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Vinyl 2.3 release notes

Important upgrade release notes

Hotfix: Version 2.3.15364 released on 1/10/2019 3:30:57 PM (build d0e0ce78)

  • Corrects issue running default rules against a remote Vinyl connection if the default rule does not select from any tables.
  • Corrects issue with non-rdbms data sources getting rdbms default rule internally

Hotfix: Version 2.3.15057 released on 12/4/2018 7:23:42 PM (build 0cc91a6a)

  • Corrects issue transferring files to S3 when more than 1000 files are in an S3 bucket.

Hotfix: Version 2.3.14978 released on 11/28/2018 10:57:12 AM (build 99467db9)

  • Calendar panel marked as No for create mode will not link to page in add mode when an empty date is double clicked.
  • Dynamics driver now using CData

Hotfix: Version 2.3.14732 released on 11/16/2018 12:55:07 PM (build 0691205d)

  • Corrects issue in previous hotfix that prevents attachments from being emailed

Hotfix: Version 2.3.14698 released on 11/14/2018 11:24:47 AM (build f662b458)

  • Support to look up enums across public data sources using Vinyl connector
  • Corrects appending strings in CData-based connectors
  • Corrects issue building a rule using a table in a Vinyl connector if not used in a join clause
  • Corrects permission issue for tables that space data sources.
  • Adds support for passing http headers in HttpRetrieverPlugin
  • Introduces MergePdf plugin

Hotfix: Version 2.3.14543 released on 11/5/2018 10:35:39 AM (build 84ddcf18)

  • Corrects issue with date fields used as a key for lists.
  • Corrects file open issue when reading attachments to be sent from Vinyl

Hotfix: Version 2.3.14505 released on 10/31/2018 3:36:54 PM (build bf8eff88)

  • Adds validation to prevent deleting events that are scheduled
  • Adds support for application user identifiers: who('appuserid') and AppUserId column in Authenticate public data object
  • New file-based data sources will have "tables as data objects" true
  • Corrects issue passing validation messages back through Vinyl remote connector for deletes
  • Skip binding column check when creating new rows
  • Corrects groupby issue with aggregate functions through Vinyl remote connector

Hotfix: Version 2.3.14327 released on 10/23/2018 12:57:31 PM (build e02452e2)

  • Adds support for MSAccess
  • Updates Dynamics 365 Business Central connector
  • Binding columns starting with _ will no longer be ignored

Hotfix: Version 2.3.14294 released on 10/18/2018 6:48:38 PM (build 60899218)

  • Binding column restriction will not apply to insert
  • Corrects exception thrown when generating crystal reports if data object contains a field with a Time data type - now returns a duration. Set logical data type of column to date/time for same behavior as 2.2.
  • Corrects password reset themes
  • Adds join support for Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Corrects realm schedule issue
  • Redirects the user to the login form when they press logout, rather than to an anonymous accessible application if present
  • Application authentication support for deep links
  • Corrects exception thrown when invoking events on multiple rows in a multi-row panel if data object contains binding columns.
  • Can now test data object that has binding columns

Hotfix: Version 2.3.14028 released on 10/16/2018 6:17:17 PM (build acba4c14)

  • Corrects issue around translating UI components such as buttons
  • Corrects anonymous workflow link fix, updates how external authentication providers behave

Hotfix: Version 2.3.13975

  • Reverts anonymous workflow link fix, corrects issue with external authentication providers when not hosted under root directory.

Hotfix:Version 2.3.13938 released on 10/5/2018 2:26:27 PM (build ed7e7bf1)

  • Corrects issue updating InsertLinkToPageId and UpdateLinkToPageId when copying an application
  • Corrects binding type for default UI binding when copying a page or application
  • Corrects "Intl" javascript error when using iOS 9.3 or earlier
  • Honor alignment using stacked fields
  • Corrects textarea showing validation error when pressing enter to save

Hotfix: Version 2.3.13896 released on 10/2/2018 10:40:36 AM (build 4e40de15)

  • Updates CData Email driver
  • Corrects issues with completed background jobs when used with redis

Hotfix: Version 2.3.13854 released on 9/25/2018 5:32:11 PM (build af752e93)

  • Corrects issues calling the client() and shared() mvSQL functions
  • Corrects deep linking to application pages that require authentication, but where the application is accessible by anonymous users
  • Adds site-level configuration for excel / autoedit idle timeout under Vinyl settings page

Hotfix: Version 2.3.13835 released on 9/24/2018 9:44:15 PM (build 9075e1cf)

  • Corrects issue with IE11 introduced in previous hotfix
  • Improves date parsing plugin to handle formats without time and from the in-memory database
  • Corrects fields displayed when adding a bridge
  • Corrects display of S3 data sources on import actions

Hotfix Release: Version 2.3.13815 released on 9/21/2018 12:18:48 PM (build 6dd9504a)

  • Fixes issue with SAML IdP
  • Corrects issue with missing PublicDataSourceServerId field
  • Support link now links to wiki
  • Corrects issue with collection with guid for new applications
  • Corrects issues with bindings not working with REST headers
  • Exclude groups controls from translations
  • Ensure subquery column handles translatable flag properly
  • Improve linking to event from control detail page
  • Fix double click on calendar failing to parse date
  • Check if certain unallowed functions are used in a migration rule
  • Add the ability to copy a page to a new application
  • Fix copy application when application has edpoints
  • Corrects issue with background plugin jobs blocking scheduled jobs
  • Adds support for user name mapping when provisioning users
  • When building CRUD delete rule, PK fields now default to targetted, other fields not
  • Corrects issue with SQL Server default date parsing problems
  • Set a unique name for copied application endpoint
  • Catching exception thrown during rollback to track down rollback issues further
  • Fixed calendar throwing error with visibility column usage
  • Fixes exception thrown when double clicking a calendar when no link criteria set
  • Corrects issues on where used data source server panel
  • Remnoves area in delete button that takes user to home page
  • Don't include icon or password control types in csv downloads
  • Corrected issue with Business Layer Data Source page

Hotfix Release:Version 2.3.13659 released on 9/10/2018 9:07:26 PM (build 86adb6c7)

  • REST import will now check more rows to see if integers should be floating point
  • Adds descriptions to public data objects
  • Shortens very long public data object descriptions
  • Fixes duplicate listings of events for bridge options / workflow callbacks
  • Testing endpoint handles test parameters correctly
  • Corrects issues parsing non-US based dates
  • Scrolled groups missing from mobile screens
  • Corrects issue importing xls files from S3
  • Correct issue causing aggregate row to overflow on mobile
  • Border missing from MRP inputs
  • Decrease severity of REST exceptions
  • Check if toolbar button disabled before executing an event
  • Introduces fuzzy checking of bridge SMS numbers
  • Corrects issue of scrolled groups hiding toolbar buttons
  • Fixes signalr CSRF issue
  • Corrects SAML IdP no longer able to authenticate users
  • SAML IdP defaults the recipient
  • Improved logging of enumerables
  • Printing improvements
  • Added validation to prevent table creation for data sources that don't support it
  • Show application authentication on login page

Hotfix Release:Version 2.3.13510 released on 9/4/2018 1:07:46 PM (build 797e6f20)

  • Corrects issue filtering on date fields in a MRP
  • Removes "Sign Responses" from SAML identity provider
  • Reverts CData SAP driver to earlier version
  • Enables DB2/z connector - only shipping with trial driver - do not use yet in a production application
  • Protect APIs from CSRF attacks
  • Enables CData Intacct and 365 Business Central connectors

Hofix Release: Version 2.3.13480 released on 8/31/2018 11:09:01 AM (build 07db9bf7)

  • Corrects upgrade issue upgrading from versions prior to 2.3
  • Adds REST API support for binding columns

Hotfix Release: Version 2.3.13473 released on 8/30/2018 8:10:40 PM (build b3cfd557)

  • Corrects issue generating logical File table when creating a file or S3 data source.
  • Corrects exception thrown when creating a new record in Salesforce.
  • Corrects issue upgrading Vinyl when there is a Vinyl connector created.
  • Technical help is no longer mandatory when creating rules,
  • Adds support for more date function arguments including DayOfYear for SQLite in memory database.
  • Endpoint query values override data source server query values with the same name.

Hotfix Release: Version 2.3.13456 released on 8/29/2018 4:48:53 PM (build 5d257cd4)

  • Corrects further issues with webhooks and authentication around response encoding.
  • Adds code to catch infinite loops in theme hierarchy
  • Updates the logical data type of columns associated with numeric controls and formatString so that they are recognized by Vinyl as being numeric.
  • Corrects print delay of charts with Safari

Hotfix Release: Version 2.3.13390 released on 8/28/2018 4:55:49 PM (build d8a5ad14)

  • Corrects redirect occuring with rest, webhooks, connector.
  • Corrects exception thrown when performing an import action.
  • Improves change events for date picker.
  • Corrects issue with load more rows affecting row count.
  • Adds new login styles.
  • Corrects alignment for maximize button.

Initial Release: Version 2.3.13357 released on 8/23/2018 4:12:15 PM (build 99b6989c)

Feature Overview

Improved Theme Configuration

  • Changes to support new theme configuration

    • Hide Toolbar if all intrinsic controls are hidden, including disabling count
    • Close button 'x' now part of the panel and can be styled similarly.
    • New theme setting types:

      • Alignment (vertical, horizontal, line height)
      • Spacing (padding, margins)
      • CSS transitions for simple animations during mouse events
    • Support panel visibility that hides the panel but reserves the space (value of "3")

    • Exposing new areas of the page to theme settings:

      • Chart, Map and Calendar real estate
      • Tile margin on Boards/Lanes, Tile centering in a panel
      • Multi row panel control sets, headers and cells (allowing larger MRP rows)
      • Validations
      • Back button
      • Load more rows buttons
    • Can now hide panel headers, or adjust their size via Formats

    • Site level fonts can be loaded remotely

UI Improvements

  • Always Edit times out after a period of inactivity
  • Hover on Multi row panel headers (and single row labels)
  • Enter on a multi row panel can now save the row

Vinyl IDE Improvements

  • IDE now uses the new Flat theme.
  • IDE homepage re-organized.
  • Theme pages re-designed, including a preview page

IDE Toolkit

  • Panel Update mode can now be set to 'Excel'. Save event is invoked immediately as values are changed.
  • Cancel Always Edit after a short delay.
  • Pressing 'enter' will now save a row in MRP.


  • Vinyl now supports Google Analytics.
  • Configured as a Site Widget. Simply add your token.


  • Adds support for SMS bridge delivery type.
  • Users can respond via SMS to activate a bridge option (e.g. approve an order by replying '1').
  • Backed by Twilio.


  • Vinyl now supports webhooks. Webhook endpoints can be called from third party services to interact with your application.
  • Support for sending JSON arrays using "Drilldowns".

Vinyl to Vinyl Connector

  • Create a Vinyl data source that connects to a remote or local instance with just a few clicks.
  • Reduces application -> data source dependencies.
  • Reduces complexity of updating apps + data sources in new environments.
  • Removes need for creating REST interfaces between Vinyl instances.

Panel Filter Binding

  • Build your own filter forms.
  • Vinyl now supports using filter criteria (e.g. >, >=, <, <=) to bind panels.

Business Engine

  • User defined mvSQL functions.
  • mvSQL Client() function. Retrieves user's time zone and offset.
  • Support now(utc) to grab UTC time instead of server local.


