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5.x Known servers

To find out which servers the client connected to previously, you can use the View > Known Servers command in the main menu bar. The list of all the servers the client is aware of is displayed.

Every time you connect to a Jitterbit server, the client caches server specific information locally. The information is stored under the Application directory you specified the first time you started the client, however, you should always access this information through the Jitterbit client.

The following information is displayed:

  • Server Name: The name of the Jitterbit Server.

  • Version: The Jitterbit version that was installed on the server the last time you connected.

  • Operating System: The operating system the server is running on.

  • Latest Login: The date and time of the last time you logged into this server.

  • Latest User: The Username that was used for the most recent login to the server.

Additional details, such as the unique server GUID, can be viewed by double-clicking on a displayed server, or by clicking on the View Details... button in the toolbar.

Once you select a server name from the list, you can either Login or Remove the server from the list. Choosing Login will launch the Login dialog box, which will be pre-populated with the Server and Username. Choosing Remove will remove the server from the list immediately.

Warning! Removing a server cannot be undone, so be sure that you really want to delete the information before you do this.

  • Right-click to display pop-up menu with Login, View Details..., and Remove.

  • Click the Login or Remove buttons in the toolbar.

  • Double-click the server name to open the Server Details dialog