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Vinyl 3.3 release notes

Important upgrade release notes

  • IE 11 is no longer supported in Vinyl 3.3+
  • Mdxclient has been removed from this build
  • This will be the last major version of Vinyl that will support the "print" option in the Save Report plugin (this is the server side printer, it does NOT affect end-users ability to print reports)
  • Servers that have been configured with the "Cookie" appsettings.json setting for running Vinyl within an iframe - this is now a first class feature that is set via the Vinyl IDE. Security Providers -> Sites -> Site details - and check allow cross-domain cookies.
  • If you are using Thumbprints to identify data encryption certificates, you must add "KeyEncryption": "Certificate" to the data encryption portion of your appsettings.json file
  • If you are using Teradata, you need to download and install the Teradata files required by Vinyl
  • Some panel types have been renamed:

    • Former name → Vinyl 3.3 name
    • Single-row panel (SRP) → Form
    • Multi-row panel (MRP) → Grid
    • Board → Tile
    • Cosmetic → Custom HTML
  • Changes to logical data types:

    • Decimal is a new option available
    • Document, Email, and URL are deprecated
  • Visibility values have been renamed and new value introduced:

    • Former name → Vinyl 3.3 name
    • Hidden → Clear
    • Visible (Optional) → Show
    • Visible (Required) → Require
    • Hide = New value introduced, hides the field and value remains intact

Known issues

  • DB2/i is not functioning
  • SAP connectors are significantly slower than previous versions of Vinyl
  • Adobe report generation is currently disabled



Version 3.3.35096 built on 7/12/2024 5:13:50 AM (build cd327bb0, 11.29)


  • All control types that support links can now be configured with an external Link To URL, set under Edge Case > Rare Navigation Settings. Previously, this field was present for button, icon, and text controls, but not for images or templates.

  • Controls with a configured sort column and sort order are now used when determining the initial sort order of a panel.

  • The CData Google Analytics ADO.NET Provider version used by Vinyl’s Google Analytics data server is now 23.0.8839.

  • When Vinyl is deployed in AWS Elastic Beanstalk, it now sends metrics and log files to Amazon CloudWatch.

  • When launching an offline mobile app for the first time after installing a release package, the user experience has been improved to indicate stages of ongoing progress until the app opens.


  • Sort options are now available for the template control type when a sort column is set.

  • Vinyl will now execute multi-statement changesets in a transaction when installing a release package.

  • When creating a new app, you are now redirected to the app’s homepage upon completing the Application wizard. Previously, an error occurred.

  • Members of the Developer role now have the permissions needed to create and modify template parameter bindings.

  • Long subtitles are now wrapped rather than truncated when the Edge Case > Wrap setting of a list control is used.

  • When attempting to view a report with shared criteria, an exception no longer occurs.

  • When using a Snowflake data server, default function definitions are now supported. Previously, attempting to use a function such as MAX would result in an error.

  • When using OAuth authentication and testing a connection using an ADO.NET driver, an intermittent error reporting execution context is not associated with a security context no longer occurs.

  • Logging in via application authentication no longer intermittently appears to fail with a redirect back to the login page when the login was actually successful.


Version 3.3.34990 built on 6/21/2024 12:25:27 AM (build 58b67174, 11.28)

New Features:

  • Administrators can now set the Authentication provider setting on individual Authorization Server clients to determine which security provider will be used to authenticate users.


  • In an event's details page for events whose Execution Type is Launch Now (Background) or Launch Now or via Schedule (Background), a new Blocking checkbox is present in the event's Execution Properties. When selected, Vinyl will wait for the completion of this event prior to executing subsequent actions from the caller.

  • In an event’s details page, the Validations and Actions panels are now displayed as vertically stacked instead of horizontally side by side.

  • When building a release package, on the final Publish panel, the Ready for Release button is no longer present. Instead, its functionality has been combined with that of the existing Finish button.

  • Vinyl now automatically redirects to the application home page if it detects that a page has been deleted. If the entire application has been deleted, Vinyl redirects to the site menu. Previously, an error message was displayed that instructed users to reload the page.

  • When navigating back to a popup page, the page now renders faster.


  • Background events are now logged when debugging events with tracing.

  • Chaining dynamic substitutions no longer causes the root column to be treated as an aggregate.

  • A custom navigation button on a panel in a panel group on a Wizard page is now always displayed as expected, instead of sometimes displaying the default navigation button.

  • The first panel of a Wizard page is no longer reloaded when using the button to navigate to the next panel. This issue was limited to when the first panel contained date or datetime controls and it was a user’s first time accessing the wizard.

  • Within the Control Properties tab for a control, searching for a specific property no longer results in the error Cannot read properties of undefined.

  • A temporary column can now be saved with the default values. Previously, a validation error A column name could not be resolved prevented saving the column with the default alias of Value.

  • List retrieval for button group controls now works when the retrieval is targeting a list control.

  • When re-importing business objects through a remote Vinyl connector, column edge case settings are now included in the import.

  • The preview for an SVG image now renders when accessed from the IDE > Look & Feel > Images page.

  • Remaining references to the Bridge feature (a term used in Vinyl 3.1 and earlier) have been corrected to Notification.


Version 3.3.34892 built on 5/31/2024 6:41:04 AM (build c6e7bda8, 11.27)


  • Controls now have a Sort Column setting in Edge Case to let you sort the data in any control on a column other than its source column. It also allows certain controls that previously did not have a sorting mechanism (such as Icons and Photos) to now sort according to the Sort Column.

  • The Checkbox control type has a new Invert option. Selecting the checkbox sets the underlying value to false; clearing the checkbox sets the underlying value to true.

  • In an event's details page, a new toggle provides the ability to switch between a workflow diagram and the list of actions and validations for an event.

  • Existing schedules that originally shipped with Vinyl now have Continue On Failure enabled to ensure that all events execute even if one fails.

  • A new version of mvSQL is available. In version 5, mvSQL treats any passthrough as GROUP-able when part of an aggregate query. To indicate that an expression is an aggregate, call it with the Expression() function. Example: Expression(${Count(1)}).

  • The CData driver version used by the NetSuite data server is now 23.0.8839.0.

  • The HTTP security provider now supports passing API keys in the query string when using the API key authentication type.

  • Security provider exports now include credential user names such as OAuth client IDs.

  • Vinyl will now automatically reload the page if it detects that a page has been deleted and recreated with the same name. Previously, an error message was displayed that instructed users to reload the page.


  • The PostgreSQL (Npgsql) driver was updated to address a security vulnerability.

  • The + Style button now correctly appears after creating a theme.

  • Attempting to upload a file that is greater than 4MB no longer results in the error Maximum call stack size exceeded.

  • Successfully installing an LP file no longer logs a Failed to acquire lock message to the event log in multi-server deployments.

  • Using columns with a data type of Date as a panel binding no longer causes the child panel to fail to load with the error Failed to convert value.

  • In the Live Designer, selecting a control in a Lane or Tile panel no longer results in the error Cannot read properties of undefined.

  • In Safari, entering a non-numeric character such as a dollar sign ($) in a Numeric control no longer prevents Vinyl from saving the row.

  • Vinyl no longer requires as much memory when viewing the All Releases page when there are many LPs available. As part of this fix, a secondary popup page is now provided for downloading the file.

  • The green/red status indicator in the corner of the action drawer is no longer present.


Version 3.3.34775 built on 5/10/2024 2:05:42 AM (build 053a2237, 11.26)

New Features:

  • The new Type database function can be used to provide information about an expression’s type without changing the expression itself.


  • The Count and Sum database functions now support the optional DISTINCT syntax.

  • Vinyl connector now supports simple search.

  • Error messages indicating that an event was unable to acquire an exclusive lock will now include the lock name.

  • Visual workflows now have arrows to move an action or validation left or right, swapping it with its neighbor. In addition, hovering over actions and validations now provides information about them.

Bug Fixes:

  • Continuing after an LP installation error no longer causes underlying application issues. Previously, when getting a installation error, clicking Install a second time would cause the installation to not continue where it left off, but to jump ahead to the next step. This could result in the schema becoming out of sync with the logical model on the system that the LP was installed on. In this case, Vinyl would consider the installation to be a success, but there would be underlying application issues.


    If you are using a version of Vinyl 3.3 earlier than 3.3.34775, contact Vinyl support if you receive an installation error, or consider upgrading to this version or later of Vinyl.

  • The OAuth security provider now correctly deserializes access tokens acquired before upgrading to Vinyl 3.3.

  • Site aliases are now preserved after Vinyl restarts.

  • Grid panels now support setting the wrapping of controls using the Wrap edge case setting. Previously, this setting had been present in Vinyl 3.2 for multi-row panels but was missing from Vinyl 3.3.

  • When Vinyl generates CSS from style themes using conditional formatting, it now takes nesting level into account (for example, when a control group is nested inside another control group).

  • An event no longer releases its lock before completing when either the expiry or wait period lapses. This issue was limited to single-server deployments; multi-server deployments were unaffected.

  • Vinyl connector now supports unmatched physical names for Order By. Previously, attempting to sort column results would return the error Invalid column name '[Column Name]'.

  • Folders can now be deleted from an S3 bucket using a CRUD delete business rule. Previously, attempting to delete the folder would result in the error Error making request with Error Code NotFound and Http Status Code NotFound.

  • An issue with the cleanup schedule Vinyl - Nightly Trim Logs has been resolved that was resulting in the exception Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'formatInfo').

  • REST APIs (SNAPIs) now decrypt encrypted business object columns even if they do not target the table column.

  • When upgrading to Vinyl 3.3, the Design Center page no longer appears blank if the app doesn’t have a default app data source.

    To address this issue, when upgrading to 3.3, apps that don’t have a default app data source will now have a default set in these scenarios:

    • If the app has only a single unsealed relational data source, it will be used as the default.

    • If the app has an unsealed relational data source that matches the app name, it will be used as the default.

    If neither of these scenarios apply, the Design Center page will display a panel that allows you to select a default data source.

  • When an SMS notification with an SMS reply option is sent to multiple recipients, the event is now triggered on all replies instead of only the first reply, and bindings set in the SMS notification rule are now used when the reply event is triggered.

  • When using the Vinyl native date picker on iOS, the iOS keyboard no longer opens along with the date picker when selecting the calendar icon.


Version 3.3.34690 built on 4/25/2024 3:14:48 PM (build 49f8c874, 10.87)

Bug Fixes:

  • An authentication error no longer occurs when sending notifications to SMS and Push Notification notification servers. This fix reverts a change made in version 3.3.34651 that inadvertently introduced this issue.


