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5.x System console

The System Console has two functions:

  • It provides a summary view of the state of the server.

  • It lets you remotely stop and/or start the server engine.

You can access the System Console by one of the following methods:

  • In the Administration environment's Console pane, Click the System Console button.

  • Select Administration Console from the View menu, then Select System Console from the sub-menu.

The console appears in the System Console tab in the right pane of the window.

Check system status

  • The radio button list at the right indicates the current state of the server.

  • Click the Short, Normal, or Full button to display the latest status information from the server in abbreviated, normal, or complete detail.

Start and stop the engine


Shutting down the system will delete all active operations in the queue.

  • (Optional) Click the Stop Engine button to shut the system down.
  • (Optional) Click the Start Engine button to activate the system again.