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5.6.6 Harmony release notes


Jitterbit version 5.x is the legacy Jitterbit product. Jitterbit strongly recommends that all customers upgrade to Harmony.

Release notes – August 18, 2017


  • Upgraded the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) bundled with the v5 Jitterbit Studio for macOS to version 8u121.


  • Fixed handling of empty SOAP headers so that the SOAP web service handler can now handle an empty SOAP header.

  • Upgraded the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) to version 8u121.

  • Upgraded Curl to version 7.51.0.

  • Upgraded the OpenSSL library to version 1.0.2k.

  • Upgraded the SSH library libssh2 to version 1.8.0.

  • Upgraded the Bouncy Castle library to version 138.

  • Upgraded the Apache Tomcat server to version 8.0.37.

  • Upgraded the Apache HTTP Server to version 2.4.25.

  • Upgraded the Apache Commons Codec library to version 1.10.

  • Upgraded the Apache Commons Collections library to version 3.2.2.

  • Upgraded several Apache HttpComponents libraries including HttpClient to 4.5.2 and HttpCore to 4.4.4.

  • Upgraded the Apache Xerces XML parser to version 3.1.4, which is compliant with Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3. This required a change to use "true" and "false" instead of "1" and "0" when generating the xsi:nil attribute.

  • Upgraded XercesImpl to version 2.11.0.SP4.

  • Upgraded the Apache Xalan-C library to version 1.11.

  • Upgraded Xerces-C to version 3.14 and Axis for Linux.