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Google Contacts connection guide 2.7


This guide describes the system requirements and instructions for connecting Vinyl to a Google Contacts database server.

In order to connect your servers, you must have Vinyl 2.7 installed.

System requirements

Database server

Google Contacts Database Server

Client web browser

  • Chrome TM 60 or newer

  • Firefox ® 55 or newer

  • Safari ® 11.0.2 or newer

Connection instructions

Adding an OAuth security provider

  1. Navigate to the Vinyl IDE

  2. From the Connect menu, click on the Connect to your enterprise link

  3. Click on Security Providers then click Create under User Authentication


  4. To configure Oauth Security Provider, provide the following information:

    • In Settings panel

      • Name: GoogleOAuth (must be named this to match redirect)

      • Type: Select Oauth from the dropdown menu

    • In Properties panel

      • Authorization Endpoint:

      • ClientId: Credentials from Google API Console (omitted from screenshot)

      • ClientSecret: Credentials from Google API Console (omitted from screenshot)

      • Scopes:

        • Visit Google's documentation for further guidance on Scopes. Multiple scopes can be added, separate by a space.
      • Token Endpoint:

  5. Click Enabled and Redirect on Challenge.

  6. Click Save.

Adding a RDBMS security provider

  1. Navigate to the Vinyl IDE

  2. From the Connect menu, click on the Connect to your enterprise link

  3. Click on Security Providers then click Create under Data Source Authentication


  4. To configure Oauth Security Provider, provide the following information:

    • In Settings panel

      • Name: Recognizable Name

      • Type: Select RDBMS from the dropdown menu

    • In Properties panel

      • AuthorizationType: AuthorizationCode

      • OAuthProvider: Oauth Provider created in previous step

Adding a server

  1. Navigate to the Vinyl IDE

  2. From the Connect menu, click on the Connect to your enterprise link


  3. Click the Create button on the top left of the Data Servers panel. This will bring up the Add Server page.

    A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

  4. To connect to an Google Contacts server, provide the following information:

    • Name: An identifiable and unique server name

    • Type: Select Google Contacts from the dropdown menu

    • Security Provider: The RDBMS provider set up in previous step

  5. After filling in all necessary credentials, click the Save button to save the settings.

  6. Click Test Connection to test the OAuth connection and redirect URL.

Import data source

  1. Navigate to Vinyl IDE.

  2. Click on Build Your Application then click on Data Storage Layer.

  3. Under Cloud Database find the Google BigQuery Database with the name you chose earlier.

  4. Expand the GoogleCalendar panel and click Import


  5. After import, click on Tables to view imported tables from Google Calendar Server.

    A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated