PaymentsDate Datetime
PaymentsDeleteOnUpdate Bool
PaymentsExpirationDate Datetime
PaymentsKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String
PaymentsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
PaymentsNumber String
PaymentsPaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentsPaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsPaymentCardNumber String
PaymentsPaymentCardTypeId String
PaymentsType String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: SalesDocument

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id [KEY] String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


La tabla SalesDocumentCommissions de DynamicsGP.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
CommissionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int32 La columna CommissionsKeySequenceNumber de la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionsKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String La columna CommissionsKeySalesDocumentId de la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ActualShipDate Datetime La columna ActualShipDate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
AuditTrailCode String La columna AuditTrailCode para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
BackorderDate Datetime La columna BackorderDate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime La columna BatchKeyCreatedDateTime para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
BatchId String La columna BatchId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
BatchKeySource String La columna BatchKeySource para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String La columna BillToAddressKeyCustomerId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
BillToAddressId String La columna BillToAddressId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
Comment String La columna Comentario para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommentId String La columna CommentId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionAmount Decimal La columna CommissionAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionBasedOn String La columna CommissionBasedOn para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionSaleAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal La columna CommissionSaleAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionsCommissionAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionsCommissionAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionsCommissionAmount Decimal La columna CommissionsCommissionAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionsCommissionPercent Decimal La columna CommissionsCommissionPercent para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionsCommissionSaleAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionsCommissionSaleAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionsCommissionSaleAmount Decimal La columna CommissionsCommissionSaleAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionsNoncommissionedAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionsNoncommissionedAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionsNoncommissionedAmount Decimal La columna CommissionsNoncommissionedAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionsPercentOfSale Decimal La columna CommissionsPercentOfSale para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionsSalesAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionsSalesAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionsSalesAmount Decimal La columna CommissionsSalesAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionsSalesTerritoryId String La columna CommissionsSalesTerritoryId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionsSalespersonId String La columna CommissionsSalespersonId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CommissionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna CommissionsExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CreatedBy String La columna CreatedBy para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CreatedDate Datetime La columna CreateDate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CurrencyKeyISOCode String La columna CurrencyKeyISOCode para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CustomerId String La columna CustomerId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CustomerName String La columna CustomerName para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
CustomerPONumber String La columna CustomerPONumber para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
Date Datetime La columna Fecha de la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
DiscountAmountCurrency String La columna DiscountAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
DiscountAmount Decimal La columna DiscountAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
DocumentTypeId String La columna DocumentTypeId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
DocumentTypeKeyType String La columna DocumentTypeKeyType para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ExchangeDate Datetime La columna ExchangeDate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ExchangeRate Decimal La columna ExchangeRate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
FreightAmountCurrency String La columna FreightAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
FreightAmount Decimal La columna FreightAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String La columna FreightTaxAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
FreightTaxAmount Decimal La columna FreightTaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
FreightTaxBasis String La columna FreightTaxBasis para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
FreightTaxScheduleId String La columna FreightTaxScheduleId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
FreightTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna FreightTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String La columna FrontOfficeIntegrationId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
FulfillDate Datetime La columna FulfillDate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
IntegrationId String La columna IntegrationId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
IntegrationSource Int32 La columna IntegrationSource para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
InvoiceDate Datetime La columna InvoiceDate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
IsIntrastatDocument Boolean La columna IsIntrastatDocument para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
IsVoided Boolean La columna IsVoided para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
Id String La columna de ID para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
LastModifiedDate Datetime La columna LastModifiedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
LineTotalAmountCurrency String La columna LineTotalAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
LineTotalAmount Decimal La columna LineTotalAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
MasterNumber Int32 La columna MasterNumber para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousTaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String La columna MiscellaneousTaxBasis para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String La columna MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
MiscellaneousTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna MiscellaneousTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ModifiedDate Datetime La columna ModifiedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
Note String La columna Nota para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
OriginalSalesDocumentId String La columna OriginalSalesDocumentId de la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
OriginalSalesDocumentType String La columna OriginalSalesDocumentType para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
PaymentTermsId String La columna PaymentTermsId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
PriceLevelId String La columna PriceLevelId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ProcessHoldsSalesProcessHoldAggregate String La columna ProcessHoldsSalesProcessHoldAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
QuoteDate Datetime La columna QuoteDate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
Reference String La columna Referencia para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
RequestedShipDate Datetime La columna RequestedShipDate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ReturnDate Datetime La columna ReturnDate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
SalesTerritoryId String La columna SalesTerritoryId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
SalespersonId String La columna SalespersonId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipCompleteOnly Boolean La columna ShipCompleteOnly para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressCity String La columna ShipToAddressCity para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressLine1 String La columna ShipToAddressLine1 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressLine2 String La columna ShipToAddressLine2 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressLine3 String La columna ShipToAddressLine3 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressPostalCode String La columna ShipToAddressPostalCode para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressState String La columna ShipToAddressState para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String La columna ShipToAddressCountryRegion para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String La columna ShipToAddressFaxExtension para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressFax String La columna ShipToAddressFax para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1Extension para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressPhone1 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2Extension para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressPhone2 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3Extension para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressPhone3 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String La columna ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressContactPerson String La columna ShipToAddressContactPerson para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressName String La columna ShipToAddressName para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String La columna ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShipToAddressId String La columna ShipToAddressId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ShippingMethodId String La columna ShippingMethodId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
TaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
TaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
TaxExemptNumber1 String La columna TaxExemptNumber1 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
TaxExemptNumber2 String La columna TaxExemptNumber2 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
TaxRegistrationNumber String La columna TaxRegistrationNumber de la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
TaxScheduleId String La columna TaxScheduleId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
TaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna TaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
TotalAmountCurrency String La columna TotalAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
TotalAmount Decimal La columna TotalAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
TrackingNumbersSalesTrackingNumberAggregate String La columna TrackingNumbersSalesTrackingNumberAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
TradeDiscountItem String La columna TradeDiscountItem para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
TransactionState String La columna TransactionState para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
Type String La columna Tipo para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
UPSZone String La columna UPSZone para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime La columna UserDefinedDate01 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime La columna UserDefinedDate02 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
UserDefinedList01 String La columna UserDefinedList01 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
UserDefinedList02 String La columna UserDefinedList02 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
UserDefinedList03 String La columna UserDefinedList03 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
UserDefinedText01 String La columna UserDefinedText01 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
UserDefinedText02 String La columna UserDefinedText02 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
UserDefinedText03 String La columna UserDefinedText03 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
UserDefinedText04 String La columna UserDefinedText04 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
UserDefinedText05 String La columna UserDefinedText05 para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
WarehouseId String La columna WarehouseId para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentCommissions.


La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
FreightTaxesKeyTaxDetailId [KEY] String La columna FreightTaxesKeyTaxDetailId de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int32 La columna FreightTaxesKeySequenceNumber de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String La columna FreightTaxesKeySalesDocumentId de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ActualShipDate Datetime La columna ActualShipDate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
AuditTrailCode String La columna AuditTrailCode para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
BackorderDate Datetime La columna BackorderDate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime La columna BatchKeyCreatedDateTime para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
BatchId String La columna BatchId para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
BatchKeySource String La columna BatchKeySource para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String La columna BillToAddressKeyCustomerId de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
BillToAddressId String La columna BillToAddressId para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
Comment String La columna Comentario de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
CommentId String La columna CommentId para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
CommissionAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
CommissionAmount Decimal La columna CommissionAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
CommissionBasedOn String La columna CommissionBasedOn para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionSaleAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal La columna CommissionSaleAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
CommissionsSalesCommissionAggregate String La columna CommissionsSalesCommissionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
CreatedBy String La columna CreatedBy de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
CreatedDate Datetime La columna CreatedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
CurrencyKeyISOCode String La columna CurrencyKeyISOCode para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
CustomerId String La columna CustomerId para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
CustomerName String La columna CustomerName para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
CustomerPONumber String La columna CustomerPONumber para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
Date Datetime La columna Fecha de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
DiscountAmountCurrency String La columna DiscountAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
DiscountAmount Decimal La columna DiscountAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
DocumentTypeId String La columna DocumentTypeId para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
DocumentTypeKeyType String La columna DocumentTypeKeyType para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ExchangeDate Datetime La columna ExchangeDate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ExchangeRate Decimal La columna ExchangeRate de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightAmountCurrency String La columna FreightAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightAmount Decimal La columna FreightAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String La columna FreightTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxAmount Decimal La columna FreightTaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxBasis String La columna FreightTaxBasis de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxScheduleId String La columna FreightTaxScheduleId de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesGLAccountId String La columna FreightTaxesGLAccountId para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Boolean La columna FreightTaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesIsTaxableTax Boolean La columna FreightTaxesIsTaxableTax de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmountCurrency String La columna FreightTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmount Decimal La columna FreightTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesIsBackoutTax Boolean La columna FreightTaxesIsBackoutTax de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesTaxAmountCurrency String La columna FreightTaxesTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesTaxAmount Decimal La columna FreightTaxesTaxAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesTaxableAmountCurrency String La columna FreightTaxesTaxableAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesTaxableAmount Decimal La columna FreightTaxesTaxableAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesTotalAmountCurrency String La columna FreightTaxesTotalAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesTotalAmount Decimal La columna FreightTaxesTotalAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FreightTaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna FreightTaxesExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String La columna FrontOfficeIntegrationId para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
FulfillDate Datetime La columna FulfillDate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
IntegrationId String La columna IntegrationId para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
IntegrationSource Int32 La columna IntegrationSource para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
InvoiceDate Datetime La columna InvoiceDate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
IsIntrastatDocument Boolean La columna IsIntrastatDocument para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
IsVoided Boolean La columna IsVoided de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
Id String La columna de ID de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
LastModifiedDate Datetime La columna LastModifiedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
LineTotalAmountCurrency String La columna LineTotalAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
LineTotalAmount Decimal La columna LineTotalAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
MasterNumber Int32 La columna MasterNumber de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousTaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String La columna MiscellaneousTaxBasis de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String La columna MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna MiscellaneousTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ModifiedDate Datetime La columna ModifiedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
Note String La columna Nota para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
OriginalSalesDocumentId String La columna OriginalSalesDocumentId de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
OriginalSalesDocumentType String La columna OriginalSalesDocumentType para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
PaymentTermsId String La columna PaymentTermsId de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
PriceLevelId String La columna PriceLevelId de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ProcessHoldsSalesProcessHoldAggregate String La columna ProcessHoldsSalesProcessHoldAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
QuoteDate Datetime La columna QuoteDate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
Reference String La columna de referencia para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
RequestedShipDate Datetime La columna RequestedShipDate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ReturnDate Datetime La columna ReturnDate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
SalesTerritoryId String La columna SalesTerritoryId de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
SalespersonId String La columna SalespersonId para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipCompleteOnly Boolean La columna ShipCompleteOnly para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressCity String La columna ShipToAddressCity para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressLine1 String La columna ShipToAddressLine1 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressLine2 String La columna ShipToAddressLine2 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressLine3 String La columna ShipToAddressLine3 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressPostalCode String La columna ShipToAddressPostalCode para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressState String La columna ShipToAddressState para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String La columna ShipToAddressCountryRegion para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String La columna ShipToAddressFaxExtension para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressFax String La columna ShipToAddressFax de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1Extension de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone1 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2Extension de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone2 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3Extension de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone3 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String La columna ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressContactPerson String La columna ShipToAddressContactPerson para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressName String La columna ShipToAddressName para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String La columna ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShipToAddressId String La columna ShipToAddressId para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ShippingMethodId String La columna ShippingMethodId de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
TaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
TaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
TaxExemptNumber1 String La columna TaxExemptNumber1 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
TaxExemptNumber2 String La columna TaxExemptNumber2 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
TaxRegistrationNumber String La columna TaxRegistrationNumber de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
TaxScheduleId String La columna TaxScheduleId de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
TaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna TaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
TotalAmountCurrency String La columna TotalAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
TotalAmount Decimal La columna TotalAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
TrackingNumbersSalesTrackingNumberAggregate String La columna TrackingNumbersSalesTrackingNumberAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
TradeDiscountItem String La columna TradeDiscountItem para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
TransactionState String La columna TransactionState para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
Type String La columna Tipo de la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
UPSZone String La columna UPSZone para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime La columna UserDefinedDate01 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime La columna UserDefinedDate02 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
UserDefinedList01 String La columna UserDefinedList01 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
UserDefinedList02 String La columna UserDefinedList02 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
UserDefinedList03 String La columna UserDefinedList03 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
UserDefinedText01 String La columna UserDefinedText01 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
UserDefinedText02 String La columna UserDefinedText02 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
UserDefinedText03 String La columna UserDefinedText03 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
UserDefinedText04 String La columna UserDefinedText04 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
UserDefinedText05 String La columna UserDefinedText05 para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
WarehouseId String La columna WarehouseId para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentFreightTaxes.


La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
MiscellaneousTaxesKeyTaxDetailId [KEY] String La columna MiscellaneousTaxesKeyTaxDetailId de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int32 La columna MiscellaneousTaxesKeySequenceNumber de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String La columna MiscellaneousTaxesKeySalesDocumentId de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ActualShipDate Datetime La columna ActualShipDate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
AuditTrailCode String La columna AuditTrailCode para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
BackorderDate Datetime La columna BackorderDate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime La columna BatchKeyCreatedDateTime para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
BatchId String La columna BatchId para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
BatchKeySource String La columna BatchKeySource para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String La columna BillToAddressKeyCustomerId de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
BillToAddressId String La columna BillToAddressId para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
Comment String La columna Comentario de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
CommentId String La columna CommentId para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
CommissionAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
CommissionAmount Decimal La columna CommissionAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
CommissionBasedOn String La columna CommissionBasedOn para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionSaleAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal La columna CommissionSaleAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
CommissionsSalesCommissionAggregate String La columna CommissionsSalesCommissionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
CreatedBy String La columna CreatedBy de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
CreatedDate Datetime La columna CreateDate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
CurrencyKeyISOCode String La columna CurrencyKeyISOCode para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
CustomerId String La columna CustomerId para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
CustomerName String La columna CustomerName para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
CustomerPONumber String La columna CustomerPONumber para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
Date Datetime La columna Fecha de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
DiscountAmountCurrency String La columna DiscountAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
DiscountAmount Decimal La columna DiscountAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
DocumentTypeId String La columna DocumentTypeId para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
DocumentTypeKeyType String La columna DocumentTypeKeyType para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ExchangeDate Datetime La columna ExchangeDate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ExchangeRate Decimal La columna ExchangeRate de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
FreightAmountCurrency String La columna FreightAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
FreightAmount Decimal La columna FreightAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String La columna FreightTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
FreightTaxAmount Decimal La columna FreightTaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
FreightTaxBasis String La columna FreightTaxBasis de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
FreightTaxScheduleId String La columna FreightTaxScheduleId de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
FreightTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna FreightTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String La columna FrontOfficeIntegrationId para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
FulfillDate Datetime La columna FulfillDate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
IntegrationId String La columna IntegrationId para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
IntegrationSource Int32 La columna IntegrationSource para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
InvoiceDate Datetime La columna InvoiceDate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
IsIntrastatDocument Boolean La columna IsIntrastatDocument para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
IsVoided Boolean La columna IsVoided de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
Id String La columna de ID de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
LastModifiedDate Datetime La columna LastModifiedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
LineTotalAmountCurrency String La columna LineTotalAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
LineTotalAmount Decimal La columna LineTotalAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MasterNumber Int32 La columna MasterNumber de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousTaxAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String La columna MiscellaneousTaxBasis de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String La columna MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesGLAccountId String La columna MiscellaneousTaxesGLAccountId de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Boolean La columna MiscellaneousTaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesIsTaxableTax Boolean La columna MiscellaneousTaxesIsTaxableTax de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousTaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesIsBackoutTax Boolean La columna MiscellaneousTaxesIsBackoutTax de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesTaxAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousTaxesTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesTaxAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousTaxesTaxAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesTaxableAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousTaxesTaxableAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesTaxableAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousTaxesTaxableAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesTotalAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousTaxesTotalAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesTotalAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousTaxesTotalAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna MiscellaneousTaxesExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ModifiedDate Datetime La columna ModifiedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
Note String La columna Nota para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
OriginalSalesDocumentId String La columna OriginalSalesDocumentId de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
OriginalSalesDocumentType String La columna OriginalSalesDocumentType para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
PaymentTermsId String La columna PaymentTermsId de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
PriceLevelId String La columna PriceLevelId de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ProcessHoldsSalesProcessHoldAggregate String La columna ProcessHoldsSalesProcessHoldAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
QuoteDate Datetime La columna QuoteDate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
Reference String La columna Referencia para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
RequestedShipDate Datetime La columna RequestedShipDate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ReturnDate Datetime La columna ReturnDate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
SalesTerritoryId String La columna SalesTerritoryId de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
SalespersonId String La columna SalespersonId para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipCompleteOnly Boolean La columna ShipCompleteOnly para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressCity String La columna ShipToAddressCity para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressLine1 String La columna ShipToAddressLine1 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressLine2 String La columna ShipToAddressLine2 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressLine3 String La columna ShipToAddressLine3 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressPostalCode String La columna ShipToAddressPostalCode para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressState String La columna ShipToAddressState para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String La columna ShipToAddressCountryRegion para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String La columna ShipToAddressFaxExtension de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressFax String La columna ShipToAddressFax de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1Extension de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone1 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2Extension de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone2 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3Extension de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone3 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String La columna ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressContactPerson String La columna ShipToAddressContactPerson para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressName String La columna ShipToAddressName para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String La columna ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShipToAddressId String La columna ShipToAddressId para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ShippingMethodId String La columna ShippingMethodId de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
TaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
TaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
TaxExemptNumber1 String La columna TaxExemptNumber1 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
TaxExemptNumber2 String La columna TaxExemptNumber2 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
TaxRegistrationNumber String La columna TaxRegistrationNumber de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
TaxScheduleId String La columna TaxScheduleId de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
TaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna TaxesSalesDocumentTaxAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
TotalAmountCurrency String La columna TotalAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
TotalAmount Decimal La columna TotalAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
TrackingNumbersSalesTrackingNumberAggregate String La columna TrackingNumbersSalesTrackingNumberAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
TradeDiscountItem String La columna TradeDiscountItem para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
TransactionState String La columna TransactionState para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
Type String La columna Tipo de la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
UPSZone String La columna UPSZone para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime La columna UserDefinedDate01 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime La columna UserDefinedDate02 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
UserDefinedList01 String La columna UserDefinedList01 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
UserDefinedList02 String La columna UserDefinedList02 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
UserDefinedList03 String La columna UserDefinedList03 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
UserDefinedText01 String La columna UserDefinedText01 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
UserDefinedText02 String La columna UserDefinedText02 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
UserDefinedText03 String La columna UserDefinedText03 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
UserDefinedText04 String La columna UserDefinedText04 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
UserDefinedText05 String La columna UserDefinedText05 para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
WarehouseId String La columna WarehouseId para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentMiscellaneousTaxes.


