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Vinyl 3.0 release notes

Important upgrade release notes

  1. iOS Push Notifications

    Customers wanting to enable push notifications for the native iOS app must request an API key from Zudy. This API key gives the customer Vinyl instance access to the data services Blabber API which forwards push notifications to OneSignal.

  2. Some logical data types have been deprecated

    Existing applications should continue to work but these types will no longer be available going forward.

    • Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4
    • City, State, ZipCode, Country
    • Cell, Landline, Phone
  3. The URLs for pages with frames are now changed

    • Was: /app/Northwinds/Mobile/Customers
    • Now: /app/Northwinds/Mobile/Northwinds/Customers
  4. IDE pages have changed - if you have bookmarked IDE pages, you will want to reset those

  5. When upgrading, you MUST move the old Vinyl folder out of the way before copying the contents of the new folder

    The upgrade instructions for Vinyl are here: Upgrade guide. Pay particular attention to Step 2: "Move the contents of your previous Vinyl root directories to a backup folder".


Version 3.0.28827 released on 4/28/2022 4:54:25 PM (build 277fa047)

  • VINYL-13324 - DynamicsCRM driver upgrade

Version 3.0.27280 released on 11/18/2021 9:24:27 PM (build 261bcec4)

  • VINYL-11725 - Upgrades Hubspot driver. Allows for APIKey authentication.

Version 3.0.26949 released on 10/20/2021 2:14:59 PM (build 0259e832)

  • VINYL-12575 - Sharepoint authentication fix
  • VINYL-12582 - Fix for null pointer reference in Caller() function

Version 3.0.26406 released on 9/1/2021 4:54:17 PM (build 6cdfdd45)

  • VINYL-12138 - Support for OAuth authentication for SharePoint

Version 3.0.25924 released on 7/16/2021 9:02:39 PM (build 91ae3fb4)

  • VINYL-11896 - Performance improvements CRUDing files to S3 buckets with many files

Version 3.0.25882 released on 7/13/2021 4:12:49 PM (build 96062e21)

  • VINYL-12137 - Cannot override webhook response content type.

Version 3.0.25422 released on 5/22/2021 12:41:08 AM (build f12e8f59)

  • VINYL-11813 - Events calling events will not calculate rows to run against ahead of time

Version 3.0.25231 released on 5/7/2021 8:39:18 PM (build dba7c125)

  • VINYL-11733 - Adds additional logging at the debug level when there is an action that invokes another event
  • VINYL-11657 - Equality by ColumnID instead of by refence of column for SAP
  • VINYL-11638 - Corrects export from SAP

Version 3.0.24938 released on 4/14/2021 12:50:33 AM (build bd7197f1)

  • VINYL-11550 - Fixing issue over-escaping text for export
  • VINYL-11548 - Avoid resetting CSS for panels that are managed by side-by-side panel groups
  • VINYL-11546 - Login rendering improvements

Version 3.0.24839 released on 4/6/2021 2:23:07 PM (build d0ab8bcb)

  • VINYL-11464 - corrects mandatory error message not being displayed to the user
  • VINYL-9169 - Salesforce ADO.Net will not automatically join lists when loading data for a panel

Version 3.0.24660 released on 3/19/2021 9:06:41 PM (build f3647372)

  • VINYL-11400 - Add rule operators to SFTP, SharePoint FS, Amazon S3 file-based data sources

Version 3.0.24552 released on 3/8/2021 11:26:41 PM (build fb2a3339)

  • VINYL-11316 - Plugin support added to webhooks
  • VINYL-11276 - CSV download improvements
  • VINYL-11228 - Filesystem improvements for Package Manager
  • VINYL-11223 - Only display messages for trusted exceptions to non-administrative users
  • VINYL-11229 - Embed endpoint additional checks
  • VINYL-11193 - Filesystem improvements when navigating
  • VINYL-11194 - CSV download improvements

Version 3.0.24328 released on 2/18/2021 10:46:03 PM (build 6e545187)

  • VINYL-11204 - Add support for Vinyl to authenticate with Bullhorn REST API

Version 3.0.24314 released on 2/17/2021 12:16:30 AM (build 63f9e5d2)

  • VINYL-11203 - Adjust packaging of Ws_Resource in LP to handle non-unique endpoint names
  • VINYL-11147 - Adjust caching of security privileges for background jobs triggered by authentication event
  • VINYL-11178 - Adjust behavior of list controls

Version 3.0.24192 released on 2/5/2021 12:00:01 AM (build cfc98f1e)

