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Application and page name restrictions

Vinyl favors semantic URLs. A semantic URL is a user-friendly URL, one that can be understood by end-users. In Vinyl's case, URLs are composed of application and page names.

A typical URL might look something like this:

In this example, the application name "Sales" and the page name "Orders" appear in the path portion of the URL. The query string identifies the selected order.

Browsers, web servers and operation systems all impose restrictions on URLs. Vinyl, in turn, imposes restrictions on application and page names. These roughly fall into one of the following categories:

  • Characters that are invalid in the path portion of a URL
  • Characters that are illegal in a Windows file name
  • Windows reserved file names

Vinyl will prevent developers from using restricted characters and names when naming applications and pages.

For a list of characters that are invalid in the path portion of the URL, see the following document:

For a list of reserved Windows file names and characters that are illegal in a Windows file name, see the following page: