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Download and install Jitterbit Linux server v5.x



Jitterbit version 5.x is the legacy Jitterbit product. Jitterbit strongly recommends that all customers upgrade to Harmony. For more information, see Upgrade from Jitterbit v5.x to Harmony and Get started.

This page provides a guide for installing the Jitterbit Integration Server v5.x.

System requirements

Please review the System requirements for private agents prior to installing the Jitterbit Integration Server.

Download Jitterbit Server v5.x

To download the latest Linux version of Jitterbit Server v5.x, go to Customer downloads.

Best practices

These are recommendations for private agent installation:

  • Supported systems: Install the private agent on a tested and supported system as listed on this page. For optimal results, it is recommended to adhere to all prerequisites and requirements for the operating system, PostgreSQL database, and hardware.
  • Server installation: For production environments, it is recommended to install the private agent on a server. Agent installation on a desktop machine is recommended only for development or QC/testing environments.
  • Clean installation: Do not install the private agent on a server that is already running another database. The agent installs and runs its own PostgreSQL database. Running the agent on a server that is already running an Oracle or SQL Server database may cause performance issues.
  • Same timezone: It is recommended to install agents in a private agent group on operating systems that have the same timezone. Because the timezone of configured schedules is dependent upon the private agent timezone, the times at which a schedule runs may be unpredictable if the timezones are different.
  • Uninstalling: Before uninstalling, it is recommended to copy the config files and security certificates for your current installation in case you want to reinstall with the same configuration in the future.

Linux integration server installation guide

These are the installation instructions for the Jitterbit Integration Server. The current version of the Jitterbit server is built on CentOS 5 (gcc 4.1) and should work on any recent (glibc>=2.5, gcc>=3.0) distribution with RPM support. The Debian package is built on Ubuntu 10.04 Server (gcc 4.4).

The following distributions have been tested:

  • RHEL (CentOS) 5
  • RHEL (CentOS) 6
  • Amazon Linux AMI 2012
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11
  • Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)
  • Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)
  • Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)

Other similar ones with RPM or Debian package support will probably work.

NOTE: Jitterbit 5.0 and later versions no longer supports RHEL 4.

Jitterbit may run on other similar distributions with RPM or Debian package support, but they have not been officially tested.

Install on a 64-bit system

Jitterbit Integration Server is not built natively to run in 64-bit mode on 64-bit distributions. However, Jitterbit does support running the agent on a 64-bit operating system once the required 32-bit libraries are installed.

To install the required libraries on 64-bit RHEL6/7, run the following command:

sudo yum -y install glibc.i686 libgcc.i686 libstdc++.i686 libuuid.i686 zlib.i686 pam.i686 cyrus-sasl-lib.i686 unixODBC python sed sudo unzip tar

Amazon Linux AMI 2015.09 renamed libgcc and libstdc++ packages as libgcc44.i686 and libstdc++44.i686. Install these packages before running the above command.

To install the required libraries on 64-bit Ubuntu or Debian, run the following command:

  • 13.04 or earlier: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs libuuid1:i386 unixodbc python sed sudo unzip tar

  • 13.10: sudo apt-get install libc:i386 libgcc1:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libuuid1:i386 zlib1g:i386 unixodbc python sed sudo unzip tar

  • 14.04 or later: sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 libgcc1:i386 libstdc++6:i386 libuuid1:i386 zlib1g:i386 unixodbc python sed sudo unzip tar

NOTE: The above packages may be named differently depending on the distribution.

NOTE: If installing 32-bit libraries fails on Debian systems you may have to add the repository for 32-bit packages with the following commands:

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update

NOTE: If installing 32-bit libraries fails on Red Hat systems with the error "Error: Multilib version problems found", then you have to apply upgrades to the operating system and try again (sudo yum update) in order to get the 64-bit libraries up to date with the 32-bit version that you are trying to install.

On other distributions these packages may be called something else. These are the most common missing dependencies on a 64-bit system:

  • unixODBC (64-bit version is OK)

If you require support on any given platform please go to Jitterbit support.

Java requirements

Jitterbit requires Java 8 or later. Execute the command java -version to find out if you have Java installed and what version. Most distributions do not include Java by default unless you selected it during installation.

On CentOS 6, the following command installs a compatible Java version:

sudo yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk

On Ubuntu/Debian, do this:

sudo apt-get install default-jre

You can also use the JVM distributed by Oracle Inc ( ). You can set which JVM for Jitterbit to use by editing the file /etc/sysconfig/jitterbit and restarting the Jitterbit services.

Quick start

If you are upgrading from version 4.1 or earlier, you need to follow a special procedure .

While you can install the RPM or Debian package using your desktop environment's package utility, it is recommended that you use the command line install method, since the packages will write some important messages to the console.

RPM based systems

Assuming that you have downloaded the file jitterbit-server-VERSION-linux-rpm.tar.gz, this is how you install the Jitterbit server on your rpm-based Linux system:

tar -xzf jitterbit-server-VERSION-trial-linux-rpm.tar.gz
cd jitterbit-server-VERSION-trial-linux-rpm
sudo rpm -Uvh jitterbit-server-VERSION.i386.rpm

The default installation prefix is /usr/local which installs Jitterbit in /usr/local/jitterbit. To install with another prefix (e.g. /opt) use the --prefix rpm option:

rpm -Uvh --prefix=/opt jitterbit-server-VERSION.i386.rpm

NOTE: If you do this, make sure that you specify the same prefix when you upgrade.

You can also use yum which takes care of downloading and installing any dependencies automatically. In this case you first have to import the Jitterbit public PGP key:

tar -xzf jitterbit-server-VERSION-trial-linux-rpm.tar.gz
cd jitterbit-server-VERSION-trial-linux-rpm
sudo rpm --import JITTERBIT-RPM-GPG-KEY
yum install jitterbit-server-VERSION.i386.rpm

Debian based systems

tar -xzf jitterbit-server-VERSION-linux-debian.tar.gz
cd jitterbit-server-VERSION-trial-linux-debian
sudo dpkg --install jitterbit-server_VERSION_i386.deb

On Debian, the Jitterbit server is installed in /opt/jitterbit and this location cannot be changed.

Post-install setup

Check output for potential setup errors (missing dependencies being the most common). The default setup stores the back-end configuration data in a SQLite database and has an empty Admin password. The first thing you should do is confirm connectivity using the Jitterbit Studio and set a password for the Admin user: Select Update User Profile from the Actions menu.

For a production system you should set up PostgreSQL and configure Jitterbit to use it for the back-end databases. See PostgreSQL configuration .

Upgrade from a pre-5.0 version

First, note that Jitterbit 5.0 and later is built on a more recent version of Linux, so some distributions supported by Jitterbit 4 are no longer supported. You may have to upgrade your Linux system before upgrading Jitterbit (see requirements above).

Before running the rpm upgrade, you have to uninstall some packages that previously were included with Jitterbit (the following are obsolete in the new package):

rpm -e --nodeps --noscripts jitterbit-apache-httpd jitterbit-ws-axis jitterbit-apache-tomcat jitterbit-xalan-c jitterbit-xerces-c jitterbit-base

NOTE: That the jitterbit-server package is NOT in the list!

Then use the following command to upgrade to Jitterbit 5.x:

rpm -Uvh jitterbit-server-VERSION.i386.rpm

Finally, run these commands to generate a new self-signed certificate if there is not one installed already:

jitterbit gen_server_cert
jitterbit restart

Upgrade from a 5.0 or later version

Use the same command as when you install:


If using RPM relocation: Remember to use the --prefix option if Jitterbit is not installed in /usr/local.


These are the minimal requirements for running the Jitterbit server on Linux:

  • Java >= Version 8
  • glibc >= 2.5.0
  • libgcc >= 4.1.0
  • zlib >= 1.2
  • PostgreSQL Database Server >= 8.4 ( (8.1 may work but is no longer officially supported and 9.0 or later is recommended)

The following third party open source software/libraries are distributed as part of the Jitterbit server distribution:


The Jitterbit installer will add an SELinux configuration that allows Jitterbit to run, but it can interfere with PostgreSQL. If that is the case, you can disable SELinux completeley.

You can check if SELinux is enabled by running the command


To disable SELinux you need to edit the file /etc/selinux/config and restart your system.