  • VINYL-7948 - Improve list search field - particularly on mobile devices

Version 3.0.24162 released on 2/1/2021 6:48:59 PM (build afa04bcb)

  • VINYL-11046 - Corrects running CRAM Business Layer rule
  • VINYL-11116- Corrects issue connecting to MariaDB
  • VINYL-11079 - Adds support for Haitian Creole
  • VINYL-10983 - Corrects authentication trigger in HA environment

Version 3.0.23931 released on 1/15/2021 11:10:33 PM (build 3e280749)

  • VINYL-11020 - Corrects RFC panel binding on action detail page
  • VINYL-10995 - Updates REST data object name length to 256 from 128
  • VINYL-11023 - Adds support for child comparisons to SAP ABAP connector
  • VINYL-11020 - Corrects behavior change with REST CRUD rules
  • VINYL-10978 Corrects link criteria on mobile tab menu

Version 3.0.23870 released on 1/10/2021 9:47:46 PM (build 435fc04a)

  • VINYL-10611 - Upgrade pdfsharp library for mergepdf
  • VINYL-10979 - Correct issue with list and user selectable with local connector
  • VINYL-10989 - Correct Salesforce connector scope issue
  • VINYL-10937 - Correct issue with binding on managed table in CRUD rule
  • VINYL-10620 - SDP generate UTF-8 encoded xml file

Version 3.0.23775 released on 1/4/2021 10:25:41 PM (build 465f5499)

  • VINYL-10710 - Corrects issue setting binding on menu items
  • VINYL-10930 - Corrects issue pressing back on page in add mode
  • VINYL-10925 - Corrects bridge actions missing success and failure handlers
  • VINYL-10935 - Corrects nested menus scrolling

Version 3.0.23734 released on 12/17/2020 9:47:32 PM (build 4237dea2)

  • VINYL-10429 - File browser panel fix
  • VINYL-10895 - Read only columns quickly appear editable when binding changes
  • VINYL-10800 - Corrects timeout check on MySQL 5.6
  • VINYL-10904 - Corrects date output on quick grid (rule results)

Version 3.0.23701 released on 12/15/2020 5:29:22 PM (build 3e590030)

  • VINYL-10889 - Corrects issues with flickering panels when adjusting panel visibility

Version 3.0.23667 released on 12/11/2020 5:38:52 PM (build cb4ac052)

  • VINYL-10873 - Allow developer to prevent the order by clause from being added to a select statement (primarily for MySQL)
  • VINYL-10759 - Corrects issue displaying and clearing link to page criteria if update link to page or insert link to page set for a MRP
  • VINYL-10841 - Improves performance of action detail and panel edge case page on MySQL
  • VINYL-10699 - Corrects connection pool leak on Postgres
  • VINYL-10650 - Corrects "duplicate entry" error when changing data sources on App Workbench
  • VINYL-10812 - Corrects issue with incoming REST calls

Version 3.0.23592

  • VINYL-10831 - Clear validations before running autosave
  • VINYL-10832 - Correct scrollbar on mobile when using list control
  • VINYL-10827 - Correct error with copy bridge rule
  • VINYL-10780 - Introduces public data object App_DefaultPage_List
  • VINYL-10773 - Correct functions on SAP
  • VINYL-4703 -Lists now search subtitle when running searches against the database

Version 3.0.23439 released on 11/12/2020 10:10:41 PM (build 1f68f18b)

  • VINYL-10767 - Corrects issue with save on frame page
  • VINYL-10694 - Correct links duplicated in action drawer and ellipsis menu
  • VINYL-10740 - Correct permission for service user failing to run managed table cleanup task
  • VINYL-10721 - Corrects issue with test url wrapping on REST page
  • VINYL-10754 - Selectable usage type now available on physical tables
  • VINYL-10206 - Corrects clicking buttons on toolbar when using mobile device
  • VINYL-10752 - Corrects javascript error "cannot read property controlid of null error
  • VINYL-10751 - Corrects children disposal method
  • VINYL-10686 - Corrects SRP refresh on load with frames
  • VINYL-10693 - Menu acting up on page with frames
  • VINYL-10696 - Frame panel - global refresh on save not refreshing SRP
  • VINYL-10725 - Possible fix for SAML submission to authenticate with Zudy wiki
  • VINYL-10525 - Correct issue when copying bridge rule

Version 3.0.23348 released on 10/30/2020 4:40:05 PM (build 1957dda1)

