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5.x Design Studio screen map part 1

Main screen diagram

main screen

Item Function

Jitterbit Window Banner


This banner displays the Jitterbit Integration Environment version.

Application Menu

app nenu

This menu displays the main menu options.

Main Icon Ribbon

main icons
main icons

This ribbon displays the main icons (e.g., Create a new operation; select a Jitterbit Connect Wizard; deploy the current project; save the active page log into a Jitterbit server).

Arrow icons display when two or more tabs are open in the workspace. Use the right and left arrows to move forward and backward among the tabs.

Use the black triangle drop-down to reveal a choice of operations to open in connection with the current project:

triangle DDL


Current User/Server values

user server

The gold User icon displays the name of the user on the Project (if logged in).

The silver Server icon displays whether or not the server is connected.

5 Left Pane

This pane contains the Design and Admin tabs, and the Consoles and Actions sub-tabs.

The tabs will appear if the View > Design or View > Administration menu are (or have been) selected.


Connecting in Administration mode will only display the Administration tab.

6 Right Pane This pane is the Workspace pane, where you develop Operations, Transformations, Sources and Targets, and other project components.

Design Studio left pane diagram - Design tab open

left pane design

Item Function
5 Left Pane This pane contains the Design and Admin tabs.
5.1 Design Tab Selecting this tab allows you to access Operations, various menus, and the Project trees (e.g., Operations, Transformations, Jitterbit Connect Wizard).

Project Context Menu

project context

To display this menu, right-click on the Project name just under the tab labeled "Design."

Validation Drop-down Menu

validation DDL

Clicking on the black triangle displays the validation drop-down menu for highlighting invalid items or items not deployed.

Tree Expand/Collapse +/- Icon

tree collapse tree collapse

Clicking on the +/- icon expands or collapses the trees in the Design pane, allowing the user to find data elements quickly.
5.1.4 Project Filter and Field Menu

To display the field menu, right-click on the Project name.

Use the project filter to prune the Design tree to display only the items that include the string entered into this field.

5.1.5 Component-Type Context Menu To display this menu, right-click on the "component type" in bold print.
5.1.6 Component Context Menu To display this menu, right-click on the component.

Design Studio left pane diagram - Administrative tab open

left pane admin

Item Function
5.2 Administration Tab Selecting this tab allows you access to the Consoles and Actions sub-tabs.
5.2.1 Consoles Sub-tab Selecting this sub-tab allows you to view Jitterbit consoles, queues and logs.
5.2.2 Actions Sub-tab Selecting this sub-tab allows you to delete all queue entries from the server.