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Google Analytics widget

The Google Analytics widget provides the ability for Vinyl to integrate with Google Analytics.

The latest version of this widget (version 4) requires a Google tag ID (begins with G-, GT-, or AW-) for Google Analytics 4 (GA4) properties. Google Analytics widget version 4 is shipped as part of the Vinyl collection in Vinyl versions 3.3.34291 and later.

Earlier versions of this widget require a Universal Analytics tracking ID (begins with UA-), which is being deprecated by Google. To use GA4 properties in Vinyl instances earlier than version 3.3.34291, you can download the latest widget version from the Widget download library and install it in your instance.

Configure the Google Analytics widget

Follow these steps to configure the Google Analytics widget:

  1. Navigate to the IDE.
  2. Click the Additional Settings button.
  3. Click Site Widgets from the Configure menu.
  4. Click + Widget Registration.
  5. Select Google Analytics under Widget.
  6. Click the checkmark to save the entry.
  7. Click the + Parameter button under Site Widget Parameters to configure Site widget parameters described below. For each parameter:

    1. Select the Widget Parameter.
    2. Enter the Value.
    3. Click Save.

Site widget parameters

The available parameters depend on the Google Analytics widget version:

Widget version 4

Widget Parameter Value
Debug A Boolean that controls whether debugging is enabled. Debugging is disabled by default. To enable it, enter 1.
GA4Tag The Google Analytics 4 (GA4) tag ID.
ObsoleteOptimizeCode An unused deprecated setting.
ObsoleteTrackingCode An unused deprecated setting.

Widget versions 1-3

Widget Parameter Value
Debug A Boolean that controls whether debugging is enabled. Debugging is disabled by default. To enable it, enter 1.
OptimizeCode An unused deprecated setting.
TrackingCode The Universal Analytics tracking ID.

Google Analytics reporting

After Google Analytics has been properly configured in a Vinyl app, Google Analytics realtime reports should become available.

For Google Analytics standard reports, it may take up to 24-48 hours for Vinyl app data to become available.