Version 3.3.34651 built on 4/19/2024 12:23:51 AM (build 7970e214, 10.87)

New Features:

  • Workflow diagrams provide a way to design and visualize process flows for modeling or documentation purposes.


  • Applications have a new Treat as Site menu option that can be used to designate an app as a custom site menu.

  • The SAP RFC and SAP ABAP over RFC data servers now use version 23.0.8865.0 of the CData SAP ERP ADO.NET driver and connect using the NetWeaver RFC SDK. Previously, they connected using the Classic RFC SDK with Unicode Support.

  • When upgrading the mvSQL version from version 1 or 2 to version 3 or 4, passthrough expressions are now automatically wrapped in parentheses. For example, the expression ${SELECT 1} would be updated to ( ${SELECT 1} ) on upgrade.

  • Values in an exported or imported security provider JSON file are now treated as case-sensitive for case-insensitive databases such as SQL Server.

  • The notification endpoint password field is now encrypted.


    April 2024 Update

    This change inadvertently introduced an authentication error when sending notifications to SMS and Push Notification notification servers. Version 3.3.34690 released April 25, 2024 reverts this change.

Bug Fixes:

  • Menu items that don’t have an image or icon defined are no longer displayed with extra space around them.

  • Theming for fieldset labels is no longer overridden in wizard panels.

  • When a tag control is in Excel mode, tags are now cleared when an event targeting its value is set to null.

  • When processing a bundle, phrases in a translatable column that contain leading or trailing spaces are now processed.

  • When a column has a default value of NewID(), creating a release package no longer fails with the error Unable to convert value.

  • Copying a business rule whose name is between 100 and 255 characters is now possible and no longer results in the error Unable to generate a new unique name that fits within 100 characters.

  • Attaching a business rule to the insert event of an API table that inserts the response of the API call to another table now works and no longer results in a no such table error.

  • XP CRUD business rules from REST sources now support string literals. Previously, using a literal enclosed in double quotes in the column or expression would result in the error A bind column exists in source table but not in source row.

  • If the authentication provider does not supply an identity, the error The identity mapping failed. (Parameter 'result') no longer occurs.

  • The remote Vinyl connections configuration page no longer includes non-RDBMS data sources.

  • Vinyl Docker images now have the correct build number and date.


Version 3.3.34546 built on 4/4/2024 12:31:30 AM (build 85ad2678, 10.86)

Bug Fixes:

  • External links without events that are configured to open a new tab or window (_blank) now open as expected.

  • When Load More Rows is clicked on a Lane panel that uses Group By, tiles are no longer duplicated in the lane display.


Version 3.3.34523 built on 3/28/2024 10:56:59 PM (build 3525d2f7, 10.86)

New Features:

  • User account access can be suspended using the new Deactivate and activate actions in a User record’s More menu. These additional areas of Vinyl have been updated to support this feature:

    • The User dialog’s Properties pane shows two new controls: Deactivated On and Deactivated By.

    • The Users table visually identifies deactivated accounts. You can also filter to show active or deactivated accounts.

    • The User public data object now has Activate and deactivate events.

  • An OAuth or OpenID Connect security provider configured with User-owned tokens has a new Delete On Sign Out option to instruct Vinyl to delete the stored token when the user logs out. This improves security for mobile apps with shared devices. These additional updates have also been made:

    • A new Sign Out signal allows background jobs to be scheduled to execute when a user logs out.

    • The Authenticate signal has been renamed to Sign In.

  • Currently running events can now be viewed and canceled in the new Running Events page. In addition, bindings shown on the Event History page now include primary key criteria for single-row events.


  • Mobile menu items now support badges.

  • The name you provide for a release package is no longer limited to 50 characters.

  • The version of the CData driver used by the HubSpot data server is now 23.0.8839.0.

  • Logging is improved for invalid event requests.

Bug Fixes:

  • The default accordion pane is now open when the page initially loads instead of opening after the page loads.

  • The application workbench Page Edit page no longer endlessly reloads when the developer doesn’t have access to the page being edited.

  • Testing an SMTP notification no longer fails with the error SMTP configuration is missing when username and password are not applicable properties for that SMTP server.

  • Triggering an event using a reply to an Sms notification now works as expected.

  • Vinyl no longer attempts to resolve the logical data type for passthrough SQL (${...}), which was previously resulting in a potentially incorrect data type. Instead, the type is left empty.

  • Developers can now select a data grid column in the Live Designer when the data grid is empty.

  • When installing a release package that includes a REST API data source whose web service parameters are marked as User Data, if the data source and parameters already exist in the target environment, they will now keep their existing values and no longer be set to null.

  • When page scrolling is enabled on a page with a tile panel, the page no longer auto-scrolls to the tile panel when the page loads, and instead remains at the top of the page as expected.

  • When a panel is part of a tabbed control group, clicking the open tab no longer closes the open tab.

  • When an event attempts to send multiple Vinyl alerts that do not have a set link to a page or event, all alerts are now shown instead of only the first alert.

  • When a Vinyl alert is sent To a userid and persistence is explicitly disabled, the alert no longer persists after it is manually closed.

  • When an account is locked, the message Invalid user name or password is now displayed when a user attempts to log in.


Version 3.3.34390 built on 3/7/2024 2:04:19 PM (build 94ce1014, 10.85)


  • Accordion controls have a new Open checkbox in their Control Properties tab that controls whether an accordion pane is expanded on page load. Previously, the first accordion pane would be open by default, with any others collapsed.

Bug Fixes:

  • An authorization server access token is now refreshed as expected in certain situations where it was not being refreshed.
  • Creating a notification business rule now generates a message as expected. Previously, in certain situations, the Message panel would appear empty.
  • When calling an API from an event, server query parameters set on a REST GET call are now appended as query parameters in the URL as expected. This issue did not affect test calls from the server endpoint page or when the endpoint table is used in a panel.
  • Control types that are not supported in mobile menus are no longer available to select. Previously, when an unsupported type was selected, an exception would occur.
  • Page tracing no longer fails to log SQL queries. Previously, Failed to convert value would be written to the logs.


Version 3.3.34291 built on 2/14/2024 2:06:01 PM (build d3b8b332, 10.84)

New Features:

  • JIT-96950 - Support for the X-Forwarded-Host header in a reverse proxy.


Bug Fixes:

  • JIT-97074 - The default logical data type for non-String fields in an expression that uses column substitution is now correct instead of defaulting to String.
  • JIT-95688 - The security provider type for vendor security providers (for example, google_openid_connect) is now correct instead of defaulting to the generic security provider type (for example, openid_connect).
  • JIT-97414 - Values in temporary columns are now retained after a save event.
  • JIT-97781 - The option to set a Link To Page for the Chart, Gantt, Map, and Network Graph panel types is now available as expected.
  • JIT-96755 - The sort order for a Lane panel now works as expected when Wrap is disabled.
  • JIT-97580 - When clicking the + icon in title columns in tables, an index is now created as expected.
  • JIT-97200 - The LIKE case-sensitive option for DB2/LUW is now enabled.
  • JIT-97653 - A Stack Overflow error no longer occurs when rendering the results of REST super objects.
  • JIT-97462 - An access denied error returned by an Authorization server when Allow Local Authentication is disabled no longer occurs.
  • JIT-97800 - An error loading controls no longer occurs when the browser language is set to Turkish.
  • JIT-97278 - The Differ database function now handles to/from NULL values in a PostgreSQL Vinyl instance.
  • JIT-96894 - An error no longer occurs when changing a column's logical and physical data types in a PostgreSQL Vinyl instance.
  • JIT-96782 - A Date control with a subtype of Date no longer includes superfluous time data.
  • JIT-96357 - Setting Sort Direction no longer causes panel content to render outside the frame.
  • JIT-96133 - The UI no longer allows you to attempt to create a table for a Google Sheets data server, as this is not supported and previously would return an error.


Version 3.3.34119 released on 1/25/2024 9:48:15 PM (build 94934e08)


  • JIT-96793 - Update RequireJS and plugins
  • JIT-93537 - Provide navigation to underlying task implementation
  • JIT-95276 - Expand Postgres testing
  • JIT-91886 - AI Generator improvements
  • JIT-93786 - Add support for EXISTS where clauses in code
  • JIT-96560 - Mobile Offline: Use NLog feature to clean up log files
  • JIT-95252 - Mobile Offline: Re-enable background schedules for offline mobile build
  • JIT-95982 - Postgres and other vendors to parameterize numeric runtime values
  • JIT-96559 - Mobile Offline: Ensure Vinyl and MAUI logs are going to the right location
  • JIT-96659 - Mobile Offline: Use public client for OpenID
  • JIT-95502 - Add physical auto-increment support for Postgres
  • JIT-91855 - Mobile Offline: change rebind server to flip between synonymous endpoint URLs
  • JIT-96485 - Update CData SharePoint driver
  • JIT-96258 - Add task-friendly names for validations and actions

Bug Fixes:

  • JIT-97301 - Enable SQL Passthrough feature for Preview SKU
  • JIT-96755 - Makes lanes wait for all rows to be ready before building groups
  • JIT-97200 - Handle case sensitiveness on LIKE operator on Db2 databases
  • JIT-97229 - Fix using the provided file system to initiate PackageInstaller
  • JIT-97061 - Default runtime-only data types to use string
  • JIT-96771 - Improve Ui_Control_GenTable_ListControlsWithFKSub
  • JIT-96504 - Fix translation issue with exporting SQL Server LP and installing on Postgres
  • JIT-96943 - Update System.Data.SqlClient library
  • JIT-90395 - Add Devices field for translations
  • JIT-96952 - Fix runtime value type when referencing a column
  • JIT-96877 - Handle UUID auto increment change set on Postgres
  • JIT-96683 - Mobile Offline: Handle resume from background better
  • JIT-96554 - Mobile Offline: Fix platform Android cert file not being copied for developer builds
  • JIT-96638 - Mobile Offline: Fix Android SDK missing on newer GitHub runners
  • JIT-96505 - Fix IDE pages on Postgres - Adding FK and creating new source
  • JIT-96533 - Add missing mapping for integer physical type on Postgres
  • JIT-96562 - Update Microsoft.IdentityModel packages
  • JIT-96553 - Turn on the allow challenge checkbox for any CData data source
  • JIT-95839 - Fix OpenID connect caching metadata lookup failure


Version 3.3.33913 released on 1/4/2024 9:48:52 PM (build 36ae9918)

New Features:

  • JIT-95685 - Authorization server groups claim support
  • JIT-95684 - Locale and Time Zone claim mapping
  • JIT-95984 - Application security groups


