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Installation guide for Microsoft Windows

This guide describes the system requirements and instructions for installing Vinyl 3.1. For installing Vinyl versions 3.0 and earlier, please see this Installation guide.

In order to complete the installation, you will need a copy of the Vinyl software. The Vinyl software is distributed as a archive file. The file is typically named Vinyl-{version}.zip where {version} is the Vinyl version number.

Please refer to the Upgrade guide if you are upgrading an existing instance of Vinyl.


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Vinyl is a web application. A typical Vinyl environment is composed of two servers, a web server and a database server. However, it is possible to run Vinyl on a single server.

The Vinyl software will be installed on the web server. This server will need to be accessible to all clients on ports 80 and 443.

The Vinyl system and application databases will be hosted on the database server. The database server needs to be accessible from the web server.

Web server configuration requirements


See the Vinyl 3.1 Hardware requirements guide for Web Server, Database Server, and Client information.

Internet Information Services (IIS)® 8.5 or greater with the following configuration settings:

Important configuration settings when Installing IIS

  • Install the Web Server (IIS) role with the IIS Management Console feature

  • Install the ASP.NET 4.5 role service (under Web Server → Application Development) and dependent features

  • Install the WebSocket Protocol (Under Web Server → Application Development)

  • .NET Extensibility 4.5

  • Application Initialization

  • ASP.NET 4.5

  • ISAPI Extensions

  • ISAPI Filters

  • WebSocket Protocol

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 is required for Vinyl 3.1+

  • SSL Certificate

  • ASP.NET Core Runtime Hosting Bundle for 2.1. Download Hosting Bundle


Installation instructions

These instructions assume that all Windows Updates have been applied and that IIS and SQL Server have already been installed and configured.

Deploy the Vinyl application

To deploy Vinyl to a directory beneath the Default Web Site:

  1. Copy or download the archive to the web server.

  2. After moving the file to the web server, ensure that the "mark of the web" (MOTW) is removed from the zip file, by right clicking on the file and checking properties and selecting "Unblock" if necessary.


  3. Create a directory beneath the Default Web Site's web root in which to host Vinyl (e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Vinyl). This will be the Vinyl application root directory.

  4. Extract the archive to a temporary directory (e.g. C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Vinyl-0.1.2345).

  5. Copy the contents of the temporary directory to the Vinyl application root directory (e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Vinyl).


    In Vinyl 3.1+, we now copy the files from the root of the unzipped folder (this is different than version 3.0 and earlier).

  6. Delete the temporary directory (e.g. C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\Vinyl-0.1.2345).

Configure the IIS application

Create an application pool

  1. Launch the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.


  2. Select Application Pools from the Connections panel.


  3. Click the Add Application Pool... link in the Actions menu.


  4. In the Add Application Pool dialog box, provide the following:

    1. Name: Vinyl

    2. .NET CLR Version: .NET CLR Version v4.0.30319

    3. Managed Pipeline Mode: Integrated

    4. Start application pool immediately: Checked


  5. Click the OK button to close the dialog box and create the application pool.

Create an application

Assuming that Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager is still open:

  1. Locate the Vinyl directory beneath Sites → Default Web Site.


  2. Right click the Vinyl directory and choose the Convert to Application... option.


  3. Select the Vinyl application pool.


  4. Click the OK button to close the dialog box and create the application.

Configure authentication

Assuming that Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager is still open:

  1. Locate and select the Vinyl application beneath Sites → Default Web Site.


  2. Double-click the Authentication icon.


  3. Select Anonymous Authentication and click the Edit... action.


  4. Select Application pool identity.


  5. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.

Set permissions

Assuming that Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager is still open:

  1. Locate and expand the Vinyl application beneath Sites → Default Web Site.


  2. Right click the data directory and choose the Edit Permissions... option.


  3. Select the Security tab.


  4. Click the Edit button to launch the Permissions for data dialog box.

  5. Click the Add... button to launch the Select Users or Groups dialog box.


  6. Provide the name IIS AppPool\Vinyl.


  7. Click the OK button to close the Select Users or Groups dialog box.

  8. Select the Vinyl user.


  9. Check Allow checkbox for the Full control permission.

  10. Click the OK button close the Permissions for data dialog box.

  11. Click the OK button close the data Properties dialog box.

  12. Repeat steps 2-11 for logs, keys

Create a connection file

Assuming that Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager is still open:

  1. Locate and expand the Vinyl application beneath Sites → Default Web Site.


  2. Right click the bin folder and choose the Explorer option.


  3. Locate and open the Sample_Connection_Files directory.


  4. Select an appropriate connection file and click the Copy icon.


  5. Click the Back icon to return to the main Vinyl directory.


  6. Click the Paste icon to copy the connection file to the main Vinyl directory.


  7. Locate and select the pasted connection file.

  8. Click the Rename icon.


  9. Provide the name Connection.xml.

  10. Click the Edit icon to launch Notepad.


  11. Replace the example values with the information necessary to connect to the Vinyl database.

  12. Choose File → Save.

Configure the SQL Server

  1. Launch SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the server.

  2. Right click the Databases folder and choose the New Database... option.


  3. Provide Vinyl for the Database name.

  4. Click the OK button to close the New Database dialog box.


  5. Locate and expand the Security folder.


  6. Right click the Logins folder and choose the New Login... option.


  7. Provide Vinyl for the Login name.


  8. Select the SQL Server authentication option.

  9. Provide a value for the Password and confirm it.

  10. Uncheck the Enforce password policy option.

  11. Select the Server Roles page.


  12. Check the "sysadmin" role.

  13. Click the OK button to close the Login - New dialog box.

Upon startup, Vinyl will automatically create all tables and populate any required data for the Vinyl database.


  1. Launch a web browser.

  2. Assuming your are testing from the web server, navigate to http://localhost/Vinyl/.

    • On first run, Vinyl will create the databases. This may take several minutes.
  3. Log in with the following credentials:

    • User name: admin

    • Password: P@55w0rd


    The user name and password are both case sensitive.



After Vinyl has been successfully installed, there are several configurations changes that should be made.

Configure security providers

Vinyl security model supports multiple, configurable security providers. If your organization is looking to configure security provider(s), please see the Providers page.

Ensure scheduled events run after the application pool is recycled

Once Vinyl is installed and configured, you want to ensure the application pool is always running, and that any event that may cause the application pool to stop will restart the application immediately. When the Vinyl application is not running, scheduled events are not executing. This is important as IIS will shut down the application pool when idle (often during off hours), causing nightly scheduled routines to be ignored. In order to automatically start Vinyl after an application pool recycles, or a server restarts, you will configure the IIS ApplicationInitialization component.


IIS ApplicationInitialization is not compatible with sites that use Windows Integrated Authentication. Using Windows Integrated Authentication requires Anonymous Authentication to be disabled in IIS. The IIS ApplicationInitialization component requires anonymous access.

There is a workaround for this scenario involving the Windows Scheduler to ping Vinyl every 5 minutes in order to ensure that it starts back up after the application pool is recycled.

Install and configure application initialization

The steps vary depending on the version of IIS. Choose the a link below:

Test always running behavior

As noted, the Application Pool should always be running. The following guide steps through how to test for always running behavior:

By default IIS is set to restart every 29 hours (so that the Application Pool is restarting at different times every day). You should configure a specific time of day when the Application Pool restarts, and be sure that this time does not interfere with scheduled background jobs.


Specify a date and time to recycle the application pool in IIS Manager, here you would set 11:42:00 to a time that doesn't conflict with scheduled background jobs

Troubleshoot auto start behavior

If you are experiencing issues with Auto Start behavior, please see this troubleshooting guide:

Vinyl installation troubleshooting

  • Vinyl fails to start with a 500 error that indicates a configuration section is locked.

    Example 500 Error

    Ensure that the ASP.NET 4.5 feature is installed. It is located under Web Server IIS → Web Server → Application Development.

  • Vinyl starts up but doesn't create any databases on the SQL Server.

    Connection Error Example - usually indicates connection.xml incorrectly named

    Ensure that the connection file is named correctly. In particular, make sure the extension is .xml and not .txt.

  • Cannot upload license file. Get "An unknown error occurred".

    Detailed message includes "405 POST Method not allow". Or "Failed to deserialize license (d3fc6d4e835e)" error message.

    License Error Example

    WebDAV on IIS can interfere with Vinyl. If not needed uninstall / disable WebDAV. If WebDAV is required contact Vinyl support. To uninstall WebDAV:



  • "Name not found" when granting application pool user permission to data directory.

    The Windows Server 2008 permissions editor is not able to find application pool identities. Administrators can use the command line instead. Start by launching the command prompt as an administrator. Switch to the Vinyl installation root directory, e.g. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Vinyl. Then, run the following command:

    ICACLS data /grant "IIS AppPool\Vinyl":F
    ICACLS keys /grant "IIS AppPool\Vinyl":F
    ICACLS logs /grant "IIS AppPool\Vinyl":F

    This example assumes that the Vinyl application pool is named "Vinyl".


Connection files

This section contains connection file examples for supported configurations.

SQL Server - Default Instance

<ConnectionInfo DatabaseType="SQLServer" HostName="localhost" DatabaseName="Vinyl" UserName="Vinyl" Password="P@55w0rd"/>

SQL Server - Named Instance

<ConnectionInfo DatabaseType="SQLServer" HostName="localhost" InstanceName="SQLEXPRESS" DatabaseName="Vinyl" UserName="Vinyl" Password="P@55w0rd"/>

Increased Timeouts - Default Instance

The defaults for ConnectionTimeout is 15 seconds, and 30 seconds for command timeout... The following sets the limits to 300 seconds = 5 minutes

<ConnectionInfo DatabaseType="SQLServer" HostName="localhost" DatabaseName="Vinyl" UserName="Vinyl" Password="P@55w0rd" ConnectionTimeout="300" CommandTimeout="300"/>

Multiple instances on the same server

If multiple instances are run on the same app server, create a different app pool identity for each instance to ensure they are properly isolated. Also, along with the steps provided regarding the creation of the Vinyl app pool, enable the "Load User Profile" option for each application pool used by Vinyl:
