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Vinyl 2.7 release notes

Important upgrade release notes

  1. Minimum .NET Framework is now 4.7.2

    Vinyl now requires .NET Framework 4.7.2 (previously was 4.6.1).

    You can check your .NET Framework version by running the following PowerShell command:

    C:\> (Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full").Release -ge 461808

    A result of True indicates that you have the correct version:

    For more information see

  2. Validation for expressions that exist within rules is now more strict

    In Vinyl 2.6, it was possible to have expressions with double double quotes (e.g. ""Customer""). This is no longer allowed.

    To determine if you have any rules which have this problem before installing 2.7, execute the following SQL:

    SELECT DS.Name AS DataSourceName, T.Name AS TableName, C.Name AS ColumnName, C.Alias AS ColumnAlias, C.Expression AS Expression
    FROM Db_Column AS C
    INNER JOIN Db_Table AS T
        ON C.TableId = T.TableId
    INNER JOIN Db_DataSource AS DS
        ON T.RegistrationDataSourceId = DS.DataSourceId
    WHERE C.Expression LIKE '""%""'
        AND DS."System" = 0

    If any results are found, do the following:

    • Navigate to IDE > Build your application > Business Logic Layer
    • Select the data source.
    • Click the Rules icon in Business Logic Layer section.
    • Find the problematic rule.
    • Click on the Design icon.
    • Adjust the problematic column to exclude the double double quotes (ie ""CustomerId"" becomes simply "CustomerId").

    Once you've upgraded your environment to 2.7, ensure that you further test all of your rules with the Validate All Rules function within Vinyl.

    • Install 2.7 build in development environment.
    • Navigate to the IDE > Build your application > Business Objects page
    • For each data source:

      • Click the Rules icon.
      • Click the Rule Validation toolbar button.
      • Click Validate All Rules button.
      • Wait for the result notification and fix any failed rules if present.

    Test thoroughly in your development / QA environment before upgrading production with 2.7.

  3. Vinyl no longer automatically trims leading/trailing whitespace on variable length strings

    Vinyl used to trim whitespace at the database level. This could lead to unexpected results when reading/writing data between data sources where white space is significant. Vinyl is no longer trimming whitespace on variable length strings (VARCHAR, NVARCHAR). Whitespace will be trimmed on fixed-width strings (CHAR, NCHAR).


Version 2.7.23200 released on 10/8/2020 2:05:07 PM (build dd6e42d0)

  • VINYL-10665 -Corrects Salesforce authentication issue setting defaults

Version 2.7.22922 released on 9/4/2020 8:31:49 PM (build 639e4ef2)

  • Improves handling of opening lists when their data is not yet loaded

Version 2.7.22896 released on 2020-09-02 (build c4f380e4)

  • VINYL-10547 - Corrects browser memory leak with keyboard bindings
  • VINYL-10430 - Only package tables with physical columns
  • VINYYL-9281 - Corrects always run and some conditional formatting on server side pivots

Version 2.7.22535 released on 8/11/2020 11:00:59 PM (build 59f2890e)

  • VINYL-10431 - Extended tables now run defaults from parent table
  • VINYL-10135 - Corrects error with auto-edit list controls causing issues on filter panels

Version 2.7.22350 released on 7/30/2020 7:21:55 PM (build aaec2c2c)

  • VINYL-10357 - Corrects missing Event/Action/Control Set permissions for developers in developer silo
  • VINYL-10214 - Collapse away scrolling groups with no visible children
  • VINYL-9603 - Issues with MRP headers on iOS

Vinyl Version 2.7.22074 released on 7/17/2020 1:40:11 PM (build 80a0d2f6)

  • VINYL-10214 - Hide scrolling group if no active children are in the group

Vinyl Version 2.7.22059 released on 7/7/2020 10:01:38 PM (build fa942700)

  • VINYL-10196 - Introduce Key_Generate public data object
  • VINYL-10227 - Introduce Generated() runtime function for retrieving auto-generated values (such as PKs) that were generated earlier in the event
  • VINYL-7375 - Warn if API provider is not enabled when generating API keys
  • VINYL-10138 - Corrects error using auto-edit and global refresh

Vinyl Version 2.7.21884 released on 6/18/2020 9:26:16 PM (build c945ba48)

  • VINYL-10149 - Corrects issue with MRP column visibility affecting control set headers with pinned columns
  • VINYL-9947 - Corrects issue with authenticating with some sftp servers

Vinyl Version 2.7.21693 released on 6/3/2020 5:42:12 AM (build 0a2f07dc)

  • VINYL-10113 - Corrects issue with post used for get with parameters in body
  • VINYL-8147 - Corrects issue with MRP column visibility affecting control set headers
  • VINYL-4325 - Corrects issue downloading csv with multiple controls using same column getting incorrect data

Version Version 2.7.21606 released on 5/28/2020 9:03:09 PM (build e0fd36d2)

  • VINYL-10088 - Handle null storage column for untargeted column for rules targeting an extension table
  • VINYL-10002 - Handle renaming a column and changing its data type at the same time
  • VINYL-10087 - Improve performance in App_List and Se_UserPermission tables

Version 2.7.21540 released on 2020-05-22 (build 3252af26)

  • VINYL-10067 - disable gpu acceleration on tool tips, menus - correcting blurry letters on some displays
  • VINYL-10072 - corrects displaying REST results from an endpoint that is POST vs GET
  • VINYL-10058 - corrects issue with importing schema from AzureSQL

Hotfix: Version 2.7.21487 released on 5/15/2020 11:52:45 PM (build 2f357078)

  • VINYL-9969 - Vertical lane inside scrolling group tiles go to 100%
  • VINYL-9905 - Tabbed groups should not show the tabs until the child panels are visible
  • VINYL-9864 - Adds validation to prevent adding groups within tabbed groups
  • VINYL-10012 - Corrects css issue with datetime picker
  • VINYL-9765 - Removes maximize icon for tabbed group panels
  • VINYL-10033 - Corrects issue with radio / button groups not loading correctly after global refresh

Hotfix: Version 2.7.21417 released on 5/11/2020 9:49:38 PM (build dbbea8bc)

  • VINYL-10025 - Upgrade Business Central 365 Driver
  • VINYL-9989 - Corrects connection screen for Google data source servers
  • VINYL-9908 - Corrects error message rendering

Version 2.7.21255 released on 4/22/2020 5:21:02 PM (build d01c0126)

  • VINYL-9941 - SAP empty string fix
  • VINYL-3524 - New public data object for setting local authentication parameters
  • VINYL-9925 - mvSQL expression fix for escaped expressions inside functions
  • VINYL-9923 - Quick Grid improvements
  • VINYL-9913 - Snowflake driver upgrade
  • VINYL-9928 - Fix error adding control set via panel detail page
  • VINYL-9924 - Table extension fixes if no columns specified in extension table
  • VINYL-9914 - Dynamics Fin connection string changes
  • VIYNL-9861 - Fix padding on help pop-up
  • VINYL-9937 - A2B plugin updates

Hotfix Release: Version 2.7.21123 released on 4/9/2020 2:23:59 AM (build 66acf7cd)

  • VINYL-9779 - Fix null reference when building table from list
  • VINYL-9717 - Correct issues with signal-triggered schedules
  • VINYL-4500 - Add where used for tables and rules in REST endpoints
  • VINYL-9772 - Correct accordian help icon
  • VINYL-9724 - Only allow adding help for controls that support it
  • VINYL-9760 - Text control will trim trailing whitespace when changed
  • VINYL-9585 - Correct typo Targetted -> Targeted
  • VINYL-9773 - Correct help for menu items
  • VINYL-9775 - Correct help icon on checkbox
  • VINYL-9736 - Improvements to realm page linking
  • VINYL-9108 - Adds foreign key for template parameter bindings
  • VINYL-9650 - Corrects escaping of quotes in mvSQL substitution expressions
  • VINYL-9768 - Corrects menu data objects on pages in insert mode
  • VINYL-9623 - improvements for full audit warnings
  • VINYL-9254 - binary columns now supported in full audit populate all
  • VINYL-9709 - corrects issue with bundle used in two applications with identical translation keys failing
  • VINYL-9710 - support for nvarchar(-1) for babel translations
  • VINYL-9590 - New beta page builder improvements:

    In the beta page builder, changing control types and working with Lists is improved.

    If a control type requires a source table (like Lists, Radio controls etc) a new screen is displayed to choose one. Next, the look up columns are shown (key, title, sub title, etc)

    Defaulting of these look up values is improved.

    Default values when changing control types are now being set.

    Less right-side panel flickering when changing controls in the builder, faster data reload.

    Several suggested edits to the control editing panel. - better support for changing to control types that need other fields populated (list, etc)

  • VINYL-9749 - Tabbed panel in pop-up obscures close icon for pop-up

  • VINYL-9714 - Corrects alignment of page tabs and panel groups
  • VINYL-9638 - Correct XML not displaying correcting in web service request logs
  • VINYL-9725 - Correct help icon not showing on enclosed fields
  • VINYL-9636 - fixes exception thrown when viewing web requests when test result column empty
  • VINYL-9627 - improve ace editor user experience

Hotfix Release: Version 2.7.20985 released on 3/28/2020 2:49:27 AM (build 110485d3)

  • VINYL-9179 - Migration rules cannot target extension tables
  • VINYL-9577 - Bugfixes for IDE extending tables
  • VINYL-9753 - Corrects issue where advanced connection strings might not be set correctly with multiple connections to the same data source server
  • VINYL-9253 - Update security related log messages for secure logging
  • VINYL-9741 - Corrects issue needing to save widget parameter twice when typing a string
  • VINYL-9625 - Implements caching for MimeType table in Vinyl
  • VINYL-9706 - Adding column with forward slash throws a validation error when selected through UI
  • VINYL-9721 - Cannot re-enable SMTP certificate validation
  • VINYL-9671 - Network graph doesn't resize or recenter when displayed in full screen
  • VINYL-9540 - Update EventHistory to read max stack size from diagnostic table
  • VINYL-9701 - Corrects LP file issue with extension tables
  • VINYL-9697 - Corrects issue with filter popup with MRPs in a scrolling group
  • VINYL-9496 - Unboound toolbar button disabled in child panel
  • VINYL-9723 - The max value is not respected in published REST endpoints
  • VINYL-9615 - Corrects ControlLinkCriteria data for Vinyl
  • VINYL-9730 - Page Id could not be determined error message
  • VINYL-9729 - Increases size of Domain field for Active Directory data source servers
  • VINYL-9728 - Fix for font awesome errors visible in javascript console
  • VINYL-9035 - Vinyl will now mark PK fields automatically when pressing Source button
  • VINYL-9711 - Ctrl-S now works on html control
  • VINYL-9708 - Help steals focus when switching to edit
  • VINYL-7089 - Always edit doesn't work with list allow insert
  • VINYL-9558 - Menu data objects don't re-run when switch apps and going back()
  • VINYL-9703 - Corrects scrolling on menu items for long list of items
  • VINYL-9491 - Corrects exception thrown using Table_Public and Column_Public public data objects

Hotfix Release: Version 2.7.20888 released on 03/17/2020 (build f2edc9e7)

  • VINYL-9702: mvSQL - Reintroduce 2.6 passthrough support. (2.7)
  • VINYL-9480: Lanes with subtype of both, and no theme specified, top headers white (not visible) (2.7)
  • VINYL-9701: Release Management - Should only create local columns if extended (2.7)

Hotfix BETA Release: Version 2.7.20870 released on 03/16/2020 (build 0fcd07fc)