  • VINYL-10727 - MySQL Select statements timeout after appropriate times as expected - upgrade MySQL driver
  • VINYL-10730 - Correct issue creating new Vinyl connector data sources
  • VINYL-10732 - Update csrf check for integration with some 3rd party libraries
  • VINYL-10706, 10705, 10703, 10683 - Silo fixes and moving silo control up to control center

Version 3.0.23246 released on 10/15/2020 2:55:55 PM (build 8142eba6)

  • VINYL-10690 - Corrects issue deploying LP files with tables in schemas. Vinyl creates schemas as needed now.
  • VINYL-10698 - Updates logic for binding columns for insert/update
  • VINYL-10684 - Corrects native date controls on Android
  • VINYL-10695 - Corrects issues where a text field did not run an event when clicked
  • VINYL-10610 - Remove logical data type group by name
  • VINYL-10663 - Mobile header fixes
  • VINYL-10674 - Fixes renaming column with same name
  • VINYL-10680 - Menu links missing at some window sizes
  • VINYL-10636 - Corrects issue where column target type wasn't checked when generating sql from execute rule button

Version 3.0.23205 released on 10/8/2020 3:50:14 PM (build 99c914a6)

  • VINYL-10672 - Corrects binding criteria on event page - particularly for webhooks
  • VINYL-10664 - Corrects missing events button on events page for webhook objects
  • VINYL-10671 - Fixes for loading frame default page
  • VINYL-10667 - Correct defaulting of new boolean columns when picking from an existing name
  • VINYL-10666 - Corrects error when filtering values
  • VINYL-10562 - Copy help when copying a page or panel
  • VINYL-10657 - Fix issue if WindowId is not initialized
  • VINYL-10665 - Corrects issue with Salesforce throwing an authentication exception while running default rules that select data form Salesforce
  • VINYL-10658 - Corrects null issue when running changesets in MySQL
  • VINYL-10635 - Join columns out of bounds on visual rule builder
  • VINYL-10644 - Fix frame default page race condition
  • VINYL-10643 - Ensure binding criteria passed to framed page
  • VINYL-9004 - Ensure FilterViewModel is disposed
  • VINYL-10648 - Fix binding context disposal
  • VINYL-9261 - Render user selectable items in list with strike-out if they fail the current filter
  • VINYL-10646 - Fix application authentication redirect
  • VINYL-10612 - Panel visibility improvements.
  • VINYL-10651 - Correcting permissions for silo developer for new app page
  • VINYL-10647 - Remove duplicate insert position from panel edge case, add help text
  • VINYL-10639 - Correct data source binding
  • VINYL-10576 - Corrects IDE layout issues on mobile
  • VINYL-10594 - Corrects binding for linking to rule builder for XP rules
  • VINYL-10623 - Corrects formatted value lost when reloading rows
  • VINYL-10634 - Corrects exception when navigating around visual rule builder

Version 3.0.23102 released on 9/29/2020 1:21:49 AM (build 4e13742b)

  • VINYL-10628 - Side by side group in stacked group in scrolling group squishes panels
  • VINYL-10599 - Fixes disappearing join connections on rule builder
  • VINYL-10627 - Group within scrolling group does not give up space when panels are hidden
  • VINYL-10632 - Fixes issue with network graph and panel hide/show
  • VINYL-10616 - Corrects issue building rules that are cross data source with different schemas
  • VINYL-10597 - Performance improvements for Vinyl running MySQL
  • VINYL-10622 - Corrects issue after deleting application
  • VINYL-10624 - Corrects issue filtering on add table panel when data source has no name
  • VINYL-10284 - Improve adding collection to application
  • VINYL-10617 - Corrects loading frame page
  • VINYL-10551 - Reduce number of promises on client
  • VINYL-7895 - SameSite support for cookies in Vinyl
  • VINYL-10433 - Corrects filter binding between panels when using simple search
  • VINYL-10619 - Don't bind panels if they can't be joined
  • VINYL-10145 - Add help and other fixes to column edge case page
  • VINYL-10606 - Expose more themes to developers
  • VINYL-10613 - Spinner for site menu loading
  • VINYL-10523 - Correct links from rule builder
  • VINYL-10607 - Adds editor to the template page
  • VINYL-10551 - Client memory leak improvements
  • VINYL-10595 - Scrollbar interferes with some controls
  • VIYNL-10577 - License / Password change screen order fixes

Version 3.0.23021 released on 9/18/2020 8:19:54 PM (build e4e6009b)