  • JIT-93395 - Stop exporting Db_Template changes
  • JIT-96267 - Reduce queries Vinyl runs when loading pages and tables for the first time
  • JIT-95992 - Fill missing PostgreSQL SQL definitions. Some function definitions have changed so that all vendors output the same value:

    • Average will now return a decimal even if the column being averaged is a whole number
    • Rpad will cap the opposite side of the word if the original text is larger than the total desired length (this was inconsistent between SQL Server and the in-memory engine)
    • DatePart / DateName for week now all use ISO 8601 (weeks starting on Monday, starting at 1 on the first Monday of the year)
  • JIT-96177 - Mobile offline - upgrade ASP.NET to 6.0.25

  • JIT-95560 - Add missing physical types to PostgreSQL
  • JIT-96070 - Mobile offline - match SQLite version
  • JIT-93536 - Visual Workflow: Add label columns to Action and Validation

Bug Fixes:

  • JIT-96404 - Correct padding issues on filter panel on iOS
  • JIT-95865 - Change theme list in design center to work the same as theme list in IDE
  • JIT-95999 - Fix importing of views and procedures by name
  • JIT-95253 - Fix stale connection issue during Vinyl reinstallation on PostgreSQL
  • JIT-96056 - Ignore license properties during serialization
  • JIT-95963 - Add support for database generated ID values for CData/GSheets
  • JIT-96000 - Fix caller method for adding controls in PostgreSQL


Version 3.3.33829 released on 12/14/2023 10:55:55 PM (build 762f5f03)

New Features:

  • JIT-95255 - Public OpenID Connect/OAuth clients


  • JIT-95561 - Use stored procedure over function for Postgres
  • JIT-95564 - Improve parameterizing of Postgres
  • JIT-93538 - Add button for exporting workflow image
  • JIT-93335 - Don't select all columns when scheduling jobs
  • JIT-95254 - Fix FromTimeZone on SQLite
  • JIT-90710 - Add remaining elements to non-interactive visual workflow diagram
  • JIT-95251 - Improve handling of Db_TableComparison messages
  • JIT-93679 - Improve caching with column changes
  • JIT-91854 - Add SAF and SAF Offline apps to test mobile offline functionality
  • JIT-93899 - Fix delete page performance
  • JIT-93712 - Adjust unit tests for testing Vinyl rules
  • JIT-95711 - Use MacOS 13 GitHub runner with Xcode 15
  • JIT-93721 - Improve OpenAI performance by multithreading rules, pages, and test data generation
  • JIT-95293 - Use HTTPS for mobile offline build
  • JIT-95489 - Update Typescript from 4.5.5 to 5.3.2
  • JIT-95310 - Update Node from 14.19.1 to 20.10.0
  • JIT-95444 - Add system mySql function to return network status
  • JIT-93713 - Standardize export LPs across database vendors
  • JIT-95251 - Eliminate asynctemplate custom binding
  • JIT-95311 - Remove opencollective NPM package
  • JIT-95035 - Create device builds for SAF offline app
  • JIT-95326 - Remove PemUtils with native API

Bug Fixes:

  • JIT-95905 - Fix external authentication error handling
  • JIT-95866 - Enable parameterization of CData
  • JIT-94043 - Fix search in toolbar line in search field
  • JIT-95907 - Remove sample offline apps from release build
  • JIT-95867 - Fix for large button widths
  • JIT-95737 - Fix for Android not showing error screen on app resume
  • JIT-93424 - Use EphemeralKeySet when loading certificates
  • JIT-93708 - Fix error when deleting connection files
  • JIT-93784 - Use cryptography static helper methods
  • JIT-93982 - Use timestamp function when sending over datetime in Vinyl Connectors
  • JIT-93350 - Disallow null on sandbox column
  • JIT-94009 - Update help text to reflect "Is Active"
  • JIT-90684 - Warn user if package not uploaded correctly
  • JIT-94026 - Adjust project properties to not include git commit in informationalversion automatically
  • JIT-95012 - Adjust keyboard functionality on iOS
  • JIT-94017 - Fix time zone claim mapping
  • JIT-94024 - Fix client redirect base path handling
  • JIT-93863 - Fix "+ App" wizard to run on enter key
  • JIT-93981 - Add support for Caller runtime function with Vinyl connector
  • JIT-90381 - Harmony authentication types
  • JIT-95703 - Fix error serializing page in release build of mobile offline
  • JIT-95568 - Use MachineKeySet with EphemeralKeySet on Windows
  • JIT-95510 - Add backing off of Vinyl startup when there are errors
  • JIT-95541 - Update Db_Template.Name to be 255 characters long - fixing issue with long column names
  • JIT-95491 - Remove migration rule from version control
  • JIT-93390 - Handle exceptions when authenticating passwords
  • JIT-95467 - Remove vertical scrolling and no binding parent
  • JIT-93684 - Dockerfile caching improvements


Version 3.3.33638 released on 11/21/2023 10:00:43 PM (build 931f91c5)

New Features:

  • JIT-90384 - PKCE support across security providers
  • JIT-90380 - Add support for "api" scope
  • JIT-93437 - Make authorization server optional
  • JIT-91858 - Mobile offline: add upload picture/video and download support for iOS offline mobile (internal only)
  • JIT-91853 - Mobile offline: Logging solution for MAUI classes (internal only)
  • JIT-90382 - Authorization server configuration
  • JIT-91864 - Client identities


  • JIT-93336 - Code cleanup for Visual Workflow
  • JIT-93853 - Sku updates
  • JIT-91841 - Add hover over tooltips to show validation types in Visual Workflow
  • JIT-93657 - Improve Vinyl startup time
  • JIT-91885 - Update how we hide/show internal features like the AI App Generator
  • JIT-92852 - Allow REST endpoints to override response and request type

Bug Fixes:

  • JIT-91883 - Make progress percent calculation compatible with Oracle
  • JIT-93601 - Allow generation of Fast Report from Linux
  • JIT-93684 - Export Authorization Server
  • JIT-90725 - Add support for cross-server user managed table prune job
  • JIT-93590 - Add customer check to create customer collection
  • JIT-93718 - Fix create app on PostgreSQL
  • JIT-93598 - Eliminate challenge middleware
  • JIT-93592 - Fix using the transient background service as a singleton
  • JIT-90724 - Fix empty schema prefix on exported tables
  • JIT-93379 - Add "StoresToken" flag to security providers


Version 3.3.33562 released on 11/8/2023 11:30:14 PM (build 9e382361)

Bug Fixes:

  • JIT-93598 - Disable code status pages (affecting external authentication on IIS with redirect).
  • JIT-93600 - Fix null comparison in realm rules.
  • JIT-93431 - Round percentComplete result so wizard will advance to launch the new application.
  • JIT-93525 - Update NodaTime library from 2018 to 2022 (correct issue with time zones in Brazil).


Version 3.3.33529 released on 11/3/2023 6:37:28 PM (build 62409b03)

New Features:


  • VINYL-15343 - Add an export flag to provider certificates
  • VINYL-14973 - Mobile Offline - set User Agent to match native online app
  • VINYL-15268 - Mobile Offline - introduce a wait screen while Vinyl boots up
  • VINYL-15301 - Mobile Offline - provide a way to rebind the web server socket with the MAUI app
  • VINYL-15175 - Add a new option to actions to copy bypassed validations
  • VINYL-15252 - Custom status code error pages
  • VINYL-15046 - Track obsolete columns
  • VINYL-15315 - Remove obsolete HANA database type
  • VINYL-15080 - Product usage update to dataservices
  • JIT-90389 - Set mobile render for Vinyl IDE
  • JIT-91887 - Disable security provider name if internal
  • JIT-91889 - Redirect to login page if security provider not found or configured
  • JIT-90376 - Support additional OpenID connect scopes
  • JIT-92837 - Move event diagram link from more button to panel
  • JIT-90727 - Add missing function transformation for DB2i GroupConcat
  • JIT-90721 - Add change management request warnings

Bug Fixes:

  • VINYL-15253 - Update datafill for CData drivers to make security providers optional + QuickBooks connection string
  • VINYL-15318 - Show internal providers on connection wizard
  • VINYL-15265 - Ship Harmony Administrator role mapping
  • VINYL-15347 - Remove duplicated source for unions on Vinyl Connector
  • VINYL-15264 - Insert missing mappings between action types and database types
  • VINYL-15325 - Do not convert encrypted binary data to a string
  • VINYL-15323 - Fix error when deleting table from a rule
  • VINYL-15231 - Hide database name for data sources that don't use it
  • VINYL-15273 - Queue panel resize handlers


Version 3.3.33390 released on 10/13/2023 3:54:27 PM (build fedaf09b)


  • VINYL-15306 - REST API support for encrypted columns
  • VINYL-15296 - Use Harmony "userId" as Name identifier
  • VINYL-15258 - Show security provider Claims
  • VINYL-15295 - Map Harmony email claim to usage type
  • VINYL-15235 - Publish Vinyl images to Docker Hub
  • VINYL-15283 - Mobile offline Android touchable fix
  • VINYL-15233 - Use security provider to resolve host and organization
  • VINYL-15291 - Preserve tenant encryption keys on upgrade
  • VINYL-15274 - Update Docker registry readme
  • VINYL-13721 - Replace legacy DB2/i driver
  • VINYL-15285 - Include DB2 OS X driver
  • VINYL-14962 - Mobile offline prepare SQLite database
  • VINYL-15163 - Initial event diagram work (not publicly available yet)
  • VINYL-15227 - Use Vinyl connector with HTTP security provider
  • VINYL-7904 - Handle primitive array request and response at root
  • VINYL-15206 - Mobile offline packaging improvements
  • VINYL-15043 - Introduce API call action type
  • VINYL-15269 - Upgrade DB2/LUW driver
  • VINYL-15262 - Remove unnecessary file
  • VINYL-15005 - Remove Userflow app, endpoints, plugins, and site widget
  • VINYL-13319 - Set HTTP client options on security provider
  • VINYL-15216 - Harmony authentication token renewal
  • VINYL-15201 - Consolidate logging package versions
  • VINYL-15226 - HTTP client API Key (and Bearer Token) authentication
  • VINYL-15114 - mvSQL project code improvements

Bug Fixes:

  • VINYL-15311 - Fix case-sensitive handling of application name
  • VINYL-15313 - Correct translation issue for users with null fullname
  • VINYL-15314 - Correct REST sending encrypted value in drilldown REST requests
  • VINYL-15286 - Correct escaping in A2B plugin
  • VINYL-15290 - Mobile offline MAUI fix
  • VINYL-15173 - Correct Excel import when session storage is off
  • VINYL-15196 - Mobile offline build improvements
  • VINYL-15248 - Correct webhook issue with GET that triggers API


