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Jitterbit Harmony Message Queue Service


The Harmony Message Queue Service is Jitterbit's cloud-based, multi-tenant messaging queue service, where you can create and manage queues and messages through the Management Console Message queues page and the Jitterbit MQ connector.

A message is any data that is transferred between two systems or applications. When a message (sent through the Jitterbit MQ connector) is received by an application (the Message Queue Service), the application can place it in a queue, which contains messages arranged in the order in which they need to be acted upon or processed.

The Message Queue service supports asynchronous processing, enabling you to manage your system workloads and resources with these components:

System architecture

This diagram displays how a Jitterbit Message Queue message moves through the system architecture:

  1. Data is retrieved from a source endpoint, such as by using a Cloud Studio connector. The retrieved data can then be transformed into a message to be consumed by the Jitterbit MQ connector.

  2. Using the Jitterbit MQ Send or Send Bulk activity, the data is sent to the Jitterbit Message Queue service (which sends the messages to the specified message queue).

  3. Messages can then be retrieved from a message queue using a Jitterbit MQ Get or Get Bulk activity.

  4. Data retrieved from a message can then be used as input to be consumed by a target endpoint, such as by using a Cloud Studio connector.

  5. Once the data is consumed, the message can be either acknowledged (using the Acknowledge activity) or negatively acknowledged (using the NACK activity). If the message is not acknowledged or negatively acknowledged before the timeout of 30 minutes, the message will be available to be retrieved from the queue again by either a Get or Get Bulk activity.


If using a private agent that is behind a firewall within your network, you must allowlist the Message Queue Service.

Usage limits

The Message Queue service has usage limits to ensure optimal performance and fair usage. These are the usage limits depending on the purchased tier, either Basic or Premium:

Usage Limits Basic Premium
Number of environments enabled for the Message Queue service 2 environments No limit
Number of queues per environment 2 queues per environment 50 queues per environment
Number of messages per queue 25 messages 50,000 messages
Message length 100 MB 500 MB
Messages per month (across all queue types) 50,000 messages Limited by number of message packs purchased


Message queues created prior to the 11.28 release are limited to 10,000 messages per month.

These usage limits are contractual. It is encouraged that you monitor your message usage and consider upgrades or additional pack purchases to align with usage patterns.

For information on tier pricing, contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM).


If the number of messages exceeds the user-defined message limit for an individual message queue, this runtime error will be returned:

"statuscode":500,"Error":"Error sending message."

To resolve, you may need to acknowledge messages in the queue, or you can adjust the message limit. The user-defined message limit is set on the Management Console Message queues page in the Message queues tab. Adjust the value in the Message Limit field, available under a queue's Advanced Options.