  • VINYL-9693: Introduce a page to validate rules
  • VINYL-9675:Validate All Rules button times out when data source contains many business objects.
  • VINYL-9639: OneLogin passes empty SAML assertion claims
  • VINYL-9537: Extend DATEDIFF unit support on PostgreSQL
  • VINYL-9669: Rework Action Drawer obscuring on mobile fix (2.7)
  • VINYL-9698: Icons misaligned due to page builder css (2.7)
  • VINYL-9605: Margins on pages seem off. (2.7)
  • VINYL-9415: opened menu is causing manage servers menu item to be not legible (2.7)
  • VINYL-9694: Table Extension - Extend button (2.7)
  • VINYL-9695: Move validate all rules button from the Business Layer to Validate Rules page (2.7)
  • VINYL-9669: Rework Action Drawer obscuring on mobile fix (2.7)
  • VINYL-9688: Extented Table - Hide TableInstallOptionId (2.7)
  • VINYL-9687: Main IDE page throws scrollTo error when resize smaller (2.7)
  • VINYL-9604: Adding new page via new page builder is not automatically adding the page to the menu (2.7)
  • VINYL-9662: Changing item in site menu results in exception (2.7)
  • VINYL-9681: Quickbooks Online - Test Button missing (2.7)
  • VINYL-9507: Tabbed panels sometimes show a tab button with no text (2.7)
  • VINYL-9651: scrollTo is forcing table Results generated MRP to scroll to right (2.7)
  • VINYL-9663: Page builder doesn't account for licensing/sealed apps (2.7)
  • VINYL-9640: Cannot read property '0' of undefined when loading preview theme (2.7)
  • VINYL-9608: Action drawer can be completely obscured on narrow views (2.7)
  • VINYL-9648: Allow to escape closing brackets with backslash on pass-trough grammar (2.7)
  • VINYL-9616: Control set container type panel does not render when opened from panel detail page (2.7)

Hotfix BETA Release: Version 2.7.20703 released on 03/04/2020 (build 1d595ba4721e)

  • VINYL-9554: Layout of binding column panel not ideal
  • VINYL-9622: Avoid trimming null exception data values when copying exception. (2.7)
  • VINYL-9610: Salesforce CData connection (RDBMS security provider connected to OAuth security provider) throws exception for who('')
  • VINYL-9633: Salesforce CData is not able to display a count about 50000
  • VINYL-9631: Side by Side Scrolling Groups not rendering Side by Side (2.7)
  • VINYL-9231: Board/Lanes scrollTo incorrect
  • VINYL-9630: REST API is returning 404 web service not found even though web service exists. (2.7)
  • VINYL-9603: iOS Safari, headings on MRP not rendering correctly, page not scrolling correctly (2.7)
  • VINYL-9580: mvSQL - Joins stopped working (2.7)
  • VINYL-9594: Sh_Job indexes were modified in 2.7... we should truncate the table beforehand.
  • VINYL-9567: Ace editor autosuggest sometimes doesn't appear in chrome windows when browser zoom is 75% (2.7)
  • VINYL-9541: Integrate Ben.Demystefier to clean up stack traces in logs, event history
  • VINYL-9602: Remove helpdesk link from action drawer
  • VINYL-9582: mvSQL - Obscure error when running results (2.7)
  • VINYL-9596: Edit icon hidden when linking to a page with page data object, and panel bound to page data object
  • VINYL-9570: Consider logging exceptions to main logs and not just event history
  • VINYL-9597: Developer role can't add tables (2.7)
  • VINYL-9557: Widget param criteria missing from widget link (2.7)
  • VINYL-9575: Show subtype on page builder (2.7)
  • VINYL-9288: select * from subquery will cause issues when deleting a column from that subquery
  • VINYL-9552: copy exception button not available when 500 error generated (2.7)
  • VINYL-9555: Developer role can't access page builder page (2.7)
  • VINYL-9444: IE11: textarea with exception displayed before exception is copied (2.7)
  • VINYL-9564: White screen appears in page builder (2.7)
  • VINYL-9561: Layout types showing tabbed for pages in page builder (2.7)

Initial BETA Release: Version 2.7.20580 released on 02/24/2020 (build xxx)

Feature Overview


  • New Page Editor! The new editor provides a much more visual way to create and edit your Vinyl application pages. Note, this is a beta feature.

New Controls

  • Menus can now be driven by business objects. Show/hide options depending on user or system state.
  • Menus now support icons, badges, buttons.
  • Network graph chart allows developers to show relationships between objects.
  • Buttons can now be shown in a panel header.
  • Button group allows developer to create a collection of buttons where only one button can be active at a time.
  • Collapsing control sets using tabs or accordions. Minimize the amount of screen real estate used in a page by collapsing infrequently used data.
  • Groups now support tabs which renders panels within the group as a collection of tabs.

Control Improvements

  • Lanes now have a 'wrap' option. This allows developers to group horizontally and vertically.
  • Scrolling now supports panel groups.
  • Capability bindings provide a way to hide or disable child panel intrinsic controls (create, edit, delete) from a parent panel business object.
  • List has a new 'User Selectable' column id which indicates whether a list item can be selected when in edit mode. This allows list items to be rendered in display mode but not selectable when editing a record (e.g. inactive products).


  • New Ace Editor provides much more robust and intelligent editing of mvSQL. Includes new features such as:

    • Intellitype for columns and functions.
    • Better highlighting.
  • Developers can now type mvSQL queries directly into an editor. These queries can also be used to create a corresponding business object (beta).

  • Passthough syntax will now preserve whitespace and evaluate column expressions in string literals.


  • Vinyl now supports help tooltips on most UI objects (page, menu items, panels, control sets, and fields).
  • Can also add help to table and business object columns. This help text appears as field level help wherever the business object is used.

Cross Datasource Table Inheritance

  • Cross Datasource Table Inheritance provides a simpler mechanism for handling data spread across multiple data sources.
  • Developers can now inherit from a table in a data source and expand with additional columns.
  • Additional columns plus primary key are the only data stored in the child table.
  • Allows for parse record keeping.


  • Widgets now automatically authenticate with Vinyl when accessing Vinyl REST APIs.


  • Web Service Request logs (REST API, REST Datasources, Webhooks) now include detailed information (request/response headers, body) when detailed logging is activated.
  • Secure data is no longer being logged (e.g. SQL queries). Developers can turn this back on in the logging configuration.
  • Logs have been renamed:

    • Slow Logs - Database Logs
    • Fast Logs - Memory Logs
  • A new log configuration has been added for Disk Logs to allow this log to be configured independently.


  • Automatically determined user time zone and language settings are now persisted to the Se_User record. Can be queried via User, User_Current, User_Read public data objects.
  • Vinyl errors now have a Copy Exception button to allow users to more easily copy the stack trace to the clipboard.
  • Scheduled background jobs can now be executed on demand.
  • Database error message re-writing now supports REST API.
  • Role and UserRole public data objects added.
  • REST API supports translatable columns and respects user language settings.
  • Application endpoint is now configured in the Publish page for REST APIs (and Configured Webhooks for Webhooks).

New Data Sources

  • Google Calendar
  • Google Contacts
  • Gmail
  • Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations
  • Airtable
  • QuickBooks Online

Detailed Changes

New Features

  • VINYL-8087 - Allow theming of panel toolbars and headers
  • VINYL-9077 - Create custom event when pages/panels load
  • VINYL-9101 - New Page editor
  • VINYL-9143 - Control set collapse option
  • VINYL-9187 - Button groups to show radio-style options
  • VINYL-9201 - UI/UX: Display Help Text
  • VINYL-9202 - Ability to dynamically disable the create button on a MRP (Capability bindings)
  • VINYL-9203 - Return friendly error message for database exceptions to REST API
  • VINYL-9204 - Persist automatically determined user time zone settings.
  • VINYL-9205 - Add Copy button to exception/error message area
  • VINYL-9206 - Setting to ensure Vinyl does not log potentially sensitive information
  • VINYL-9207 - Log incoming/outgoing HTTP contents for REST and Webhook data sources.
  • VINYL-9210 - Authenticate widget HTTP requests to REST API
  • VINYL-9241 - Support data objects in site menu bar
  • VINYL-9292 - Buttons promoted to panel header
  • VINYL-9293 - Add support for column/row lanes
  • VINYL-9296 - Table Inheritance
  • VINYL-9339 - CData - Airtable
  • VINYL-9370 - Add new highcharts network graph to Vinyl
  • VINYL-9378 - Provide a public data object for roles
  • VINYL-9160 - mvSQL - Execute statements and Persist
  • VINYL-9163 - mvSQL - Auto complete and Ace Editor
  • VINYL-9195 - REST API - Support error message rewriting.