Version 3.3.33261 released on 9/22/2023 12:57:51 AM (build 0e874780)


  • VINYL-15218 - Ship Harmony security provider
  • VINYL-15240 - Remove RazorLight
  • VINYL-15050 - Add support to parse Swagger files
  • VINYL-15095 - Add support for Harmony SSO
  • VINYL-14955 - Remove Nancy
  • VINYL-15022 - Remove Nancy from Vinyl connector endpoint
  • VINYL-15187 - Upgrade jQuery library
  • VINYL-15180 - Update Visual Studio test NuGet packages
  • VINYL-14971 - Offline mobile - navigation handling for WebView
  • VINYL-15057 - REST request as an array of objects
  • VINYL-15176 - Offline mobile - changes for Mac Catalyst
  • VINYL-15189 - Exclude ASP.NET core 2.0.2 transitive dependency
  • VINYL-15011 - Harmony region configuration
  • VINYL-15089 - Remove comments from rendered HTML
  • VINYL-15144 - Set SAML assertion InResposeTo property
  • VINYL-15172 - Offline mobile bundle sample apps
  • VIYNL-15171 - Turn on iOS/Mac MAUI builds
  • VIYNL-15091 - Fix MAUI mobile app icon
  • VINYL-15123 - Add Razor libraries to MAUI project
  • VINYL-14972 - Set user agent for MAUI WebView
  • VINYL-15045 - Make syncing REST endpoints easier
  • VINYL-15044 - Improve importing tables when creating a data source

Bug Fixes:

  • VINYL-15244 - Fix built-in Range Slider widget
  • VINYL-15243 - Fix wizard when pressing + Table from App Workbench
  • VINYL-15523 - Correct issue with file filter affecting local file system and S3
  • VINYL-15205 - Correct handling of $culture in URL
  • VINYL-15200 - Fix security provider configuration resolution
  • VINYL-15064 - Fix widget upgrade failure in Vinyl 3.3
  • VINYL-15192 - Add SQLite extension functions to SQLite driver
  • VINYL-15083 - Fix schema table import throwing Debug.Assert
  • VINYL-15069 - Allow importing of views and stored procedures
  • VINYL-15177 - Fix error when switching Dynamic Control
  • VINYL-15119 - Make List Options tab visible when changing control from Text to List
  • VINYL-15017 - Fix multi-segment widget file path parameters in route
  • VINYL-15052 - Fix minor rendering issues with popup forms and X icon
  • VINYL-15099 - Fix badge count showing "0"
  • VINYL-15115 - Remove redundant baseUrl query parameter from /styleimpl endpoints
  • VINYL-15118 - Add ControlTypeColumnId to wizard for Dynamic Control type


Version 3.3.33155 released on 9/7/2023 1:18:58 PM (build a075c240)


  • VINYL-15017 - Correct issue with widgets with subdirectories not being served correctly.


Version 3.3.33116 released on 8/31/2023 9:28:58 PM (build 82275855)


  • VINYL-14941 - Upgrade Vinyl rules to latest expression version
  • VINYL-15020 - Update StyleImpl endpoint
  • VINYL-14992 - Harmony forms-based password authentication
  • VINYL-14983 - Option to force sign-in on password change
  • VINYL-14989 - Add page to track how a field is being hidden
  • VINYL-15052 - Fix hosting path on Maui on iOS device
  • VINYL-14970 - Add settings and about page to Maui app
  • VINYL-15015 - Nancy removal - Workflow migration
  • VINYL-15026 - Convert Nancy views to Razor templates
  • VINYL-15018 - Nancy removal - table module with table service endpoint
  • VINYL-15023 - Nancy removal - event web service endpoint
  • VINYL-15019 - Nancy removal - migrate image service
  • VINYL-15074 - Update lookupItems JSON request
  • VINYL-15067 - Target .NET 7 for Maui projects
  • VINYL-15008 - Remove MVC from Maui build
  • VINYL-14969 - Package assets into the mobile app builds properly across platforms
  • VINYL-15017 - Remove widget endpoint code
  • VINYL-14954 - Harmony data source server improvements
  • VINYL-15024 - Convert control web service from Nancy
  • VINYL-15060 - Change docker build so that it uses a tar file for msbuild files
  • VINYL-15021 - Nancy removal - application web service
  • VINYL-14984 - Introduce API call table purpose

Bug Fixes:

  • VINYL-15124 - Fix null binding when adding an existing data source
  • VINYL-15117 - Remove script to automatically add security headers to IIS
  • VINYL-14397 - Enable wrapping on web request log controls
  • VINYL-15027 - Change event lock validation severity to information
  • VINYL-15059 - Build 3rd party build from batch file
  • VINYL-15104 - Fix challenge cookie warnings
  • VINYL-15102 - Fix exception on opening column name field
  • VINYL-15086 - Fix exception for mismatched fields
  • VINYL-15038 - Add back maximized overlay background color to new light theme
  • VINYL-15097 - Change disable background service to disable scheduler
  • VINYL-15088 - Fix redirect on authentication challenge
  • VINYL-14955 - Convert web client pages from Nancy to Razor
  • VINYL-14907 - Remove mono data fill for SQLite driver
  • VINYL-15073 - Fix sporadic test failure
  • VINYL-14924 - Remove reflection from backupdatabase method
  • VINYL-15036 - Fix page edit panel order on MySQL
  • VINYL-15065 - Clear link to deleted page
  • VINYL-15040 - Fix double creation of columns from MRP generation
  • VINYL-15058 - Use null attribute id for API call migration
  • VINYL-15042 - Fix license for integration tests
  • VINYL-15054 - Fix +Controls button not visible when a panel is selected


Version 3.3.33009 released on 8/16/2023 5:31:00 PM (build ef25e8dc)

  • VINYL-15072 - Update SQLite engine to include math functions


Version 3.3.32954 released on 8/10/2023 4:40:53 PM (build 97ec3647)


  • VINYL-15004 - Allow administrators to configure reserved passwords
  • VINYL-15028 - Improve usability for an Embed control with video content
  • VINYL-15028 - Improve display and download of videos when using Embed control
  • VINYL-13874 - Add RowNumber, Rank, and DenseRank database function support
  • VINYL-14947 - Add Harmony authentication provider
  • VINYL-14956 - Update fonts in Vinyl system apps to use Open Sans and Poppins
  • VINYL-15014 - Migrate /layout endpoint from Nancy to Minimal API
  • VINYL-14998 - Convert authentication endpoints from Nancy to Minimal API
  • VINYL-15016 - Migrate /bundle endpoint from Nancy to Minimal API
  • VINYL-14955 - Use ASP.NET Minimal API parameter binding
  • VINYL-15013 - Migrate configuration endpoint from Nancy to Minimal API
  • VINYL-14957 - Update system colors in Vinyl system apps to match Jitterbit colors
  • VINYL-14998 - Web service integration test improvements
  • VINYL-12666 - Add "where used" support for site widgets
  • VINYL-14895 - Add "Started On" column to the event log page
  • VINYL-14997 - Migrate mobile endpoints from Nancy to Minimal API
  • VINYL-14994 - Convert pageview endpoint from Nancy to Minimal API
  • VINYL-14957 - Change Vinyl IDE color to match Jitterbit colors
  • VINYL-14940 - Re-add page for adding multiple controls
  • VINYL-14947 - Pass cancellation token to security providers
  • VINYL-15006 - Update Snowflake driver to reduce metadata requests
  • VINYL-14993 - Introduce web client test suite
  • VINYL-14927 - Introduce the MAUI project for mobile offline

Bug Fixes:

  • VINYL-15001 - Don't try to preserve existing HTML for legacy widgets
  • VINYL-15041 - Fix for local file data source issue
  • VINYL-14914 - Fix help text for file browser panel
  • VINYL-14689 - Fix deleting PK constraint twice when deleting last column in a table
  • VINYL-14773 - Handle long application names on App Workbench
  • VINYL-14825 - Update mvSQL displayed when viewing delete CRUD rule
  • VINYL-14950 - Fix autogenerate from App Workbench
  • VINYL-14914 - Hide file browser panel after panel creation
  • VINYL-12784 - Internal documentation cleanup
  • VINYL-14892 - Use default update method vs. standard edit
  • VINYL-14987 - Allow dynamic links in toolbar buttons if binding provides content
  • VINYL-15002 - Update moment.js to 2.29.4
  • VINYL-14918 - Only import the current data source below schema
  • VINYL-15007 - Fix parsing join clause with raw field
  • VINYL-14855 - Fix Live Designer theme change on save
  • VINYL-14820 - Fix memory leak in long-running frequent background jobs
  • VINYL-14920 - Change wording on notification endpoints
  • VINYL-14948 - Fix dynamic linking on buttons, icons, and images
  • VINYL-14903 - Change wording on connector category
  • VINYL-14922 - Fix table entity caching index on insert
  • VINYL-14991 - Correct tabs forcing different tab to be visible based on data
  • VINYL-14942 - Set select * on auto-generated business objects
  • VINYL-14943 - Update calendar default view names
  • VINYL-14988 - Fix missing document (JSON) logical data type handler
  • VINYL-14996 - Show list settings for all control types with optional list settings
  • VINYL-14985 - Fix tag control not rendering on new record
  • VINYL-12874 - Charts nested deep inside a tab group do not size correctly
  • VINYL-14989 - Isolate the Vinyl IDE themes from existing customer themes
  • VINYL-14977 - Fix the order of auto-generated controls
  • VINYL-14936 - Fix listing functions for SQLite and non-RDBMS vendors


Version 3.3.32742 released on 7/17/2023 6:49:27 PM (build 7a15318e)

  • VINYL-14915 - Update y-axis on panel refresh
  • VINYL-14952 - Update internal documentation
  • VINYL-12087 - Fix business object link on schedule and background events page
  • VINYL-14946 - Fix null right expression for Vinyl connector where clauses
  • VINYL-14908 - Move widgets to source code
  • VINYL-14853 - Fix errors during app create
  • VINYL-14870 - Beanstalk secure header option
  • VINYL-14945 - Fix calendar performance issues
  • VIYNL-14953 - Fix calendar theming
  • VINYL-14885 - Correct 3rd party license distribution
  • VINYL-14939 - Move build package validations to background event
  • VINYL-9722 - Fix teamcity build failures
  • VINYL-14891 - Fix controls overlapping the list clear button
  • VINYL-9722 - Lane with both axis throws exception
  • VINYL-10351 - Only expose auto-generate for supported logical data types
  • VINYL-11001 - Add support for function modifiers