  • VINYL-10597 - New indexes to improve performance on MySQL
  • VINYL-10596 - Removing 10487, which could cause issues with Vinyl going back several times unexpectedly
  • VINYL-10587 - Adds table purpose icons for all table purposes, image page improvements
  • VINYL-10590 - Corrects template page
  • VINYL-10543 - Change rule builder page to use text field vs text area to prevent white space in names
  • VINYL-10572 - Ensure IDE apps are always rendered in English
  • VINYL-10522 - Fixes quick grid not using cached results for REST tables
  • VINYL-10593 - SQL caching window id for managed table
  • VINYL-10571 - Restores technical help field for table columns
  • VINYL-10577 - Password reset / license flow improvements
  • VINYL-10573 - Fixes for developer silo
  • VINYL-10519 - Rule builder union improvements
  • VINYL-10579 - Improve add table in rule builder
  • VINYL-10082 - Improves rendering of scrolling groups in preview icon
  • VINYL-10583 - Improves data source model opened from connections page
  • VINYL-10569 - Corrects guid on rule builder page
  • VINYL-10415 - Corrects issues with apps with no menus
  • VINYL-10578 - Add auto-save to Column+ button, allow toolbar buttons to be set to auto-save
  • VINYL-10580 - Corrects issues with list fields and auto-edit
  • VINYL-6476 - Corrects issue with weekly schedules
  • VINYL-10555 - Memory improvements in browsers by adjusting internal settings
  • VINYL-10567 - Restore link replace page for dynamic page links
  • VINYL-9658 - Corrects issue if daily schedule runs past midnight, skipping the following day
  • VINYL-7110 - Corrects after hours checks
  • VINYL-10550 - Update resize library to improve browser pauses
  • VINYL-9332 - Corrects issue changing schedule in MRP vs SRP
  • VINYL-10526 - REST endpoints not selectable for panel sources
  • VINYL-10400 - Corrects copy panel logic duplicating bindings and conditional formating
  • VINYL-10588 - If a user clicks a deep link and goes to a password reset page and doesn't reset password, directs user back to password reset when they follow link again
  • VINYL-10565 - Show managed type on table
  • VINYL-10520 - Corrects menu rendering on mobile
  • VINYL-10568 - Allow creating a data source without an application
  • VINYL-10497 - Corrects panel header when creating a column
  • VINYL-10563 - Adds new tab showing events for a datasource
  • VINYL-10507 - Defer opening lists until data is ready
  • VINYL-10546 - Improve clearing date when pressing X
  • VINYL-9291 - Improve MySQL database installation
  • VINYL-10548 - Improvements to developer silo
  • VINYL-10560 - Increase REST limits for rule builder
  • VINYL-10554 - Add button to toggle all columns on control wizard
  • VINYL-10557 - Support manage tables in panels and data objects
  • VINYL-10553 - Tippy loading improvements
  • VINYL-10482 - Corrects panel layout with scrolling groups and side by side layout
  • VINYL-10547 - Corrects memory leak with hotkey binding
  • VINYL-10544 - Improve defaulting of app context

Version 3.0.22871 released on 8/31/2020 5:11:28 PM (build 8dbcd94f)

  • VINYL-9978 - Corrects TranslatePhrase business object on execute rule button
  • VINYL-10545 - Maintain site menu changes between Vinyl upgrades
  • VINYL-10542 - Corrects alignment of X on simple search on IDE pages
  • VINYL-10419 - Fix refresh action on desktop
  • VINYL-10541 - Corrects issue adding panel data source
  • VINYL-10294 - Misc IDE improvements
  • VINYL-10534 - Corrects clearing user selectable field when picking list data source
  • VINYL-10430 - Corrects LP build issue when tables do not have columns
  • VINYL-9756 - Improvements to ACE editor - selection color, when edited
  • VINYL-10521 - Gray out rule builder while first panel is unsaved, Unselect → Deselect
  • VINYL-10528 - Corrects issue with page wizard
  • VINYL-10509 - Remove duplicate is required validations
  • VINYL-10480 - Spinners for controls
  • VINYL-9746 - List requires single click to open
  • VINYL-10170 - Clear list immediately when pressing X
  • VINYL-10490 - Corrects issue when adding dynamic controls
  • VINYL-10487 - Improves handling of back when Vinyl is in an iframe
  • VINYL-10492 - Improves text resize handling
  • VINYL-10488 - Corrects possible race condition loading menu
  • VINYL-10246 - Improvements to the rule builder mini-map

Version 3.0.22796 released on 8/25/2020 5:11:20 PM (build 6f6d2373)

Known Issues:

  • Cannot create dynamic controls


  • VINYL-10511 - Developer silo fixes
  • VINYL-10504 - Add spinner if field is saving itself due to excel mode changes
  • VINYL-10515 - Developer silo fixes for site menu
  • VINYL-10516 - Developer silo fixes for themes
  • VINYL-10499 - Duplicate column index fix
  • VINYL-10294 - IDE changes

    • Rule edge case help text
    • Hide sealed data sources
    • Page roles link added to page edge panel
    • Adjust pulsating + icon
    • Workbench page channel should show alpha sort if no changed on date
    • Hide html template for images on the site menu if none specified
    • Rename unselect to deselect
  • VINYL-10460 - Performance fixes from support/2.7

  • VINYL-10518 - Corrects issue creating validation rules when data source linked to app a certain way
  • VINYL-10510 - Update for mobile sized scrolling visibility issues
  • VINYL-10343 - Prevent REST calls from skipping error validations
  • VINYL-10445 - Introduction of "One" public data object
  • VINYL-10459 - Validation to prevent duplicate join clauses
  • VINYL-10497 - Corrects label on create column panel
  • VINYL-10505 - Missing buttons on table edit page for developer silo
  • VINYL-10184 - Visual rule builder - dropping under a scrolled table has unintentional behavior
  • VINYL-10492 - Corrects issues with Full audit, copy table
  • VINYL-10425 - Prevent ACE editor from setting a read-only field as dirty
  • VINYL-10500 - Remove enter hotkey on visual rule builder
  • VINYL-10492 - Text area no longer expanding on focu
  • VINYL-10170 - X button improvements
  • VINYL-10491 - Inline help style improvements
  • VINYL-10213 - Remove unique constraint index on TableJoin table
  • VINYL-10478 - Omit tabbed layout type from panels

Version 3.0.22721 released on 8/19/2020 8:04:35 PM (build a7cd5389)

Known Issues:

  • Cannot create dynamic controls
  • Cannot enable full audit on new data sources


  • VINYL-10484 - support for sending push notifications directly to OneSignal
  • VINYL-10489

    • Updates labels in IDE
    • Corrects import button on Logic -> data source detail panel
  • VINYL-10389 - corrects REST API logs are sometimes out of order

  • VINYL-10380 - prevent guid from showing for control source table where data source is not linked
  • VINYL-10488 - link data source improvements
  • VINYL-9964 - validation prevents processing a bundle with no application
  • VINYL-10462 - schema not being used to manually execute a CRUD, corrects issue with schemas in release management
  • VINYL-10472 - IE11 fix on login form, pop-up message fix, fixing app icon
  • VINYL-9965 - adds missing translations from profile page
  • VINYL-10480 - improves activity spinner for buttons, panel headers
  • VINYL-7099 - corrects button padding
  • VINYL-10397 - improves bridges in IDE
  • VINYL-10294

    • Adds pulse when app not picked in app workbench
    • Show rest endpoint content as tables and not business rules
    • Show all endpoint table columns
    • Show sort field on SRP
    • Adjust join panel padding so it lines up on the left
    • Change order of target listbox on business rule creation
    • Rename the label used when selecting your control types
    • Table event page should show name of table
    • Don't fail on default panel binding if there's no table
    • Fix them on event edge case panel
    • Adding a multi-add button for columns on a rule
    • Change decimal default scale to 4 from 5 for RDBMS
    • Link to page on panel expands and contracts
    • Buttons with help get a tighter fit
    • Change index to order on business rule data object detail mode
    • Add a hover scale to the edit pencil icon on site menu
  • VINYL-10483 - prevent linking data source to itself

  • VINYL-10481 - migration rule to prevent duplicate endpoints
  • VINYL-9966 - corrects issue with wrong bundle being used for translations
  • VINYL-10383 - corrects issue with developer silos
  • VINYL-10131 - Use ANSI-92 syntax to render cross joins
  • VINYL-10464 - Corrects issue with import action on new file systems
  • VINYL-10465 - Corrects issue with saving new rule freezing
  • VINYL-10453 - Corrects list X not always clearing fields
  • VINYL-10327 - Remove double quotes in mvSQL when displaying full statement
  • VINYL-10463 - Performance improvement to prevent downloading filedownload plugin until needed
  • VINYL-10350 - Disable rule builder input until save is complete

Version 3.0.22550 released on 2020-08-13 (build 59b4d6c7)

Known Issues:

  • Cannot sign-in authenticate with IE 11.
  • Developer silo does not work as expected


  • VINYL-10339 - Avoid refreshing panels before navigation
  • VINYL-10294

    • Expand rule builder using flex
    • Add table role button
    • Grouping widget parameter columns and controls
    • Add source detail link to logic
    • Attempt to retaint the same page index when linking to the same page with replace page in history
    • Change UUID to point to new valid status indicator
  • VINYL-10284 - Change how we increment and count indexes for new panels

  • VINYL-10346 - Add support for tooltips on fields and menus
  • VINYL-10452 - Override the flat IDE theme in the customer facing theme
  • VINYL-10431 - Add support for extended tables to inherit defaults from parent table
  • VINYL-10450 - Corrects error with no columns in visual rule builder causing missing panels
  • VINYL-10434 - Fix error when loading menu data
  • VINYL-9945 - Fix caller function for SAP
  • VINYL-10440 - Update action drawer items to be camel case
  • VINYL-10392 - Lane, board defaults control alignment like SRP
  • VINYL-10135 - Prevent error when clearing / changing value of field that is always edit on filter panel
  • VINYL-10409 - Ensure panel is ready when enabling create button
  • VINYL-9939 - Disposeof PCLCrypto ICryptographicKey
  • VINYL-10294 - Improve context help in IDE
  • VINYL-10418 - Create plugin to allow defaults to run on update in addition to insert
  • VINYL-10428 - Corrects issue with data-backed menus not reloading data
  • VINYL-10423 - Corrects issue defaulting column datatype incorrectly
  • VINYL-10294 - Hide user profile / sign-out if not needed
  • VINYL-9161 - Extract used columns from expressions to allow for renaming to apply to expressions
  • VINYL-10127 - Add link to populate audit records from data source page
  • VINYL-10417 - Fix issue with bridge option type list not populating
  • VINYL-10416 - Add missing Blabber Dg_Resource entry

Initial BETA Release: Version 3.0.22474 released on 8/5/2020 9:45:30 PM (build bba3da19)

Feature Overview

IDE 3.0

  • Sweeping changes have been made to the entire IDE to improve on-boarding of new users and speed up application development.
  • In particular:

    • Guided create application flow:

      • Auto-create data source with application
      • Auto-create pages from data source tables.
    • Creating a page from panel layout templates

      • Helps user visualize the end result before creating panels.
      • Also helps user identify which panel they are editing afterwards.
    • Lists can be automatically created when a FK exists

    • Multiple fields can be added to a page at one time, using default logic
    • Can now create rule (action, validation etc) directly from an event
    • New application specific IDE pages:

      • Workflow - Shows an overview of an application
      • Data - Displays tables and rules, along with application data sources
      • Pages - Displays pages in your application
      • UI - Access to themes, widgets, images and templates in your application collections
    • Control Panel is a new one stop searchable shop for all other Vinyl features

IDE Improvements

  • Creating a new table will auto create the primary 'id' key.
  • Data sources can now be locked to prevent schema changes. Data sources not in the Vinyl data source server are locked now by default.
  • A number of logical data types have been deprecated (address information, phone numbers):

    • Line1, Line2, Line3, Line4
    • City, State, ZipCode, Country
    • Cell, Landline, Phone
  • Event inheritance improved.

    • Data objects can now be flagged to inherit events, at which point Vinyl manages keeping events in sync.
  • Data page has a table relationship chart now to visualize your schema

Control Improvements

  • Controls can now be configured to use their native mobile UI counterparts. This can be configured application-wide or individually by control and will render in mobile browsers and native iOS applications.

    • Dates/Times: Uses native mobile UI element.
    • List: Uses native mobile UI element.
    • Text: Supports Email, Phone number, and URL which will hyperlink the value and provide a curtailed keyboard for data entry when editing (e.g. keypad for phone number).
  • Date and time controls now use a consistent 'x' clear button on the right hand side.

    • Can be styled.
  • Network graph supports binding.

  • Allow tabs to be used in groups.


  • New rule builder.

    • Visual layout of tables and joins.
    • Speed up creation of mvSQL rules through visual rule building (single click to add columns, drag drop to join tables, etc).
    • Just in time results displayed as the rule is being edited.
  • New UUID literal for consistency across platforms e.g. UUID('6dba7a8f-f09f-48a6-8be0-4b05522d8e94').

  • Improvements to grammar for data types and errors.

Managed Tables

Managed Tables are like regular tables but the data contained them is managed by Vinyl.