If the Jitterbit Studio is running on a different machine than the Jitterbit server, your firewall might not permit the client-server communication. A firewall is a piece of software that restricts access to communication ports on the server. The Jitterbit Studio and Server communicate through HTTP over ports 46908/46912 and HTTPS over port 46909/46913. These ports need to be opened up in the firewall configuration.

On Red Hat based systems, the following command displays the firewall configuration tool:


If the firewall is enabled you need to add the following to the "Other ports" section:

46908:tcp, 46909:tcp, 46912:tcp, 46913:tcp

NOTE: To install the tool with yum:

install system-config-firewall

Start and stop the Jitterbit services

Once Jitterbit Server is installed, you only need to restart the services if the server configuration file has changed (jitterbit.conf). The following commands stop/start and restart the Jitterbit services:

service jitterbit start
service jitterbit stop
service jitterbit restart

Start the services at system startup

The RPM/Debian package will try to configure your system to automatically start the Jitterbit Server processes on system boot. This only works on systems using SysV-style initialization, but all supported distributions should support this option.

If your system does not use SysV-style initialization, you need to add the command towards the end of your startup script:

/usr/local/jitterbit/bin/jitterbit start

This may be done differently on different systems.

Validate the RPM package

To validate the RPM packages, execute these commands as root:

rpm --checksig PACKAGE_FILE

The first command installs the Jitterbit public key on your system, and you will only have to do this once. The second command verifies that the package was signed with the Jitterbit private key. This also verifies that the package is not corrupt.


You uninstall the Jitterbit Server using the 'rpm --erase' command (or rpm -e):

rpm --erase jitterbit-server

If you are using yum:

yum remove jitterbit-server

If you are using dpkg/apt-get on Debian/Ubuntu:

dpkg --remove jitterbit-server

You can also use:

apt-get remove jitterbit-server

This will remove the files installed by the installer. Some files are left in the jitterbit directory that you have to remove manually if needed. These files are log files and application files created during runtime. The backend databases are also left intact if you want to keep them for use at a later time.

Advanced setup

When you install Jitterbit 5.0 or later, it initially uses a SQLite file-based database to store the back-end data. This makes the server easier to install and suitable for trying out the application with limited IT-resources. For a production installation, we recommend that you install the PostgreSQL database server and configure Jitterbit to use it to store the back-end configuration. PostgreSQL can run on the same machine as the Jitterbit server or on another server. If you use a remote machine, you also have to configure that machine's firewall settings and PostgreSQL configuration. This advanced option is not covered in this documentation.

PostgreSQL configuration

This section describes how to install PostgreSQL on a RHEL/CentOS based system and how to configure Jitterbit to use it. A similar procedure will work on other distributions, but the details may differ.

Install PostgreSQL:

yum install postgresql-server

Don't start PostgreSQL yet - read on:

Initialize the database cluster: By default the PostgreSQL database cluster is initialized in /var/lib/pgsql/data . If this directory is on a file system that has limited disk space, you may want to put it somewhere else. See the command:

man initdb

for details. This command initializes the database cluster:

sudo -u postgres initdb --encoding=UTF8 --auth=md5 --pwprompt --pgdata /var/lib/pgsql/data

You will be prompted to specify a password for the PostgreSQL administrative user (this user is called postgres by default). You will need this password when you install Jitterbit, so make sure you remember it.

Start the PostgreSQL server:

service postgresql start

You can verify connectivity and your password by logging in to your PostgreSQL instance:

psql --host localhost --user postgres

Log out by typing:


If your distribution automatically configures and starts PostgreSQL (typical on Ubuntu) or you don't know the current postgres password the following command can be used to set it:

sudo -u postgres psql -c"ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'newpassword'"

This will set the postgres user password to newpassword.

Configure Jitterbit to use PostgreSQL by running the following command (assuming that you installed Jitterbit in /usr/local):


You will be prompted to provide the PostgreSQL configuration details (mainly the password) and the new Jitterbit Admin password. Jitterbit installs an ODBC driver called PostgreSQL-jitterbit that you can use. Using the PostgreSQL driver that comes with the distribution is not recommended since it may be linked to incompatible system libraries.

This installs clean back-end databases. your Jitterbit trial is reset to another 30 days and you need to deploy your projects to the server again. If you have already applied a valid license key, it has to be applied again.

Get help

See Jitterbit support for more information.