Version 3.3.32683 released on 7/7/2023 2:12:21 PM (build 1b3edbc3)

  • VINYL-14816 - Move delete button on import page to panel action drawer
  • VINYL-14813 - Fix error coping business object with events and success/failure handlers
  • VINYL-14933 - Correct error running CRAM from filter event
  • VINYL-14932 - Correct parsing of aggregate expressions on controls
  • VINYL-14931 - Correct false positive on substitution loop detection
  • VINYL-14823 - Upate packaging
  • VINYL-14930 - Fix upgrade issue with widget versions
  • VINYL-14886 - Close on save widget throws exception
  • VINYL-14852 - Versioning for widgets
  • VINYL-14204 - Parameterize runtime functions
  • VINYL-14887 - Correct CRLF header detection
  • VINYL-14916 - Fix deleting schema tables after import
  • VINYL-14910 - Do not update physical name if logical name hasn't changed and don't prepend schema
  • VINYL-14814 - Correct Salesforce ADO.NET authentication loop
  • VINYL-10378 - Don't suggest columns already in a table
  • VINYL-14803 - Prevent specific themes from being set on apps and panels
  • VINYL-14894 - Improve default rule warning log message
  • VINYL-12653 - Define rule name format per data source
  • VINYL-14719 - Do not clear unrelated fields when editing advanced server settings
  • VINYL-14890 - Create FK between widget and control tables
  • VINYL-14899 - Build updates
  • VINYL-14898 - Build updates
  • VINYL-14655 - Correct issue with pinned controls on SRP
  • VINYL-14742 - Hide the maximize icon on small screens
  • VINYL-14875 - Build test improvements
  • VINYL-14872 - Make database name read-only
  • VINYL-14878 - Fix resource query parameter value encoding
  • VINYL-14822 - Select new rule after creating a rule form the create panel wizard


Version 3.3.32550 released on 6/16/2023 3:37:44 AM (build ba5b3c0a)

  • VINYL-14874 - Update internal tests
  • VINYL-13721 - Fix support for non-prepared statements
  • VINYL-13583 - Fix tag control showing comma delimited keys between states
  • VINYL-14817 - Prevent import from deleting extended columns
  • VINYL-14814 - Fix CData OAuth refresh token flow
  • VINYL-14798 - Fix webhook validation not returning correct http status
  • VINYL-14788 - Take advanced settings into consideration for cache key
  • VINYL-13417 - Always check for page updates on menu items
  • VINYL-13837 - Add column during control wizard
  • VINYL-14845 - Fix list retrieval page
  • VINYL-14827 - Remove white space from bottom of table definition panel
  • VINYL-14693 - Remove unused internal theme
  • VINYL-14498 - Close open change management request when creating a new app
  • VINYL-14076 - Update table page to be a bit more like rules page
  • VINYL-14832 - Remove dynamic substitution that can't be resolved from help text


Version 3.3.32494 released on 6/8/2023 9:29:10 PM (build f423cb96)

  • VINYL-14819 - Where table and column used in conditional format expressions
  • VINYL-14842 - REST $filter support for “in” operator
  • VINYL-14860 - Fix Vinyl remote connector
  • VINYL-14788 - Improve multi-threaded caching and logging
  • VINYL-14540 - Make primary button selector also select buttons
  • VINYL-14843 - Don't apply padding to overlay groups
  • VINYL-13813 - Add support for copying drilldown rules
  • VINYL-14737 - Fix where used query on Postgres


Version 3.3.32460 released on 6/5/2023 9:24:59 PM (build ad1cf531) (BETA)

  • VINYL-14949 - Fix issue upgrading data source from LP install
  • VINYL-14950 - Revert change to widget.html to ensure compatibility
  • VINYL-11499 - Add “+ Rule” to Add Tables
  • VINYL-14695 - Fix +Control button on live designer when panel is empty
  • VINYL-14699 - Fix invalid visibility on page edit page
  • VINYL-14840 - Fix comment syntax
  • VINYL-14777 - Restore NPM packages when building Vinyl
  • VINYL-11265 - Improve image viewer widget
  • VINYL-13659 - Read MySQL options from IConfiguration
  • VINYL-14799 - Change provider to list on system event log page
  • VINYL-14626 - Migrate data encryption keys
  • VINYL-14760 - Update library for image mime type setting
  • VINYL-14718 - Change “Selected” to “Select” in wizards
  • VINYL-14711 - Remove duplicate path to page views page from monitoring
  • VINYL-14769 - Adjustment to override systemmenu.css setting for Safari 16.4
  • VINYL-14732 - Reorganize Vinyl schedules
  • VINYL-14833 - Prevent page loaded style elements from being removed prematurely
  • VINYL-13331 - Update qunit-puppeteer package
  • VINYL-13317 - Fix opencollective error when installing node modules
  • VINYL-13787 - Remove support for SSL3 from mailkit client
  • VINYL-14744 - Show all applications on site menu
  • VINYL-14770 - Fix where used on live designer
  • VINYL-14812 - Fix the preview theme page
  • VINYL-14828 - Fix rule builder padding


Version 3.3.32412 released on 5/31/2023 6:57:18 PM (build 9040c6fd) (BETA)

  • VINYL-14556 - Add plugin to test for unsafe characters in names
  • VINYL-14681 - Fix issues with translations on Postgres
  • VINYL-14110 - Improve list property resolution errors
  • VINYL-14793 - Remove the highlight on the selected row in the "All Controls", "All Groups", "All Panels" grids
  • VINYL-14781 - Hide the cancel button on rule builder until the user has saved their rule
  • VINYL-14771 - Add a warning to the copy page operation
  • VINYL-14476 - Investigate CancelationTokenSource disposal in the background service
  • VINYL-14709 - Fix UI render of SQL statements with unary operators
  • VINYL-13740 - Delete table permissions during data source sync
  • VINYL-13557 - Improve SelectStatementBuilder caching
  • VINYL-14800 - Themes pop up pages now defaulting their page them to their parent application's theme
  • VINYL-14686 - Add more information on column/table not found when building rules
  • VINYL-14791 - Add Jitterbit logo to the login page.
  • VINYL-13480 - Add where used for tables in Enum function
  • VINYL-14815 - Correct theme issues on upgrade
  • VINYL-14806 - Fix dynamic html control type not loading correctly in manual translation page
  • VINYL-14807 - Fix exception when pulling in help/notification translations
  • VINYL-14761 - Fix "Unable to upgrade Vinyl database" on restart if start step fails
  • VINYL-9827 - Don't allow developer group to be added to a realm
  • VINYL-14714 - Wizard button minimum width styles


Version 3.3.32335 released on 5/19/2023 4:12:00 AM (build 225f67ff) (BETA)

Feature Overview

Automation + Acceleration Improvements

  • Table Wizard – Enhanced automation with workflows to build out tables in the Data Layer. Simply build manually using our Table Builder or leverage the Excel Wizard.
  • Page Wizard – Streamlines and automates the process to add pages to an app.
  • Panel Wizard - Simplifies the process of adding a panel to a page
  • Control Wizard - Simplifies the process of adding a control to a page
  • Column Templates – Vinyl learns the names, data types, and control settings as you build apps and reuses those settings.
  • Live Designer – Brand new much-requested Live Designer feature. Quickly edit, style, and see changes to pages with this integrated editor capability.
  • Marketplace – Accelerate app development with demo application, connection, and other reusable components.

Workflow Improvements

  • Design Center – shortcut landing page for developers to rapidly build out and maintain apps.
  • Styles – CSS stylizing of elements is elevated to the UI layer for simplified control over the look and feel.

Security and Cloud Hosting Enhancements

Integration Improvements

  • OpenID Connect (OIDC) – allow Vinyl app users to login using the OpenID Connect protocol. OpenID is an extension of OAuth2 that propagates User identify to your Vinyl app.

UI/UX Improvements

  • Group control - New container provided for controls belonging in a logical grouping. This combines former Zone and Control Sets into a new Group control.
  • Stacked Area Chart - an extension of a basic Area chart, use when you want to track total value as well as understand the breakdown of total by groups.
  • Button controls - enhanced and simplified button options.
  • Wizard Pages – enhanced to include a progress bar, improved look and feel, more support for conditionally disabling and hiding panels.

Data + Logic Improvements

  • New Runtime functions

  • New Database functions

    • GROUPCONCAT() – aggregate a string column in the context of a group by. For example: create a comma delimited list.
    • VisibilityOption() – provides the ability to use named Visibility Values in an expression.
  • Bitwise Operators – Vinyl adds support for bitmask/flags and bitwise operators.

  • Improved support for the following:

    • Added support to use aggregate functions on where clause (rendered as HAVING statements)
    • Added support to using not selected columns when using aggregate functions (it will pull the correction expression for the GROUP BY)
    • Added support to use expressions (including those aggregates) in Union rules

Detailed Changes

New Features

  • VINYL-7893 - File drop upload via widget
  • VINYL-8036 - Allow action drawer style collapsing of panels on mobile
  • VINYL-13426 - Vinyl running in Kubernetes
  • VINYL-13570 - Add support for Visibility type 3 - Hide but Keep Value
  • VINYL-13571 - Put up a new image when vinyl is in a loading or failed state
  • VINYL-13578 - Show native app devices on user profile screen
  • VINYL-13580 - Marketplace
  • VINYL-13761 - Read license key from configuration
  • VINYL-13762 - Support OpenID Connect (OIDC) single sign-on (SSO)
  • VINYL-13766 - Vendor-specific security providers (a.k.a. security provider type inheritance)
  • VINYL-13827 - Create plugin to generate JWTs
  • VINYL-13886 - Loading security providers from configuration
  • VINYL-13887 - Office365/Exchange switching to OAuth 2.0 for IMAP and SMTP
  • VINYL-13888 - Option to ignore specific claim types during the sign-in process
  • VINYL-13903 - Allow button subtype to select primary, secondary and caution looks
  • VINYL-13935 - Add support Advanced Properties for SAP ABAP Driver
  • VINYL-13955 - Support custom claims in OAuth JWT Bearer Assertion grant
  • VINYL-14404 - Option to disable the "Discard changes?" prompt
  • VINYL-14220 - Add support for password hashing to Application Authentication security providers
  • VINYL-14228 - Add changed() mvSQL runtime function for detecting if a column value was changed
  • VINYL-14290 - Override site-wide login page and application specific login page
  • VINYL-14384 - Allow administrators to configure the Identity Provider (IdP) URL
  • VINYL-14363 - Configure local authentication on startup using configuration file
  • VINYL-14364 - Configure default authentication provider on startup using configuration file
  • VINYL-14510 - Configure sites on startup using configuration file
  • VINYL-10766 - Live Designer