La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentProcessHolds.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ProcessHoldsKeySalesProcessHoldSetupId [KEY] String La columna ProcessHoldsKeySalesProcessHoldSetupId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ProcessHoldsKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String La columna ProcessHoldsKeySalesDocumentId de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ActualShipDate Datetime La columna ActualShipDate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
AuditTrailCode String La columna AuditTrailCode para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
BackorderDate Datetime La columna BackorderDate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime La columna BatchKeyCreatedDateTime para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
BatchId String La columna BatchId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
BatchKeySource String La columna BatchKeySource para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String La columna BillToAddressKeyCustomerId de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
BillToAddressId String La columna BillToAddressId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
Comment String La columna Comentario de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
CommentId String La columna CommentId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
CommissionAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
CommissionAmount Decimal La columna CommissionAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
CommissionBasedOn String La columna CommissionBasedOn para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionSaleAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal La columna CommissionSaleAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
CommissionsSalesCommissionAggregate String La columna CommissionsSalesCommissionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
CreatedBy String La columna CreatedBy de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
CreatedDate Datetime La columna CreatedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
CurrencyKeyISOCode String La columna CurrencyKeyISOCode para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
CustomerId String La columna CustomerId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
CustomerName String La columna CustomerName para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
CustomerPONumber String La columna CustomerPONumber para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
Date Datetime La columna Fecha para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
DiscountAmountCurrency String La columna DiscountAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
DiscountAmount Decimal La columna DiscountAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
DocumentTypeId String La columna DocumentTypeId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
DocumentTypeKeyType String La columna DocumentTypeKeyType para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ExchangeDate Datetime La columna ExchangeDate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ExchangeRate Decimal La columna ExchangeRate de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
FreightAmountCurrency String La columna FreightAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
FreightAmount Decimal La columna FreightAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String La columna FreightTaxAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
FreightTaxAmount Decimal La columna FreightTaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
FreightTaxBasis String La columna FreightTaxBasis para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
FreightTaxScheduleId String La columna FreightTaxScheduleId de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
FreightTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna FreightTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String La columna FrontOfficeIntegrationId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
FulfillDate Datetime La columna FulfillDate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
IntegrationId String La columna IntegrationId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
IntegrationSource Int32 La columna IntegrationSource para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
InvoiceDate Datetime La columna InvoiceDate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
IsIntrastatDocument Boolean La columna IsIntrastatDocument para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
IsVoided Boolean La columna IsVoided para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
Id String La columna de ID para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
LastModifiedDate Datetime La columna LastModifiedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
LineTotalAmountCurrency String La columna LineTotalAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
LineTotalAmount Decimal La columna LineTotalAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
MasterNumber Int32 La columna MasterNumber de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousTaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String La columna MiscellaneousTaxBasis para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String La columna MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
MiscellaneousTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna MiscellaneousTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ModifiedDate Datetime La columna ModifiedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
Note String La columna Nota para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
OriginalSalesDocumentId String La columna OriginalSalesDocumentId de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
OriginalSalesDocumentType String La columna OriginalSalesDocumentType para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
PaymentTermsId String La columna PaymentTermsId de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
PriceLevelId String La columna PriceLevelId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ProcessHoldsDeleteOnUpdate Boolean La columna ProcessHoldsDeleteOnUpdate de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ProcessHoldsDescription String La columna ProcessHoldsDescription de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ProcessHoldsHoldDateTime Datetime La columna ProcessHoldsHoldDateTime para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ProcessHoldsIsDeleted Boolean La columna ProcessHoldsIsDeleted de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ProcessHoldsIsFulfillHold Boolean La columna ProcessHoldsIsFulfillHold de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ProcessHoldsIsPostHold Boolean La columna ProcessHoldsIsPostHold de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ProcessHoldsIsPrintHold Boolean La columna ProcessHoldsIsPrintHold de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ProcessHoldsIsTransferHold Boolean La columna ProcessHoldsIsTransferHold de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ProcessHoldsPassword String La columna ProcessHoldsPassword para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ProcessHoldsUser String La columna ProcessHoldsUser de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ProcessHoldsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ProcessHoldsExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
QuoteDate Datetime La columna QuoteDate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
Reference String La columna de referencia para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
RequestedShipDate Datetime La columna RequestedShipDate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ReturnDate Datetime La columna ReturnDate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
SalesTerritoryId String La columna SalesTerritoryId de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
SalespersonId String La columna SalespersonId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipCompleteOnly Boolean La columna ShipCompleteOnly para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressCity String La columna ShipToAddressCity para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressLine1 String La columna ShipToAddressLine1 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressLine2 String La columna ShipToAddressLine2 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressLine3 String La columna ShipToAddressLine3 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressPostalCode String La columna ShipToAddressPostalCode para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressState String La columna ShipToAddressState para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String La columna ShipToAddressCountryRegion para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String La columna ShipToAddressFaxExtension para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressFax String La columna ShipToAddressFax para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1Extension para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressPhone1 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2Extension para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressPhone2 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3Extension para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressPhone3 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String La columna ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressContactPerson String La columna ShipToAddressContactPerson para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressName String La columna ShipToAddressName para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String La columna ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShipToAddressId String La columna ShipToAddressId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ShippingMethodId String La columna ShippingMethodId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
TaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
TaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
TaxExemptNumber1 String La columna TaxExemptNumber1 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
TaxExemptNumber2 String La columna TaxExemptNumber2 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
TaxRegistrationNumber String La columna TaxRegistrationNumber de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
TaxScheduleId String La columna TaxScheduleId de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
TaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna TaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
TotalAmountCurrency String La columna TotalAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
TotalAmount Decimal La columna TotalAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
TrackingNumbersSalesTrackingNumberAggregate String La columna TrackingNumbersSalesTrackingNumberAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
TradeDiscountItem String La columna TradeDiscountItem para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
TransactionState String La columna TransactionState para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
Type String La columna Tipo de la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
UPSZone String La columna UPSZone para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime La columna UserDefinedDate01 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime La columna UserDefinedDate02 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
UserDefinedList01 String La columna UserDefinedList01 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
UserDefinedList02 String La columna UserDefinedList02 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
UserDefinedList03 String La columna UserDefinedList03 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
UserDefinedText01 String La columna UserDefinedText01 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
UserDefinedText02 String La columna UserDefinedText02 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
UserDefinedText03 String La columna UserDefinedText03 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
UserDefinedText04 String La columna UserDefinedText04 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
UserDefinedText05 String La columna UserDefinedText05 para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
WarehouseId String La columna WarehouseId para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentProcessHolds.


La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentTaxes.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
TaxesKeyTaxDetailId [KEY] String La columna TaxesKeyTaxDetailId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int32 La columna TaxesKeySequenceNumber de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String La columna TaxesKeySalesDocumentId de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ActualShipDate Datetime La columna ActualShipDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
AuditTrailCode String La columna AuditTrailCode para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
BackorderDate Datetime La columna BackorderDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime La columna BatchKeyCreatedDateTime para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
BatchId String La columna BatchId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
BatchKeySource String La columna BatchKeySource para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String La columna BillToAddressKeyCustomerId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
BillToAddressId String La columna BillToAddressId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
Comment String La columna Comentario de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
CommentId String La columna CommentId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
CommissionAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
CommissionAmount Decimal La columna CommissionAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
CommissionBasedOn String La columna CommissionBasedOn para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionSaleAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal La columna CommissionSaleAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
CommissionsSalesCommissionAggregate String La columna CommissionsSalesCommissionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
CreatedBy String La columna CreatedBy para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
CreatedDate Datetime La columna CreateDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
CurrencyKeyISOCode String La columna CurrencyKeyISOCode para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
CustomerId String La columna CustomerId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
CustomerName String La columna CustomerName para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
CustomerPONumber String La columna CustomerPONumber para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
Date Datetime La columna Fecha de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
DiscountAmountCurrency String La columna DiscountAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
DiscountAmount Decimal La columna DiscountAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
DocumentTypeId String La columna DocumentTypeId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
DocumentTypeKeyType String La columna DocumentTypeKeyType para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ExchangeDate Datetime La columna ExchangeDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ExchangeRate Decimal La columna ExchangeRate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
FreightAmountCurrency String La columna FreightAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
FreightAmount Decimal La columna FreightAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String La columna FreightTaxAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
FreightTaxAmount Decimal La columna FreightTaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
FreightTaxBasis String La columna FreightTaxBasis para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
FreightTaxScheduleId String La columna FreightTaxScheduleId de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
FreightTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna FreightTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String La columna FrontOfficeIntegrationId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
FulfillDate Datetime La columna FulfillDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
IntegrationId String La columna IntegrationId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
IntegrationSource Int32 La columna IntegrationSource para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
InvoiceDate Datetime La columna InvoiceDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
IsIntrastatDocument Boolean La columna IsIntrastatDocument para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
IsVoided Boolean La columna IsVoided de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
Id String La columna de ID de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
LastModifiedDate Datetime La columna LastModifiedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
LineTotalAmountCurrency String La columna LineTotalAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
LineTotalAmount Decimal La columna LineTotalAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
MasterNumber Int32 La columna MasterNumber para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousTaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String La columna MiscellaneousTaxBasis para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String La columna MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
MiscellaneousTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna MiscellaneousTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ModifiedDate Datetime La columna ModifiedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
Note String La columna Nota para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
OriginalSalesDocumentId String La columna OriginalSalesDocumentId de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
OriginalSalesDocumentType String La columna OriginalSalesDocumentType para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
PaymentTermsId String La columna PaymentTermsId de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
PriceLevelId String La columna PriceLevelId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ProcessHoldsSalesProcessHoldAggregate String La columna ProcessHoldsSalesProcessHoldAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
QuoteDate Datetime La columna QuoteDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
Reference String La columna de referencia para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
RequestedShipDate Datetime La columna RequestedShipDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ReturnDate Datetime La columna ReturnDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
SalesTerritoryId String La columna SalesTerritoryId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
SalespersonId String La columna SalespersonId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipCompleteOnly Boolean La columna ShipCompleteOnly para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressCity String La columna ShipToAddressCity para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressLine1 String La columna ShipToAddressLine1 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressLine2 String La columna ShipToAddressLine2 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressLine3 String La columna ShipToAddressLine3 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPostalCode String La columna ShipToAddressPostalCode para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressState String La columna ShipToAddressState para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String La columna ShipToAddressCountryRegion para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String La columna ShipToAddressFaxExtension para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressFax String La columna ShipToAddressFax para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1Extension para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone1 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2Extension para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone2 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3Extension para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressPhone3 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String La columna ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressContactPerson String La columna ShipToAddressContactPerson para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressName String La columna ShipToAddressName para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String La columna ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShipToAddressId String La columna ShipToAddressId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ShippingMethodId String La columna ShippingMethodId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxExemptNumber1 String La columna TaxExemptNumber1 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxExemptNumber2 String La columna TaxExemptNumber2 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxRegistrationNumber String La columna TaxRegistrationNumber de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxScheduleId String La columna TaxScheduleId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesGLAccountId String La columna TaxesGLAccountId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Boolean La columna TaxesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesIsTaxableTax Boolean La columna TaxesIsTaxableTax de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmount Decimal La columna TaxesTotalTaxPotentialAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesIsBackoutTax Boolean La columna TaxesIsBackoutTax de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesTaxAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxesTaxAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxableAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesTaxableAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTaxableAmount Decimal La columna TaxesTaxableAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTotalAmountCurrency String La columna TaxesTotalAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesTotalAmount Decimal La columna TaxesTotalAmount de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TaxesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna TaxesExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TotalAmountCurrency String La columna TotalAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TotalAmount Decimal La columna TotalAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TrackingNumbersSalesTrackingNumberAggregate String La columna TrackingNumbersSalesTrackingNumberAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TradeDiscountItem String La columna TradeDiscountItem para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
TransactionState String La columna TransactionState para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
Type String La columna Tipo de la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
UPSZone String La columna UPSZone para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime La columna UserDefinedDate01 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime La columna UserDefinedDate02 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedList01 String La columna UserDefinedList01 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedList02 String La columna UserDefinedList02 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedList03 String La columna UserDefinedList03 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedText01 String La columna UserDefinedText01 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedText02 String La columna UserDefinedText02 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedText03 String La columna UserDefinedText03 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedText04 String La columna UserDefinedText04 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
UserDefinedText05 String La columna UserDefinedText05 para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
WarehouseId String La columna WarehouseId para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTaxes.


La tabla de DynamicsGP SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
TrackingNumbersKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String La columna TrackingNumbersKeySalesDocumentId de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
TrackingNumbersId [KEY] String La columna TrackingNumbersId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ActualShipDate Datetime La columna ActualShipDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
AuditTrailCode String La columna AuditTrailCode para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
BackorderDate Datetime La columna BackorderDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime La columna BatchKeyCreatedDateTime para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
BatchId String La columna BatchId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
BatchKeySource String La columna BatchKeySource para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String La columna BillToAddressKeyCustomerId de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
BillToAddressId String La columna BillToAddressId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
Comment String La columna Comentario de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
CommentId String La columna CommentId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
CommissionAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
CommissionAmount Decimal La columna CommissionAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
CommissionBasedOn String La columna CommissionBasedOn para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String La columna CommissionSaleAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal La columna CommissionSaleAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
CommissionsSalesCommissionAggregate String La columna CommissionsSalesCommissionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
CreatedBy String La columna CreatedBy de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
CreatedDate Datetime La columna CreatedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
CurrencyKeyISOCode String La columna CurrencyKeyISOCode para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
CustomerId String La columna CustomerId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
CustomerName String La columna CustomerName para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
CustomerPONumber String La columna CustomerPONumber para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
Date Datetime La columna Fecha de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
DiscountAmountCurrency String La columna DiscountAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
DiscountAmount Decimal La columna DiscountAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
DocumentTypeId String La columna DocumentTypeId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
DocumentTypeKeyType String La columna DocumentTypeKeyType para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ExchangeDate Datetime La columna ExchangeDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ExchangeRate Decimal La columna ExchangeRate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
FreightAmountCurrency String La columna FreightAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
FreightAmount Decimal La columna FreightAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String La columna FreightTaxAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
FreightTaxAmount Decimal La columna FreightTaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
FreightTaxBasis String La columna FreightTaxBasis para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
FreightTaxScheduleId String La columna FreightTaxScheduleId de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
FreightTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna FreightTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String La columna FrontOfficeIntegrationId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
FulfillDate Datetime La columna FulfillDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
IntegrationId String La columna IntegrationId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
IntegrationSource Int32 La columna IntegrationSource para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
InvoiceDate Datetime La columna InvoiceDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
IsIntrastatDocument Boolean La columna IsIntrastatDocument para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
IsVoided Boolean La columna IsVoided de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
Id String La columna de ID de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
LastModifiedDate Datetime La columna LastModifiedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
LineTotalAmountCurrency String La columna LineTotalAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
LineTotalAmount Decimal La columna LineTotalAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
MasterNumber Int32 La columna MasterNumber para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String La columna MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal La columna MiscellaneousTaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String La columna MiscellaneousTaxBasis para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String La columna MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
MiscellaneousTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna MiscellaneousTaxesSalesDocumentTaxAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ModifiedDate Datetime La columna ModifiedDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
Note String La columna Nota para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
OriginalSalesDocumentId String La columna OriginalSalesDocumentId de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
OriginalSalesDocumentType String La columna OriginalSalesDocumentType para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
PaymentTermsId String La columna PaymentTermsId de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
PriceLevelId String La columna PriceLevelId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ProcessHoldsSalesProcessHoldAggregate String La columna ProcessHoldsSalesProcessHoldAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
QuoteDate Datetime La columna QuoteDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
Reference String La columna Referencia para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
RequestedShipDate Datetime La columna RequestedShipDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ReturnDate Datetime La columna ReturnDate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
SalesTerritoryId String La columna SalesTerritoryId de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
SalespersonId String La columna SalespersonId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipCompleteOnly Boolean La columna ShipCompleteOnly para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressCity String La columna ShipToAddressCity para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressLine1 String La columna ShipToAddressLine1 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressLine2 String La columna ShipToAddressLine2 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressLine3 String La columna ShipToAddressLine3 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressPostalCode String La columna ShipToAddressPostalCode para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressState String La columna ShipToAddressState para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String La columna ShipToAddressCountryRegion para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String La columna ShipToAddressFaxExtension para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressFax String La columna ShipToAddressFax para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1Extension para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressPhone1 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone1 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2Extension para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressPhone2 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone2 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3Extension para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressPhone3 String La columna ShipToAddressPhone3 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String La columna ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressContactPerson String La columna ShipToAddressContactPerson para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressName String La columna ShipToAddressName para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String La columna ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShipToAddressId String La columna ShipToAddressId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ShippingMethodId String La columna ShippingMethodId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
TaxAmountCurrency String La columna TaxAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
TaxAmount Decimal La columna TaxAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
TaxExemptNumber1 String La columna TaxExemptNumber1 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
TaxExemptNumber2 String La columna TaxExemptNumber2 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
TaxRegistrationNumber String La columna TaxRegistrationNumber de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
TaxScheduleId String La columna TaxScheduleId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
TaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate String La columna TaxesSalesDocumentTaxAggregate de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
TotalAmountCurrency String La columna TotalAmountCurrency de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
TotalAmount Decimal La columna TotalAmount para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
TrackingNumbersDeleteOnUpdate Boolean La columna TrackingNumbersDeleteOnUpdate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
TrackingNumbersExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna TrackingNumbersExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
TradeDiscountItem String La columna TradeDiscountItem para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
TransactionState String La columna TransactionState para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
Type String La columna Tipo de la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
UPSZone String La columna UPSZone para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime La columna UserDefinedDate01 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime La columna UserDefinedDate02 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
UserDefinedList01 String La columna UserDefinedList01 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
UserDefinedList02 String La columna UserDefinedList02 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
UserDefinedList03 String La columna UserDefinedList03 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
UserDefinedText01 String La columna UserDefinedText01 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
UserDefinedText02 String La columna UserDefinedText02 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
UserDefinedText03 String La columna UserDefinedText03 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
UserDefinedText04 String La columna UserDefinedText04 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
UserDefinedText05 String La columna UserDefinedText05 para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
WarehouseId String La columna WarehouseId para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String La columna ExtensionsExtensionAgregate para la tabla SalesDocumentTrackingNumbers.


