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5.x Design Studio tab screens

There are two types of Tab Screens:

  • Tab Utility Screens give users access to tools for testing, deploying, managing and downloading integration projects, managing Jitterbit servers and managing users and groups.
  • Tab Definition Screens that give users access to the properties of a particular design item, including: Operations, Transformations, Sources, Targets, Web Services, File Formats, Schedules, Email Messages, and Scripts. Each item's Tab Definition screen includes a toolbar that includes common as well as item specific functionality. Common toolbar functions are:

The toolbar menu provides access to the following functions:

  • Save - save the content in the current Tab.
  • Close Page - close the current page.
  • Close Other Pages - close all other pages and leave this one open.
  • Additional Details - details about the deployment of this item.
  • View XML - View the XML definition of this item. All definitions are send to the Jitterbit server using an XML process definition language.
  • View Input JTR - view the structure in an XML viewer. Used primarily for debugging purposes.
  • View Output JTR - view the structure in an XML viewer. Used primarily for debugging purposes.

Active16 Displays if this item is referenced by other items. Items that are referenced are termed "Active" items.
TB Status Indicate the status (valid or invalid) of the item currently open.
TB SaveContent Save the content in the Tab / Item currently open.
Deploy Deploy the open item.
TB SetPermissions Set user and group permissions for the active item.
TB RefreshSourceAndTarget Refresh the source and target structures in the transformation displayed.
TB TransformationToolkitDDL

Display the Transformation Toolkit dropdown. Provided only in the mapping pane for access to the following tools:

  • Load Source Data - Load sample data into the source tree.
  • Test Transformation - Carry out the transformation using the source data loaded.
  • Test Operation - Perform an end-to-end test of the transformation using an operation.
  • Show Only Data - Display data only in the source tree or target tree.
  • View Source File - When source data has been loaded from a file into the mapping tree (using Load Source Data), this option opens the loaded file into the client UI, allowing you to quickly make changes to the file and load the source data again.
  • View Target File - View the file that was loaded into the target tree. You may also save the file after viewing.
  • Remove Test Data - Remove test data from the mapping tree.
  • Edit - Edit data in your mapping. This option displays a dropdown with the following sub-options:
    • Edit Source Structure
    • Edit Target Structure
    • Edit WHERE Clause - Available only for transformations using database sources. This allows you to change the WHERE clause you defined when creating the transformation.
    • Edit Update Keys - Available only for transformation using database targets. This allows you to change the update keys and insert/update mode you defined when creating the transformation.
  • Migrate - Migrate / inherit the mappings from an old source or target if the new structure has changed and mappings require only minimal update.
  • Import - Loads mapping information from an external XML file (see Export Mappings). You are offered two sub-options:
    • Import Mappings
    • Import Renamed Mappings Folders
  • Export - Save the current mapping information in an external XML file (see Import Mappings). You are offered two sub-options:
    • Export Mappings
    • Export Renamed Mappings Folders
  • Hide Unmapped Nodes - Hide any nodes that are unmapped. You are offered sub-options for hiding nodes in the source tree and the target tree.
  • Simple Node Display - Display nodes in the source and/or target tree without data or attributes.
  • Simple XML Element Display - Display XML containing elements only, that is, with all attributes converted into elements and with no other elements such as the XML declaration / DTDs. This allows rapid and simple parsing. This option is activated for whichever tree (source or target) contains XML data.
  • Map Area Settings - Turn on or off area settings, including attributes, generators and errors. You also have the option to hide or show all area settings.
  • Create Operation - Create a new Jitterbit operation.
  • Convert to Text Document - Create a new Text Document structure from the source and/or target structure currently displayed in the mapping tree. The current version supports only a limited set of structure conversions.
  • XML Node Expansion Mode - Determine how the mapping structures for XML sources or targets are loaded into the tree. Because XML structures can be highly complex, loading a complete structure into the mapping tree can slow performance. When you choose "Minimal" (the default) as the setting, the tree is created one level at a time when you expand a folder node for the first time, which results in better performance.
  • Display Mode - This option is not currently active.

Xform Search Find nodes in the mapping tree, or search and replace items in the mapping scripts.
Help16 Invoke help for the active screen of the application.
CloseX16 Close the current screen.