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8.13 - 8.16.13 Data Loader release notes

Data Loader release notes

Data Loader is Jitterbit's free product used for basic data integration with Salesforce. Log in to the Harmony portal and access the Downloads page to download the latest version of Data Loader. For support, ask the Data Loader community or check the Data Loader documentation.

More advanced integrations require Harmony, which can connect with almost any type of data, app, or device and supports bidirectional synchronization, automated processes, and real-time connectivity. Upgrading to the latest Data Loader version is strongly encouraged for enhanced performance and security. Learn more in Harmony vs. Data Loader Comparison. - June 27, 2019

Release highlights

  • Fix: Installer is now compatible with macOS 10.14 (Mojave)
    The version of Data Loader can now be installed on machines running macOS 10.14 (Mojave). The new installer is available on the Downloads page of the Harmony portal.


    The version number ( has not been incremented and the release date is displayed as 12-20-2016, although the installer was updated on June 27, 2019 with this fix. The download file is named JitterbitCloudDataLoader- to distinguish it from previous versions.

Known issues

  • Erroneous warning during installation must be acknowledged
    • Summary: During installation of Data Loader (using the updated installer available as of June 27, 2019) on macOS 10.14 (Mojave), you will receive a warning that "'JitterbitInstallConfigUtils' is not optimized for your Mac and needs to be updated."
    • Workaround: Acknowledge the warning. The installation should proceed successfully.

8.13 - - December 20, 2016

Release highlights

  • New feature: Increased stability during network disruption
    If your network connection is disrupted during a bulk Upsert, Insert, or Update process, the Data Loader bulk process will now resume if you regain connectivity within 10 minutes, the maximum retry time. Recovery of processes provides for increased stability of the system.
  • New feature: Support for Salesforce API version 37
    Data Loader now supports version 37 of the Salesforce API. When you open a project that uses previous Salesforce API versions, you will be upgraded to the latest version. As part of the upgrade, a prompt recommends and enables you to turn off potentially unsupported Ownership Options in Update and Upsert operations. If needed, you can change these options later under the Options section of each item.
  • Fix: "Append to File" now functions properly
    The "Append to File" feature in the Options section of Target files now functions properly, allowing you to add new rows of data to existing Target files within Data Loader. You can also append additional records multiple times to the same file.
  • Fix (Windows): Connection errors resolved
    Some Windows users who had been experiencing connection issues will now connect successfully upon logging into Data Loader, as well as when loading database drivers.
  • Fix: Opening very large projects
    For those with a large number of Data Loader items, after you have saved your Data Loader project, you are now able to reopen it without errors.
  • Security enhancements: Multiple upgrades
    Several updates improve stability and security of the system, including Java Runtime Environment (jre8u111), Spring framework (4.2.7), Bouncy Castle (1.54), OpenSSL (1.0.2j), as well as other libraries.

Known issues

  • Installer is not compatible with macOS 10.14 (Mojave)
    • Summary: Those using macOS 10.14 (Mojave) cannot install Data Loader (using the original installer released December 20, 2016) due to an issue with compatibility of the installer.
    • Workaround: Install Data Loader using the installer available as of June 27, 2019 on the Downloads page of the Harmony portal.