Devolver una lista de: Distribuciones de pedidos de cumplimiento de ventas

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String
DepositAmountCurrency String
DepositAmount Decimal
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DistributionsDistributionTypeId Int
DistributionsGLAccountId String
DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
DistributionsReference String
DistributionsIsPosted Bool
DistributionsKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String
DistributionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
IsDirectDebit Bool
LinesAggregate String
PaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsAggregate String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
ShippingProcessStatus String
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal
WorkflowPriority String
WorkflowsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Líneas de Pedidos de Cumplimiento de Ventas

Devuelve una lista de: SalesFulfillmentOrderLines

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String
DepositAmountCurrency String
DepositAmount Decimal
DistributionsAggregate String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
IsDirectDebit Bool
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesComment String
LinesCommentId String
LinesCostOfSalesGLAccountId String
LinesCostOfSalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDamagedGLAccountId String
LinesDamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDeleteOnUpdate Bool
LinesDiscountItem String
LinesDiscountGLAccountId String
LinesDiscountGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesExtendedCostCurrency String
LinesExtendedCost Decimal
LinesFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
LinesInServiceGLAccountId String
LinesInServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesInUseGLAccountId String
LinesInUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIntegrationId String
LinesIntegrationSource Int
LinesInventoryGLAccountId String
LinesInventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIsDropShip Bool
LinesIsNonInventory Bool
LinesItemDescription String
LinesItemId String
LinesItemTaxScheduleId String
LinesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LinesKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String
LinesPriceLevelId String
LinesQuantity Decimal
LinesRequestedShipDate Datetime
LinesReturnsGLAccountId String
LinesReturnsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesSalesGLAccountId String
LinesSalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesSalesTerritoryId String
LinesSalespersonId String
LinesShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesShipToAddressCity String
LinesShipToAddressLine1 String
LinesShipToAddressLine2 String
LinesShipToAddressLine3 String
LinesShipToAddressPostalCode String
LinesShipToAddressState String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegion String
LinesShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressFaxExtension String
LinesShipToAddressFax String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1 String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2 String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3 String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
LinesShipToAddressContactPerson String
LinesShipToAddressName String
LinesShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
LinesShipToAddressId String
LinesShippingMethodId String
LinesTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesTaxAmount Decimal
LinesTaxBasis String
LinesTaxScheduleId String
LinesTaxesAggregate String
LinesTotalAmountCurrency String
LinesTotalAmount Decimal
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesUnitPriceCurrency String
LinesUnitPrice Decimal
LinesUofM String
LinesWarehouseId String
LinesActualShipDate Datetime
LinesBillingQuantity Decimal
LinesBinsAggregate String
LinesComponentsAggregate String
LinesFulfillDate Datetime
LinesLotsAggregate String
LinesQuantityAllocated Decimal
LinesQuantityCanceled Decimal
LinesQuantityFulfilled Decimal
LinesQuantityToBackorder Decimal
LinesSerialsAggregate String
PaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsAggregate String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
ShippingProcessStatus String
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal
WorkflowPriority String
WorkflowsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: SalesFulfillmentOrderPayments

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String
DepositAmountCurrency String
DepositAmount Decimal
DistributionsAggregate String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
IsDirectDebit Bool
LinesAggregate String
PaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PaymentsAuditTrailCode String
PaymentsAuthorizationCode String
PaymentsBankAccountId String
PaymentsCheckNumber String
PaymentsCurrencyKeyISOCode String
PaymentsDate Datetime
PaymentsDeleteOnUpdate Bool
PaymentsExpirationDate Datetime
PaymentsKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String
PaymentsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
PaymentsNumber String
PaymentsPaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentsPaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsPaymentCardNumber String
PaymentsPaymentCardTypeId String
PaymentsType String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
ShippingProcessStatus String
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal
WorkflowPriority String
WorkflowsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: Distribuciones de facturas de ventas

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String
DepositAmountCurrency String
DepositAmount Decimal
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DistributionsDistributionTypeId Int
DistributionsGLAccountId String
DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
DistributionsReference String
DistributionsIsPosted Bool
DistributionsKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String
DistributionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
IsDirectDebit Bool
LinesAggregate String
PaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsAggregate String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal
WorkflowPriority String
WorkflowsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: SalesInvoiceLines

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String
DepositAmountCurrency String
DepositAmount Decimal
DistributionsAggregate String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
IsDirectDebit Bool
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesComment String
LinesCommentId String
LinesCostOfSalesGLAccountId String
LinesCostOfSalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDamagedGLAccountId String
LinesDamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDeleteOnUpdate Bool
LinesDiscountItem String
LinesDiscountGLAccountId String
LinesDiscountGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesExtendedCostCurrency String
LinesExtendedCost Decimal
LinesFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
LinesInServiceGLAccountId String
LinesInServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesInUseGLAccountId String
LinesInUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIntegrationId String
LinesIntegrationSource Int
LinesInventoryGLAccountId String
LinesInventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIsDropShip Bool
LinesIsNonInventory Bool
LinesItemDescription String
LinesItemId String
LinesItemTaxScheduleId String
LinesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LinesKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String
LinesPriceLevelId String
LinesQuantity Decimal
LinesRequestedShipDate Datetime
LinesReturnsGLAccountId String
LinesReturnsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesSalesGLAccountId String
LinesSalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesSalesTerritoryId String
LinesSalespersonId String
LinesShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesShipToAddressCity String
LinesShipToAddressLine1 String
LinesShipToAddressLine2 String
LinesShipToAddressLine3 String
LinesShipToAddressPostalCode String
LinesShipToAddressState String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegion String
LinesShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressFaxExtension String
LinesShipToAddressFax String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1 String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2 String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3 String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
LinesShipToAddressContactPerson String
LinesShipToAddressName String
LinesShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
LinesShipToAddressId String
LinesShippingMethodId String
LinesTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesTaxAmount Decimal
LinesTaxBasis String
LinesTaxScheduleId String
LinesTaxesAggregate String
LinesTotalAmountCurrency String
LinesTotalAmount Decimal
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesUnitPriceCurrency String
LinesUnitPrice Decimal
LinesUofM String
LinesWarehouseId String
LinesActualShipDate Datetime
LinesBillingQuantity Decimal
LinesBinsAggregate String
LinesComponentsAggregate String
LinesFulfillDate Datetime
LinesLotsAggregate String
LinesQuantityAllocated Decimal
LinesQuantityCanceled Decimal
LinesQuantityFulfilled Decimal
LinesQuantityToBackorder Decimal
LinesSerialsAggregate String
PaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsAggregate String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal
WorkflowPriority String
WorkflowsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: SalesInvoicePayments

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String
DepositAmountCurrency String
DepositAmount Decimal
DistributionsAggregate String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
IsDirectDebit Bool
LinesAggregate String
PaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PaymentsAuditTrailCode String
PaymentsAuthorizationCode String
PaymentsBankAccountId String
PaymentsCheckNumber String
PaymentsCurrencyKeyISOCode String
PaymentsDate Datetime
PaymentsDeleteOnUpdate Bool
PaymentsExpirationDate Datetime
PaymentsKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String
PaymentsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
PaymentsNumber String
PaymentsPaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentsPaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsPaymentCardNumber String
PaymentsPaymentCardTypeId String
PaymentsType String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
TermsDiscountItem String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountAvailableAmount Decimal
TermsDiscountDate Datetime
TermsDueDate Datetime
TermsDiscountTakenAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountTakenAmount Decimal
WorkflowPriority String
WorkflowsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: SalesOrderLines

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String
DaysToIncrement Int
DepositAmountCurrency String
DepositAmount Decimal
DocumentFrequency String
IsRepeating Bool
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesComment String
LinesCommentId String
LinesCostOfSalesGLAccountId String
LinesCostOfSalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDamagedGLAccountId String
LinesDamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDeleteOnUpdate Bool
LinesDiscountItem String
LinesDiscountGLAccountId String
LinesDiscountGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesExtendedCostCurrency String
LinesExtendedCost Decimal
LinesFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
LinesInServiceGLAccountId String
LinesInServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesInUseGLAccountId String
LinesInUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIntegrationId String
LinesIntegrationSource Int
LinesInventoryGLAccountId String
LinesInventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIsDropShip Bool
LinesIsNonInventory Bool
LinesItemDescription String
LinesItemId String
LinesItemTaxScheduleId String
LinesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LinesKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String
LinesPriceLevelId String
LinesQuantity Decimal
LinesRequestedShipDate Datetime
LinesReturnsGLAccountId String
LinesReturnsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesSalesGLAccountId String
LinesSalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesSalesTerritoryId String
LinesSalespersonId String
LinesShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesShipToAddressCity String
LinesShipToAddressLine1 String
LinesShipToAddressLine2 String
LinesShipToAddressLine3 String
LinesShipToAddressPostalCode String
LinesShipToAddressState String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegion String
LinesShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressFaxExtension String
LinesShipToAddressFax String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1 String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2 String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3 String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
LinesShipToAddressContactPerson String
LinesShipToAddressName String
LinesShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
LinesShipToAddressId String
LinesShippingMethodId String
LinesTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesTaxAmount Decimal
LinesTaxBasis String
LinesTaxScheduleId String
LinesTaxesAggregate String
LinesTotalAmountCurrency String
LinesTotalAmount Decimal
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesUnitPriceCurrency String
LinesUnitPrice Decimal
LinesUofM String
LinesWarehouseId String
LinesActualShipDate Datetime
LinesBinsAggregate String
LinesComponentsAggregate String
LinesFulfillDate Datetime
LinesLotsAggregate String
LinesQuantityAllocated Decimal
LinesQuantityCanceled Decimal
LinesQuantityFulfilled Decimal
LinesQuantityToBackorder Decimal
LinesQuantityToInvoice Decimal
LinesSerialsAggregate String
PaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsAggregate String
ShippingProcessStatus String
TimesToRepeat Int
WorkflowPriority String
WorkflowsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: SalesOrderPayments

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String
DaysToIncrement Int
DepositAmountCurrency String
DepositAmount Decimal
DocumentFrequency String
IsRepeating Bool
LinesAggregate String
PaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PaymentsAuditTrailCode String
PaymentsAuthorizationCode String
PaymentsBankAccountId String
PaymentsCheckNumber String
PaymentsCurrencyKeyISOCode String
PaymentsDate Datetime
PaymentsDeleteOnUpdate Bool
PaymentsExpirationDate Datetime
PaymentsKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String
PaymentsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
PaymentsNumber String
PaymentsPaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentsPaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsPaymentCardNumber String
PaymentsPaymentCardTypeId String
PaymentsType String
ShippingProcessStatus String
TimesToRepeat Int
WorkflowPriority String
WorkflowsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: Vendedor

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressCity String
AddressLine1 String
AddressLine2 String
AddressLine3 String
AddressPostalCode String
AddressState String
AddressCountryRegion String
AddressFaxCountryCode String
AddressFaxExtension String
AddressFax String
AddressPhone1CountryCode String
AddressPhone1Extension String
AddressPhone1 String
AddressPhone2CountryCode String
AddressPhone2Extension String
AddressPhone2 String
AddressPhone3CountryCode String
AddressPhone3Extension String
AddressPhone3 String
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionPercent Decimal
CreatedDate Datetime
EmployeeId String
FirstName String
HistoryOptionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
HistoryOptionsKeepCalendar Bool
HistoryOptionsKeepPeriod Bool
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation String
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress String
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress String
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress String
InternetAddressesInternetField1 String
InternetAddressesInternetField2 String
InternetAddressesInternetField3 String
InternetAddressesInternetField4 String
InternetAddressesInternetField5 String
InternetAddressesInternetField6 String
InternetAddressesInternetField7 String
InternetAddressesInternetField8 String
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress String
IsActive Bool
Id [KEY] String
LastName String
MiddleName String
ModifiedDate Datetime
SalesHistoryAggregate String
SalesSummaryExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesSummaryLastYearExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesSummaryLastYearCommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearCommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryLastYearCostOfSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearCostOfSales Decimal
SalesSummaryLastYearNoncommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearNoncommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryLastYearTotalCommissionsAmountCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearTotalCommissionsAmount Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesSummaryYearToDateCommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateCommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateCostOfSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateCostOfSales Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateNoncommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateNoncommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateTotalCommissionsAmountCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateTotalCommissionsAmount Decimal
SalesTerritoryId String
VendorId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: VendedorComisiones

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AmountCurrency String
Amount Decimal
AuditTrailCode String
CommissionAuditTrailCode String
CommissionPercent Decimal
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
IsPaid Bool
IsPosted Bool
KeyDocumentNumber [KEY] String
KeyDocumentType [KEY] String
KeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
NoncommissionedAmountCurrency String
NoncommissionedAmount Decimal
PercentOfSale Decimal
SalesAmountCurrency String
SalesAmount Decimal
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
TransactionState String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: Historial de ventas del vendedor

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressCity String
AddressLine1 String
AddressLine2 String
AddressLine3 String
AddressPostalCode String
AddressState String
AddressCountryRegion String
AddressFaxCountryCode String
AddressFaxExtension String
AddressFax String
AddressPhone1CountryCode String
AddressPhone1Extension String
AddressPhone1 String
AddressPhone2CountryCode String
AddressPhone2Extension String
AddressPhone2 String
AddressPhone3CountryCode String
AddressPhone3Extension String
AddressPhone3 String
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionPercent Decimal
CreatedDate Datetime
EmployeeId String
FirstName String
HistoryOptionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
HistoryOptionsKeepCalendar Bool
HistoryOptionsKeepPeriod Bool
InternetAddressesAdditionalInformation String
InternetAddressesEmailBccAddress String
InternetAddressesEmailCcAddress String
InternetAddressesEmailToAddress String
InternetAddressesInternetField1 String
InternetAddressesInternetField2 String
InternetAddressesInternetField3 String
InternetAddressesInternetField4 String
InternetAddressesInternetField5 String
InternetAddressesInternetField6 String
InternetAddressesInternetField7 String
InternetAddressesInternetField8 String
InternetAddressesMessengerAddress String
IsActive Bool
Id String
LastName String
MiddleName String
ModifiedDate Datetime
SalesHistoryExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryCommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryCommissionedSales Decimal
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryCostOfSalesCurrency String
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryCostOfSales Decimal
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryNoncommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryNoncommissionedSales Decimal
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryTotalCommissionsAmountCurrency String
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryTotalCommissionsAmount Decimal
SalesHistoryKeyPeriod [KEY] Int
SalesHistoryKeySalespersonId [KEY] String
SalesHistoryKeySummaryType [KEY] String
SalesHistoryKeyYear [KEY] Int
SalesSummaryExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesSummaryLastYearExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesSummaryLastYearCommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearCommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryLastYearCostOfSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearCostOfSales Decimal
SalesSummaryLastYearNoncommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearNoncommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryLastYearTotalCommissionsAmountCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearTotalCommissionsAmount Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesSummaryYearToDateCommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateCommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateCostOfSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateCostOfSales Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateNoncommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateNoncommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateTotalCommissionsAmountCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateTotalCommissionsAmount Decimal
SalesTerritoryId String
VendorId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Líneas de Cotización de Ventas

Devolver una lista de: SalesQuoteLines

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String
DaysToIncrement Int
DocumentFrequency String
ExpirationDate Datetime
IsProspect Bool
IsRepeating Bool
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesComment String
LinesCommentId String
LinesCostOfSalesGLAccountId String
LinesCostOfSalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDamagedGLAccountId String
LinesDamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDeleteOnUpdate Bool
LinesDiscountItem String
LinesDiscountGLAccountId String
LinesDiscountGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesExtendedCostCurrency String
LinesExtendedCost Decimal
LinesFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
LinesInServiceGLAccountId String
LinesInServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesInUseGLAccountId String
LinesInUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIntegrationId String
LinesIntegrationSource Int
LinesInventoryGLAccountId String
LinesInventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIsDropShip Bool
LinesIsNonInventory Bool
LinesItemDescription String
LinesItemId String
LinesItemTaxScheduleId String
LinesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LinesKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String
LinesPriceLevelId String
LinesQuantity Decimal
LinesRequestedShipDate Datetime
LinesReturnsGLAccountId String
LinesReturnsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesSalesGLAccountId String
LinesSalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesSalesTerritoryId String
LinesSalespersonId String
LinesShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesShipToAddressCity String
LinesShipToAddressLine1 String
LinesShipToAddressLine2 String
LinesShipToAddressLine3 String
LinesShipToAddressPostalCode String
LinesShipToAddressState String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegion String
LinesShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressFaxExtension String
LinesShipToAddressFax String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1 String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2 String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3 String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
LinesShipToAddressContactPerson String
LinesShipToAddressName String
LinesShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
LinesShipToAddressId String
LinesShippingMethodId String
LinesTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesTaxAmount Decimal
LinesTaxBasis String
LinesTaxScheduleId String
LinesTaxesAggregate String
LinesTotalAmountCurrency String
LinesTotalAmount Decimal
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesUnitPriceCurrency String
LinesUnitPrice Decimal
LinesUofM String
LinesWarehouseId String
LinesComponentsAggregate String
LinesQuantityCanceled Decimal
LinesQuantityToInvoice Decimal
LinesQuantityToOrder Decimal
TimesToRepeat Int
WorkflowPriority String
WorkflowsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: SalesReturnDistributions

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String
DistributionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DistributionsDistributionTypeId Int
DistributionsGLAccountId String
DistributionsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
DistributionsReference String
DistributionsIsPosted Bool
DistributionsKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String
DistributionsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
LinesAggregate String
PaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsAggregate String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
TermsDiscountReturnedAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountReturnedAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: SalesReturnLines

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String
DistributionsAggregate String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
LinesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesComment String
LinesCommentId String
LinesCostOfSalesGLAccountId String
LinesCostOfSalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDamagedGLAccountId String
LinesDamagedGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesDeleteOnUpdate Bool
LinesDiscountItem String
LinesDiscountGLAccountId String
LinesDiscountGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesExtendedCostCurrency String
LinesExtendedCost Decimal
LinesFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
LinesInServiceGLAccountId String
LinesInServiceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesInUseGLAccountId String
LinesInUseGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIntegrationId String
LinesIntegrationSource Int
LinesInventoryGLAccountId String
LinesInventoryGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesIsDropShip Bool
LinesIsNonInventory Bool
LinesItemDescription String
LinesItemId String
LinesItemTaxScheduleId String
LinesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LinesKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String
LinesPriceLevelId String
LinesQuantity Decimal
LinesRequestedShipDate Datetime
LinesReturnsGLAccountId String
LinesReturnsGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesSalesGLAccountId String
LinesSalesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
LinesSalesTerritoryId String
LinesSalespersonId String
LinesShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LinesShipToAddressCity String
LinesShipToAddressLine1 String
LinesShipToAddressLine2 String
LinesShipToAddressLine3 String
LinesShipToAddressPostalCode String
LinesShipToAddressState String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegion String
LinesShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressFaxExtension String
LinesShipToAddressFax String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone1 String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone2 String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
LinesShipToAddressPhone3 String
LinesShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
LinesShipToAddressContactPerson String
LinesShipToAddressName String
LinesShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
LinesShipToAddressId String
LinesShippingMethodId String
LinesTaxAmountCurrency String
LinesTaxAmount Decimal
LinesTaxBasis String
LinesTaxScheduleId String
LinesTaxesAggregate String
LinesTotalAmountCurrency String
LinesTotalAmount Decimal
LinesUnitCostCurrency String
LinesUnitCost Decimal
LinesUnitPriceCurrency String
LinesUnitPrice Decimal
LinesUofM String
LinesWarehouseId String
LinesBinsAggregate String
LinesComponentsAggregate String
LinesLotsAggregate String
LinesReturnQuantityDamagedQuantity Decimal
LinesReturnQuantityInServiceQuantity Decimal
LinesReturnQuantityInUseQuantity Decimal
LinesReturnQuantityOnHandQuantity Decimal
LinesReturnQuantityReturnedQuantity Decimal
LinesSerialsAggregate String
PaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsAggregate String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
TermsDiscountReturnedAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountReturnedAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: SalesReturnPayments

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualShipDate Datetime
AuditTrailCode String
BackorderDate Datetime
BatchKeyCreatedDateTime Datetime
BatchId String
BatchKeySource String
BillToAddressKeyCustomerId String
BillToAddressId String
Comment String
CommentId String
CommissionAmountCurrency String
CommissionAmount Decimal
CommissionBasedOn String
CommissionSaleAmountCurrency String
CommissionSaleAmount Decimal
CommissionsAggregate String
CreatedBy String
CreatedDate Datetime
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
Date Datetime
DiscountAmountCurrency String
DiscountAmount Decimal
DocumentTypeId String
DocumentTypeKeyType String
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FreightAmountCurrency String
FreightAmount Decimal
FreightTaxAmountCurrency String
FreightTaxAmount Decimal
FreightTaxBasis String
FreightTaxScheduleId String
FreightTaxesAggregate String
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
FulfillDate Datetime
IntegrationId String
IntegrationSource Int
InvoiceDate Datetime
IsIntrastatDocument Bool
IsVoided Bool
Id String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LineTotalAmountCurrency String
LineTotalAmount Decimal
MasterNumber Int
MiscellaneousAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousTaxAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousTaxBasis String
MiscellaneousTaxScheduleId String
MiscellaneousTaxesAggregate String
ModifiedDate Datetime
Note String
OriginalSalesDocumentId String
OriginalSalesDocumentType String
PaymentTermsId String
PriceLevelId String
ProcessHoldsAggregate String
QuoteDate Datetime
Reference String
RequestedShipDate Datetime
ReturnDate Datetime
SalesTerritoryId String
SalespersonId String
ShipCompleteOnly Bool
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressFaxCountryCode String
ShipToAddressFaxExtension String
ShipToAddressFax String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
ShipToAddressPhone2CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone2Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone2 String
ShipToAddressPhone3CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone3Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone3 String
ShipToAddressCountryRegionCodeId String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressName String
ShipToAddressKeyCustomerId String
ShipToAddressId String
ShippingMethodId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxScheduleId String
TaxesAggregate String
TotalAmountCurrency String
TotalAmount Decimal
TrackingNumbersAggregate String
TradeDiscountItem String
TransactionState String
Type String
UPSZone String
UserDefinedDate01 Datetime
UserDefinedDate02 Datetime
UserDefinedList01 String
UserDefinedList02 String
UserDefinedList03 String
UserDefinedText01 String
UserDefinedText02 String
UserDefinedText03 String
UserDefinedText04 String
UserDefinedText05 String
WarehouseId String
DistributionsAggregate String
GeneralLedgerPostingDate Datetime
LinesAggregate String
PaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PaymentsAuditTrailCode String
PaymentsAuthorizationCode String
PaymentsBankAccountId String
PaymentsCheckNumber String
PaymentsCurrencyKeyISOCode String
PaymentsDate Datetime
PaymentsDeleteOnUpdate Bool
PaymentsExpirationDate Datetime
PaymentsKeySalesDocumentId [KEY] String
PaymentsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
PaymentsNumber String
PaymentsPaymentAmountCurrency String
PaymentsPaymentAmount Decimal
PaymentsPaymentCardNumber String
PaymentsPaymentCardTypeId String
PaymentsType String
PostedBy String
PostedDate Datetime
TermsDiscountReturnedAmountCurrency String
TermsDiscountReturnedAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Territorio de Ventas

Devolver una lista de: SalesTerritory

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Country String
CreatedDate Datetime
Description String
HistoryOptionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
HistoryOptionsKeepCalendar Bool
HistoryOptionsKeepPeriod Bool
IsActive Bool
Id [KEY] String
ModifiedDate Datetime
SalesHistoryAggregate String
SalesManagerFirstName String
SalesManagerId String
SalesManagerLastName String
SalesManagerMiddleName String
SalesSummaryExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesSummaryLastYearExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesSummaryLastYearCommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearCommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryLastYearCostOfSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearCostOfSales Decimal
SalesSummaryLastYearNoncommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearNoncommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryLastYearTotalCommissionsAmountCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearTotalCommissionsAmount Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesSummaryYearToDateCommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateCommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateCostOfSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateCostOfSales Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateNoncommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateNoncommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateTotalCommissionsAmountCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateTotalCommissionsAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: SalesTerritorySalesHistory

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Country String
CreatedDate Datetime
Description String
HistoryOptionsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
HistoryOptionsKeepCalendar Bool
HistoryOptionsKeepPeriod Bool
IsActive Bool
Id String
ModifiedDate Datetime
SalesHistoryExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryCommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryCommissionedSales Decimal
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryCostOfSalesCurrency String
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryCostOfSales Decimal
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryNoncommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryNoncommissionedSales Decimal
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryTotalCommissionsAmountCurrency String
SalesHistoryCommissionSummaryTotalCommissionsAmount Decimal
SalesHistoryKeyPeriod [KEY] Int
SalesHistoryKeySalesTerritoryId [KEY] String
SalesHistoryKeySummaryType [KEY] String
SalesHistoryKeyYear [KEY] Int
SalesManagerFirstName String
SalesManagerId String
SalesManagerLastName String
SalesManagerMiddleName String
SalesSummaryExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesSummaryLastYearExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesSummaryLastYearCommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearCommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryLastYearCostOfSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearCostOfSales Decimal
SalesSummaryLastYearNoncommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearNoncommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryLastYearTotalCommissionsAmountCurrency String
SalesSummaryLastYearTotalCommissionsAmount Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SalesSummaryYearToDateCommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateCommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateCostOfSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateCostOfSales Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateNoncommissionedSalesCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateNoncommissionedSales Decimal
SalesSummaryYearToDateTotalCommissionsAmountCurrency String
SalesSummaryYearToDateTotalCommissionsAmount Decimal

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

ServiceCallCargos Adicionales

Devuelve una lista de: ServiceCallAdditionalCharges

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BillToAddressId String
BillToCustomerId String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
EntryDateTime Datetime
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
Id String
Note String
OfficeId String
RateTypeId String
ShipToAddressId String
TransactionState String
UserDefined01 String
UserDefined02 String
UserDefined03 String
UserDefined04 String
UserDefined05 String
AuditsAggregate String
CustomerReference String
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentTotalCurrency String
DocumentTotal Decimal
EstimatedTimeToRepair Decimal
IsOnHold Bool
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LaborChargesBillablePercent Decimal
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalAmount Decimal
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalCost Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost Decimal
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PartsChargesBillablePercent Decimal
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalAmount Decimal
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalCost Decimal
PaymentTermsId String
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency String
PreTaxDocumentAmount Decimal
PriceLevelId String
Priority Int
ResponseDateTime Datetime
SalesPersonId String
ServiceAreaId String
ServiceContractId String
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber Decimal
ServiceTypeId String
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
StatusCodeId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxScheduleId String
TechnicianId String
TimeZoneId String
AdditionalChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AdditionalChargesEntryDateTime Datetime
AdditionalChargesEquipmentLineSequenceNumber Int
AdditionalChargesFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
AdditionalChargesItemDescription String
AdditionalChargesItemId String
AdditionalChargesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
AdditionalChargesKeyServiceDocumentId [KEY] String
AdditionalChargesNote String
AdditionalChargesPriceLevelId String
AdditionalChargesTaxAmountCurrency String
AdditionalChargesTaxAmount Decimal
AdditionalChargesTechnicianId String
AdditionalChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
AdditionalChargesTotalAmount Decimal
AdditionalChargesUnitCostCurrency String
AdditionalChargesUnitCost Decimal
AdditionalChargesUnitPriceCurrency String
AdditionalChargesUnitPrice Decimal
AdditionalChargesUofM String
AdditionalChargesBillableMiscellaneousPercent Decimal
AdditionalChargesPurchaseOrderConsolidateOnPO Bool
AdditionalChargesPurchaseOrderCreatePO Bool
AdditionalChargesPurchaseOrderPromiseDate Datetime
AdditionalChargesPurchaseOrderVendorId String
AdditionalChargesPurchaseOrderLineKeyLineSequenceNumber Int
AdditionalChargesPurchaseOrderLineKeyPurchaseTransactionId String
AdditionalChargesQuantitySold Decimal
AdditionalChargesTotalCostCurrency String
AdditionalChargesTotalCost Decimal
ArrivalDateTime Datetime
CompletionDateTime Datetime
DispatchDateTime Datetime
EquipmentCodesAggregate String
EscalationDateTime Datetime
EscalationLevel Int
ExpensesAggregate String
InvoicedAmountCurrency String
InvoicedAmount Decimal
IsCallback Bool
LaborAggregate String
Meter1ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter1CurrentReading Int
Meter1Replaced Bool
Meter1InternalUsage Int
Meter2ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter2CurrentReading Int
Meter2Replaced Bool
Meter2InternalUsage Int
Meter3ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter3CurrentReading Int
Meter3Replaced Bool
Meter3InternalUsage Int
Meter4ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter4CurrentReading Int
Meter4Replaced Bool
Meter4InternalUsage Int
Meter5ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter5CurrentReading Int
Meter5Replaced Bool
Meter5InternalUsage Int
NotifyDateTime Datetime
PartsAggregate String
Type String
WasNotified Bool

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Códigos de Equipo de Llamada de Servicio

Devolver una lista de: ServiceCallEquipmentCodes

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BillToAddressId String
BillToCustomerId String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
EntryDateTime Datetime
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
Id String
Note String
OfficeId String
RateTypeId String
ShipToAddressId String
TransactionState String
UserDefined01 String
UserDefined02 String
UserDefined03 String
UserDefined04 String
UserDefined05 String
AuditsAggregate String
CustomerReference String
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentTotalCurrency String
DocumentTotal Decimal
EstimatedTimeToRepair Decimal
IsOnHold Bool
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LaborChargesBillablePercent Decimal
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalAmount Decimal
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalCost Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost Decimal
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PartsChargesBillablePercent Decimal
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalAmount Decimal
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalCost Decimal
PaymentTermsId String
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency String
PreTaxDocumentAmount Decimal
PriceLevelId String
Priority Int
ResponseDateTime Datetime
SalesPersonId String
ServiceAreaId String
ServiceContractId String
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber Decimal
ServiceTypeId String
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
StatusCodeId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxScheduleId String
TechnicianId String
TimeZoneId String
AdditionalChargesAggregate String
ArrivalDateTime Datetime
CompletionDateTime Datetime
DispatchDateTime Datetime
EquipmentCodesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
EquipmentCodesCauseCodeId String
EquipmentCodesEquipmentLineSequenceNumber Int
EquipmentCodesItemId String
EquipmentCodesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
EquipmentCodesKeyServiceDocumentId [KEY] String
EquipmentCodesProblemCodeId String
EquipmentCodesRepairCodeId String
EquipmentCodesSerialNumber String
EquipmentCodesPerformedPreventiveMaintenance Bool
EscalationDateTime Datetime
EscalationLevel Int
ExpensesAggregate String
InvoicedAmountCurrency String
InvoicedAmount Decimal
IsCallback Bool
LaborAggregate String
Meter1ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter1CurrentReading Int
Meter1Replaced Bool
Meter1InternalUsage Int
Meter2ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter2CurrentReading Int
Meter2Replaced Bool
Meter2InternalUsage Int
Meter3ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter3CurrentReading Int
Meter3Replaced Bool
Meter3InternalUsage Int
Meter4ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter4CurrentReading Int
Meter4Replaced Bool
Meter4InternalUsage Int
Meter5ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter5CurrentReading Int
Meter5Replaced Bool
Meter5InternalUsage Int
NotifyDateTime Datetime
PartsAggregate String
Type String
WasNotified Bool

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Gastos de Llamada de Servicio

Devuelve una lista de: ServiceCallExpenses

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BillToAddressId String
BillToCustomerId String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
EntryDateTime Datetime
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
Id String
Note String
OfficeId String
RateTypeId String
ShipToAddressId String
TransactionState String
UserDefined01 String
UserDefined02 String
UserDefined03 String
UserDefined04 String
UserDefined05 String
AuditsAggregate String
CustomerReference String
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentTotalCurrency String
DocumentTotal Decimal
EstimatedTimeToRepair Decimal
IsOnHold Bool
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LaborChargesBillablePercent Decimal
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalAmount Decimal
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalCost Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost Decimal
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PartsChargesBillablePercent Decimal
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalAmount Decimal
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalCost Decimal
PaymentTermsId String
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency String
PreTaxDocumentAmount Decimal
PriceLevelId String
Priority Int
ResponseDateTime Datetime
SalesPersonId String
ServiceAreaId String
ServiceContractId String
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber Decimal
ServiceTypeId String
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
StatusCodeId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxScheduleId String
TechnicianId String
TimeZoneId String
AdditionalChargesAggregate String
ArrivalDateTime Datetime
CompletionDateTime Datetime
DispatchDateTime Datetime
EquipmentCodesAggregate String
EscalationDateTime Datetime
EscalationLevel Int
ExpensesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ExpensesEntryDateTime Datetime
ExpensesEquipmentLineSequenceNumber Int
ExpensesFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
ExpensesItemDescription String
ExpensesItemId String
ExpensesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
ExpensesKeyServiceDocumentId [KEY] String
ExpensesNote String
ExpensesPriceLevelId String
ExpensesTaxAmountCurrency String
ExpensesTaxAmount Decimal
ExpensesTechnicianId String
ExpensesTotalAmountCurrency String
ExpensesTotalAmount Decimal
ExpensesUnitCostCurrency String
ExpensesUnitCost Decimal
ExpensesUnitPriceCurrency String
ExpensesUnitPrice Decimal
ExpensesUofM String
ExpensesBillableMiscellaneousPercent Decimal
ExpensesPurchaseOrderConsolidateOnPO Bool
ExpensesPurchaseOrderCreatePO Bool
ExpensesPurchaseOrderPromiseDate Datetime
ExpensesPurchaseOrderVendorId String
ExpensesPurchaseOrderLineKeyLineSequenceNumber Int
ExpensesPurchaseOrderLineKeyPurchaseTransactionId String
ExpensesQuantitySold Decimal
ExpensesTotalCostCurrency String
ExpensesTotalCost Decimal
InvoicedAmountCurrency String
InvoicedAmount Decimal
IsCallback Bool
LaborAggregate String
Meter1ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter1CurrentReading Int
Meter1Replaced Bool
Meter1InternalUsage Int
Meter2ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter2CurrentReading Int
Meter2Replaced Bool
Meter2InternalUsage Int
Meter3ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter3CurrentReading Int
Meter3Replaced Bool
Meter3InternalUsage Int
Meter4ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter4CurrentReading Int
Meter4Replaced Bool
Meter4InternalUsage Int
Meter5ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter5CurrentReading Int
Meter5Replaced Bool
Meter5InternalUsage Int
NotifyDateTime Datetime
PartsAggregate String
Type String
WasNotified Bool

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ServiceCallLabor

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BillToAddressId String
BillToCustomerId String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
EntryDateTime Datetime
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
Id String
Note String
OfficeId String
RateTypeId String
ShipToAddressId String
TransactionState String
UserDefined01 String
UserDefined02 String
UserDefined03 String
UserDefined04 String
UserDefined05 String
AuditsAggregate String
CustomerReference String
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentTotalCurrency String
DocumentTotal Decimal
EstimatedTimeToRepair Decimal
IsOnHold Bool
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LaborChargesBillablePercent Decimal
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalAmount Decimal
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalCost Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost Decimal
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PartsChargesBillablePercent Decimal
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalAmount Decimal
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalCost Decimal
PaymentTermsId String
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency String
PreTaxDocumentAmount Decimal
PriceLevelId String
Priority Int
ResponseDateTime Datetime
SalesPersonId String
ServiceAreaId String
ServiceContractId String
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber Decimal
ServiceTypeId String
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
StatusCodeId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxScheduleId String
TechnicianId String
TimeZoneId String
AdditionalChargesAggregate String
ArrivalDateTime Datetime
CompletionDateTime Datetime
DispatchDateTime Datetime
EquipmentCodesAggregate String
EscalationDateTime Datetime
EscalationLevel Int
ExpensesAggregate String
InvoicedAmountCurrency String
InvoicedAmount Decimal
IsCallback Bool
LaborExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LaborEntryDateTime Datetime
LaborEquipmentLineSequenceNumber Int
LaborFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
LaborItemDescription String
LaborItemId String
LaborKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LaborKeyServiceDocumentId [KEY] String
LaborNote String
LaborPriceLevelId String
LaborTaxAmountCurrency String
LaborTaxAmount Decimal
LaborTechnicianId String
LaborTotalAmountCurrency String
LaborTotalAmount Decimal
LaborUnitCostCurrency String
LaborUnitCost Decimal
LaborUnitPriceCurrency String
LaborUnitPrice Decimal
LaborUofM String
LaborBillableLaborPercent Decimal
LaborBillableTime Int
LaborDistanceTraveledExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LaborDistanceTraveledEnding Int
LaborDistanceTraveledStarting Int
LaborDistanceTraveledUsed Int
LaborEndDateTime Datetime
LaborQuantity Decimal
LaborQuantitySold Decimal
LaborStartDateTime Datetime
LaborTotalCostCurrency String
LaborTotalCost Decimal
LaborTransactionTime Int
LaborUseType String
LaborWorkTypeId String
Meter1ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter1CurrentReading Int
Meter1Replaced Bool
Meter1InternalUsage Int
Meter2ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter2CurrentReading Int
Meter2Replaced Bool
Meter2InternalUsage Int
Meter3ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter3CurrentReading Int
Meter3Replaced Bool
Meter3InternalUsage Int
Meter4ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter4CurrentReading Int
Meter4Replaced Bool
Meter4InternalUsage Int
Meter5ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter5CurrentReading Int
Meter5Replaced Bool
Meter5InternalUsage Int
NotifyDateTime Datetime
PartsAggregate String
Type String
WasNotified Bool

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ServiceCallParts

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BillToAddressId String
BillToCustomerId String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
EntryDateTime Datetime
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
Id String
Note String
OfficeId String
RateTypeId String
ShipToAddressId String
TransactionState String
UserDefined01 String
UserDefined02 String
UserDefined03 String
UserDefined04 String
UserDefined05 String
AuditsAggregate String
CustomerReference String
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentTotalCurrency String
DocumentTotal Decimal
EstimatedTimeToRepair Decimal
IsOnHold Bool
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LaborChargesBillablePercent Decimal
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalAmount Decimal
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalCost Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost Decimal
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PartsChargesBillablePercent Decimal
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalAmount Decimal
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalCost Decimal
PaymentTermsId String
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency String
PreTaxDocumentAmount Decimal
PriceLevelId String
Priority Int
ResponseDateTime Datetime
SalesPersonId String
ServiceAreaId String
ServiceContractId String
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber Decimal
ServiceTypeId String
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
StatusCodeId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxScheduleId String
TechnicianId String
TimeZoneId String
AdditionalChargesAggregate String
ArrivalDateTime Datetime
CompletionDateTime Datetime
DispatchDateTime Datetime
EquipmentCodesAggregate String
EscalationDateTime Datetime
EscalationLevel Int
ExpensesAggregate String
InvoicedAmountCurrency String
InvoicedAmount Decimal
IsCallback Bool
LaborAggregate String
Meter1ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter1CurrentReading Int
Meter1Replaced Bool
Meter1InternalUsage Int
Meter2ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter2CurrentReading Int
Meter2Replaced Bool
Meter2InternalUsage Int
Meter3ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter3CurrentReading Int
Meter3Replaced Bool
Meter3InternalUsage Int
Meter4ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter4CurrentReading Int
Meter4Replaced Bool
Meter4InternalUsage Int
Meter5ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Meter5CurrentReading Int
Meter5Replaced Bool
Meter5InternalUsage Int
NotifyDateTime Datetime
PartsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PartsEntryDateTime Datetime
PartsEquipmentLineSequenceNumber Int
PartsFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
PartsItemDescription String
PartsItemId String
PartsKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
PartsKeyServiceDocumentId [KEY] String
PartsNote String
PartsPriceLevelId String
PartsTaxAmountCurrency String
PartsTaxAmount Decimal
PartsTechnicianId String
PartsTotalAmountCurrency String
PartsTotalAmount Decimal
PartsUnitCostCurrency String
PartsUnitCost Decimal
PartsUnitPriceCurrency String
PartsUnitPrice Decimal
PartsUofM String
PartsBillablePartsPercent Decimal
PartsDoNotCreateReturnLine Bool
PartsMiscellaneousAddressId String
PartsPurchaseOrderConsolidateOnPO Bool
PartsPurchaseOrderCreatePO Bool
PartsPurchaseOrderPromiseDate Datetime
PartsPurchaseOrderVendorId String
PartsQuantity Decimal
PartsQuantityBackordered Decimal
PartsShipToAddressOptionType String
PartsStatusCodeId String
PartsUseType String
PartsWarehouseId String
PartsConsolidateOnPO Bool
PartsIsOnReturnDocument Bool
PartsIsOnTransfer Bool
PartsLotDetailsAggregate String
PartsPurchaseOrderLineKeyLineSequenceNumber Int
PartsPurchaseOrderLineKeyPurchaseTransactionId String
PartsQuantityAllocated Decimal
PartsQuantitySold Decimal
PartsReturnMaterialAuthorizationLineKeyLineSequenceNumber Int
PartsReturnMaterialAuthorizationLineKeyServiceDocumentId String
PartsSerialDetailsAggregate String
PartsTotalCostCurrency String
PartsTotalCost Decimal
PartsTransferFromWarehouseId String
PartsTransferLineKeyLineSequenceNumber Int
PartsTransferLineKeyServiceDocumentId String
PartsTransferQuantity Decimal
Type String
WasNotified Bool

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: ServiceEquipmentReadings

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressCity String
AddressLine1 String
AddressLine2 String
AddressLine3 String
AddressPostalCode String
AddressState String
AddressContactPerson String
AddressCountry String
AddressId String
AssetTag String
CustomerId String
InstallDate Datetime
Id String
KeyItemId String
LastCalculatedDate Datetime
LastPreventiveMaintenanceDate Datetime
LastServiceDate Datetime
Note String
OfficeId String
PreventiveMaintenanceDay Int
PreventiveMaintenanceMonth String
Quantity Decimal
ReadingsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ReadingsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
ReadingsKeyServiceEquipmentId [KEY] String
ReadingsKeyServiceEquipmentKeyItemId [KEY] String
ReadingsMeter1ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ReadingsMeter1CurrentReading Int
ReadingsMeter1Replaced Bool
ReadingsMeter2ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ReadingsMeter2CurrentReading Int
ReadingsMeter2Replaced Bool
ReadingsMeter3ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ReadingsMeter3CurrentReading Int
ReadingsMeter3Replaced Bool
ReadingsMeter4ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ReadingsMeter4CurrentReading Int
ReadingsMeter4Replaced Bool
ReadingsMeter5ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ReadingsMeter5CurrentReading Int
ReadingsMeter5Replaced Bool
ReadingsModifiedBy String
ReadingsModifiedDate Datetime
ReadingsReadingEnteredFrom String
Reference String
RegisterDate Datetime
SellerWarrantyCodeExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SellerWarrantyCodeEndDate Datetime
SellerWarrantyCodeId String
SellerWarrantyCodeStartDate Datetime
SerialNumber String
ServiceAreaId String
ShippedDate Datetime
StatusId String
TechnicianId String
TimeZoneId String
UserDefined01 String
UserDefined02 String
UserDefined03 String
UserDefined04 String
UserDefined05 String
VendorId String
VendorWarrantyCodeExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
VendorWarrantyCodeEndDate Datetime
VendorWarrantyCodeId String
VendorWarrantyCodeStartDate Datetime
Version String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

ServicioCotizaciónCargos Adicionales

Devolver una lista de: ServiceQuoteAdditionalCharges

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BillToAddressId String
BillToCustomerId String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
EntryDateTime Datetime
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
Id String
Note String
OfficeId String
RateTypeId String
ShipToAddressId String
TransactionState String
UserDefined01 String
UserDefined02 String
UserDefined03 String
UserDefined04 String
UserDefined05 String
AuditsAggregate String
CustomerReference String
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentTotalCurrency String
DocumentTotal Decimal
EstimatedTimeToRepair Decimal
IsOnHold Bool
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LaborChargesBillablePercent Decimal
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalAmount Decimal
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalCost Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost Decimal
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PartsChargesBillablePercent Decimal
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalAmount Decimal
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalCost Decimal
PaymentTermsId String
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency String
PreTaxDocumentAmount Decimal
PriceLevelId String
Priority Int
ResponseDateTime Datetime
SalesPersonId String
ServiceAreaId String
ServiceContractId String
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber Decimal
ServiceTypeId String
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
StatusCodeId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxScheduleId String
TechnicianId String
TimeZoneId String
AdditionalChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AdditionalChargesEntryDateTime Datetime
AdditionalChargesEquipmentLineSequenceNumber Int
AdditionalChargesFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
AdditionalChargesItemDescription String
AdditionalChargesItemId String
AdditionalChargesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
AdditionalChargesKeyServiceDocumentId [KEY] String
AdditionalChargesNote String
AdditionalChargesPriceLevelId String
AdditionalChargesTaxAmountCurrency String
AdditionalChargesTaxAmount Decimal
AdditionalChargesTechnicianId String
AdditionalChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
AdditionalChargesTotalAmount Decimal
AdditionalChargesUnitCostCurrency String
AdditionalChargesUnitCost Decimal
AdditionalChargesUnitPriceCurrency String
AdditionalChargesUnitPrice Decimal
AdditionalChargesUofM String
AdditionalChargesBillableMiscellaneousPercent Decimal
AdditionalChargesPurchaseOrderConsolidateOnPO Bool
AdditionalChargesPurchaseOrderCreatePO Bool
AdditionalChargesPurchaseOrderPromiseDate Datetime
AdditionalChargesPurchaseOrderVendorId String
AdditionalChargesPurchaseOrderLineKeyLineSequenceNumber Int
AdditionalChargesPurchaseOrderLineKeyPurchaseTransactionId String
AdditionalChargesQuantitySold Decimal
AdditionalChargesTotalCostCurrency String
AdditionalChargesTotalCost Decimal
EquipmentCodesAggregate String
ExpensesAggregate String
LaborAggregate String
PartsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ServiceQuoteEquipmentCodes

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BillToAddressId String
BillToCustomerId String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
EntryDateTime Datetime
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
Id String
Note String
OfficeId String
RateTypeId String
ShipToAddressId String
TransactionState String
UserDefined01 String
UserDefined02 String
UserDefined03 String
UserDefined04 String
UserDefined05 String
AuditsAggregate String
CustomerReference String
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentTotalCurrency String
DocumentTotal Decimal
EstimatedTimeToRepair Decimal
IsOnHold Bool
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LaborChargesBillablePercent Decimal
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalAmount Decimal
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalCost Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost Decimal
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PartsChargesBillablePercent Decimal
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalAmount Decimal
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalCost Decimal
PaymentTermsId String
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency String
PreTaxDocumentAmount Decimal
PriceLevelId String
Priority Int
ResponseDateTime Datetime
SalesPersonId String
ServiceAreaId String
ServiceContractId String
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber Decimal
ServiceTypeId String
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
StatusCodeId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxScheduleId String
TechnicianId String
TimeZoneId String
AdditionalChargesAggregate String
EquipmentCodesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
EquipmentCodesCauseCodeId String
EquipmentCodesEquipmentLineSequenceNumber Int
EquipmentCodesItemId String
EquipmentCodesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
EquipmentCodesKeyServiceDocumentId [KEY] String
EquipmentCodesProblemCodeId String
EquipmentCodesRepairCodeId String
EquipmentCodesSerialNumber String
ExpensesAggregate String
LaborAggregate String
PartsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ServiceQuoteExpenses

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BillToAddressId String
BillToCustomerId String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
EntryDateTime Datetime
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
Id String
Note String
OfficeId String
RateTypeId String
ShipToAddressId String
TransactionState String
UserDefined01 String
UserDefined02 String
UserDefined03 String
UserDefined04 String
UserDefined05 String
AuditsAggregate String
CustomerReference String
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentTotalCurrency String
DocumentTotal Decimal
EstimatedTimeToRepair Decimal
IsOnHold Bool
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LaborChargesBillablePercent Decimal
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalAmount Decimal
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalCost Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost Decimal
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PartsChargesBillablePercent Decimal
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalAmount Decimal
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalCost Decimal
PaymentTermsId String
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency String
PreTaxDocumentAmount Decimal
PriceLevelId String
Priority Int
ResponseDateTime Datetime
SalesPersonId String
ServiceAreaId String
ServiceContractId String
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber Decimal
ServiceTypeId String
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
StatusCodeId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxScheduleId String
TechnicianId String
TimeZoneId String
AdditionalChargesAggregate String
EquipmentCodesAggregate String
ExpensesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ExpensesEntryDateTime Datetime
ExpensesEquipmentLineSequenceNumber Int
ExpensesFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
ExpensesItemDescription String
ExpensesItemId String
ExpensesKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
ExpensesKeyServiceDocumentId [KEY] String
ExpensesNote String
ExpensesPriceLevelId String
ExpensesTaxAmountCurrency String
ExpensesTaxAmount Decimal
ExpensesTechnicianId String
ExpensesTotalAmountCurrency String
ExpensesTotalAmount Decimal
ExpensesUnitCostCurrency String
ExpensesUnitCost Decimal
ExpensesUnitPriceCurrency String
ExpensesUnitPrice Decimal
ExpensesUofM String
ExpensesBillableMiscellaneousPercent Decimal
ExpensesPurchaseOrderConsolidateOnPO Bool
ExpensesPurchaseOrderCreatePO Bool
ExpensesPurchaseOrderPromiseDate Datetime
ExpensesPurchaseOrderVendorId String
ExpensesPurchaseOrderLineKeyLineSequenceNumber Int
ExpensesPurchaseOrderLineKeyPurchaseTransactionId String
ExpensesQuantitySold Decimal
ExpensesTotalCostCurrency String
ExpensesTotalCost Decimal
LaborAggregate String
PartsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ServiceQuoteLabor

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BillToAddressId String
BillToCustomerId String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
EntryDateTime Datetime
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
Id String
Note String
OfficeId String
RateTypeId String
ShipToAddressId String
TransactionState String
UserDefined01 String
UserDefined02 String
UserDefined03 String
UserDefined04 String
UserDefined05 String
AuditsAggregate String
CustomerReference String
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentTotalCurrency String
DocumentTotal Decimal
EstimatedTimeToRepair Decimal
IsOnHold Bool
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LaborChargesBillablePercent Decimal
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalAmount Decimal
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalCost Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost Decimal
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PartsChargesBillablePercent Decimal
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalAmount Decimal
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalCost Decimal
PaymentTermsId String
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency String
PreTaxDocumentAmount Decimal
PriceLevelId String
Priority Int
ResponseDateTime Datetime
SalesPersonId String
ServiceAreaId String
ServiceContractId String
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber Decimal
ServiceTypeId String
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
StatusCodeId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxScheduleId String
TechnicianId String
TimeZoneId String
AdditionalChargesAggregate String
EquipmentCodesAggregate String
ExpensesAggregate String
LaborExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LaborEntryDateTime Datetime
LaborEquipmentLineSequenceNumber Int
LaborFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
LaborItemDescription String
LaborItemId String
LaborKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
LaborKeyServiceDocumentId [KEY] String
LaborNote String
LaborPriceLevelId String
LaborTaxAmountCurrency String
LaborTaxAmount Decimal
LaborTechnicianId String
LaborTotalAmountCurrency String
LaborTotalAmount Decimal
LaborUnitCostCurrency String
LaborUnitCost Decimal
LaborUnitPriceCurrency String
LaborUnitPrice Decimal
LaborUofM String
LaborBillableLaborPercent Decimal
LaborBillableTime Int
LaborDistanceTraveledExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LaborDistanceTraveledEnding Int
LaborDistanceTraveledStarting Int
LaborDistanceTraveledUsed Int
LaborEndDateTime Datetime
LaborQuantity Decimal
LaborQuantitySold Decimal
LaborStartDateTime Datetime
LaborTotalCostCurrency String
LaborTotalCost Decimal
LaborTransactionTime Int
LaborUseType String
LaborWorkTypeId String
PartsAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: ServiceQuoteParts

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BillToAddressId String
BillToCustomerId String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
CustomerId String
CustomerName String
CustomerPONumber String
EntryDateTime Datetime
EstimatedArrivalDateTime Datetime
ExchangeDate Datetime
ExchangeRate Decimal
FrontOfficeIntegrationId String
Id String
Note String
OfficeId String
RateTypeId String
ShipToAddressId String
TransactionState String
UserDefined01 String
UserDefined02 String
UserDefined03 String
UserDefined04 String
UserDefined05 String
AuditsAggregate String
CustomerReference String
Description String
DistributionsAggregate String
DocumentTotalCurrency String
DocumentTotal Decimal
EstimatedTimeToRepair Decimal
IsOnHold Bool
LaborChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
LaborChargesBillablePercent Decimal
LaborChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalAmount Decimal
LaborChargesTotalCostCurrency String
LaborChargesTotalCost Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
MiscellaneousChargesBillablePercent Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalAmount Decimal
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCostCurrency String
MiscellaneousChargesTotalCost Decimal
PartsChargesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PartsChargesBillablePercent Decimal
PartsChargesTotalAmountCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalAmount Decimal
PartsChargesTotalCostCurrency String
PartsChargesTotalCost Decimal
PaymentTermsId String
PreTaxDocumentAmountCurrency String
PreTaxDocumentAmount Decimal
PriceLevelId String
Priority Int
ResponseDateTime Datetime
SalesPersonId String
ServiceAreaId String
ServiceContractId String
ServiceContractLineSequenceNumber Decimal
ServiceTypeId String
ShipToAddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ShipToAddressCity String
ShipToAddressLine1 String
ShipToAddressLine2 String
ShipToAddressLine3 String
ShipToAddressPostalCode String
ShipToAddressState String
ShipToAddressCountryRegion String
ShipToAddressContactPerson String
ShipToAddressPhone1CountryCode String
ShipToAddressPhone1Extension String
ShipToAddressPhone1 String
StatusCodeId String
TaxAmountCurrency String
TaxAmount Decimal
TaxExemptNumber1 String
TaxExemptNumber2 String
TaxScheduleId String
TechnicianId String
TimeZoneId String
AdditionalChargesAggregate String
EquipmentCodesAggregate String
ExpensesAggregate String
LaborAggregate String
PartsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
PartsEntryDateTime Datetime
PartsEquipmentLineSequenceNumber Int
PartsFrontOfficeIntegrationId String
PartsItemDescription String
PartsItemId String
PartsKeyLineSequenceNumber [KEY] Int
PartsKeyServiceDocumentId [KEY] String
PartsNote String
PartsPriceLevelId String
PartsTaxAmountCurrency String
PartsTaxAmount Decimal
PartsTechnicianId String
PartsTotalAmountCurrency String
PartsTotalAmount Decimal
PartsUnitCostCurrency String
PartsUnitCost Decimal
PartsUnitPriceCurrency String
PartsUnitPrice Decimal
PartsUofM String
PartsBillablePartsPercent Decimal
PartsDoNotCreateReturnLine Bool
PartsMiscellaneousAddressId String
PartsPurchaseOrderConsolidateOnPO Bool
PartsPurchaseOrderCreatePO Bool
PartsPurchaseOrderPromiseDate Datetime
PartsPurchaseOrderVendorId String
PartsQuantity Decimal
PartsQuantityBackordered Decimal
PartsShipToAddressOptionType String
PartsStatusCodeId String
PartsUseType String
PartsWarehouseId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Método de Envío

Devolver una lista de: ShippingMethod

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
Carrier String
CarrierAccount String
Contact String
CreatedDate Datetime
Description String
Id [KEY] String
ModifiedBy String
ModifiedDate Datetime
PhoneNumberCountryCode String
PhoneNumberExtension String
PhoneNumber String
Type String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: SkillSetSkills

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AvailableSkills Int
SkillSetId String
SkillsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SkillsCompensationExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
SkillsCompensationCompensationAmount Decimal
SkillsCompensationCompensationPeriod String
SkillsDeleteOnUpdate Bool
SkillsSkillId [KEY] String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: UofMSchedule

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BaseUofM String
Description String
DetailsAggregate String
Id [KEY] String
LastModifiedBy String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
UofMDecimalPlacesQuantities String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: UofMScheduleDetails

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BaseUofM String
Description String
DetailsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DetailsEquivalentUofM String
DetailsEquivalentUofMQuantity Decimal
DetailsKeySequenceNumber [KEY] Int
DetailsKeyUofMScheduleId [KEY] String
DetailsLastModifiedBy String
DetailsLastModifiedDate Datetime
DetailsLongDescription String
DetailsQuantityInBaseUofM Decimal
DetailsUofM String
Id String
LastModifiedBy String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
UofMDecimalPlacesQuantities String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Objeto Empresarial Asignable por el Usuario

Devolver una lista de: UserAssignableBusinessObject

Nombre Tipo Descripción
BusinessObjectTypeDisplayName String
BusinessObjectTypeId [KEY] String
IsKeyEqualToDisplayId Bool
SupportedContainment String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Direcciones de Proveedores

Devolver una lista de: VendorAddresses

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AccountsPayableGLAccountId String
AccountsPayableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
AccruedPurchasesGLAccountId String
AccruedPurchasesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
AddressesExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressesCity String
AddressesLine1 String
AddressesLine2 String
AddressesLine3 String
AddressesPostalCode String
AddressesState String
AddressesCountryRegion String
AddressesFaxCountryCode String
AddressesFaxExtension String
AddressesFax String
AddressesPhone1CountryCode String
AddressesPhone1Extension String
AddressesPhone1 String
AddressesPhone2CountryCode String
AddressesPhone2Extension String
AddressesPhone2 String
AddressesPhone3CountryCode String
AddressesPhone3Extension String
AddressesPhone3 String
AddressesCountryRegionCodeId String
AddressesContactPerson String
AddressesName String
AddressesCreatedDate Datetime
AddressesInternetAddressesAdditionalInformation String
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailBccAddress String
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailCcAddress String
AddressesInternetAddressesEmailToAddress String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField1 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField2 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField3 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField4 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField5 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField6 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField7 String
AddressesInternetAddressesInternetField8 String
AddressesInternetAddressesMessengerAddress String
AddressesLastModifiedDate Datetime
AddressesModifiedDate Datetime
AddressesShippingMethodId String
AddressesTaxScheduleId String
AddressesUPSZone String
AddressesUserDefined1 String
AddressesUserDefined2 String
AddressesDeleteOnUpdate Bool
AddressesId [KEY] String
AddressesKeyVendorId [KEY] String
AllowRevaluation Bool
BankAccountId String
CashGLAccountId String
CashGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
CheckName String
ClassId String
Comment1 String
Comment2 String
CreatedDate Datetime
CreditLimitItem String
CurrencyKeyISOCode String
DefaultAddressId String
DefaultAddressKeyVendorId String
DefaultCashAccountType String
DiscountGracePeriod Int
DueDateGracePeriod Int
FinanceChargesGLAccountId String
FinanceChargesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
FreeOnBoard String
FreightGLAccountId String
FreightGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
HistoryOptionsKeepCalendarHistory Bool
HistoryOptionsKeepDistributionHistory Bool
HistoryOptionsKeepFiscalHistory Bool
HistoryOptionsKeepTransactionHistory Bool
IsActive Bool
IsOnHold Bool
IsOneTime Bool
Id String
Language String
MaximumInvoiceItem String
MaximumWriteoffItem String
MinimumOrderAmountCurrency String
MinimumOrderAmount Decimal
MinimumPaymentItem String
MiscellaneousGLAccountId String
MiscellaneousGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
ModifiedDate Datetime
Name String
Notes String
PaymentPriority String
PaymentTermsId String
PostResultsTo String
ProjectAccountingOptionsDefaultPurchaseOrderFormat String
ProjectAccountingOptionsUnitCostCurrency String
ProjectAccountingOptionsUnitCost Decimal
ProjectAccountingOptionsUnitOfMeasure String
ProjectAccountingOptionsUserDefined1 String
ProjectAccountingOptionsUserDefined2 String
PurchaseAddressId String
PurchaseAddressKeyVendorId String
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountId String
PurchasePriceVarianceGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
PurchasesGLAccountId String
PurchasesGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
RateTypeId String
RemitToAddressId String
RemitToAddressKeyVendorId String
ShipFromAddressId String
ShipFromAddressKeyVendorId String
ShortName String
Tax1099BoxNumber Int
Tax1099Type String
TaxGLAccountId String
TaxGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
TaxIdentificationNumber String
TaxRegistrationNumber String
TaxSchedule String
TermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountId String
TermsDiscountAvailableGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
TermsDiscountTakenGLAccountId String
TermsDiscountTakenGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
TradeDiscountGLAccountId String
TradeDiscountGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool
TradeDiscountPercent Decimal
UserDefined1 String
UserDefined2 String
UserLanguageId Int
VendorAccountNumber String
WorkflowPriority String
WorkflowsAggregate String
WriteoffGLAccountId String
WriteoffGLAccountKeyIsEncrypted Bool

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: VendorManufacturingOrder

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualDemand Decimal
BOMCategory String
BOMRevisionLevel String
ComponentCalculation String
DateCompleted Datetime
Description String
DrawFromSite String
EndDate Datetime
EndingQty Decimal
IsArchivedMO Bool
IsQuickMO Bool
ItemId String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LotNumber String
ManufacturingOrderDocumentId [KEY] String
Notes String
OrderStatus String
OutSourced String
PickNumber String
PlanName String
PostToSite String
Priority String
RoutingName String
RoutingRevisionLevel String
ScheduleMethod String
SchedulingPreference String
StartDate Datetime
StartingQty Decimal
RouteAggregate String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devuelve una lista de: VendorManufacturingOrderRoute

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
ActualDemand Decimal
BOMCategory String
BOMRevisionLevel String
ComponentCalculation String
DateCompleted Datetime
Description String
DrawFromSite String
EndDate Datetime
EndingQty Decimal
IsArchivedMO Bool
IsQuickMO Bool
ItemId String
LastModifiedDate Datetime
LotNumber String
ManufacturingOrderDocumentId String
Notes String
OrderStatus String
OutSourced String
PickNumber String
PlanName String
PostToSite String
Priority String
RoutingName String
RoutingRevisionLevel String
ScheduleMethod String
SchedulingPreference String
StartDate Datetime
StartingQty Decimal
RouteActualFinishDate Datetime
RouteActualStartDate Datetime
RouteClosedBy String
RouteCycleTime Decimal
RouteDateClosed Datetime
RouteDateCreated Datetime
RouteDrawingNumber String
RouteIsAutoBackFlushLabor Bool
RouteIsAutoBackFlushMachine Bool
RouteIsCapacityRequirementsPlanned Bool
RouteIsDone Bool
RouteIsLastSequenceofTheDay Bool
RouteIsMultiEmployeeOperation Bool
RouteIsPhantomItem Bool
RouteIsQualityAssuranceNeeded Bool
RouteLaborCode1 String
RouteLaborCode2 String
RouteLaborTime Decimal
RouteLastModifiedDate Datetime
RouteMRPAmountCurrency String
RouteMRPAmount Decimal
RouteMachineId String
RouteMachineTime Decimal
RouteManufacturingNote String
RouteManufacturingOrderDocumentId String
RouteMoveTime Decimal
RouteNextRouteNumber String
RouteNotes String
RouteNumberOfCrews Int
RouteNumberOfEmployees Int
RouteNumberOfMachines Int
RouteOperationCode String
RoutePOOffsetDays Int
RoutePercentageComplete Int
RoutePieces Decimal
RouteQuantity Decimal
RouteQueueTime Decimal
RouteRejects Decimal
RouteRouteMachineID String
RouteRoutePartNumber String
RouteRouteSeqDescription String
RouteRouteSequenceNum [KEY] Int
RouteRouteSequenceType String
RouteRouteWorkCenter String
RouteRunTime Decimal
RouteScheduledFinishDate Datetime
RouteScheduledStartDate Datetime
RouteServiceItemDateReleased Datetime
RouteServiceItemManufacturingOrderDocumentId String
RouteServiceItemQtyToOrder Decimal
RouteServiceItemRequiredDate Datetime
RouteServiceItemRouteSequenceNum Int
RouteServiceItemServiceItemId String
RouteServiceItemSuggestedQty Decimal
RouteSetupTime Decimal
RouteUserDef1 String
RouteUserDef2 String
RouteVendorId String
RouteVendorName String
RouteWIPOutputPerMOStartQty Decimal
RouteWaitHours Int
RouteWorkCenter String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: VendorPlannedOrder

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
DueDate Datetime
IsCRPScheduled Bool
ItemId String
ItemsAggregate String
LocationId String
PlannedOrderId [KEY] String
QuantityToOrder Decimal
ReleaseDate Datetime
Replenishment String
RunNumber Int
Transferred Bool
UnitOfMeasure String
VendorId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String


Devolver una lista de: WarehouseBins

Nombre Tipo Descripción
ExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
AddressCity String
AddressLine1 String
AddressLine2 String
AddressLine3 String
AddressPostalCode String
AddressState String
AddressCountryRegion String
AddressFaxCountryCode String
AddressFaxExtension String
AddressFax String
AddressPhone1CountryCode String
AddressPhone1Extension String
AddressPhone1 String
AddressPhone2CountryCode String
AddressPhone2Extension String
AddressPhone2 String
AddressPhone3CountryCode String
AddressPhone3Extension String
AddressPhone3 String
AddressCountryRegionCodeId String
BinsExtensionsExtensionAggregate String
BinsKeyBin [KEY] String
BinsKeyWarehouseId [KEY] String
Description String
IncludeInPlanning Bool
Id String
PurchaseTaxScheduleId String
SalesTaxScheduleId String

Los campos de pseudocolumna se usan en la cláusula WHERE de las declaraciones SELECT y ofrecen un control más granular sobre las tuplas que se devuelven desde la fuente de datos.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
PagingColumn String

Procedimientos Almacenados

Procedimientos almacenados* están disponibles para complementar los datos disponibles del Modelo de datos. Puede ser necesario actualizar los datos disponibles desde una vista usando un procedimiento almacenado* porque los datos no proporcionan actualizaciones bidireccionales directas, similares a tablas. En estas situaciones, la recuperación de los datos se realiza utilizando la vista o tabla adecuada, mientras que la actualización se realiza llamando a un procedimiento almacenado. Procedimientos almacenados* toman una lista de parámetros y devuelven un conjunto de datos que contiene la colección de tuplas que constituyen la respuesta.

Conector Jitterbit para Procedimientos Almacenados de Dynamics GP

Nombre Descripción
CreateSchema Crea un archivo de esquema para la tabla o vista especificada.
VoidCashReceipt Este procedimiento almacenado* anula un recibo de caja.
VoidPurchaseOrder Este procedimiento almacenado* anula un documento de orden de compra.
VoidReceivablesCreditMemo Este procedimiento almacenado* anula una nota de crédito de cuentas por cobrar.
VoidReceivablesReturn Este procedimiento almacenado* anula una devolución de cuentas por cobrar.
VoidSalesBackorder Este procedimiento almacenado* anula un pedido pendiente de ventas.
VoidSalesInvoice Este procedimiento almacenado* anula una factura de venta.
VoidSalesOrder Este procedimiento almacenado* anula una orden de venta.
VoidSalesQuote Este procedimiento almacenado* anula una cotización de venta.
VoidSalesReturn Este procedimiento almacenado* anula una devolución de ventas.


Crea un archivo de esquema para la tabla o vista especificada.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
TableName String El nombre de la tabla o vista.
FileName String La ruta completa del archivo y el nombre del esquema a generar. Ej: 'C:\Users\User\Desktop\Filters\Filters.rsd'
Columnas del Conjunto de Resultados
Nombre Tipo Descripción
Result String Devuelve éxito o fracaso.

Recibo de Efectivo Anulado

Este procedimiento almacenado* anula un recibo de caja.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Id String El objeto de clave de documento de cobros que especifica el recibo de efectivo que se va a anular.
Columnas del Conjunto de Resultados
Nombre Tipo Descripción
Result String Devuelve éxito o fracaso.

Orden de Compra Anulada

Este procedimiento almacenado* anula un documento de orden de compra.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Id String El objeto de clave de transacción de compra que especifica el pedido de compra que se va a anular.
Columnas del Conjunto de Resultados
Nombre Tipo Descripción
Result String Devuelve éxito o fracaso.

NuloCuentas a CobrarCréditoMemo

Este procedimiento almacenado* anula una nota de crédito de cuentas por cobrar.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Id String El objeto de clave de documento de cuentas por cobrar que especifica la nota de crédito de cuentas por cobrar que se va a anular.
Columnas del Conjunto de Resultados
Nombre Tipo Descripción
Result String Devuelve éxito o fracaso.

Anular Cuentas Por Cobrar

Este procedimiento almacenado* anula una devolución de cuentas por cobrar.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Id String El objeto de clave de documento de cuentas por cobrar que especifica que las cuentas por cobrar vuelven a quedar anuladas.
Columnas del Conjunto de Resultados
Nombre Tipo Descripción
Result String Devuelve éxito o fracaso.

Pedido Atrasado de Ventas Anuladas

Este procedimiento almacenado* anula un pedido pendiente de ventas.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Id String El objeto clave del documento de ventas que especifica el pedido pendiente de ventas que se anulará.
Columnas del Conjunto de Resultados
Nombre Tipo Descripción
Result String Devuelve éxito o fracaso.


Este procedimiento almacenado* anula una factura de venta.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Id String El objeto clave del documento de ventas que especifica la factura de venta que se va a anular.
Columnas del Conjunto de Resultados
Nombre Tipo Descripción
Result String Devuelve éxito o fracaso.

Pedido de Ventas Anulado

Este procedimiento almacenado* anula una orden de venta.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Id String El objeto clave del documento de ventas que especifica el pedido de ventas que se va a anular.
Columnas del Conjunto de Resultados
Nombre Tipo Descripción
Result String Devuelve éxito o fracaso.


Este procedimiento almacenado* anula una cotización de venta.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Id String El objeto clave del documento de ventas que especifica la oferta de venta que se va a anular.
Columnas del Conjunto de Resultados
Nombre Tipo Descripción
Result String Devuelve éxito o fracaso.


Este procedimiento almacenado* anula una devolución de ventas.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
Id String El objeto clave del documento de ventas que especifica la devolución de ventas para anularla.
Columnas del Conjunto de Resultados
Nombre Tipo Descripción
Result String Devuelve éxito o fracaso.

Tablas del Sistema

Puede consultar las tablas del sistema que se describen en esta sección para acceder a la información del esquema, la información sobre la funcionalidad del origen de datos y las estadísticas de operación lote.

Tablas de Esquema

Las siguientes tablas devuelven metadatos de la base de datos para Dynamics GP:

Tablas de Fuentes de Datos

Las siguientes tablas devuelven información sobre cómo conectarse y consultar la fuente de datos:

  • sys_connection_props: Devuelve información sobre las propiedades de conexión disponibles.
  • sys_sqlinfo: describe las consultas SELECT que el conector puede descargar al origen de datos.

Tablas de Información de Consultas

La siguiente tabla devuelve estadísticas de consultar para consultas de modificación de datos:

  • identidad_sys: devuelve información sobre operaciones lote o actualizaciones individuales.


Enumera las bases de datos disponibles.

La siguiente consultar recupera todas las bases de datos determinadas por la cadena de conexión:

SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Nombre Tipo Descripción
CatalogName String El nombre de la base de datos.


Enumera los esquemas disponibles.

La siguiente consultar recupera todos los esquemas disponibles:

SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Nombre Tipo Descripción
CatalogName String El nombre de la base de datos.
SchemaName String El nombre del esquema.


Enumera las tablas disponibles.

La siguiente consultar recupera las tablas y vistas disponibles:

SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Nombre Tipo Descripción
CatalogName String La base de datos que contiene la tabla o vista.
SchemaName String El esquema que contiene la tabla o vista.
TableName String El nombre de la tabla o vista.
TableType String El tipo de tabla (tabla o vista).
Description String Una descripción de la tabla o vista.
IsUpdateable Boolean Si la tabla se puede actualizar.


Describe las columnas de las tablas y vistas disponibles.

La siguiente consultar devuelve las columnas y los tipos de datos de la tabla Customer:

SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='Customer' 
Nombre Tipo Descripción
CatalogName String El nombre de la base de datos que contiene la tabla o vista.
SchemaName String El esquema que contiene la tabla o vista.
TableName String El nombre de la tabla o vista que contiene la columna.
ColumnName String El nombre de la columna.
DataTypeName String El nombre del tipo de datos.
DataType Int32 Un número entero que indica el tipo de datos. Este valor se determina en tiempo de ejecución en función del ambiente.
Length Int32 El tamaño de almacenamiento de la columna.
DisplaySize Int32 El ancho máximo normal de la columna designada en caracteres.
NumericPrecision Int32 El número máximo de dígitos en datos numéricos. La longitud de la columna en caracteres para datos de carácter y fecha y hora.
NumericScale Int32 La escala de columna o número de dígitos a la derecha del punto decimal.
IsNullable Boolean Si la columna puede contener nulo.
Description String Una breve descripción de la columna.
Ordinal Int32 El número de secuencia de la columna.
IsAutoIncrement String Si el valor de la columna se asigna en incrementos fijos.
IsGeneratedColumn String Si se genera la columna.
IsHidden Boolean Si la columna está oculta.
IsArray Boolean Si la columna es una matriz.


Describe las claves primarias y foráneas. La siguiente consultar recupera la clave principal de la tabla Customer:

SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='Customer'
Nombre Tipo Descripción
CatalogName String El nombre de la base de datos que contiene la clave.
SchemaName String El nombre del esquema que contiene la clave.
TableName String El nombre de la tabla que contiene la clave.
ColumnName String El nombre de la columna clave.
IsKey Boolean Si la columna es una clave principal en la tabla a la que se hace referencia en el campo TableName.
IsForeignKey Boolean Si la columna es una clave externa a la que se hace referencia en el campo TableName.
PrimaryKeyName String El nombre de la clave principal.
ForeignKeyName String El nombre de la clave foránea.
ReferencedCatalogName String La base de datos que contiene la clave principal.
ReferencedSchemaName String El esquema que contiene la clave principal.
ReferencedTableName String La tabla que contiene la clave principal.
ReferencedColumnName String El nombre de la columna de la clave principal.


Describe las claves foráneas. La siguiente consultar recupera todas las claves foráneas que hacen referencia a otras tablas:

SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
Nombre Tipo Descripción
CatalogName String El nombre de la base de datos que contiene la clave.
SchemaName String El nombre del esquema que contiene la clave.
TableName String El nombre de la tabla que contiene la clave.
ColumnName String El nombre de la columna clave.
PrimaryKeyName String El nombre de la clave principal.
ForeignKeyName String El nombre de la clave foránea.
ReferencedCatalogName String La base de datos que contiene la clave principal.
ReferencedSchemaName String El esquema que contiene la clave principal.
ReferencedTableName String La tabla que contiene la clave principal.
ReferencedColumnName String El nombre de la columna de la clave principal.
ForeignKeyType String Designa si la clave externa es una clave de importación (apunta a otras tablas) o de exportación (hace referencia desde otras tablas).


Describe los índices disponibles. Al filtrar en los índices, puede escribir consultas más selectivas con tiempos de respuesta de consultar más rápidos.

La siguiente consultar recupera todos los índices que no son claves principales:

SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Nombre Tipo Descripción
CatalogName String El nombre de la base de datos que contiene el índice.
SchemaName String El nombre del esquema que contiene el índice.
TableName String El nombre de la tabla que contiene el índice.
IndexName String El nombre del índice.
ColumnName String El nombre de la columna asociada con el índice.
IsUnique Boolean True si el índice es único. Falso en caso contrario.
IsPrimary Boolean True si el índice es una clave principal. Falso en caso contrario.
Type Int16 Un valor entero correspondiente al tipo de índice: estadística (0), agrupado (1), hash (2) u otro (3).
SortOrder String El orden de clasificación: A para ascender o D para descender.
OrdinalPosition Int16 El número de secuencia de la columna en el índice.


Devuelve información sobre las propiedades de conexión disponibles y las establecidas en la cadena de conexión.

Al consultar esta tabla, se debe usar la cadena de conexión de configuración:


Esta cadena de conexión le permite consultar esta tabla sin una conexión válida.

La siguiente consultar recupera todas las propiedades de conexión que se han establecido en la cadena de conexión o se han establecido a través de un valor predeterminado:

SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Nombre Tipo Descripción
Name String El nombre de la propiedad de conexión.
ShortDescription String Una breve descripción.
Type String El tipo de datos de la propiedad de conexión.
Default String El valor predeterminado si no se establece uno explícitamente.
Values String Una lista separada por comas de valores posibles. Se lanza un error de validación si se especifica otro valor.
Value String El valor que establezca o un valor predeterminado preconfigurado.
Required Boolean Si la propiedad es necesaria para conectarse.
Category String La categoría de la propiedad de conexión.
IsSessionProperty String Si la propiedad es una propiedad de sesión, utilizada para guardar información sobre la conexión actual.
Sensitivity String El nivel de sensibilidad de la propiedad. Esto informa si la propiedad está ofuscada en los formularios de registro y autenticación.
PropertyName String Una forma truncada en mayúsculas y minúsculas del nombre de la propiedad de conexión.
Ordinal Int32 El índice del parámetro.
CatOrdinal Int32 El índice de la categoría de parámetro.
Hierarchy String Muestra las propiedades dependientes asociadas que deben configurarse junto con esta.
Visible Boolean Informa si la propiedad está visible en la interfaz de usuario de la conexión.
ETC String Diversa información miscelánea sobre la propiedad.


Describe el procesamiento de consultar SELECT que el conector puede descargar al origen de datos.

Procesamiento Colaborativo de Consultas

Al trabajar con fuentes de datos que no admiten SQL-92, puede consultar la vista sys_sqlinfo para determinar las capacidades de consultar de las APIs subyacentes, expresadas en sintaxis SQL. El conector descarga la mayor cantidad posible del procesamiento de sentencias SELECT al servidor y luego procesa el resto de la consultar en la memoria.

Descubrimiento de las Capacidades SELECT de la Fuente de Datos

A continuación se muestra un conjunto de datos de ejemplo de las capacidades de SQL. El siguiente conjunto de resultados indica la funcionalidad SELECT que el conector puede descargar en el origen de datos o en el lado del cliente del proceso. Su fuente de datos puede admitir sintaxis SQL adicional. Algunos aspectos de la funcionalidad SELECT se devuelven en una lista separada por comas si es compatible; de lo contrario, la columna contiene NO.

Nombre Descripción Valores posibles
AGGREGATE_FUNCTIONS Funciones de agregación admitidas. AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, SUM, DISTINCT
COUNT Si se admite la función COUNT. YES, NO
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR El carácter de apertura utilizado para escapar de un identificador. [
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR El carácter de cierre utilizado para escapar de un identificador. ]
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS Una lista de operadores de SQL admitidos. =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR
GROUP_BY Si se admite GROUP BY y, de ser así, el grado de compatibilidad. NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES Indica tablas omitidas durante la replicación.
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS Una matriz de cadenas que contiene una lista de columnas que se usarán para verificar (en el orden dado) para usar como una columna modificada durante la replicación.
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN Valor de cadena que indica qué cadena es válida para un identificador.
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION Indica si el proveedor admite transacciones como compromiso y reversión. YES, NO
DIALECT Indica el dialecto SQL a usar.
KEY_PROPERTIES Indica las propiedades que identifican la base de datos uniforme.
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS Indica si pueden existir varios esquemas para el proveedor. YES, NO
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS Indica si pueden existir varios catálogos para el proveedor. YES, NO
DATASYNCVERSION La versión de sincronización de datos necesaria para acceder a este controlador. Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise
DATASYNCCATEGORY La categoría Sincronización de datos de este controlador. Source, Destination, Cloud Destination
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL Si se admite la funcionalidad de SQL mejorada más allá de lo que ofrece la API. TRUE, FALSE
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS Si se admiten las operaciones lote. YES, NO
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS Un valor de cadena especifica las cacheOptions preferidas.
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY Indica si el controlador admite directamente consultas avanzadas provenientes de Entity Framework. De lo contrario, las consultas se manejarán del lado del cliente. YES, NO
PSEUDO_COLUMNS Una matriz de cadenas que indica las pseudocolumnas disponibles.
MERGE_ALWAYS Si el valor es verdadero, el modo de combinación se ejecuta a la fuerza en la sincronización de datos. TRUE, FALSE
REPLICATION_MIN_DATE_QUERY Una consultar de selección para devolver la fecha y hora de inicio de la réplica.
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION Permite que un proveedor especifique el nombre de la fórmula que se usará para ejecutar un min del lado del servidor.
REPLICATION_START_DATE Permite que un proveedor especifique una fecha de inicio de réplica.
REPLICATION_MAX_DATE_QUERY Una consultar de selección para devolver la fecha y hora de finalización de la réplica.
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION Permite que un proveedor especifique el nombre de la fórmula que se usará para ejecutar un máx. del lado del servidor.
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE Una lista de tablas que omitirán dividir la réplica en fragmentos en la réplica inicial.
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID Indica si la instrucción CheckCache debe realizarse en la columna de clave principal. TRUE, FALSE
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES Indica procedimientos almacenados* que se puede utilizar para generar archivos de esquema.

La siguiente consultar recupera los operadores que se pueden usar en la cláusula WHERE:


Tenga en cuenta que las tablas individuales pueden tener diferentes limitaciones o requisitos en la cláusula WHERE; consulte el Modelo de datos para obtener más información.

Nombre Tipo Descripción
NAME String Un componente de la sintaxis SQL o una capacidad que se puede procesar en el servidor.
VALUE String Detalles sobre el SQL o la sintaxis de SQL admitidos.


Devuelve información sobre los intentos de modificación.

La siguiente consultar recupera los Id. de las filas modificadas en una operación lote:

SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Nombre Tipo Descripción
Id String El ID generado por la base de datos devuelto de una operación de modificación de datos.
Batch String Un identificador para el lote. 1 para una sola operación.
Operation String El resultado de la operación en el lote: INSERTADO, ACTUALIZADO o ELIMINADO.
Message String ÉXITO o un mensaje de error si falla la actualización en el lote.

Propiedades de Configuraciones Avanzadas

Las propiedades de configuraciones avanzadas son las diversas opciones que se pueden utilizar para establecer una conexión. Esta sección proporciona una lista completa de las opciones que puede configurar. Haga clic en los enlaces para obtener más detalles.


Propiedad Descripción
AuthScheme El esquema utilizado para la autenticación. Las entradas aceptadas son NTLM, Basic, Digest, None y Negotiate.
URL La URL del servidor de Dynamics GP.
User La cuenta de usuario de Dynamics GP utilizada para la autenticación.
Password La contraseña utilizada para autenticar al usuario.
CompanyId El identificador único de la empresa para acceder como fuente de datos.


Propiedad Descripción
KerberosKDC El servicio Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) utilizado para autenticar al usuario.
KerberosRealm El reino de Kerberos utilizado para autenticar al usuario.
KerberosSPN El nombre principal de servicio (SPN) para el controlador de dominio Kerberos.
KerberosKeytabFile El archivo Keytab que contiene sus pares de principales de Kerberos y claves cifradas.
KerberosServiceRealm El dominio Kerberos del servicio.
KerberosServiceKDC El KDC de Kerberos del servicio.
KerberosTicketCache La ruta completa del archivo a un archivo de caché de credenciales de MIT Kerberos.


Propiedad Descripción
SSLServerCert El certificado que se aceptará del servidor al conectarse mediante TLS/SSL.


Propiedad Descripción
Location Una ruta al directorio que contiene los archivos de esquema que definen tablas, vistas y procedimientos almacenados.
BrowsableSchemas Esta propiedad restringe los esquemas informados a un subconjunto de los esquemas disponibles. Por ejemplo, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA, SchemaB, SchemaC.
Tables Esta propiedad restringe las tablas notificadas a un subconjunto de las tablas disponibles. Por ejemplo, Tablas=TablaA, TablaB, TablaC.
Views Restringe las vistas informadas a un subconjunto de las tablas disponibles. Por ejemplo, Vistas=VistaA, VistaB, VistaC.


Propiedad Descripción
IgnoreLookupIdErrors Un valor booleano que indica si se deben ignorar los errores en los identificadores que se buscan.
LookupIds Un valor booleano que indica si se deben buscar los identificadores.
MaxRows Limita el número de filas devueltas cuando no se usa agregación o agrupación en la consultar. Esto ayuda a evitar problemas de rendimiento en el momento del diseño.
Other Estas propiedades ocultas se usan solo en casos de uso específicos.
PseudoColumns Esta propiedad indica si incluir o no pseudocolumnas como columnas en la tabla.
Timeout El valor en segundos hasta que se lanza el error de tiempo de espera, cancelando la operación.


Esta sección proporciona una lista completa de las propiedades de autenticación que puede configurar.

Propiedad Descripción
AuthScheme El esquema utilizado para la autenticación. Las entradas aceptadas son NTLM, Basic, Digest, None y Negotiate.
URL La URL del servidor de Dynamics GP.
User La cuenta de usuario de Dynamics GP utilizada para la autenticación.
Password La contraseña utilizada para autenticar al usuario.
CompanyId El identificador único de la empresa para acceder como fuente de datos.


El esquema utilizado para la autenticación. Las entradas aceptadas son NTLM, Basic, Digest, None y Negotiate.

Valores Posibles

WSS, NTLM, Basic, Digest, None, Negotiate

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Junto con Contraseña y Usuario, este campo se utiliza para autenticarse en el servidor. WSS es la opción predeterminada. Utilice las siguientes opciones para seleccionar su esquema de autenticación:

  • Ninguno: Configure esto para usar la autenticación anónima y conectarse a la fuente de datos de Dynamics GP sin especificar las credenciales del usuario.
  • WSS: configure esto para usar el cifrado WS-SECURITY para los mensajes SOAP.
  • NTLM: configure esto para usar sus credenciales de Windows para autenticarse.
  • Básico: Establezca esto para usar la autenticación HTTP básica.
  • Negociar: Si AuthScheme se establece en NEGOCIAR, el conector negociará un mecanismo de autenticación con el servidor. Colocar AuthScheme para NEGOCIAR para usar la autenticación Kerberos.
  • Digest: configure esto para usar la autenticación HTTP Digest.


La URL del servidor de Dynamics GP.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Esta propiedad es necesaria para conectarse. Se debe especificar la ruta completa. Una URL de servicio típica sigue el patrón: http://{servername}:{port}/Dynamics/GPService.


La cuenta de usuario de Dynamics GP utilizada para la autenticación.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Junto con Contraseña, este campo se usa para autenticarse en el servidor de Dynamics GP.


La contraseña utilizada para autenticar al usuario.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



El usuario y Password se usan juntos para autenticarse con el servidor.

ID de la Compañía

El identificador único de la empresa para acceder como fuente de datos.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Esta propiedad es necesaria para conectarse. Puede obtener este valor en la ventana de configuración de la empresa: Haga clic en Herramientas -> Configuración -> Compañía.


Esta sección proporciona una lista completa de las propiedades de Kerberos que puede configurar.

Propiedad Descripción
KerberosKDC El servicio Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) utilizado para autenticar al usuario.
KerberosRealm El reino de Kerberos utilizado para autenticar al usuario.
KerberosSPN El nombre principal de servicio (SPN) para el controlador de dominio Kerberos.
KerberosKeytabFile El archivo Keytab que contiene sus pares de principales de Kerberos y claves cifradas.
KerberosServiceRealm El dominio Kerberos del servicio.
KerberosServiceKDC El KDC de Kerberos del servicio.
KerberosTicketCache La ruta completa del archivo a un archivo de caché de credenciales de MIT Kerberos.


El servicio Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) utilizado para autenticar al usuario.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Las propiedades de Kerberos se usan cuando se usa SPNEGO o la autenticación de Windows. El conector solicitará vales de sesión y claves de sesión temporales del servicio Kerberos KDC. El servicio Kerberos KDC se coloca convencionalmente con el controlador de dominio.

Si no se especifica Kerberos KDC, el conector intentará detectar estas propiedades automáticamente desde las siguientes ubicaciones:

  • KRB5 Config File (krb5.ini/krb5.conf): Si se establece la variable de ambiente KRB5_CONFIG y el archivo existe, el conector obtendrá el KDC del archivo especificado. De lo contrario, intentará leer desde la ubicación MIT predeterminada según el sistema operativo: C:\ProgramData\MIT\Kerberos5\krb5.ini (Windows) o /etc/krb5.conf (Linux)
  • Java System Properties: Utilizando las propiedades del sistema y
  • Domain Name and Host: El conector inferirá Kerberos Realm y Kerberos KDC a partir del nombre de dominio y el alojar configurados como último recurso.

Nota: La autenticación de Windows solo es compatible con JRE 1.6 y superior.

Reino de Kerberos

El reino de Kerberos utilizado para autenticar al usuario.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Las propiedades de Kerberos se usan cuando se usa SPNEGO o la autenticación de Windows. Kerberos Realm se utiliza para autenticar al usuario con el servicio de distribución de claves Kerberos (KDC). Un administrador puede configurar Kerberos Realm para que sea cualquier cadena, pero convencionalmente se basa en el nombre de dominio.

Si no se especifica Kerberos Realm, el conector intentará detectar estas propiedades automáticamente desde las siguientes ubicaciones:

  • KRB5 Config File (krb5.ini/krb5.conf): Si se establece la variable de ambiente KRB5_CONFIG y el archivo existe, el conector obtendrá el dominio predeterminado del archivo especificado. De lo contrario, intentará leer desde la ubicación MIT predeterminada según el sistema operativo: C:\ProgramData\MIT\Kerberos5\krb5.ini (Windows) o /etc/krb5.conf (Linux)
  • Java System Properties: Utilizando las propiedades del sistema y
  • Domain Name and Host: El conector inferirá Kerberos Realm y Kerberos KDC a partir del nombre de dominio y el alojar configurados por el usuario como último recurso. Esto podría funcionar en algunos ambientes de Windows.

Nota: La autenticación basada en Kerberos solo es compatible con JRE 1.6 y versiones posteriores.


El nombre principal de servicio (SPN) para el controlador de dominio Kerberos.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Si el SPN en el controlador de dominio Kerberos no es el mismo que la URL en la que se está autenticando, use esta propiedad para establecer el SPN.


El archivo Keytab que contiene sus pares de principales de Kerberos y claves cifradas.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



El archivo Keytab que contiene sus pares de principales de Kerberos y claves cifradas.


El dominio Kerberos del servicio.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



El KerberosServiceRealm es la especificación del dominio Kerberos del servicio cuando se utiliza la autenticación Kerberos entre dominios.

En la mayoría de los casos, se utiliza un solo dominio y una máquina KDC para realizar la autenticación Kerberos y esta propiedad no es necesaria.

Esta propiedad está disponible para configuraciones complejas en las que se utilizan un reino y una máquina KDC diferentes para obtener un vale de autenticación (solicitud AS) y un vale de servicio (solicitud TGS).


El KDC de Kerberos del servicio.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



El KerberosServiceKDC se usa para especificar el servicio Kerberos KDC cuando se usa la autenticación Kerberos entre dominios.

En la mayoría de los casos, se utiliza un solo dominio y una máquina KDC para realizar la autenticación Kerberos y esta propiedad no es necesaria.

Esta propiedad está disponible para configuraciones complejas en las que se utilizan un reino y una máquina KDC diferentes para obtener un vale de autenticación (solicitud AS) y un vale de servicio (solicitud TGS).


La ruta completa del archivo a un archivo de caché de credenciales de MIT Kerberos.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Esta propiedad se puede configurar si desea utilizar un archivo de caché de credenciales que se creó mediante el comando kinit o el administrador de tickets de MIT Kerberos.


Esta sección proporciona una lista completa de las propiedades SSL que puede configurar.

Propiedad Descripción
SSLServerCert El certificado que se aceptará del servidor al conectarse mediante TLS/SSL.


El certificado que se aceptará del servidor al conectarse mediante TLS/SSL.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Si usa una conexión TLS/SSL, esta propiedad se puede usar para especificar el certificado TLS/SSL que se aceptará del servidor. Se rechaza cualquier otro certificado que no sea de confianza para la máquina.

Esta propiedad puede tomar las siguientes formas:

Descripción Ejemplo
Un certificado PEM completo (ejemplo abreviado por brevedad) -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
Una ruta a un archivo local que contiene el certificado C:\cert.cer
La clave pública (ejemplo abreviado por brevedad) -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
La huella digital MD5 (los valores hexadecimales también pueden estar separados por espacios o dos puntos) ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4
La huella digital SHA1 (los valores hexadecimales también pueden estar separados por espacios o dos puntos) 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d

Si no se especifica, se acepta cualquier certificado en el que confíe la máquina.

La máquina valida los certificados como confiables según el almacén de confianza del sistema. El almacén de confianza utilizado es el valor '' especificado para el sistema. Si no se especifica ningún valor para esta propiedad, se utiliza el almacén de confianza predeterminado de Java (por ejemplo, JAVA_HOME\lib\security\cacerts).

Use '*' para indicar que acepta todos los certificados. Tenga en cuenta que esto no se recomienda debido a problemas de seguridad.


Esta sección proporciona una lista completa de propiedades de esquema que puede configurar.

Propiedad Descripción
Location Una ruta al directorio que contiene los archivos de esquema que definen tablas, vistas y procedimientos almacenados.
BrowsableSchemas Esta propiedad restringe los esquemas informados a un subconjunto de los esquemas disponibles. Por ejemplo, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA, SchemaB, SchemaC.
Tables Esta propiedad restringe las tablas notificadas a un subconjunto de las tablas disponibles. Por ejemplo, Tablas=TablaA, TablaB, TablaC.
Views Restringe las vistas informadas a un subconjunto de las tablas disponibles. Por ejemplo, Vistas=VistaA, VistaB, VistaC.


Una ruta al directorio que contiene los archivos de esquema que definen tablas, vistas y procedimientos almacenados.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto

"%APPDATA%\\\DynamicsGP Data Provider\\Schema"


La ruta a un directorio que contiene los archivos de esquema para el conector (archivos .rsd para tablas y vistas, archivos .rsb para procedimientos almacenados). La ubicación de la carpeta puede ser una ruta relativa desde la ubicación del ejecutable. El Location La propiedad solo es necesaria si desea personalizar las definiciones (por ejemplo, cambiar el nombre de una columna, ignorar una columna, etc.) o ampliar el modelo de datos con nuevas tablas, vistas o procedimientos almacenados.

Si no se especifica, la ubicación predeterminada es "%APPDATA%\\DynamicsGP Data Provider\Schema" con %APPDATA% estando configurado en el directorio de configuración del usuario:

Plataforma %APPDATA%
Windows El valor de la variable de ambiente APPDATA
Mac ~/Biblioteca/Soporte de aplicaciones
Linux ~/.config

Esquemas Navegables

Esta propiedad restringe los esquemas informados a un subconjunto de los esquemas disponibles. Por ejemplo, BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Enumerar los esquemas de las bases de datos puede resultar costoso. Proporcionar una lista de esquemas en la cadena de conexión mejora el rendimiento.


Esta propiedad restringe las tablas notificadas a un subconjunto de las tablas disponibles. Por ejemplo, Tablas=TablaA,TablaB,TablaC.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Listar las tablas de algunas bases de datos puede resultar costoso. Proporcionar una lista de tablas en la cadena de conexión mejora el rendimiento del conector.

Esta propiedad también se puede utilizar como una alternativa a la lista automática de vistas si ya sabe con cuáles quiere trabajar y, de lo contrario, habría demasiadas para trabajar.

Especifique las tablas que desea en una lista separada por comas. Cada tabla debe ser un identificador SQL válido con cualquier carácter especial escapado usando corchetes, comillas dobles o acentos graves. Por ejemplo, Tables=TableA,[TableB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`TableC With Space`.

Tenga en cuenta que al conectarse a una fuente de datos con varios esquemas o catálogos, deberá proporcionar el nombre completo de la tabla en esta propiedad, como en el último ejemplo aquí, para evitar la ambigüedad entre las tablas que existen en varios catálogos o esquemas.

Puntos de Vista

Restringe las vistas informadas a un subconjunto de las tablas disponibles. Por ejemplo, Vistas=VistaA,VistaB,VistaC.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Listar las vistas de algunas bases de datos puede ser costoso. Proporcionar una lista de vistas en la cadena de conexión mejora el rendimiento del conector.

Esta propiedad también se puede utilizar como una alternativa a la lista automática de vistas si ya sabe con cuáles quiere trabajar y, de lo contrario, habría demasiadas para trabajar.

Especifique las vistas que desee en una lista separada por comas. Cada vista debe ser un identificador SQL válido con cualquier carácter especial escapado usando corchetes, comillas dobles o acentos graves. Por ejemplo, Views=ViewA,[ViewB/WithSlash],WithCatalog.WithSchema.`ViewC With Space`.

Tenga en cuenta que al conectarse a una fuente de datos con varios esquemas o catálogos, deberá proporcionar el nombre completo de la tabla en esta propiedad, como en el último ejemplo aquí, para evitar la ambigüedad entre las tablas que existen en varios catálogos o esquemas.


Esta sección proporciona una lista completa de propiedades misceláneas que puede configurar.

Propiedad Descripción
IgnoreLookupIdErrors Un valor booleano que indica si se deben ignorar los errores en los identificadores que se buscan.
LookupIds Un valor booleano que indica si se deben buscar los identificadores.
MaxRows Limita el número de filas devueltas cuando no se usa agregación o agrupación en la consultar. Esto ayuda a evitar problemas de rendimiento en el momento del diseño.
Other Estas propiedades ocultas se usan solo en casos de uso específicos.
PseudoColumns Esta propiedad indica si incluir o no pseudocolumnas como columnas en la tabla.
Timeout El valor en segundos hasta que se lanza el error de tiempo de espera, cancelando la operación.


Un valor booleano que indica si se deben ignorar los errores en los identificadores que se buscan.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



A veces, Dynamics GP generará excepciones al buscar una identificación específica. Esto puede indicar que hay un problema interno con el registro, a pesar de que aparece bien junto con el resto cuando Id no lo busca. Para permitir que Jitterbit Connector para Dynamics GP funcione sin interrupciones, estos errores se ignoran de manera predeterminada y simplemente se registran. Establezca esta propiedad en false para obligar a Jitterbit Connector for Dynamics GP a generar un error cuando haya un problema.

Esta propiedad también se usa cuando se recuperan datos de una tabla secundaria. Las tablas secundarias siempre deben recuperarse por ID, ya que no vuelven a aparecer en las respuestas de resumen que enumeran todos los elementos principales.

ID de Búsqueda

Un valor booleano que indica si se deben buscar los identificadores.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



La mayoría de las entidades se recuperan a través de un resumen de DynamicsGP. Sin embargo, estos resúmenes están incompletos. Para recuperar más detalles, como elementos de línea, las entidades deben recuperarse una a la vez por Id. Establecer este valor en verdadero hará que la herramienta realice esta búsqueda automáticamente, aunque perjudicará el rendimiento.

Filas Máximas

Limita el número de filas devueltas cuando no se usa agregación o agrupación en la consultar. Esto ayuda a evitar problemas de rendimiento en el momento del diseño.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Limita el número de filas devueltas cuando no se usa agregación o agrupación en la consultar. Esto ayuda a evitar problemas de rendimiento en el momento del diseño.


Estas propiedades ocultas se usan solo en casos de uso específicos.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Las propiedades enumeradas a continuación están disponibles para casos de uso específicos. Los casos de uso y la funcionalidad normales del controlador no deberían requerir estas propiedades.

Especifique varias propiedades en una lista separada por punto y coma.

Integración y Formateo
Propiedad Descripción
DefaultColumnSize Establece la longitud predeterminada de los campos de cadena cuando la fuente de datos no proporciona la longitud de columna en los metadatos. El valor predeterminado es 2000.
ConvertDateTimeToGMT Determina si se convierten los valores de fecha y hora a GMT, en lugar de la hora local de la máquina.
RecordToFile=filename Registra la transferencia de datos del socket subyacente al archivo especificado.


Esta propiedad indica si incluir o no pseudocolumnas como columnas en la tabla.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Esta configuración es particularmente útil en Entity Framework, que no le permite establecer un valor para una pseudocolumna a menos que sea una columna de tabla. El valor de esta configuración de conexión tiene el formato "Tabla1=Columna1, Tabla1=Columna2, Tabla2=Columna3". Puede usar el carácter "*" para incluir todas las tablas y todas las columnas; por ejemplo, "*=*".

Se Acabó el Tiempo

El valor en segundos hasta que se lanza el error de tiempo de espera, cancelando la operación.

Tipo de Datos


Valor por Defecto



Si Timeout = 0, las operaciones no expiran. Las operaciones se ejecutan hasta que se completan correctamente o hasta que encuentran una condición de error.

Si Timeout caduca y la operación aún no se ha completado, el conector genera una excepción.