  • Useful for apps storing temporary data e.g. a semi-persistent "search" panel.

Three management types:

  • User: Current user logged into Vinyl.
  • Window: Each window or tab of a browser is uniquely identified.
  • Session: Each long lasting browser session.

Native iOS App

  • A native iOS app is now in the AppStore which allows users to connect to any Vinyl server (version 3.0 or above).
  • Bridges can now send push notifications to the native app.


  • Widget zip archives can now be edited in place using the browser.
  • Shows files and allows editing.


  • API keys can now be generated with expiration dates.

    • Defined at UI level or through the Key_Generate public data object.
  • Allow Local Authentication now configurable through User_LocalAuth public data object.


  • Allow deletion of detailed REST API logging.
  • Log data source authentication provider chosen when user authenticates.


  • Where Used now includes Vinyl REST API tables.
  • Dynamic results performance is improved as we're now using Quick Grid.
  • "Treat Table As Data Object" now default to on for new data sources.
  • Full Audit can now be one-click enabled on tables without UUID single part primary key.
  • REST API warning validations can be accepted using X-Vinyl-Ignore-Warnings header.

New Data Sources

  • Updated Zoho driver

Detailed Changes

New Features

  • VINYL-5805 - Add support for mvSQL GUID literals
  • VINYL-9183 - Wizards should allow multiple panels per step
  • VINYL-9859 - Improve application editing in the IDE
  • VINYL-9973 - Managed Tables
  • VINYL-9984 - Native Notifications for iOS
  • VINYL-9999 - Always edit list boxes should show a down arrow
  • VINYL-10099 - mvSQL - Rule Builder
  • VINYL-10102 - Allow editing of widget archive in browser
  • VINYL-10122 - Register Rule to Events (Action/Validation)
  • VINYL-10176 - Auto Create Primary Key
  • VINYL-10178 - Lock data source to prevent schema changes
  • VINYL-10186 - Consolidate Logical Data Types
  • VINYL-10189 - Event inheritance improvements
  • VINYL-10197 - API key expiration
  • VINYL-10250 - New apps should have native controls turned on by default.


  • VINYL-3524 - Expose Allow Local Authentication via public data object
  • VINYL-4500 - Add webservice tables to the list of "Where Used" on the table / rule detail pages...
  • VINYL-9159 - mvSQL - Improve grammar - Data Types and Errors
  • VINYL-9298 - Allow groups to use tabs
  • VINYL-9917 - Log which data source authentication type was chosen at runtime
  • VINYL-10008 - Guided Create Application flow
  • VINYL-10017 - Provide a way to delete captured "detailed" data for a REST call
  • VINYL-10050 - Improvements to table and primary key defaults when building rules
  • VINYL-10073 - mvSQL INSERT statement rendering should break columns onto separate lines
  • VINYL-10091 - Default Column Usage Title to first string in table
  • VINYL-10127 - Add shortcut to populate full audit trail for a data source
  • VINYL-10142 - Switch page templates to use placeholder panels
  • VINYL-10150 - Quick grid for dynamic results
  • VINYL-10158 - Native mobile fields should be hyperlinked (email, phone, url)
  • VINYL-10164 - Don't suggest Idx if primary key
  • VINYL-10166 - Create List for Control Types based on Column
  • VINYL-10170 - Date consistency
  • VINYL-10172 - Zoho CData Upgrade
  • VINYL-10173 - Relationships give name to null for update or delete
  • VINYL-10216 - New data sources should be created with "Treat Table As Data Object" defaulted to on
  • VINYL-10391 - Automatically perform changes to enable full audit on non-uuid pk table


  • VINYL-4445 - Scheduled tasks may not be identifiable on the Realms page
  • VINYL-6991 - mvsql functions are resolved in the sql preview
  • VINYL-8442 - Vinyl app theme doesn't display button borders
  • VINYL-9118 - Labels overlap on Business Logic Layer page
  • VINYL-9148 - Look into creating a RuntimeDataType for Logical Data Types
  • VINYL-9283 - user defined function cannot call another user defined function
  • VINYL-9563 - Font errors appear in console
  • VINYL-9607 - Upper case GUIDs in database models
  • VINYL-9703 - menu items appear at bottom do not appear when many items exist
  • VINYL-9712 - PDF not scrolling on ipad/iphone - use widget.
  • VINYL-9720 - The TargetColumnId column in the Be_DefaultBinding table has an invalid default value
  • VINYL-9724 - help should be hidden when configuring controls for highchart
  • VINYL-9737 - Mobile and Scroll Groups share same CSS class
  • VINYL-9757 - License validation fails if licensee has trailing space
  • VINYL-9766 - Modifying schedule logs several "could not find visibility target" messages
  • VINYL-9774 - Signal-triggered schedule limitations
  • VINYL-9807 - toggling between add help and page builder causes run and back buttons to be lost
  • VINYL-9869 - Could not find visibility target for Db_Table_View_TablePurposeId_Vis.Execute in Db_Table_View
  • VINYL-9871 - The visibility rule 'Se_Provider_ProviderTypeCategory_Control' should target the source table 'Se_Provider_Edit'
  • VINYL-9872 - Could not find visibility target for Db_DataSourceServer_DatabaseTypeIdVis.TestConnection in Db_DataSourceServer (DataObject)
  • VINYL-9873 - Could not find visibility target for Db_DataSourceServer_DatabaseTypeIdVis
  • VINYL-9874 - Visibility column not found for visibility rule Ui_Control_Panel_ControlTypeId_Vis, looking for target column SupportsWrapping in Ui_Control_Panel_EdgeCase
  • VINYL-9876 - Could not find visibility target for Db_ChangeManagementRequest_Visibility.CloseRequestButton in Db_ChangeManagementRequest_WithHelp
  • VINYL-9892 - Error message "no primary keys found" doesn't name the offending rule
  • VINYL-9897 - Automatic translation of translatable column data is broken.
  • VINYL-9902 - MRP Filter overlay in a scrolling group should overlay MRP as in 2.5
  • VINYL-9904 - MySQL swallows errors when dropping constraints
  • VINYL-9947 - Permission denied error creating file in sftp data source
  • VINYL-9957 - MySQL upgrade fails with "Multiple primary key defined" error
  • VINYL-9978 - TranslatePhrase public data object is broken.
  • VINYL-9988 - Be_AppPanelCount slow - mysql
  • VINYL-10002 - Changing data type from UUID to String might need repairing
  • VINYL-10019 - Network graph doesn't support panel binding
  • VINYL-10027 - Could not find visibility target for Db_Table_Physical_Vis.Import in Db_Table_Physical
  • VINYL-10035 - trace mode for default view not producing useful output
  • VINYL-10046 - Width of column for business object icon too narrow on business logic layer page
  • VINYL-10084 - Native date control - always edit prematurely selecting values.
  • VINYL-10087 - Poor performance of App_List public data object affects Site Menu and other pages
  • VINYL-10121 - Add expected type to Caller
  • VINYL-10138 - Error using always edit and global reload
  • VINYL-10139 - Default rule erronesouly executed in-memory using SQLite
  • VINYL-10141 - Can't change target binding type for CRUD Business Insert rules
  • VINYL-10144 - MVSQL - Update Statements - Reformat
  • VINYL-10151 - Submenu with same title as Tab makes Tab vanish
  • VINYL-10171 - Don't allow tabbing to the help icon (tabindex=-1)
  • VINYL-10183 - Cache TableFrom's data when parsing Column's expression
  • VINYL-10187 - EventHistory not being logged
  • VINYL-10190 - Dynamic Data Grid - Improve rendering of long text values
  • VINYL-10194 - Scrolling groups on different page tabs adds children to wrong slide
  • VINYL-10195 - MRP header binding is not rerunning when a sibling changes visibility.
  • VINYL-10203 - Table Icon in Business Objects open Wizard
  • VINYL-10204 - "Edge Case" button label and position consistency
  • VINYL-10214 - Collapse away scrolling groups with no visible children
  • VINYL-10228 - Vinyl won't block going to the same page twice
  • VINYL-10233 - Secuity provider for should be marked Internal
  • VINYL-10261 - Rest endpoint - Accept warning validations
  • VINYL-10290 - Non-alphabetical translations are added to the bundle
  • VINYL-10324 - Ui_Visibility unique constraint on PanelId, Index can break upgrades
  • VINYL-10330 - Remove Db_DataSourceReference table
  • VINYL-10344 - Change the Wrap default to On for new Lanes
  • VINYL-10352 - Mailkit update disabled support for sslv3 tls10...
  • VINYL-10353 - Invoke event from Action always foreground
  • VINYL-10358 - Can't change default security provider of an app, cell not found error
  • VINYL-10381 - Scrolled Tabbed are hiding MRPs that have no rows
  • VINYL-10387 - REST endpoint url substitutions shouldn't be case sensitive.
  • VINYL-10405 - MRP loads with no icons if not visible when page loads