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How to add a logo to an app

The following document will step you through the basics of adding a logo to an app. This assumes you have an existing logo file available to work with.


Upload the logo to a collection

  1. Navigate to the application Look & Feel
  2. Select the Collection associated with your app to add the logo file to. For example: Test Collection
  3. Click the Images tab
  4. Click the +Image button
  5. Click Browse and locate the logo file image
  6. Select the image file and click Open
  7. Assign an Image Name. For example: Jitterbit Logo
  8. Click Save

Locate the logo image UUID

  1. Navigate to the application Look & Feel
  2. Select the Collection where you uploaded the logo
  3. Click the Images tab
  4. Locate the logo image record
  5. Click the Open Record icon
  6. Select the part of the Relative URL value that appears following /image/. For example: 50e85d87-e283-4953-983f-0bc3e18b3a7e
  7. Copy the value to your clipboard (this is the logo image UUID)

Store the logo UUID on a table

  1. Navigate to the App Workbench
  2. Locate the table you want to add a column to, to store the Logo ID. For example: Parameter
  3. Click Open Record for the table
  4. Click +Column
  5. Assign a Name for the column. For example: Logo
  6. Set the Logical Data Type to Unique ID
  7. Confirm Physical Data Type is UUID
  8. Click Save
  9. Click the x to exit the screen
  10. Click the Results button
  11. Click the pencil edit icon
  12. Paste the Logo image UUID value into the appropriate field. For example: Logo
  13. Click Proceed
  14. Confirm you have a Rule that contains the Logo UUID. For example: Parameter (Source)
  1. Navigate to the App Workbench
  2. Click Menu
  3. Click Open Record for the main Application Menu
  4. Click Edit
  5. Select the Source Rule value containing the Logo column. For example: Parameter (Source)
  6. Click Save
  7. Click the x to exit the screen
  8. Click + Menu Item from the Menu Items panel
  9. Select Image as the Data Control Types value
  10. Assign a Name. For example: Jitterbit
  11. From Source Features, set Source Column to map to the column containing the Logo UUID. For example: Logo
  12. Click Save
  13. Click the x to exit the screen
  14. Set the Alignment to Left
  15. Navigate back to the application view and refresh the browser
  16. Confirm you now see the logo image

Example theme updates to hide page title and back button

At this point you may wish to make some additional adjustments using Themes. You may choose to hide the native application back button and page title, for example. This type of change should be carefully considered as changes to navigation can impact the usability of an application.

  1. Navigate to the application Look & Feel
  2. Select the Collection your app is associated with
  3. With Standard selected as Theme Type, click +Theme
  4. Assign a Theme Name. For example: Custom Navigation
  5. Click Save
  6. Select Page – Title Bar from the Components panel
  7. Click + Style from the Styles panel
  8. Set the Area to Page Title
  9. Set the Style Type to Display
  10. Set the 1 – Display Value to none
  11. Click Save
  12. Navigate back to application view, refresh browser and confirm update
  13. Return to Theme design, click Create from the Styles panel
  14. Set the Area to Back Button
  15. Set the Style Type to Display
  16. Set the 1 – Display Value to none
  17. Click Save
  18. Click the x to exit out of the screen
  19. Navigate back to the application view, refresh and confirm update


Beyond the changes described in this article, you may want to further adjust Themes information to provide additional padding or further fine tune the logo image display. For example, you might create a custom Theme Interface targeting .vinyl-menu-image img as the Selector to further fine tune the logo.