  • VINYL-14408 - Support metadata columns in the target table on the import action: _FileName_, __ErrorMessage, and _AddedOn
  • VINYL-14423 - Add activity spinner for button groups
  • VINYL-13146 - Deleting an auto-generated page with auto-generated links will delete the links as well
  • VINYL-10938 - New panels should have a default size of regular
  • VINYL-10954 - Removed the Large button control subtype and introduced a style for Large buttons
  • VINYL-10982 - Flipped the replace page in history checkbox to keep page in history
  • VINYL-10999 - Filter available functions based on the source data source
  • VINYL-11000 - Add a SQL string aggregate function GroupConcat()
  • VINYL-11032 - New events should default to row level refresh
  • VINYL-11588 - Allow non default language user to enter translatable column data
  • VINYL-12217 - Support right click or shift click on buttons
  • VINYL-12043 - Style Interface Lookup results can be added directly to a theme
  • VINYL-12247 - Security provider configuration Validation to test the configuration
  • VINYL-12455 - Store Data Encryption Keys in the Vinyl database
  • VINYL-12591 - Handle translations for parameterized validation results
  • VINYL-12745 - Change the Publish Page button on the Table page to use the Page Wizard
  • VINYL-12771 - Host the commonly used Roboto font locally
  • VINYL-12889 - Rule Builder - Add Sum/Count/Min/Max attribute to column expressions
  • VINYL-12968 - Improve navigation from an event action registration to its builder
  • VINYL-13015 - Rename "User Selectable" to "Is Active"
  • VINYL-13179 - Data encryption key storage and encryption improvements
  • VINYL-13265 - Render where clauses with aggregate as a HAVING
  • VINYL-13373 - Hide shared pages from link to page if the app is system and sealed
  • VINYL-13466 - Upgrade NLog to version 5.1
  • VINYL-13478 - Elastic Beanstalk deployment no longer requires custom AMIs
  • VINYL-13534 - Lists default to Any search type
  • VINYL-13545 - Support Time Out for stored procedures
  • VINYL-13546 - Added support for bitwise operators in expressions
  • VINYL-13568 - Improved System Maintenance and Upgrade Failed pages
  • VINYL-13559 - Support for bitmask/flags and its bitwise operations
  • VINYL-13613 - Improve look-and-feel of the Icon Selection page
  • VINYL-13625 - Remove validation error when deleting panels on pages with source object
  • VINYL-13628 - Additional support for renaming a physical table with indexes and keys
  • VINYL-13633 - Provide new insert position at the bottom of the grid for inline inserts
  • VINYL-13665 - Produce new base themes for 3.3: Dark, Gradient, Light, Shapes, Violet
  • VINYL-13690 - Need to be able to disable scripted plugins in an environment
  • VINYL-13694 - Deprecate the List rule type - when building pages update logic to allow generating lists against "Customer (Business Object)" object
  • VINYL-13698 - Improve the look and feel of action drawer
  • VINYL-13716 - Network graph should use Node as label if Node Label is not specified
  • VINYL-13748 - Combine Control Set and Zone into a single control called Group
  • VINYL-13749 - Add a plugin to verify that file upload content is actually an image
  • VINYL-13771 - Adobe REST reporting solution
  • VINYL-13776 - Move System Toolbar icons into Action Drawer
  • VINYL-13790 - Provide an auto populate button for list retrieval bindings
  • VINYL-13793 - Reduce noise from conditional formatting messages in the log
  • VINYL-13802 - Validation message improvements for panels
  • VINYL-13812 - Rule Builder Joins improvements
  • VINYL-13849 - Improved caching for during Vinyl installation
  • VINYL-13860 - Add support for dropping the database when deleting a data source
  • VINYL-13882 - Legacy Crystal Reports - Out of Process support added
  • VINYL-13899 - Allow more advanced type mapping when creating a table from an Excel or delimited file
  • VINYL-13901 - File Upload Widget - Improve view state and check for interaction issues with auto-edit or other states
  • VINYL-13902 - Change large button subtype to just be a theme
  • VINYL-13915 - Cursor change for draggable modal dialogs
  • VINYL-13916 - Introduce "Password Change" and "Password Reset" system events
  • VINYL-13919 - Improve record retention when sending a notification
  • VINYL-13922 - Automate building of marketplace LPs for vinyl release
  • VINYL-13930 - Add primary and secondary subtype to vinyl buttons
  • VINYL-13939 - Add colors 7-10 to charts, gantt, and map
  • VINYL-13960 - Improved validations on Vinyl bundles
  • VINYL-13967 - Column data translations sent for processing too often
  • VINYL-13972 - Improved UI for the password change page
  • VINYL-13975 - Upgraded FullCalendar javascript library to latest
  • VINYL-13979 - Add Stacked Area chart type
  • VINYL-13981 - Log Authentication system event failures to database
  • VINYL-13982 - Preview templates in a new window
  • VINYL-13989 - Hide html control's toolbar until field has focus
  • VINYL-13990 - Support excel mode and auto edit on image control
  • VINYL-14024 - Enable translating non-English phrases by default
  • VINYL-14028 - Improved validations for Notifications and notification bindings
  • VINYL-14038 - Improvements to JWT plugin to support JWT SSO
  • VINYL-14066 - Added new Redirect public object and improved Authenticate and Challenge public objects with a ReturnUrl column
  • VINYL-14131 - Support deletion of data sources when deleting an app
  • VINYL-14143 - Expose password policies for other security provider types
  • VINYL-14155 - Deleting a data source should offer option to delete the underlying database
  • VINYL-14184 - App Server Log minimum severity lists improvements
  • VINYL-14187 - Use red edges on table relationship graph to indicate cascading delete
  • VINYL-14190 - Support encrypting data encryption keys with arbitrary certificates
  • VINYL-14194 - Allow developer to detect if user is signed in, e.g. who('isauthenticated')
  • VINYL-14195 - Renamed "Azure / OpenID Connect" security provider to "Microsoft / OpenID Connect"
  • VINYL-14241 - Support for configurable security provider password hashers
  • VINYL-14254 - Auto Report Build Improvements
  • VINYL-14266 - Support reading transient validation messages from row action action plugins
  • VINYL-14270 - UI Improvements on the Table page
  • VINYL-14282 - Upgrade Google Analytics to GA4 from GA3, which is being sunset this year
  • VINYL-14284 - Add "Where Used" for plugins/scripts
  • VINYL-14289 - Update IDE with minor text updates
  • VINYL-14296 - Increased and configurable iterations for the pbkdf2-sha256 password hasher
  • VINYL-14329 - Improve control of skipping hotkey behavior for widgets
  • VINYL-14360 - When adding a table via Excel file, use the Excel sheet name as the default table name, falling back to filename
  • VINYL-14365 - Support for configurable log retention days for Vinyl Rest APIs
  • VINYL-14386 - Improved editor experience for security provider import/export
  • VINYL-14387 - Updates to default encryption key storage and encryption policies for Elastic Beanstalk
  • VINYL-14395 - Improved display of security provider metadata document
  • VINYL-14439 - Include List control filters when tracing a page
  • VINYL-14422 - Avoid prompting user to reload the page as the design and underlying schema changes
  • VINYL-14379 - Save button should show the spinner when running save, even if saving via hotkey
  • VINYL-14568 - Updated Site Menu page with Jitterbit background and theming
  • VINYL-14574 - Streamline the License activation process
  • VINYL-14608 - Update Redis connection driver
  • VINYL-14618 - Added flexibility for Google data sources, no longer requires a security provider


  • VINYL-2392 - Switch from the Salesforce Enterprise API to the Partner API
  • VINYL-3054 - Removed client access to logs during installations and upgrades (Logs are still accessible to administrators)
  • VINYL-5456 - PostgreSQL imports of Text datatype always result in NVARCHAR(0)
  • VINYL-7798 - Grid rows are misaligned when columns are pinned and text wraps
  • VINYL-8958 - Harden Vinyl against timing attacks
  • VINYL-10033 - Global reload leaves radios and button groups stuck in loading state
  • VINYL-10185 - Should not be able to create multiple claim types with the same usage
  • VINYL-10215 - Clicking edge cases for some control types results in a empty page
  • VINYL-10427 - Column rename can fail if the name is also a function constant parameter
  • VINYL-10638 - Button groups don't support conditional state Disabled
  • VINYL-10682 - Renaming a column won't be reflected in conditional format expressions
  • VINYL-10772 - When creating a new page, some templates prevent controls from being added to the page
  • VINYL-11216 - Multiline comments in expressions are sometimes lost when Vinyl reformats the expression
  • VINYL-11346 - Maximize icon has been changed to a darker color
  • VINYL-11368 - Adding widget parameters leaves the Grid in edit mode when no default value entered
  • VINYL-11372 - Validating a bridge rule should warn if the bridge rule lacks bindings
  • VINYL-11465 - Security tab is not highlighted on View Security by User page
  • VINYL-11555 - Vinyl hosted in an IFRAME can cause scrolling issues
  • VINYL-11739 - Multi-row panel row limit, selected row and scroll position lost
  • VINYL-11899 - Put audit link in action drawer for MRP type panels
  • VINYL-11957 - After dismissing duplicate info message, a persistent count still exists
  • VINYL-12076 - Change REST API Tables to Endpoints
  • VINYL-12188 - Exception when uploading files over 30 MB in size on Linux
  • VINYL-12329 - The Enum() function cannot find table with name across data sources
  • VINYL-12541 - Control Groups on Grid should not display Layout Type
  • VINYL-12574 - Race condition when multiple users publish page on the same instance
  • VINYL-12580 - .NET Core 2.1 is no longer supported
  • VINYL-12791 - Vinyl trims part of the set-cookie header returned to the rest call if there are multiple cookies on the same line
  • VINYL-12819 - Button text disappears on hover for some buttons on licensing pages
  • VINYL-12860 - Can't set column binding required for network graph rule purpose
  • VINYL-12944 - Changing pages from a maximized panel leaves the new page blank
  • VINYL-13137 - Visibility column not shown for tiles and forms, but it does work
  • VINYL-13172 - The Enum() runtime function should cache results
  • VINYL-13292 - Remove union restriction on only allowing for simple expressions
  • VINYL-13389 - Vinyl will not suggest a column if usage types do not match, but does not set usage type
  • VINYL-13449 - Local copies of a data source should ignore encryption keys when being copied
  • VINYL-13549 - Copy panel sometimes results in a different control order
  • VINYL-13572 - Error when saving single-row panel with radio button
  • VINYL-13584 - Remove links to system plugins
  • VINYL-13587 - Tab and Scrolling groups no longer work in mobile Tabbed UI mode
  • VINYL-13588 - Add expression versioning on business tables
  • VINYL-13593 - Allow runtime functions to return types other than strings
  • VINYL-13605 - Grids don't focus on row when there's a new validation prompt
  • VINYL-13608 - Silo Developer cannot create/edit where clause in Business rule
  • VINYL-13630 - Auto Complete defaults to Allow Insert
  • VINYL-13637 - Error in web request logging code for endpoint
  • VINYL-13639 - Vinyl User Profile "Change Password" doesn't do anything if logged in via Security Provider
  • VINYL-13644 - Rare scenario causes conditional theme to make entire page fail
  • VINYL-13647 - Generating report (chart) does not put the page on the Reports sub menu item
  • VINYL-13651 - Dismissed notification will log a debug message to JavaScript console
  • VINYL-13658 - Prevent developer from registering a business layer rule that targets the current table's Update event
  • VINYL-13660 - Tiles should have Edit Excel mode at the panel level. We allow it at the control level
  • VINYL-13661 - Changing a Photo control to a File leaves the Image Viewer widget in place
  • VINYL-13667 - Improved security on toast notifications to prevent HTML injection
  • VINYL-13668 - Notification callback buttons are not translated
  • VINYL-13669 - File Drop Upload widget stopped working
  • VINYL-13670 - Temporary value ignores the selected value
  • VINYL-13678 - Show default column value on insert
  • VINYL-13680 - Themes don't provide an ALL category for Control level themes like they do for panel level
  • VINYL-13695 - Service for creating Memory Columns
  • VINYL-13702 - Copy Panel shows 2 copy buttons
  • VINYL-13714 - Business expression analysis to get runtime accurate type
  • VINYL-13717 - Creating a new subquery or business object has caching issues with its Table From clauses
  • VINYL-13743 - Fix inside labels, they're not working well
  • VINYL-13759 - Auto generate control errors with index duplicate message
  • VINYL-13760 - Vinyl does not honor ASPNETCORE_URLS since upgrading to .NET 6.0
  • VINYL-13764 - Clear cache of stale services on startup
  • VINYL-13781 - A rule's where clause was nulled when rewriting left expression
  • VINYL-13782 - Vinyl's increment column index rule times out on MySQL 5.7
  • VINYL-13795 - Fails to create unique index with table not found
  • VINYL-13798 - Background service not reporting as online in the front end
  • VINYL-13803 - Not reading data from REST data source
  • VINYL-13804 - Import for REST data source that returns undefined value results in DataStorageTypeException
  • VINYL-13805 - Rework some of the automatic aids in the Pivot rule builder
  • VINYL-13811 - Inside Label on Listboxes makes the input larger an other inputs
  • VINYL-13814 - Misaligned column labels on Rule Builder Joins tab
  • VINYL-13822 - Remove same table column suggestions from the column name suggestions
  • VINYL-13823 - List Retrieval ignored when the user types the entire word and presses tab key
  • VINYL-13828 - Can't create a button without specifying a bound column
  • VINYL-13830 - Button width misapplied on grids
  • VINYL-13835 - List Box with an Inside Label Set to Visible, in Excel Mode, with a Null value, renders as a read only label
  • VINYL-13844 - Delete data source/uninstall package should handle circular references
  • VINYL-13847 - Vinyl selecting incorrect panel binding with ambiguous column names
  • VINYL-13853 - Rule builder table list is performance slowed
  • VINYL-13855 - Accidentally disabling validation rules because checkbox target area is too large
  • VINYL-13856 - Filter by Indexed Only does not work on columns from an extended table
  • VINYL-13857 - Extended table failing
  • VINYL-13862 - Some index break the ability to build an LP package
  • VINYL-13864 - If record count is off, and 1 row is returned we still show the "Load More Rows"
  • VINYL-13865 - Image resizing widget doesn't always resize remote vinyl connector images properly
  • VINYL-13866 - Add spinner to PDF reports
  • VINYL-13878 - XP CRAM causing infinite loop of GET calls
  • VINYL-13890 - Can't see roles on the Data Source Roles page
  • VINYL-13891 - Security button on the Web Service page does not link to Security
  • VINYL-13892 - Can't set install type of table on release template
  • VINYL-13893 - List box lookup control does not appear to be translating value
  • VINYL-13896 - Message for FK Validation not being translated at all
  • VINYL-13897 - Update default Vinyl Salesforce API version to 56.0 from 43.0
  • VINYL-13904 - Exporting database shows unexpected changes to OpenID Connect providers
  • VINYL-13905 - For translatable text-based columns, translate user non-English text to English and save that
  • VINYL-13909 - Clear Endpoint Cache plugin should be accessible when Vinyl is sealed
  • VINYL-13911 - Vinyl on Oracle fails to start due to BinaryFormatter exception
  • VINYL-13920 - Vinyl 3.1 and up throws errors when Vinyl run in iframe and cookies not sent/received
  • VINYL-13923 - Error "Unable to parse value" when attempting to create a security provider
  • VINYL-13924 - OpenID Connect and vendor security providers missing from wizard
  • VINYL-13928 - Missing CSRF token results in "Check network connection" error
  • VINYL-13929 - Application Authentication fails with "Cell not found."
  • VINYL-13931 - The Widget Registration button on the site widgets page shrinks on hover
  • VINYL-13938 - Network Graph styling is not working
  • VINYL-13940 - Table defaults do not delete binding when switching between implicit and explicit
  • VINYL-13942 - Consider exposing events to REST API in a opt-in way
  • VINYL-13944 - URL missing sub path
  • VINYL-13951 - Vinyl developers should not be able to set the clustered index flag
  • VINYL-13957 - OAuth security providers log "The security provider cannot be configured" for some grants
  • VINYL-13961 - Snowflake Stored Procedure Import failure
  • VINYL-13965 - Conditional Themes on Mobile Tabbed Menu not working
  • VINYL-13968 - Npgsql exhausting connections
  • VINYL-13970 - Auto generated alias throws error
  • VINYL-13973 - Dependabot alert for "Information Disclosure Vulnerability" in System.Data.SqlClient package
  • VINYL-13976 - Enabling API logging on an endpoint causes the REST call to fail if binary data is being sent in the request body of a PUT call
  • VINYL-13977 - New business objects to be validated
  • VINYL-13978 - Improve calendar usage type default
  • VINYL-13980 - List rules should auto add new columns
  • VINYL-13994 - Filter easy aggregate functions depending on column expression
  • VINYL-13995 - Vinyl sometimes generates bad links when handling external URLs
  • VINYL-13998 - Refresh row plugin doesn't work for Insert events
  • VINYL-13999 - Access denied role based security - need to flush cache to restore
  • VINYL-14000 - Admin role added on copied rule on edit
  • VINYL-14002 - Image does not update when initial panel state is edit
  • VINYL-14006 - Race condition or stale cache issue with rule builder
  • VINYL-14012 - Report Authentication security provider usage doesn't follow bit mask pattern
  • VINYL-14020 - The /service/logging/logpageview endpoint returns a 404
  • VINYL-14021 - Snowflake dates incorrectly handling timezone
  • VINYL-14023 - Security provider group Grant On Identity Create option is ignored
  • VINYL-14039 - Completed checkbox on Change Management Request page should be read only
  • VINYL-14041 - App Workbench buttons become spastic when hovering mouse over border
  • VINYL-14043 - Transparent popup when selecting a panel source
  • VINYL-14048 - Table events page has a "Table Events" button that doesn't take the user to the table events page
  • VINYL-14049 - Can't create button with external link
  • VINYL-14050 - Buttons clipped on the button control
  • VINYL-14052 - Control's external link and link target are located in two separate control sets (groups)
  • VINYL-14054 - Vinyl should prevent developers from creating two controls with the same name in a panel
  • VINYL-14059 - Menu links have a broken "Drag &" image
  • VINYL-14060 - Menu link Order column width is too small
  • VINYL-14061 - Creating a grid can add pages with duplicate names
  • VINYL-14068 - Can't see applied panel themes if the collection isn't in the app
  • VINYL-14073 - Security providers are imported on startup but not after an install
  • VINYL-14074 - Rule builder defaults the column alias to "Null"
  • VINYL-14083 - Vinyl does not load cells for columns referenced by external links
  • VINYL-14090 - Clicking a link doesn't change cursor to a spinner until after the target page has loaded
  • VINYL-14099 - Table column translation is using wrong icon
  • VINYL-14103 - CALLER() replaced by NULL in rendered mvSQL
  • VINYL-14106 - Error "Duplicate entry exists" when signing in on Postgres
  • VINYL-14107 - First form field is no longer getting focus
  • VINYL-14112 - List control "is Active" option
  • VINYL-14114 - Error "Cell not found" when moving control into control set
  • VINYL-14115 - IsActive should be added to Grid and Tiles even if N columns have already been added
  • VINYL-14116 - Shipped version of underscore appears to have a vulnerability fixed in later versions
  • VINYL-14117 - Table aliases starting with a number not being escaped
  • VINYL-14118 - Excel files should be cleaned up after import
  • VINYL-14119 - Business object "allow read/write" flag doesn't appear when targeting table in another data source
  • VINYL-14120 - Can't seem to use Image Viewer widget on Grid
  • VINYL-14121 - Page designer, can't set column for Image control on Grid
  • VINYL-14122 - When page set to scroll, panel groups seem to be missing padding
  • VINYL-14124 - Excel/CSV import fails if the file has a column with the default PK name
  • VINYL-14126 - Controls shift around when selecting panels
  • VINYL-14127 - Control type "Html" should be "HTML"
  • VINYL-14128 - Consider renaming "Short Label" to better convey its purpose
  • VINYL-14130 - Date control with subtype of Date still includes the time component
  • VINYL-14133 - Can't select source data source for a List rule
  • VINYL-14134 - Can't select source when adding panel to page
  • VINYL-14136 - Priority should not be visible/configurable for single-row panels
  • VINYL-14137 - Developers bind an image to a column using "Button Content (Column)" option
  • VINYL-14138 - After creating a page from the App Workbench, user should land on the Page Edit page
  • VINYL-14139 - The Rows Per Request option for List controls is to small
  • VINYL-14140 - Error "Unable to convert value" if List control's "Active" column is not a Boolean
  • VINYL-14141 - Password Expired page hangs after saving new password
  • VINYL-14142 - The Change Password page doesn't close when the user changes their password from their profile page
  • VINYL-14144 - Error "undeclared prefix" when parsing SAML response
  • VINYL-14147 - Panel source binding column direction should be disabled for capability bindings
  • VINYL-14148 - Secure Users page has a JavaScript warning in the console
  • VINYL-14149 - Capability binding "Hide" only hides the cell values, not the entire column
  • VINYL-14150 - Can't edit menus and menu links from the app workbench menu diagram
  • VINYL-14161 - Error thrown on rule builder creating where clauses
  • VINYL-14165 - Substitution is using physical not logical name
  • VINYL-14166 - Error getting list of tables from rule builder
  • VINYL-14167 - Identity Provider to be able to match an existing user
  • VINYL-14172 - Pivot error "Unable to convert value." when string values repeat (3.1)
  • VINYL-14185 - OpenID Connect sign-on fails when using Microsoft "common" endpoint
  • VINYL-14186 - IsSelectable on List box will cause inactive item to be crossed out if selected, but it appears in the list like any other item
  • VINYL-14188 - Vinyl displays error messages on screen when inactive - only fix is to refresh
  • VINYL-14191 - Rule builder writes JSPlumb errors to console
  • VINYL-14201 - Can't get to View page in Vinyl for Snowflake even though snowflake supports views
  • VINYL-14211 - Unconditional state not supported after changes
  • VINYL-14212 - Page created by excel upload is failing to edit due to date error
  • VINYL-14217 - Microsoft Exchange Datasource Wizard shows no security providers available
  • VINYL-14219 - Error applying reach to SQL Server aggregate business object
  • VINYL-14221 - Mismatched checkboxes on Rule Builder Edge Case Settings page
  • VINYL-14225 - The (x) icon on form error messages is covering the error message
  • VINYL-14236 - Changing validation type overwrites message and technical help
  • VINYL-14237 - Theme appears as GUID on App Workbench
  • VINYL-14238 - Link target not visible unless you have an external link set
  • VINYL-14239 - Controls grid missing App Workbench
  • VINYL-14240 - Field sort index and direction not together and not nullable
  • VINYL-14243 - Phone Mobile Render Type is blowing up on phones
  • VINYL-14245 - Padding issue on mobile devices
  • VINYL-14246 - Error "Substitution requires a source row" when attempting to redirect from a script
  • VINYL-14247 - Unconditional format does not clear out the source column fields as it should
  • VINYL-14255 - Primary key constraint old column names not serialized correctly in change set description
  • VINYL-14256 - "Default column not found" warnings logged when creating an application
  • VINYL-14258 - Can't add columns to a rule if one of them is called Error
  • VINYL-14259 - Error "Redirector service is not available" when validation business object with script on Filter event
  • VINYL-14264 - Trying to create a database in IDE (not workbench) fails with UUID conversion error
  • VINYL-14268 - Hyperlinks in help text popups don't look any different from the rest of the text
  • VINYL-14279 - Controls generated for numeric columns seem too small
  • VINYL-14285 - Wizards can have disabled Next buttons on reload
  • VINYL-14287 - Panel help flickers to hidden if the panel is bound to another during global reload
  • VINYL-14288 - Redirect to login page fails on SSO environment
  • VINYL-14294 - Dynamic results page displays and edits Date logical types as DateTime
  • VINYL-14302 - Hitting "Test Connection" for the Microsoft Exchange Data source will throw an error regardless of connection status
  • VINYL-14303 - Password control shows disabled Link To Page buttons
  • VINYL-14307 - Data grid row's height changes when switching to edit state
  • VINYL-14310 - Salesforce session timeout doesn't direct signed in user to authenticate again
  • VINYL-14312 - Wizard Next button can skip slides when using VisibilityColumn
  • VINYL-14313 - Redirecting during the Save event prompts the user to save changes
  • VINYL-14314 - mvSQL INSERT statement missing parentheses around column list
  • VINYL-14315 - mvSQL INSERT column list does not match SELECT column list
  • VINYL-14317 - Exception for SFTP data source when row level refresh is enabled
  • VINYL-14327 - Movement on screen when clicking panels in 3.2
  • VINYL-14335 - Template controls backed by column throwing KO binding error
  • VINYL-14336 - Creating the same app (same name) twice leaves you using a cached version that's out of date
  • VINYL-14337 - Enum not available via table create wizard as usage type
  • VINYL-14339 - Use of lambda on entity info fails with Entity does not contain the given member
  • VINYL-14342 - UI Error regarding table events thrown when pressing Add Event button
  • VINYL-14343 - Rename new event and it doesn't bind
  • VINYL-14357 - Improve Where Column Used page
  • VINYL-14358 - Adding button to Wizard panel of type Custom HTML shows no Locations
  • VINYL-14359 - Rule builder is missing link criteria for tables
  • VINYL-14362 - Page changed not causing a reload
  • VINYL-14368 - Selecting a row in the multi-row panel changes text size (kerning?)
  • VINYL-14371 - Auto Complete, in Excel Mode is broken
  • VINYL-14372 - Auto Complete in Grid shifts size of row
  • VINYL-14373 - Error "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'page')" on logout
  • VINYL-14389 - Cache misses for Controls incorrectly logged as failure
  • VINYL-14391 - Null reference exception when importing security provider
  • VINYL-14393 - Error "Sizing Method is mandatory" when creating a field set (group)
  • VINYL-14394 - "+ Add Event" button clipped when editing a Button control
  • VINYL-14399 - Error when trying to create data source server of type Vinyl Connector for the Vinyl database
  • VINYL-14401 - Correct issues with help synchronization, Vinyl schedule
  • VINYL-14402 - Improve access denied message on login form
  • VINYL-14403 - Vinyl does not redirect if the button is bound to Save event
  • VINYL-14407 - Client-side redirect fails on child panel's Filter event
  • VINYL-14409 - Sealed apps appear when copying a panel
  • VINYL-14410 - Choose manual for panel create doesn't let you pick 0 columns
  • VINYL-14415 - Fields in a group don't align well with those not in a group
  • VINYL-14416 - Button groups remain in loading state sometimes
  • VINYL-14420 - Visibilities run twice when using auto edit
  • VINYL-14428 - Missing RPad function
  • VINYL-14429 - Pages not sending version in the contract - error when it has a source table
  • VINYL-14430 - On Group Privileges popup, using Create+ button will close the previous pages
  • VINYL-14435 - Where Used for Events does not show Events that call Events
  • VINYL-14437 - Create Bundle Overrides Schedule Event fails on startup
  • VINYL-14444 - Empty login form after authentication challenge
  • VINYL-14446 - Pressing cancel not resetting data with auto edit
  • VINYL-14452 - Filter using lists is limited by IsActive from row at index 0 of the MRP
  • VINYL-14453 - Button and List padding/sizing looks inconsistent
  • VINYL-14462 - Tweak panel Parent and Order control widths
  • VINYL-14463 - Side-by-Side and Stacked labels do not align
  • VINYL-14464 - Controls panel does not reflect currently selected layout
  • VINYL-14469 - Control set (Group) layout affects label position
  • VINYL-14471 - Tabbed content escaping popups
  • VINYL-14480 - Vinyl does not limit the number of rows read into memory when calling InvokeLoadMissingCellsAsync
  • VINYL-14495 - File upload font issue with animation
  • VINYL-14503 - Force authentication provider to provision user with a specific user name
  • VINYL-14514 - Create New Database wizard throws javascript Type Error
  • VINYL-14521 - Elastic Deployment startup does not delete files and directories recursively
  • VINYL-14525 - Certain excel file can crash vinyl instance
  • VINYL-14527 - Key Generate plugin throws exception in 3.2
  • VINYL-14499 - Disallow editing system collections
  • VINYL-14536 - Overridden wizard Next button with a page link allows null binding criteria
  • VINYL-14537 - Translations not applying for intrinsic controls
  • VINYL-14538 - Rule + button appears twice
  • VINYL-14542 - Vinyl error message gets covered by Page Design
  • VINYL-14548 - Job Public Data Object Returns No Results
  • VINYL-14560 - Linux build fails the first time until shell is restarted
  • VINYL-14561 - Veracode Headers cause issues during scan
  • VINYL-14563 - Close popup after setting user password
  • VINYL-14571 - Tabs are missing padding in the Vinyl IDE
  • VINYL-14580 - Data source with no tables has a disabled +Table button
  • VINYL-14581 - Can't delete MySQL primary key
  • VINYL-14594 - Numeric control's height changes from display to edit state
  • VINYL-14601 - Creating a table, form, and popup page, then adding a row, and using the audit feature results "Page has been modified" issue
  • VINYL-14604 - Leftover debug message in client-side router
  • VINYL-14611 - Invalid Insert and Update Methods for Tile panels
  • VINYL-14612 - Compatibility issue with authenticated session storage scheme and multiple app servers
  • VINYL-14614 - Using Auto Build Report, if a panel has a field with the same name as its parent it will fail to render
  • VINYL-14619 - Registering a default rule in Vinyl throws an error
  • VINYL-14620 - Adobe API update
  • VINYL-14621 - Dependabot alert for vulnerability in the Oracle Data Provider for .NET
  • VINYL-14622 - Page Size is not ordered correctly in Edge Case Settings
  • VINYL-14635 - PostgreSQL list filters and grid filters should support case insensitive
  • VINYL-14642 - Add support for function transformations
  • VINYL-14644 - Link from package management alert to event history does not working
  • VINYL-14646 - Creating a page logs NullReferenceException
  • VINYL-14663 - Panel action drawer (i.e. the More button) missing from User page
  • VINYL-14665 - Link To Page in page design forwards to a broken link
  • VINYL-14666 - Remove extraneous actions and validations from Controls view
  • VINYL-14669 - Insert Link To Page issues
  • VINYL-14688 - Error "Unable to parse unique identifier." when editing control and click Link To Page icon
  • VINYL-14696 - The new quote and background image should appear on upgrades
  • VINYL-14706 - Display issue with Template Source view
  • VINYL-14713 - Can't delete a table once it's been created
  • VINYL-14716 - Add Icon screen display issue
  • VINYL-14725 - Error "Expected event result to contain data or an error" when testing REST endpoint returns 401
  • VINYL-14726 - Activation error when generating HTTP Basic Authentication credentials
  • VINYL-14741 - Site Menu search icon vertical alignment
  • VINYL-14756 - Db2/LUW GroupConcat Function definition not found
  • VINYL-14759 - Remove Default Auto Build Report page title
  • VINYL-14763 - When using Publish to UI Layer to create a Tiles page, the UI glitches creating a tile page
  • VINYL-14764 - Badges are offset in Design Centre (Safari OSX)
  • VINYL-14765 - Dev Silo has permission issues
  • VINYL-14768 - Pencil icon is offset in grid on Safari OSX