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Jitterbit support portal


The Jitterbit Support Portal is accessed through the Jitterbit Community. This page describes the Support section of the Jitterbit Community.

Access the Jitterbit support portal

New users

If you are a new user, first sign up for an account with Jitterbit Community:

  1. Go to Jitterbit Community and click Login in the top right.

  2. Select Not a member? to open the registration form.

  3. Fill in your information, including a unique name that will be displayed, check the box to accept the Terms & Conditions agreement, and click Sign Up.

  4. You will receive an email confirming your account and your web browser will be redirected to the community.

Existing users

Once registered, make sure you are logged in to Jitterbit Community to view and manage your support cases:

  1. Go to Jitterbit Community and click Login in the top right.
  2. Enter the credentials you set during registration and click Log in.
  3. Click the Support tab in the top right to access the Support section of the community.


You must be logged in to your account with Jitterbit Community in order to access the Support section of the community.


For convenience, you can also submit a case by email. See the section on how to submit a support case using email on Jitterbit support.


Search for an existing case

To search for an existing support case you can:

  • Filter the displayed cases by clicking on the All, Open, or Closed filters listed under My Cases on the left side of the page.
  • To search for a specific case, use the Search field and enter a keyword in the field and click Search. All of the cases that contain the keyword in the subject field of the case will display.

Create a new support case

To create a new support case, click Create Case on the left side of the page. Complete the screen that appears with the required information:

  • Subject: Enter a short description of your support issue in the Subject field.


    If you have an urgent production-down situation, put "Production Down" in the Subject field of your case to prioritize your request.

  • Product: Click the drop-down arrow of the Product field and select the appropriate product.

  • Jitterbit Version: Enter the version you are working with in the Jitterbit Version field. Go to Finding my Jitterbit version for instructions to identify the version of Jitterbit you are currently using.

  • Description: A full description of the issue and expected results. For example, if you are reporting a problem please include:

    • What you were doing when the problem occurred, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened.

    • Any special circumstances surrounding the discovery of the issue.

    • All diagnostic steps previously performed by the customer to attempt to address the issue.

    • A reproducible test case, if commercially feasible, that demonstrates the specific usage that causes the issue being reported.

  • Files: Attach files as appropriate. For example:

    • Screenshot(s), if applicable (hide any information you do not want to be seen, such as passwords or other credentials).

    • An attachment or link to a recorded video demonstrating the issue, if applicable.

    • Exact wording of all related error message(s) and stack trace(s) if available (redundant lines in stack trace are not necessary). If using Cloud Studio and you receive a "Something unexpected happened" error, please include the unique error ID provided with the message.

    • The exported project (JSON file or Jitterpak) and sample and log files if you think the issue is a bug. These may be required for us to reproduce the issue. Our support team will get back to you if we need additional information.

    • You can attach multiple files to a case.

  • Severity Level: Read the descriptions on the case screen of the four different severity levels, from 1 (critical) to 4 (minimal). Use the dropdown to select the appropriate severity level of your case.

Click Submit at the bottom of the page to submit the case.

Once your case was successfully submitted, you will receive an email response acknowledging receipt of your request and containing the assigned case number.

Open an existing case

To view or add additional information or files to an existing case, open the case page from the Support section.

  • The case number assigned to each case displays in the Case # column as an orange link.
  • Click on the case number link to open the case page.

Click on the orange Back to Cases List link at the top of the page at any time to leave the case page and return to the full list of cases.

Add a comment to an existing case

You can add additional information to an existing open case:

  • Open the case page as described above.
  • Click Add Comment to open the comment field.
  • Enter any additional information about the issue you are experiencing.
  • Click Save below the comment field to save the comment within the case.

Add an attachment to an existing case

You can attach additional error messages or screen shots to an existing open case:

  • Open the case page as described above.
  • Click Add Attachment.
  • Click Choose File.
  • Browse to the appropriate file and click Open to add the file.
  • Click Save to add the new file to the case.

View activity history

You can view the activity history of a case:

  • Open the case page as described above.
  • The Activity History section is located towards the bottom of a case page.
  • All communication between you and the Jitterbit Support team while the case is open is listed.
  • Click on a link in the Subject column to view the actual email communication.

Close an existing support case

You can close an existing open case at any time if you have resolved the issue. To close an existing support case:

  • Click Close Case, located at the top of the page. The status field immediately updates to Closed. This action will stop any further assistance or follow-up from the Jitterbit Support team.
  • The Jitterbit Support team will not take any further action once you have closed a case.
  • If an issue occurs again at a later time, it will be necessary to create a new case in the Jitterbit Support Portal.

Edit your user profile

To edit your user profile in Jitterbit Community:

  • Click on your username in the upper right corner of the page.
  • Click Settings to open a screen where you can make any changes your require to your account.
  • When you have completed your changes, click Save.

Log out of Jitterbit Community

To log out of Jitterbit Community:

  • Click on your username in the upper right corner of the page.
  • Select Logout to log out of Jitterbit Community.