  • Now translating 'runtime' data in production.
  • New public data object allows designers to translate phrases directly with Babel server.
  • New EValid status includes how similar a translation is to it's "reverse" translation (ie the translation from Spanish back to English).
  • 90%+ success rate for Babel translations.
  • Refined translation screens.


  • Federated Identity - use Vinyl as an identity provider.
  • Account lockout after N failed attempts.
  • Application level authentication allows designers to provide their own authentication strategy. Allow designers to authenticate user by an attribute (ie phone number).
  • Client certificates


  • Test All Servers button that verifies status of servers. Allows users to quickly test new environment setup (e.g. production).
  • New Data Provider - OData V4
  • Audit fields added to relevant Vinyl tables.
  • Crystal Reports plugin to print report.
  • Sending jobs to the Background via the Background Plugin are now reported as a single roll up. Can cancel the entire run.

Detailed Changes

New Features

  • VINYL-2090 - Add support for panel filter criteria
  • VINYL-6610 - Allow canceling of always edit - incl timeout
  • VINYL-6796 - Webhooks
  • VINYL-6815 - Add panel level option for 'Excel' updates (phase 1)
  • VINYL-6914 - Support analytics in Vinyl
  • VINYL-6919 - Add panel level option for 'Excel' updates (phase 2)
  • VINYL-6929 - Add option to hide row count
  • VINYL-6976 - Add support for client certificate authentication on REST data sources.
  • VINYL-7003 - Add support for application-level authentication
  • VINYL-7009 - Add support for account lockout
  • VINYL-7045 - mvSQL Extensions - User defined SQL functions
  • VINYL-7046 - mvSQL function for client time zone
  • VINYL-7051 - Vinyl federated identity
  • VINYL-7059 - Reserve space when using visibility columns
  • VINYL-7065 - SMS bridge delivery type
  • VINYL-7071 - Implement Test Connections functionality for all data source servers
  • VINYL-7094 - Allow use of a theme in the current page via button click
  • VINYL-7163 - Create Dynamics AX plugins for NXC
  • VINYL-7322 - Vinyl connector


  • VINYL-5765 - Import and translate should be a one-button operation
  • VINYL-6437 - Theme: Values should say the meaning for that value type
  • VINYL-6440 - Flip from side by side to stacked should be hardcoded
  • VINYL-6746 - Checkbox should accept space or enter to toggle the value
  • VINYL-6747 - Can't style form labels on boards
  • VINYL-6757 - MaxItems for Email DatabaseItem
  • VINYL-6760 - Close button could be half height
  • VINYL-6762 - Put border on always edit in theme by default
  • VINYL-6763 - Timeout always edit if no user activity
  • VINYL-6803 - Prototype Edit Type at the Panel Level (Aha)
  • VINYL-6804 - Db_Column needs audit columns
  • VINYL-6843 - Public Data Object for Translating Data in Production
  • VINYL-6884 - Introduce EventColumn class
  • VINYL-6899 - Default MySQL connections to UTF-8
  • VINYL-6905 - Map logical Time data type to native database vendor TIME data types.
  • VINYL-6906 - Add Unicode support to DB2/i
  • VINYL-6907 - RDBMS floating-point numeric types are reversed
  • VINYL-6908 - Improve DB2/i integer type mappings
  • VINYL-6911 - Cast to TINYINT fails on MySQL
  • VINYL-6970 - Add EValid types to all translations
  • VINYL-7001 - Cumulative theme and styling changes
  • VINYL-7043 - Implement flex box usage to reduce reliance on absolute positioning
  • VINYL-7084 - Adding audit to many of the tables that are controlled by app developers
  • VINYL-7092 - Allow hiding of back button via themes
  • VINYL-7093 - IE issues with vertical scroll mode
  • VINYL-7112 - Add active and help to theme implementations
  • VINYL-7114 - Add priority to value type options
  • VINYL-7119 - Create SRP for Design a bridge to allow bridge *and* rule creation
  • VINYL-7122 - Create flat theme as a new base option
  • VINYL-7124 - Close X in toolbar needs to look more like a toolbar button
  • VINYL-7128 - Modify several theme defaults
  • VINYL-7145 - SelectStar functionality for TableFrom
  • VINYL-7147 - Customer collection
  • VINYL-7149 - Allow including of google fonts
  • VINYL-7150 - Split up exception and validation error theme colors
  • VINYL-7151 - Babel fetch has a needless 10 sec wait.
  • VINYL-7153 - Improvements to translations UI
  • VINYL-7154 - Cache widget properties
  • VINYL-7181 - Add transition to advanced style value type
  • VINYL-7184 - Align large button icons
  • VINYL-7186 - Background color of selected day can't be specified
  • VINYL-7189 - Don't drag on the close X or maximize icons
  • VINYL-7209 - Split out active field from open list box in themes
  • VINYL-7219 - Allow styling of board margins
  • VINYL-7251 - Create new IDE collection
  • VINYL-7254 - Compress theme screenshots
  • VINYL-7311 - Improve font used by the Vinyl IDE
  • VINYL-7337 - Default checkboxes to 4 zudys width
  • VINYL-7343 - Additional improvements to Test Connection page


  • VINYL-2377 - Background service scheduling uses UTC instead of system time on SQLite
  • VINYL-3754 - Overlays can sometimes not close when clicking the X
  • VINYL-4225 - Upgrades fail if they encounter too many errors while updating the data
  • VINYL-4994 - MySQL fails to return proper unicode currency string
  • VINYL-5200 - Error when importing Microsoft Graph API as an OData server
  • VINYL-5217 - Percents do not render as percents in aggregate row
  • VINYL-5443 - Dependent panels can filter twice
  • VINYL-5884 - Table alias getting defaulted at inappropriate times
  • VINYL-5893 - Rules handle case differently when generating alias for tables...
  • VINYL-6120 - The token may be ignored in this situation. JobQueue.EnqueueAsync(IJob, CancellationToken)
  • VINYL-6150 - It should not be possible to bind a button to an intrinsic event
  • VINYL-6155 - Popups do not always appear and will not always close
  • VINYL-6388 - MRP cell alignment issue
  • VINYL-6416 - Date picker cut off on small screens
  • VINYL-6420 - Conditional format columns are not remapped when changing data object
  • VINYL-6423 - Exception thrown during conditional state/format if data object contains encrypted columns
  • VINYL-6580 - N' for indicating unicode in an expression does not always work in Oracle
  • VINYL-6640 - When creating a control modify our "Name" default to strip Id out of the column name
  • VINYL-6642 - Relative panel sizes should converge on small screens
  • VINYL-6683 - Translating to US English?
  • VINYL-6689 - Spinner does not appear on top of buttons in multi-row panels
  • VINYL-6691 - Remove hardcoding error limit from DataObjectInstaller.cs
  • VINYL-6694 - Double click on a always edit checkbox errors badly
  • VINYL-6708 - Salesforce data provider writes warning to log files for every HTTP request
  • VINYL-6714 - Don't export json objects for empty tables
  • VINYL-6717 - Panel "toolbar" is missing a tiny piece of vertical border in IDE B&W theme
  • VINYL-6724 - App Server and Database Server in different time zones causes Service Monitor Panel to show no rows
  • VINYL-6733 - text control isn't wrapping in IE or Edge as it does in Chrome
  • VINYL-6735 - Percents are formatted using the thread's current culture
  • VINYL-6742 - View in data source A referring to table in data source B will not install if data source A installed first
  • VINYL-6744 - Remove unnecessary diff in schedule Active flag
  • VINYL-6773 - Can unlink data sources being used in XP crud rules.
  • VINYL-6778 - Simple search focus failing
  • VINYL-6779 - Unicode characters in MySQL strings result in mojibake
  • VINYL-6783 - Can't edit rule columns on PostgreSQL
  • VINYL-6788 - Improve performance of Schedule Events page
  • VINYL-6791 - Save Global Refresh Disables an AE Field Until Manual Refresh
  • VINYL-6807 - Disabling simple search on a MRP, also disables searching on all list controls on the panel
  • VINYL-6810 - Advanced settings stored in the connection file are not persisted to data source server
  • VINYL-6811 - Deleting REST endpoint table doesn't delete all sub-tables
  • VINYL-6830 - Add another index on Dg_EventHistory on EventId, ResultId
  • VINYL-6831 - widget parameters do not get copied when initiating copy page
  • VINYL-6834 - Mobile mode grid doesn't show totals
  • VINYL-6836 - JavaScript console is not cleared when navigating a new page
  • VINYL-6837 - when double clicking day in calendar panel without link criteria, uncaught exception thrown
  • VINYL-6842 - Job Monitor not showing enough information (Data Source, Object, Start Time)
  • VINYL-6852 - Correct aggregate values shown before reverting to incorrect values
  • VINYL-6855 - Migration rule originally created as CRUD rule does not get added to change management request
  • VINYL-6856 - Dynamic page links do not take into account security
  • VINYL-6861 - Priorities getting renamed on fields in DO to same value (100)
  • VINYL-6863 - Shipping Schedule from Dev to QA is not bringing the Next Execution Date and the schedule does not run.
  • VINYL-6864 - Developer silo not implemented in "Design this page", "Design app data sources" pages
  • VINYL-6866 - SQLite Now() returns time in UTC not local timezone like other vendors are returning
  • VINYL-6867 - Vinyl allows different time zones for the App server and Database Server, but does not support it.
  • VINYL-6869 - copy page is switching link criteria from shared to bind for the panel
  • VINYL-6872 - A2B plugin throws exception when executing submitted job
  • VINYL-6886 - Audit link shows up even when user does not have access
  • VINYL-6890 - User does not lose privileges until cache is flushed
  • VINYL-6891 - Time formatted using 24 hour clock after invoking an event
  • VINYL-6893 - Remove the LinkedDataSource table
  • VINYL-6895 - SQL error messages are logged multiple times when a Release Management LP install fails
  • VINYL-6896 - Fix Monitor so it handles Background Plugin jobs cleanly
  • VINYL-6901 - The NOW() function returns a timestamp with time zone on Oracle
  • VINYL-6902 - The NOW() function returns a timestamp with time zone on PostgreSQL
  • VINYL-6903 - Percent logical data type uses thread culture.
  • VINYL-6904 - Incorrect integer range checks
  • VINYL-6910 - Uploading a file, the file link does not appear until refreshing the page.
  • VINYL-6912 - Always edit is already installed debug message appears in normal use
  • VINYL-6921 - REST username field needs be be bigger (increase from 50 to 255)
  • VINYL-6922 - Importing a Data Source does not import FKs if the Data Source has no schema specified
  • VINYL-6933 - IE11 not unlocking list box search entry
  • VINYL-6939 - CRUD Business update rules will not update fields if source value is null
  • VINYL-6943 - Can't write CRUD rule that uses File as source
  • VINYL-6948 - Package management did not delete view before trying to install it
  • VINYL-6962 - tables are listed twice in group and user permissions page
  • VINYL-6964 - Fix misc javascript compile warnings
  • VINYL-6967 - Radio error with global reload if it no longer shows post-reload
  • VINYL-6975 - Button promoted to toolbar as a page link is disabled when it contains no link criteria and no event
  • VINYL-6979 - when support count is disable for board or mrp, the load more rows is present even when few records exists
  • VINYL-6983 - Renaming logical Data Source name in DEV will cause upgrade of the Data Source to fail in QA
  • VINYL-6987 - Add support for NOW(UTC)
  • VINYL-6988 - Re-importing a REST endpoint doesn't update 'import results'
  • VINYL-6994 - CORS Options requests are throwing exceptions
  • VINYL-7002 - Add support for additional date parts and aliases
  • VINYL-7004 - List can miss first keypress
  • VINYL-7006 - REST action returning error response causes IIS to crash, stack overflow
  • VINYL-7039 - SignalR exceptions fill the app_data logs
  • VINYL-7040 - SQL parameters are not logged correctly to the logfile...
  • VINYL-7041 - Copy app fails if app has panel visibility rules
  • VINYL-7042 - Can't delete Event if it is attached to a schedule and has history
  • VINYL-7050 - Horizontal scrolling MRP changes focus with list boxes
  • VINYL-7052 - Validation warning on SRP with binary field ends up clearing binary value on save
  • VINYL-7056 - Double clicking calendar fails to insert the value into another page
  • VINYL-7057 - Charts not getting colors when using 3 levels of themes (base)
  • VINYL-7061 - Lists bound to REST data sources assume they can filter on PK
  • VINYL-7066 - The enum() function cannot find table with name: when running the function in Conditional format/state
  • VINYL-7069 - Errors unloading pages not reported to user
  • VINYL-7070 - Error occurs disposing FilterViewModel
  • VINYL-7072 - Tabs not sizing correctly after flex changes
  • VINYL-7077 - Panel themes are not applied to the overlay close button
  • VINYL-7080 - Lists with links have a underline hover effect in edit state
  • VINYL-7082 - Excess Aggregate and Filter event invocations for bound panels
  • VINYL-7085 - TestCallerFunction is failing on column not found for Caller('CustomerId')
  • VINYL-7087 - Old Data Objects page is still in Vinyl
  • VINYL-7091 - Allow aligning of panel header titles
  • VINYL-7100 - Correct many chart and other theme issues
  • VINYL-7111 - Install issue with FK and Ws_ResourceType causing installation issue
  • VINYL-7116 - Delete Google Translate API Resource
  • VINYL-7118 - Close X not appearing when inserting panel
  • VINYL-7120 - Disabling panel filter breaks panel binding filter criteria
  • VINYL-7127 - Search icon had hardcoded white background color
  • VINYL-7129 - filtering by listbox displays PK rather than value
  • VINYL-7131 - back navigation is lost when accessing components page (design app)
  • VINYL-7134 - Update interfaces and themes to account for more elements
  • VINYL-7135 - applications panel header should be hidden on Site Menu landing page
  • VINYL-7137 - linktopage icon is a different shade on applications page
  • VINYL-7138 - MRP headers still not themable
  • VINYL-7146 - Test Connection Improvements
  • VINYL-7152 - Action 'failure handlers' are deleted when saving the action.
  • VINYL-7166 - REST Import - endpoint request header with Test Value (but no Default) causes 'object reference not set to an instance of an object'
  • VINYL-7170 - when usage type is removed for audit, invalidDataException thrown when clicking audit button in UI
  • VINYL-7180 - Move Auto Edit out of edge cases and into the Edit Options select list
  • VINYL-7199 - Job runner throws exception on every shutdown
  • VINYL-7239 - Margins and padding lost when disabling column selection service
  • VINYL-7243 - Multiple inter overlay links can get you stuck if you loop back
  • VINYL-7258 - Missing SMTP test function
  • VINYL-7267 - Disallow modifying widgets in system collections
  • VINYL-7291 - Date function in rule prevents mvSQL from rendering
  • VINYL-7293 - Technical Help is missing from the Validation.
  • VINYL-7295 - Allow designer to choose mime type when uploading images
  • VINYL-7300 - List populated by REST endpoint requires "allow insert" turned on.
  • VINYL-7308 - Use of secondary axis fails
  • VINYL-7318 - Change Fast Log and Slow Log pages to flat pages
  • VINYL-7329 - Can't use AutoEdit on some listboxes
  • VINYL-7335 - Tabs have a white background in the IDE theme
  • VINYL-7339 - Populate technical help when pressing List and Source buttons for tables
  • VINYL-7354 - Text area resize binding affects performance