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Microsoft Azure Blob connection guide


This guide describes the system requirements and instructions for connecting Vinyl to Azure Blob Storage. Azure Blob is Microsoft's object storage solution for the cloud.

This guide assumes you have an active Microsoft Azure Blob Storage account created. To connect your servers, you must have Vinyl 3.3+ installed.

System requirements

Database server

Azure Blob Storage

Client web browser

  • Chrome: 84+

  • Firefox: 73+

  • Safari: 13.0.1+

  • Edge: 84+

Connection instructions

Obtain shared access signature (SAS) authentication URL

To connect Azure Blob Storage to Vinyl, you will need to obtain the shared access signature (SAS) authentication URL from your Azure account. SAS is the authentication mechanism that provides Vinyl access to the Azure Blob resource.

See Microsoft's Grant limited access to Azure Storage resources using shared access signatures (SAS) article for details and more information.

Example SAS authentication URL:

Configure a data server in Vinyl

  1. Navigate to the Vinyl IDE

  2. From the Connect menu, click the Data Servers button

  3. Click the + Server button. Provide the following:

    • Server Name: Provide a name. For example: Azure Blob

    • Type: Azure Blog Storage

    • Url: (SAS) authentication URL from Azure

      • Example:
    • Description: Optionally provide a description

  4. Click Save to complete server connection.