  • VINYL-3841 - Allow immediate execution of scheduled jobs
  • VINYL-5211 - REST API - Allow Consumer to specify Culture for date/currency formatting
  • VINYL-6027 - REST API - Support translatable columns
  • VINYL-8397 - Toolbar buttons too wide
  • VINYL-8488 - Improvements to mvSQL grammar
  • VINYL-8959 - Vinyl should log all http request / responses for REST requests and authentication/authorization requests
  • VINYL-9028 - Default table name when copying
  • VINYL-9079 - Detect and report a misnamed connection file
  • VINYL-9080 - Upgrade to Knockout v3.5.0
  • VINYL-9110 - Binding Columns page - Op column too narrow and truncates value
  • VINYL-9158 - mvSQL - Improve grammar - Allow full selects
  • VINYL-9215 - Lanes should be 1 tile wide on mobile
  • VINYL-9216 - Allow Lanes and Boards to run vertically
  • VINYL-9218 - Allow non-selectable rows in a list when displaying data
  • VINYL-9220 - Allow panel groups within a scrolling panel
  • VINYL-9225 - Allow SDK Fail method to take message as an argument
  • VINYL-9243 - Create mvsql function for newline.
  • VINYL-9352 - Create role() mvSQL runtime function
  • VINYL-9354 - confirmation message needed before executing Getting Started on the data storage layer detail page
  • VINYL-9379 - Move application "Endpoint" from Application Design page to Publish page
  • VINYL-9380 - Move link to Providers (a.k.a. Identity Management) page
  • VINYL-9456 - Sort order of change management requests ascending
  • VINYL-9530 - Changes to action drawer for 2.7 for wiki/community/etc...


  • VINYL-4000 - Vinyl does not automatically bump the version number for a new package
  • VINYL-5122 - Can't go from List with bindings to Text
  • VINYL-6579 - Delete data source leaves orphaned records in Re_DataSource
  • VINYL-6756 - Add Indexes in some areas
  • VINYL-6772 - Installing a duplicate API Server name seems to cause a half-installed package and a misspelled validation rule.
  • VINYL-6838 - switching schedule frequency should reset schedule details
  • VINYL-6875 - Handle One Time Execution Better for Scheduled Events
  • VINYL-6876 - Consider supporting the scheduling of sealed events
  • VINYL-7023 - DB2/LUW Docker container requires manually creating Vinyl database
  • VINYL-7106 - 'Customize Events' link should be hidden for sealed data source schedule
  • VINYL-7506 - Spinner doesn't look good on gray login background
  • VINYL-7865 - Chrome fix removed in 2.5
  • VINYL-7998 - Correct "SalesForce" to "Salesforce" in code, path names, description fields
  • VINYL-8025 - Excel not able to handling csv files encoded with utf-8 encoding
  • VINYL-8057 - Renaming a scheduled event removes it from any schedules
  • VINYL-8084 - Fix business logic page not showing "related" CRUD rules/bus objects
  • VINYL-8217 - Trimming strings returned from RDBMS databases causes silent data corruption
  • VINYL-8317 - control set with leading equal sign causes column header to not be displayed in download csv
  • VINYL-8407 - A designer can change the app that an schedule belongs to regardless of the events that exist in the schedule
  • VINYL-8414 - HTML editing fails with Excel mode
  • VINYL-8485 - Webhook - Return data from target datasource
  • VINYL-8511 - when linking to dynamic panels within frame , it generates bind error
  • VINYL-8514 - MySQL "Too many connections" error
  • VINYL-8566 - Can't maximize pages in a frame
  • VINYL-8634 - Required on insert has issues in rendering
  • VINYL-8639 - Confusing error when Chart panel is missing Value control
  • VINYL-8853 - Vinyl allows duplicate endpoints for different applications
  • VINYL-8929 - Link between events (by event name) isn't enforced
  • VINYL-8930 - Hide bindings when action is plugin
  • VINYL-8943 - file export is not doing the order by at the outer most sql statement
  • VINYL-8998 - Link to page not cleared when not accessed
  • VINYL-9017 - Link to page has a outline that should be hidden
  • VINYL-9027 - We aren't handling whitespace in {{ whatever | url_decode }} for REST url parameters
  • VINYL-9031 - Escaped sql in ${ } is having spaces inserted into it
  • VINYL-9068 - Adding a bundle to an application should add it to the release template
  • VINYL-9084 - LP creation fails if marking a cloud database (like Dynamics CRM CData) for physical move
  • VINYL-9094 - Back arrow text shows wrong page
  • VINYL-9111 - Chrome autofill conflicts interferes with autocomplete
  • VINYL-9122 - Repair page is broken if a numeric column has a default of NULL
  • VINYL-9129 - Html fields with no source appear editable with Panel Excel mode
  • VINYL-9144 - "Wrong root control for control id" error when exceeding max number of controls on page
  • VINYL-9145 - Create+ control button is bound by ParentControlId
  • VINYL-9149 - URL mismatch in Okta/SAML configuration results in "External authentication failed. Result is null"
  • VINYL-9155 - CF/Theming Issues with controls
  • VINYL-9164 - Validation messages overlap rows in multi-row panel
  • VINYL-9167 - Insert validations not shown when using scrolling groups
  • VINYL-9171 - Can't cancel package manager operations
  • VINYL-9180 - Don't allow users to switch data source servers for a data source.
  • VINYL-9197 - Table selection list on Action page doesn't group tables by data source
  • VINYL-9199 - Actions registered to the Insert event cannot invoke other events
  • VINYL-9224 - SDK isDirty always returns true
  • VINYL-9227 - Save error not displayed in board
  • VINYL-9232 - can't filter on purpose on rules page
  • VINYL-9256 - "Rule (Details)" page does not show correct page title when linked to from "Design a Data Source" -> Rules
  • VINYL-9282 - Bad user defined function prevents Vinyl from starting
  • VINYL-9284 - Dg_EventHistory is still not getting cleaned correctly
  • VINYL-9297 - Panel containers sometime add extra padding
  • VINYL-9300 - Missing exception in error config for Salesforce ADO.NET
  • VINYL-9307 - Marimekko Chart misspelled in Vinyl
  • VINYL-9320 - Javascript error on closing single row panel
  • VINYL-9328 - Adding the administrator to the developer group prevents them from undoing this
  • VINYL-9334 - Unhandled web service error results in "Cannot read property 'data' of null"
  • VINYL-9338 - Can't bind cosmetic panel to SRP
  • VINYL-9343 - Can mark email data source for physical changes... breaks LP install
  • VINYL-9345 - Vinyl should log the database name it is working on when installing from a snapshot...
  • VINYL-9360 - linking to public via frames break navigation causing http 404
  • VINYL-9364 - Logical data type of Number prevents data object from storing values with decimal places
  • VINYL-9366 - JSON Object for charts don't run when panel source reloads
  • VINYL-9373 - Register v2 signing license
  • VINYL-9382 - Unhelpful error with bad calendar config
  • VINYL-9418 - IIF() in a rule fails to compare a String or Guid to a literal in MySQL
  • VINYL-9453 - Chart visibility can cause color property not to apply
  • VINYL-9466 - DB2 support requires optional Oracle compatibility mode
  • VINYL-9491 - Table_Public and Column_Public public data objects throw NullReferenceException
  • VINYL-9508 - Icons , text, etc is displaying with different CSS in 2.7
  • VINYL-9531 - Mismatched quotes when trying to use backslash
  • VINYL-9536 - Add Test Connection for Gmail DatabaseType